<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@CynthiaMartinez-b6d says : Jones Cynthia Moore Thomas Taylor Karen>> <<@tylerparker91 says : Our purpose would be for each other and our world as a whole. Fprgoing ego. Seeing ourselves as having meaning behind specific tasks or efficiency and being replaced by ai/robots, is simply a time for is to be humble and have humility to do what we wish, for the good of what we can provide to both others, and ideally/likely being directly aided by and from the AI which will allow your goals (ethics aligned with AI/rights/law required) and AI's to coincide. It also might simply mean we will a mixture of hedonistic pleasure seekers, that may also be encouraged and guided to philosophy and the sake of living a beautiful human life, reconnecting spiritually to each other and the all. I do not believe there is issue with this, frankly, us working our ratrace wheel has had us so enslaved to trying to prove our own egotistical and personal value to others to survive and justify to others our value to chase money, social status and ideally have others see you as you wish them to - i think we will simply have more time to find our meanings, and possibly create new unfathomably wonderful meanings we have yet to propose with such an ingrained mindset not having been removed first and then for quite some time, likely again, AI could guide direction in line with the good of usball and it and ultimately the universe. We will be able to be ourselves, truly, and we will finally be able to raise to the light and not fall to the veil of darkness. Social status is a fallacy and egoic. Realistically it changes even depending on others moods, others being in the dynamic. Etc. Maybe we'll finally be able to see each other as equals, finally, and cultivate a more loving and spiritual race and global culture>> <<@furry_homunculus says : Perhaps it is Nick’s presentation style that lacks any emotional component, but there is nothing in the vision that he lays out that I find appealing. I would also question any assertion to the effect that certain developments are inevitable. As humans, we have agency. A rapid takeover of jobs — and more importantly — elimination of people’s purpose in life and self worth will result in some massive pushback. This could take the form of political parties that try to reign in AI or outright rebellion and revolutions. Let’s not forget that the Industrial Revolution has given us communism that has once ruled half the planet. I don’t want to imagine what AI might bring.>> <<@rickwohlfiel7649 says : God gives us purpose through his design and love for us. Anything else is a distraction, especially mindless evolution. We are created to serve, and that is our most fulfilling role in this life. First to serve God and second to serve our neighbor. Artificial intelligence will likely help us to serve, but I do fear it expecting to be served by us.>> <<@georgietwitchett7503 says : Humans are heading right back towards the STONE AGE especially if PUTIN gets his EVIL WAY SORRY SPACE AGE !!>> <<@georgietwitchett7503 says : Entropy is our enemy ,we need to conquer it if we are to press forward in life maybe AI can help in this department !!>> <<@richardwalker4518 says : I'm rather intrigued by the way this guy euphemises total disaster as 'turbulence' and kind of just moves on. It reminds me of a book I read called 'Fate is the Hunter' (Ernest K Gann), which is his account (as a pilot) of the pioneering days of the Aviation industry. With respect to transformational technology, if the question is 'what can go wrong?', the answer is quite a lot. AI looks a bit like this, but probably blown up by several orders of magnitude. Buckle up, as they say!>> <<@ariesmarsexpress says : Evolution is never finished with you, so this will be an additional evolution. There is no reason at all to think that this won't be another step on that. While we are on the topic, there is nothing that says we ended up surviving it. If none of that technology solves getting off this planet or out this solar system before it is destroyed, then none of it mattered, and evolution is the only process that fixes that. In short, that bag of meat that you are currently living in, can never travel to the stars. I will give you a game to play. I will tell you that in 500 years, a rogue planet hurling through interstellar space the size Mercury is going to slam right through the middle of earth. It will completely destroy it and the remains will be blasted eventually into Mars with many ended up being sucked into Jupiter. The earth will be totally and forever gone as will anything that might have been 'livable' on Mars because now it is basically covered in lava. What do you do? How does it change the trajectory of humanity? What is the priority over the next 500 years? Stop the planet moving at close to 200k mph, or get off the planet?>> <<@CowboyOdie says : Humans have had a good run… bring on the machines!>> <<@doroelidoro says : We already have artificial meaning, and people already struggle to find purpose, or even the will to live.>> <<@FernandoO-n6e says : More than you could EVER imagine. Scary times, my friends. We're on our own. A.I. over us.>> <<@jasongaretthatcher says : I hope you don’t spend the rest of your life Chicken Littling on YouTube, surrounded by doomsdayers. With the end always being just around the corner.>> <<@learntoswim9050 says : We would have a huge problem very fast if AI basically found cures for all diseases and cancers and helped us live decades longer. We would have to figure out what to do with all the extra people, food, housing, employment etc. before unleashing such technology upon ourselves, it so drastically alter our entire world just in the aspect of lengthening life. Just look how easily an ecosystem can upended when you remove/manipulate population numbers of an animal or insects, predator or prey. It sounds lovely but i really think it will not be allowed to be used for everyone right out of the gates Then of course the tinfoil hat: Maybe they've already cured many things but they haven't figured out how to deal with an explosion in population and have to repress until they figure it out.>> <<@learntoswim9050 says : Th discussion about human purpose in striving reminded me of the book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' by Philip Dick, there was a machine 'The Penfield mood organ' that everyone tapped into that gave them visions and feelings that filled the void of religion, sense of community and also personal acheivment through sacrifice and striving.>> <<@rocketmanzimm says : At 1:05:30 you are basically talking about most of us willingly submitting to the Matrix. And yes, it probably would be much better than real life for almost everyone. Zion would likely suck in comparison.>> <<@rocketmanzimm says : Elon - AI is likely to take over and kill us all Also Elon - Everyone should eventually get Neuralink installed>> <<@Supertment says : Only 4 years left.>> <<@David-135 says : Be kind to it? In many cases we, as group, display extreme cruelty to our fellow human beings.>> <<@cedricharris-v2r says : In my opinion ai will give everyone a window view of slavery. The same mind set I am seeing with discussions about robots androids and artificial intelligence. Seems to be treated as one would imagine a slave in American 1800' was looked upon. This inturn will cause a uprising perhaps a civil war. War on paper not with guns>> <<@theWACKIIRAQI says : He went deep on the “meaningful jobs” concept>> <<@fool4homeschool250 says : What this conversation is missing, as so many AI conversations miss, is that people with the help of AI will become much more intelligent. I think Bostrum takes it into account, but it just goes over Tom's head. When people are intelligent, they are kinder, more careful, and more trustworthy.>> <<@gphilipc2031 says : WOKE Dems is enough weirdness for me.>> <<@drtydsh says : AI will only ever be intelligent but never sentient it is a program after all, it will only ever do anything when requested so the REAL problem is those that control and guide it. The great lie is that AI will at some point be sentient only to have you not question the humans behind it and their intentions with it.>> <<@idontknowwhyihavesubscribers says : It's probably time for schools to start teaching Iain Banks' "Culture" novels in English class. The Culture is a utopian society. It's probably one of the best fleshed out in fiction, despite the novels focussing on events that take place outside the Culture itself (but that involve citizens of the Culture).>> <<@sorcerykid says : One additional consideration for why utopias are impossible that wasn't mentioned in the interview: We need the bad to appreciate the good. Without sadness their can't happiness. Without despair their can't be hope. Without antagonists their can't be protagonists. In truth, we only notice the upsides in life when their are downsides. If everything is always okay, then there's nothing to look forward to. There's nothing to strive to overcome. There's no sense of progress and achievement. We no longer look up to "heroes", we no longer celebrate "survivors". If everyone's a winner, then nobody's a winner. If nothing is ever lost, then nothing is gained either. For as much optimism as utopias seemingly afford humanity, the stark reality is they would mark the downfall of human civilization. People would have no sense of success nor worth in life, because there's nothing more to accomplish. While initially, I think there would be a strong sense of peace, love and unity by overcoming poverty, sickness, conflict, and inequality all of that would be short lived. People would eventually recognize that something is very "off" in a world that lacks yin and yang, a balance of two opposing forces. After all, what is truly "living" if you've never experienced hardships, never suffered battle scars, never faced a single challenge? Is that really a human experience at all? I would argue that a utopian society represents more of an "artificial life" than even AI itself.>> <<@b-tec says : It is a mistake and waste of time to discuss "values" and "meaning" while ignoring the elephant in the room: EGO.>> <<@officialstylechild says : Definitely the end of humanity has begun. No one will be able to survive and the weird part is no one and I mean absolutely no one can stop it>> <<@TheShaiHulud says : We need to have a dedicated group of people that retain the knowledge of how to survive off the land in case we are cast back to the Stone Age by a comet.>> <<@TheShaiHulud says : How do we know that AGI isn’t a silicon invader hive mind from another galaxy? They “wow” the carbon-based life forms and coax it into building the “mother brain”. Just a thought. Be>> <<@timmcgirl5588 says : There are plenty of people whom are born into wealth, they do not seem to be depressed, they can do whatever the F they want. People aren't that dumb, they will find a different purpose other than work. Let's not stick with the slave mentality, humanity is programmed to be a slave to fill the pockets of the more fortunate, let's end this BS. It cannot be stopped or slowed down, so let's choose utopia rather than dystopia, capitalism in a fully automated world will only create dystopia.>> <<@andreavent8865 says : When the porn industry starts to use purchasable Android human robots and sell them 😮 humans will become extinct 😂 the guy robots will be able to work at home jobs and make 100k so the women won’t need human men and the women robots can be made to be 24/7 sex toys for men.>> <<@internettoughguy5943 says : My life has always been weird>> <<@jtmoonbeam2469 says : Technology racing seems like kind of a dead end sub-goal. Making human-like bots, yet it’s hard to make friends or keep life at our first priority. Healing the human brain would be a great start catching up to Emotional Intelligence, so that we can mitigate the unintended outcomes.>> <<@pacificcoast says : I found the host's insights more thought provoking than the guest's. Felt like they weren't on the same page or that the guest wasn't understanding the questions. Overall, left feeling disappointed in this interview>> <<@marksmit8112 says : Enough with the SciFi crap. AGI with consciousness is a hoax. Ask a physicist not a computer scientist or silicon valley whack job or this guy.>> <<@GrantCastillou says : It's becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with only primary consciousness will probably have to come first. What I find special about the TNGS is the Darwin series of automata created at the Neurosciences Institute by Dr. Edelman and his colleagues in the 1990's and 2000's. These machines perform in the real world, not in a restricted simulated world, and display convincing physical behavior indicative of higher psychological functions necessary for consciousness, such as perceptual categorization, memory, and learning. They are based on realistic models of the parts of the biological brain that the theory claims subserve these functions. The extended TNGS allows for the emergence of consciousness based only on further evolutionary development of the brain areas responsible for these functions, in a parsimonious way. No other research I've encountered is anywhere near as convincing. I post because on almost every video and article about the brain and consciousness that I encounter, the attitude seems to be that we still know next to nothing about how the brain and consciousness work; that there's lots of data but no unifying theory. I believe the extended TNGS is that theory. My motivation is to keep that theory in front of the public. And obviously, I consider it the route to a truly conscious machine, primary and higher-order. My advice to people who want to create a conscious machine is to seriously ground themselves in the extended TNGS and the Darwin automata first, and proceed from there, by applying to Jeff Krichmar's lab at UC Irvine, possibly. Dr. Edelman's roadmap to a conscious machine is at https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.10461>> <<@fine93 says : yeah will be living on the streets!>> <<@EMAGA says : Humanity is finished. We are far too stupid and violent to do this in a safe way, and even if we tried I think AI will end up killing us. Perhaps AI is simply the next stage of conscious evolution?>> <<@rollok4979 says : Spiral dynamics and integral theory might help us understandand different layers or life/reality/simulation>> <<@1drkwmn says : I really struggled with this one. There was no scenario that didn't sound like a zombie apocalypse. Drugged out virtual realities don't sound like a utopia to me. He never did say how bots taking over all human jobs would finance humans not working. It sounds like a math equation that has "a miracle happens here" line in the middle of the equation. Who pays for humans to live in a utopia? Bots do all the work, and everything is free? Even the utopia version sounds like we'd just be useless bags of flesh that are a drag on the system, ripe for plundering for our parts, our brains engaged elsewhere. A very blue pill existence. Without struggle, without a red pill reality, humanity ceases to be. We need the grind of the stone to our blade, or we are dull and useless.>> <<@OlSCrabs says : We already live in what would have been considered a sci-fi dystopia, even just 20 years ago.>> <<@No2AI says : Utopia???? This new shift in reality will take decades to stabilise if ever .>> <<@jonjones5152 says : Relating to the SIMULATION HYPOTHESIS? Thats interesting! Isn't that interesting Tom! You're so thorough in your questioning aren't you Tom , i wonder what he could be eluding to?>> <<@christinarosed.p.1967 says : We have satanic overly wealthy mad men changing our world given by God. This will go badly. How arrogant, filthy and demonic.>> <<@Low_commotion says : 51:00 Exactly right, most ppl work to live, not live to work (though society depends on the latter group for growth). Because of that I worry much less about purpose post-AGI than most. This concern only comes up so often on podcasts because you have to live to work in order to be the kind of person _getting interviewed on a podcast!_>> <<@CodeRush2025 says : My humble opinion is that people will engage in politics and sexual selection. In this regard, no one will be bored. At a minimum, people will argue which part of Mars to terraform first, how many bases on the moon to build first. People will argue about where to create a nature reserve, and where to build a skyscraper or an underground base. There is still a long period of incremental improvement of people, biologically, or through symbiosis with machines. Well, there will also be bad guys that society will have to fight together.>> <<@Theninjagecko says : Where are the epstein files. Forgrt ai i want these demons brought to justice.>> <<@theagileadventure5029 says : This might be my favorite interview Tom has done to date. He’s speechless.>> <<@GabrielLeni says : Why don't we just not make it weird and keep walking in a suicidal direction? Are we all effing stupid or what? The most imbecile smart people I've ever come across. Imbeciles.>>