<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@klutamat says : This conversation is from 2023!!! Thanks for stealing my time, what an ugly channelšŸ˜®>> <<@innajohnson5166 says : I feel like on YouTube people purposely talking about troubles to scare away public from investing Iā€™m listening about depression - collapse - recession and ā€¦ everything is working just fine>> <<@clutch2827 says : The click bait is strong in this one.>> <<@worldwidequest. says : WARNING: This is OLD content and is a video which has been re-uploaded. Please Tom... you are highly successful and people love what you do but we are trying to make a better world for us all.. not just to feed your channel to new heights... just add in the title that it its not current as some of the news here is going to be old... not helpful!>> <<@shaneannconnell8022 says : Is this a repeat video from 11 months ago?>> <<@wyndella7212 says : If dollar collapses why would you have any money in the market?>> <<@wyndella7212 says : The yield curve has been inverting for a while now. Sure sign everything is going south>> <<@adriansinclair5323 says : Someone please.... connect with Tom and ask him to invite Charles Hoskinson to the show. A lot of what this guest is saying is factual, but if you want real change and real financial security you need to build a new financial operating system, and Hoskinson can speak to that like nobody else.>> <<@golf869 says : Iā€™ve been buying gold for the last 10 years preparing for this hopefully itā€™s get me through it and I can buy assets cheap>> <<@jacklyn-b1u says : The economy is grappling with uncertainties, global fluctuations, and pandemic aftermath, causing instability. Rising inflation, sluggish growth, and trade disruptions need urgent attention from all sectors to restore stability and stimulate growth.>> <<@marcell5172 says : ETH lol>> <<@sirheisenberg4459 says : The economy is grappling with uncertainties, global fluctuations, and pandemic aftermath, causing instability. Rising inflation, sluggish growth, and trade disruptions need urgent attention from all sectors to restore stability and stimulate growth.>> <<@-Gorbi- says : Anyone spamming here, I curse your business. Itā€™s going to fail. STOP INFLICTING YOUR GRIFT on everyone else. Curses on you.>> <<@HalVally says : Hitler did not attack in winter, Arthur is lucky to have been living in white countries with white tech, food, and governments.>> <<@boogermcphee2847 says : This channel does like 1 ad every two minutes. Itā€™s so pointless.>> <<@leoliu7840 says : I just think that people should respect what everyone does for a living because when the CFO buys Greek Yogurt at No Frills, milk is from farmers, it was probably fermented in a factory worked by labourers, transported by truck drivers, and checked out by the cashier. Yet so much people roast each other for their jobs at the dinner table>> <<@oliviaHill-w4e says : Coming out of facing alot, I knew two things about the stock market: It caused the Great Depression, and the fastest way to make a million on the markets was to start with two million. And then the Great Recession happened only a few years later. So yeah, I wish someone had better explained it to me earlier in life. Having a good entry and exit strategy will make you succeed in the stock market.>> <<@igorsladoljev8332 says : When was this conversation recorded?>> <<@whiteboywastedU says : My Brother is a genius>> <<@rafaelesparza4110 says : This is profit by Fearmonering. A tactic used by CIA to confuse, depress and make money. Be afraid...Be afraid. The FearMONGERING Podcast.>> <<@GillerHeston says : Given the persisting global economic crisis, it's essential for individuals to focus on diversifying their income streams independent of governmental reliance. This involves exploring options such as stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the adversity in the economy, now is an opportune moment to contemplate these investment avenues.>> <<@chrismckimmey2582 says : Does the US have more assets or liabilities ?? Do people forget we back the US dollar with strategic reserves of various sorts ?>> <<@sharonromano811 says : 1 word, Commodities. These are valuable assets, and rare earth metals are the future.>> <<@sharonromano811 says : Inflation is a hidden tax, and the middle class is now backed into a corner, because they are under a mountain of debt with little job opportunities available to pay off debts or save for assets like a home.>> <<@markprouty7140 says : If I understand correctly the guest indicated around an hour and a half into the video that GDP was growing at 9%. I must not understand something because that is way high?>> <<@AMBRTrades says : no recession man donā€™t put shit like that in your title>> <<@lindamorris1035 says : I've been studying this, on my own, for 20 years. Never heard of this guest, but, will absolutely follow him. He has incredible perspectives on the market!>> <<@Tipping-Point88 says : The continuously changing economic conditions in our society have made it necessary for people to find additional sources of income, thus I am looking at the stock market to fuel my retirement goal of $3m, but my major concern is this impending recession>> <<@Trip_Johnson says : Did homeboy grow a full head of hair and then also get a haircut during this interview? Curious minds need to know.>> <<@roger_rogers says : THIS VIDEO IS BULLISH>> <<@CrossfitWarrior says : I have a friend that works for a major bank and they are laying off entire cyber security teams. I expect other layoffs to happen within the company if security teams were getting laid. Last time I saw anything like this was covid shutdowns>> <<@Nick_P_ says : great guest>> <<@Mathew-zs3nz says : People try to predict the economy not realizing it is central planned, not a capital market. Instead of having much cash sitting in the bank that could lose value to inflation. I've been pondering, should I invest in stocks or just buy gold to safeguard and grow my $350k reserve?>> <<@MandarJoshi92 says : When the hell was this podcast recorded? Btc hasnt been 25 to 30k since June 2023.>> <<@justinsmith1374 says : Welcome to the global Ponzi scheme called fiat>> <<@nicknames5325 says : It's always coming STFU. Change the topic already..>> <<@978JD says : Every video is doom and gloom wit this guy SMH>> <<@buy.to.let.britain says : people who are dependent on welfare, pensions and gov work will be in for a real shock.>> <<@magicalmaintenanceservice9113 says : Blockdag will outdue BTC in the Long run and become very popular...>> <<@thebartertownconglomerate says : Arthurs Hair grew in real time during this vid lol>> <<@elmersicllacanales1441 says : Was listening and then I see this dudes title: ā€œcrypto somethingā€. Not going to waste my time on this.>> <<@michaelschiemer3 says : The normal state of the U.S. economy is actually very bad. Because of this it goes into convulsive spasms fighting to grow any way it can out of desperation. Tricks, gimmicks, rule changes try to stimulate the economy and prevent it from falling but they only bring temporary relief to people since, when you factor in inflation we are declining.>> <<@BorisSvidran says : Tom .. You should stop recycling so much .. Seriously ..>> <<@80amnesia says : Omg bitmex God šŸ’Æ>> <<@RenSylvain23 says : Give that man a trophy. Arthur Hayes is the GOAT of macro.>> <<@eyeofsaurona2345 says : Disagree theres no energy production miracle (we are so close to fusion)>> <<@Herestheverdict554 says : The gold segment is mind blowing>> <<@elisabetalacatusu2858 says : Please consider inviting also Kate Raworth, the author of Doughnut Economics.>> <<@Ragnarok_is_real says : I will stop watching your channel if you guys dont start putting re-release. This is ridiculous. So many are coming out like their brand new.>>