<<@dylanthomas12321 says : Tom is steaming because he is one of the biggest Bitcoin/Crypto believers, pumpers on social media. And it's very often couched in a variety of disaster scenarios or conspiracy theories that are so popular in social media and legacy media. Those of us who used to write somewhat soberly about complex topics in the 1980s used to sarcastically refer to our brothers and sisters in mainstream media (and politics, finance, etc) with "if it bleeds it leads," or "prophets of doom," Chicken Little, and so on. Because fear and doom porn excite the oldest most reliable pathways in the human brain and motivate people to do all sorts of stupid, self destructive things. Crypto is a speculative investment touted as a currency which cannot be used unless you sell it to another speculator for a real currency, dollars, euros whatever. Blockchain is a technology with many possible use cases. Crypto speculation being only one. I hope Tom and others get fabulously wealthy with Bitcoin, buying low and selling high in real currencies that allow them to do real things in the real world and not in the Metaverse or Alien Simulation. Just want to add that Tom is a great interviewer and I love his channel, excellent guests, have learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends. Just disagree on Bitcoin.>> <<@BibleOracle says : The U.S. govt. will deploy the digital dollar before long. If you think they will allow any other digital currency to compete as a currency against the crypto dollar, you are dreaming! Bitcoin will rapidly desolve away. Use it now for "tangable assets" before the spectacular rush begins!>> <<@DLexEdition says : The one thing this video gets wrong is the people not the governments and banks control the worth of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, it was that way in the beginning and with will be that way in the end. There's no fractional reserve banking in regard to BTC, only the banks that buys and sell these virtual assets.>> <<@wayneflint8077 says : They just won't accept the fact that's it's a Ponzi. They know it and they just can't swallow that pill. I can't buy a loaf of bread with BTC. I don't want to pay $6.00 in the morning and $12.00 in the afternoon will a high volatility currency like that.>> <<@NolanCarl says : This is a very interesting conversation! But I was born in 1958. I love the digital world! But I was an adult prior this digital world. I am not wealthy in any way and was just laid-off prior to being ready for retirement. Bitcoin is interesting but people in my financial position need to have their currency as currency! To me Bitcoin is very similar to a stock! You have to hopefully sell it at a profit or loss if you need it! I am not in a position to do this. So, this argument is interesting. But clearly to most of us, that is all it is!>> <<@PnoidNews123 says : Bitcoin is not a currency it is not a good exchange nor a store of value or a unit of account. Peters right. I get the appeal of annonymity. But yall bitcoin criminals need to admit its vaue is completely speculative.>> <<@ctcanadamattress1800 says : peter your 100%>> <<@VK4VO says : Bitcoin is a dangerous game,,, you need to have a shit tonne of money and be prepared for a big draw down and hope you don't get margin called. The swings are way too large for the average person to handle>> <<@psychopathfun says : He's not convincing>> <<@Rhadoo89 says : Peter Schiff is right in his opinion about Bitcoin. At this point, it's just a belief system. If one day no one believes in it and no one wants to buy it, it's guaranteed to be worthless.>> <<@ezwa9979 says : ✋btw, Iv invented the worlds 1st non-dum type of $(which gov.s, kings, etc., will ofvOrse ruin if poss. cause they’es rathr B in control then help economy, etc., because ofcOrse they’re clueless), but in any event - it’s calld com-dot, & should B cAld CCD(commodity contract-dot), which is based on ownership of something physical(unlike BC), but is eazily blockchain didgital transferrable(unlike old school gold, etc.), but adapts to inflation(unlike BC), & it’s value is traceable & eazily check &/or prUvabl(unlike BC), & not overly hyperly volitile based on greed & speculation(again unlike bitcoin).. &&& yS, it’s non-centralized as a matter of legality & style at least leaving it eazier for public to see & prove gov.s are theivs. this list goes on, but the interesting thing is, no 1s interested in adopting this. 😯Y? cause not only govs kings etc. to a highr degree, but just plain Ppl, all of us, R morons.. wat?, Ur sayng this comNt wasNt long Enuf? hmnnn ok 1 other thing - mr peter.. Ur argUmNt for wat would make you beleive in bitcoin has a hole in it - if some1 were to have a bitcoin to cash atm machine at many corners, offering cash for 90% of bitcoin value(which would then instantly sell-convey new ownership of present time BC to $ for 10% profit?), who wouldn’t buy a ton a these machines & flop them out at every Walmart, grocery, etc.? just think of the sit on Ur S, daily profits. & then, SUDNLY? bitcoins 90% as good as cash. but as said in other book coment- agreed, mostly scamidly over valued.>> <<@allenmorrell4035 says : Peter’s right Problem is BTC has deviated from Satoshi’s white paper and no longer has the capability to process global micropayments at scale for a fraction of a penny BTC is a fraudulent version of bitcoin Bitcoin the protocol works, and is currently scaling behind the scene BTC has no value>> <<@TiagoReis-q2w says : bitcoin has all the red flags of a pyramid and no one bats an eye. we are going to the collapse as humanity....>> <<@kotseed says : This fellow has an obvious emotional mental block, as digital currency is the future. This fellow is out of touch with the future, and obviously out of touch in general. Full adoption of digital currency will happen by 2030.>> <<@nobodyknows2762 says : BTC price will collapse once they come out with quantum computing SHA256 algo.. surely they have it in their back pocket>> <<@quartytypo says : Bitcoin is fiat currency without the full faith backing of the US government. It's Monopoly money.>> <<@AlBeZed says : Stop comparing gold to btc. why is btc so desperately trying to look like gold? both are no investments and invertedly, that similarity doesn't imply that both are a store of value. blockchain is the digital coding system. crypto currency use it as a carrier. don't mix the two to feel safe. btc has all the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme. Only new funds keep it going. btc is set up for speculation or mabe part of a bigger plan. who knows? Schiff is right, btc cannot stand on its own feet without another trusted currency. How could it replace the $ when it is priced in Dollar? ultimately both worthless as per definition of currency.>> <<@preparedscouter2357 says : To bad schiff doesnt realize hes in "a cult" too...>> <<@maggieflinn7162 says : I've listened to two Peter Schiff interviews recently on the Gold vs. bitcoin debate, and he has been solidly successful in convincing me that he's not someone who is able to objectively debate the gold vs bitcoin issue.>> <<@sstrauss6752 says : How do you trade Bitcoin if there is no electricity or internet?>> <<@Patrickt-fb5wj says : Peter Schiff is so anti-Bitcoin and has using the most ridiculous arguments on X (Twitter) against it, he's been so obsessed with shilling his precious gold versus Bticoin .. it's sad and hilarious at the same time lol He's been saying that Bitcoin will go to zero for years lol>> <<@burtyful1 says : If you understand Bitcoin, you will not make dumb arguments about how it is supposed to replace all currency. It is a store of value like gold, art, or any other rare asset. Bitcoin technology makes it the most secure asset known to man. That's the value of bitcoin.>> <<@sluggo1515 says : Gold would be much higher if not for the existence of Bitcoin. A lot of Bitcoin money would have gone into gold.>> <<@jeroenmeulman3293 says : Jesus that gold guy is screaming 😮>> <<@andrewdawson5281 says : Schiff says - When he sees Bitcoin adopted over the Dollar but he is clear he thinks that will never happen. Schiff may have created wealth in the past, using methods of his era but his age has made him myopic to the future. He is looking at Bitcoin as a stock/shares investment, like an old school investor. So he doesn't believe it will be adopted and that is the view of many/most people who have heard of it but have not bought Bitcoin. They don't believe in it, not because of what it is but because the Dollar et al are managing to function for their purposes well enough right now. Through Government fiscal mismanagement the Dollar has already started its death spiral; unbeknown to many/most people. As the Dollar hurtles to the ground everyone will be looking for something to save them. Then Bitcoin will be adopted like a lifebelt to a drowning man.>> <<@Brucelanham845 says : I Hit 110k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. thanks to Kimberly Ann Doran for helping me achieve this.>> <<@Kobra-l2g says : Biley is such a bad interviewer, i keep clicking his baity videos, but each one turns out to be bad, this one especially. His bias stinks>> <<@atc576 says : This guy just doesn't get it. His loss>> <<@paulgibson6107 says : Grumpy old man that doesn't like change.>> <<@user-br8tp4fy2b says : To peters point gold never had bankman fried.. Xd seriously it's not you can't make money on it the point is it's a pump and dump so you want the train to run on you invest in a product that promised the world and only has a case of use for the criminal market. And mining is only profitable while energy is cheap because the product doesn't have a use.>> <<@bobbymainz1160 says : I recommend diversifying your investments by considering stocks alongside real estate. During a recession, there are potential buying opportunities in the stock market if approached cautiously. Additionally, market volatility can offer short-term buying and selling opportunities. However, please note that this is not financial advice. It's important to be proactive in investing as cash may not be the most advantageous option during these times.>> <<@hotaggie98 says : One problem that I have with these arguments is why does it have to be one over the other? If you want to believe in gold, go for it! If someone else who's more progressive and thinks that digital is the way to go - then go for BTC... end of story...>> <<@timwodom2172 says : SchiffGold,,, um no brainer, he has a dog in the fight, of course if Bitcoin keeps being successful and it will. More people will be selling their gold and buying Bitcoin as he watches his bottom line diminish. Of course he doesn't want it to continue.......🤣>> <<@josequiles4569 says : The best part is u can't do nothing about it... funny I believe he will learn his lesson>> <<@PyromandanPwnr says : Peter cant imagine BC as a commodity because it threatens gold. Yes there are issues, they are uniquely different tools. His attempts to characterize it solely as a currency is a mental failing.>> <<@user-ch9pz1uq9v says : Gold and silver are the most papered over and watered down asset on the planet not to mention the mining of silver and gold are super regulated. The amount mined is controlled by billionaires causing the price to do what they want. It’s Lu’s and extremely large amount of gold is simply paper…. It doesn’t exist. Now tell me what which asset is completely mis-priced ? …. It’s gold. Peter is an old head who doesn’t have the intelligence to understand cryptography. Also if he can’t hold it in his hand he doesn’t think it exists 😂. Remember that Bitcoin is the biggest asset that directly competes with golds market share. Now you know>> <<@cameycoons says : Think Peter is trying to convince himself that btc is a bubble and is mad with himself.>> <<@waves101 says : Imagine trying to explain web3, DEFi, NFT, etc ... Dude is a well grown dinosaur.>> <<@PanteraCrypto says : If you want to know how technically Bitcoin can go to zero search for Bitcoin Death Spiral>> <<@ninjashhh8344 says : I appreciate all 3 of your perspectives and I am for BTC over gold for several reasons, but it's smart to own both and I'm not crazy about the fact that the same sheisters who manipulate every other market including gold are now infiltrating BTC full force as well.....Honestly I don't think any of this is gonna matter 10 years from now when there are 100 million to 1 BILLION humanoid robots with greater than human level intelligence on this planet. It's gonna be very interesting to see the changes that take place the next 5-10 years ahead, that's about all I'm sure on these days......Regarding gold I was curious so I looked it up and according to GPT here is Global Gold Demand Breakdown by Use: Jewelry: ~47% Jewelry remains the largest single use of gold, driven by demand in countries like India and China. Investments: ~22 This includes gold bars, coins, and ETFs (exchange-traded funds). These are held by investors as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Central Banks and Other Financial Institutions: ~17% Central banks hold gold as part of their foreign reserves, using it as a store of value and a means to back currency. Technology and Electronics: ~7% Gold's use in electronics, such as in connectors, circuit boards, and other high-tech applications, makes up a smaller portion of demand. Dentistry and Other Industrial Uses: ~4% Includes dentistry, medical applications, aerospace, and other industrial uses where gold's properties are valuable. Other Uses (Including Decoration, Awards, and Art): ~3% This includes minor uses such as in awards, decorations, and art objects...>> <<@Michael.James6 says : Peter is kicking himself in the ass for not buying BTC at $100 he said has been watching it for years but he never pulled the trigger Jealous I guess all these years of just watching how much more you could 've had..>> <<@Michael.James6 says : Somebody is very narrow minded Peter ? maybe. People thought Lehman Brothers was safe .. nothing is safe.>> <<@lt4203 says : This gold guy is very dominant and disrespectful. He has a real problem listening. T@@t>> <<@ZakariahSH says : Bitcoin depends on the internet. If they shut down the internet only for a few hours, it would go from 60 K to 1 K in a few hours after they get back on the market on internet.>> <<@ZakariahSH says : There is no replacement for Gold. Bitcoin may have a decade or more to rise, but one day, it will fail. The person or group of people who created Bitcoin, getting money from people, would buy actual Gold. Both ways, people would lose money, the dollar would lose its value, and Bitcoin would also lose.>> <<@kimberly-g5r says : Hit $200k today, Thanks for the knowledge and nugget you have thrown my way over the last month , started with $14,000 in last month 2024....>> <<@americanrenewalpatriot7729 says : Simply put BTC is to this decade what Tulips Bulbs were to 17th Century Holland.......HOWEVER, in Holland you at least got to keep the bulbs, and plant, after the collapse.... LoL>> <<@danscieszinski4120 says : Quantum computers eat your Bitcoin for breakfast.>> <<@sevimsumerli6385 says : SIMPLY math supply and demand increase or decrease assets and central Banks and such as Block Rock monster companies own by same 13 families and do not waste your time you control with derivative markets same time they buy sell on papers and suck your real money including Gold right now gold prices for 1 ons should be over $10.000 but bank to bank they sell and drop or control gold prices keep buying Gold not BTC If you can not hold physically then you do not own it>> <<@Kingcream4kt says : This November elections might really take a hit on the stock market, how can I invest my 250K cash saving to capitalize on the market crisis?>>