<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@johndublin776 says : All stocks are also over priced.>> <<@johndublin776 says : Even a little crypto is a mistake. It's nothing but a tulip mania cycle that will burst and end. All crypto is actually worthless.>> <<@Midasletter says : We are already in a recession. GDP is not a holistically reliable measure of economic momentum. When malls are closing and office buildings are empty, the recession is well established. Luxury brands shuttering is indicative that the recession is reaching into the upper 1%, which may indicate stagflation.>> <<@PeteThecurious100 says : Cash is trash? Buffet holding billions?>> <<@Cherpontcarp says : THIS MUPPET KEEPS PREDICTING THE SAME SHIT YEAR AFTER YEAR.>> <<@carefulconsumer8682 says : Buffet has stockpiled over $190 Billion cash as he sold out of various stock like Apple and Bank of America and many others.>> <<@carefulconsumer8682 says : Not a civil war. Just skyrocketing crime rates.>> <<@uuubeut says : Americas border invasion of criminals and mercenaries All planned by WEF /UN / WHO /UK>> <<@DarrenMcGuire-t1o says : Allen Robert Martin Nancy Hernandez Kenneth>> <<@JohnInnocentSmyth says : if US is spending more than it is earning, then why the public debt and debt service is less than 100% of GDP?>> <<@dscuffman7679 says : This guy is a pessimistic dip s>> <<@dinkaman2160pukka says : Bro, it’s been a rocky ride since 1973 - go figure.>> <<@KarlBerg-h3f says : What the hell is he talking about. Inflation and crime are decreasing. It is bullshit when people talk about NYC or Chicago as crime haven when the most violent cities in America per capita are in Red States.>> <<@annielin2894 says : I don’t understand I am a first generation as a poor level income why would anything affect me I am poor!>> <<@geraldt331 says : During a bear market, the headlines will focus on negative news, whether it's declining economic growth, geopolitical upheaval, cultural and legal turmoil, or some combination of all three. I listened to a podcast of someone that grew his reserve from $120k to almost $460k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods?>> <<@gregoryswanepoel6328 says : Exactly what Steve forbes is also saying>> <<@PascalMeienberg says : mr. dalio, maby when doing close up video shots, dont shake your head as if saying yes...>> <<@arizonapropertymanagementi4468 says : Home prices and rents going back up again in Phoenix metro. hear it from the horses mouth. https://azezrentals.blogspot.com/2024/07/inflation-will-soar-dollar-will-fall.html>> <<@AlessandrasCove says : I want the people to eat! We deserve this! We need to come together and fix the class issue, by holding politicians, billionaires and corps accountable.. they need to be taxed on their assets and wealth.. and we need to come together and stop giving our money away to all these rich people and put it back in each other… save and buy land with family and steward it… learn skills beneficial for understanding nature gardening, etc!! It doesn’t have to go towards bloody war.. it can go towards the people standing up against of abuse>> <<@joanneslusher says : The campaign shenanigans from both the red party and blue party is exactly what is stirring up this market panic. I have a little over 250k i wanted to put in the markets but I don’t know what direction to head now.>> <<@user-df9ws1rx8k says : money is a BYPRODUCT 😊😊😊>> <<@SashkaDonaby says : Very good video can we collaborate with you? where to write send me your email>> <<@jody6851 says : Is it my imagination or has Ray Dalio been predicting the same collapse now for the last six years or more? Sort of like a billionaire version of Greta Thunberg predicting the same global warming meltdown every year now for the last 15 years? I suppose if I keep predicting a massive stock market sell-off like October 1987 long enough, sooner or later I'll be right.>> <<@jimoconnor7491 says : Glad I wasn't doing a shot every time Ray said "Um".>> <<@Glasseyed86 says : This guy is 10% genius, 90% fraud. Read the book The Fund...>> <<@danielhutchinson6604 says : The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was Russia responding to our threats. Installing missiles in Turkiye was in poor taste, Khrushchev was just reminding JFK that Ike's Spooks were not very diplomatic in 1959 arranging to install Missiles aimed at Russia, when Nikita was touring Yellowstone. The "Crisis" was simply the Media accommodating the Administration, and restoring confidence after the Bay of Pigs disaster. Dalio understands the issue but continues to play that Card.>> <<@mikhailzolotov99 says : Every time i see this guy everything is doom and gloom. If I traded of his insight, I would have been already broke!>> <<@ChloeMacy-je1nu says : Really where are investors putting their cash? Isn’t it crazy how mortgage rates continue to rise with higher imports and declining exports, but the FED is yet to lessen cost. Something will eventually break if they keep raising interest rates and quantitative tightening.>> <<@marksmit8112 says : Stage 4 more like, USA will never seek another system outside capitalism. When it breaks, like it will then it will be stage 6 until then it is stage 4 denial>> <<@bobbymainz1160 says : I recommend diversifying your investments by considering stocks alongside real estate. During a recession, there are potential buying opportunities in the stock market if approached cautiously. Additionally, market volatility can offer short-term buying and selling opportunities. However, please note that this is not financial advice. It's important to be proactive in investing as cash may not be the most advantageous option during these times.>> <<@user-sg9om8zi8y says : Ray, smart man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government is creating debt!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@whocares_today says : But he says this already 10 years in a row … Do not forget that Dalio is very big fan of the Chinese money and the communist party. A capitalist feeding on anti capitalism system. A monkey that is sawing the branch it is hanging on. Or just a hypocrite. In one of his previous interviews Tom ask him what can the poorest people in America do to get out of the trap and he immediately starts to repeat the old tape that you should earn more than you spend. So guys, you who live on pay check to pay check eat less and work more! And be thankful to uncle Ray that the skilled paying jobs are not anymore in USA but in his favourite China that made him a legend in investment.>> <<@ibodhidogma says : Can you even imagine in times like these a cartoonish imbecile like Trump at the helm.>> <<@Your_mum_has_a_gyatt says : I was watching this because I thought Ray made these comments 3 weeks ago. Not until I heard him say inflation was at 8%! And was confused and checked comments realised it’s 2 years old! Deceptive click bait.>> <<@rmondave says : Read Taleb's book Fooled by Randomness it applies to all stockpickers records to at least some extent, including Ray D>> <<@joeschmoe3665 says : Is Ray Dalio and Peter Schiff constantly shorting the market so tired of them predicting collapses like two broken watches eventually they will be right>> <<@stevewellman3154 says : Ray is a poor thinker but he thinks he’s smart. He tells everybody that he’s rich but all he owns is fake money.>> <<@user-nm4zt7od4q says : Tom, you should’ve asked Ray Dalio if he hopes that America becomes an authoritarian fascist dictatorship or not.>> <<@user-nm4zt7od4q says : Hey Tom, Ray Dalio is correct that tensions are getting fierce, but it’s obvious to anybody with a brainstem, that the problem is far right corporate greed not decent Democrats. Corporations are only contributing 8.2% to the overall expenses of our country, putting the vast majority on the back of the people . Their ridiculous wealth so far beyond the needs of these bastards and at the same time showing their hatred for the middle-class of this country, the backbone of this country, and they wouldn’t be anywhere without us! No respect for the people of our nation, and that’s not to paint the entire billionaire elites with a broad brush stroke, because there are a lot of decent billionaires who actually love our country more than the three P’s, which of course are political power and profits among anything else!>> <<@OR90275 says : The last time Dalio went on cash is trash tour the stock market tanked and since that time crypto has been best performing asset class so take his advice with caution but I agree diversification is a good idea>> <<@mkkrupp2462 says : The dilemma is that people need to consume less - for the sake of planetary health. Ultimately it is the environment that sustains us all.>> <<@MichaelLumley-d3s says : Dear Tom, I came across your channel because of your interview with Bryan Johnson, who is (as we know) legendary. I then watched Dr. Gunbury's interview. Another stellar interview. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting together outstanding interviews, and connecting with such extraordinary guests. Up to this point, all of the interviews that I watched with you were abundantly positive and optimistic about life, the future, and people. Unfortunately, visiting your channel, I suddenly became inundated with this "Dire / Fear Mongering /The Sky-is-Falling-narrative, and generally negative" thumbnails (above all) and video topics. In all frankness, I was more than a little bit shocked, because you generally seem like a positive person. And yet, it seems like you're no different than Fox News in trying to hook people on controversial topics and through fear. For the record, that's not why people come to your channel, nor is it why people go on YouTube. Anyway, at the risk of this message or email being ignored, I’m going to try to get to the point and wrap it up below. Here’s the jist, my very good friend: Try to lighten up the wording in these THUMB NAILS and VIDEO TITLES. I haven’t watched a lot of these NEGATIVE-APPEARING videos, but if the topics are as dire as the thumb nails and titles denote, then dare I say: Try to make the topics with these guests more optimistic and positive. You’re the host and interviewer, so you have some literary license to do things your way. That’s the question then, what way do you want your message to be? I thought you were more of an optimistic and objective interviewer. But from just the last 40 shows, it seems like almost every one of these shows is trying to stir anger or fear. And it is disappointing, because you’re just reinventing Fox news. And truly, that’s not what the world needs. Anyway, best of luck, Dude. Love & respect, Michael Lumley>> <<@snakeplissken3063 says : We're at the point of the economic cycle where the government has destroyed the economy, so everyone is demanding more government help, so government prints and borrows causing more inflation so people need more government help. People start expecting more accountability from their politicians, so politicians blame someone else and curtail freedoms. The gobmint starts wars to take the heat off themselves and generate revenue. It's a doom loop.>> <<@anadaker3939 says : Excuse me Mr Criminal Billionaire Dalio, being a Constitutional Patriot voting for President Trump isn't "polarity" or "extreme". Supporting a Communist candidate like Joe Biden/Kamala Harris IS by definition an extremist because America is not a communist country so I think you need to take caution in your words because Trump knows how you made your money and your hands are NOT clean. Don't be surprised if you get an itchy neck after reading my comments.>> <<@thetrueofgod says : The government is putting us into debt and causing inflation not us. The people are not in power the government is. This has to be part of the equation of our success or failure.>> <<@ironangelsfashion7400 says : Isnt this video old>> <<@hernstv says : Here's a good one too, "The Great Recession Fear is Here!" by Adam Khoo.>> <<@kethaniyer5554 says : From 5 years same news is flashing about recession...don't know whether it's really true or not.>> <<@lavonburbank4430 says : Thank you>>