<<@pato_bravo says : As a millennial, I am yet to meet a Gen Z that isn't completely useless and stupid. I highly doubt the top 20% are even slightly impressive.>> <<@TruckingPlanet says : The young man is brilliant in terms of history and the most likely scenario of where we are going but like so many guests on this channel, although facts are important, they don't change anything. Where is the innovation? Where is the spark that creates a movement? Where are the ideas? Where is the consensus among the generations? Let's put everything on the workbench, take one thing at a time and start to fix it. We should have a United Nations of sorts, each generation doing one positive thing that benefits all of the generations. The answer is right in front of our faces, we are the innovators of the world, time to stop crying in our beer. I've got at least 5 ideas myself that benefits those other than my generation. Near emotionless interviews want me to put jumper cables, one on each their ears and throw the juice. Passion being the juice.>> <<@laughingvampire7555 says : when he talks about printing money is like he is describing Argentina ran by the socialists before Milei, that is exactly how it was.>> <<@alenafridman3432 says : Such an incredibly interesting guest you have!>> <<@therealjonmoss says : Give this kid a cabinet seat in the Trump administration>> <<@nileshb-ij1rg says : westerners r going full circle>> <<@evilchaperone says : Don't count out the left. They are Americans after all. They will use high tech means of warfare. Drone swarms, unmanned UAV, satalites.>> <<@insidelinemx says : This kid is ok, but not anyone who’s ideas or opinions I’d give real weight to, especially after he 100% dodged giving a direct response to Tom’s question about why he doesn’t have any personal rules around the over use of his phone. He just gave this lame answer about how personal discipline usually doesn’t work that’s why people quit diets or working out. So what I heard was “I’m just too lazy, I don’t care”. This is the first guest on the show I haven’t thought was an absolute rock star. Not that my opinion matters, I won’t likely be invited to the show until my personal results improve dramatically. As always, love what you’re about Tom. Thank you for all the hard work you put into bringing amazing people and new ideas forward!>> <<@Jay-hj4xk says : Are you not going to mention "activation day"?>> <<@tendertuna9157 says : @1:00:00 he thinks twitter represents most people and proceeds to use that as fact to continue logic. Oof.>> <<@mattjenkins682 says : I think he's right. The war starts with concessions. When the states start succeeding from the government, war is upon us.>> <<@desirem1174 says : Then the chase scam happens and confirms what he says>> <<@JuiceEternal says : This is information everyone in America needs>> <<@lees4416 says : Dam, I really want to see Rudyard debate someone and defend his points>> <<@porter9260 says : I feel like Tom Bilyeu needs to put out a short fact check disclaimer before proceeding with the video or offer a short interruption explaining zero evidence supports the guest claim and this is important regarding the topic of political institutions. Democracy is at stake and you have 4+ million subscribers who might be susceptible to fascist propaganda .>> <<@Je-Lia says : Hold on, hold on.... I was on board with this guy until this point. At 42:50 he starts to say -- speaking about China (today) -- that it has a low birth rate, and how weird that is because "poor countries tend to have higher birth rates.".... Uh... I hate to disillusion ya fella, but China is NOT a poor country! Yeah, the women are educated and don't want to sit home squirting out babies! That's a symptom of modern, rich countries -- like the US, like Japan, etc etc. The Chiina of today is not the China of the 1970s! Wow.....>> <<@centercannothold says : Lisan Al-WhatIf>> <<@GenX1964 says : I'd love to see Rud on multigenerational panel of today's top oracles with Zeihan and Neil Howe.>> <<@Man-u-flex says : What’s with the half Witt guest ? He sounds like rainman>> <<@menace_trades says : Tom, personally, you have outdone yourself here, Sir! Rudyard, if I am starting a revolution - you are the first one on the team. Unbelievable man. This podcast episode is now my number 1. That means I am adding 5-10 views as this will be rewatched times and times again by yours truly. Keep it up. Sincerely, little guy from UK.>> <<@jasondashney says : 17:55 Thank you for being one of the very few mega rich podcasters tell be so blatant about your wealth. Most seem to sort of lump themselves in with the common man as if they aren't loaded as hell. It's a sort of deception by omission. Side note: I'm very rarely impressed with the intelligence of someone this young. He certainly doesn't come across like a 23yr old.>> <<@brox2098 says : There's something I'd like to add to the population crash with the mice as this experiment is structured around multiple cellular, dual gender species. I did some considering how this same experiment could /might apply to single celled creatures, simple single gender creatures, colony/ hive mind creatures too.... To be continued>> <<@CharlyCD93 says : 42:00 I think that a big difference between the past and today is video. One thing is to tell a story or read a transcript but to see and hear the original source. You can read MLK’s speech but seeing him deliver it is completely different. Hopefully video logs let people not forget but in fact help them “feel” the past.>> <<@CharlyCD93 says : 33:20 All these damn rentable services are getting out of hand. At this point they should be paid for like utilities. They have the ability to see how much time is being spend on them just like when the meter measures gas, electricity or water. Some people use the service more than others. Just like how some people may use more water than others.>> <<@juanwononeyuan says : wait till he learns about WW2 and the Js>> <<@yonathanlorenzomaruri7414 says : USA owe so much to inmigrant people.>> <<@MandM980 says : Reptilians are real dude>> <<@mariburns8758 says : much more likely the left and establishment govt seizes on crisis to become authoritarian like China than that we would go to fundamentalist religion>> <<@jl9205 says : 27:30 Wait. So you're saying there's no lizard-men???>> <<@mariburns8758 says : I obsess about the debt every day>> <<@natalie9185 says : The guest is so used to talking to himself, he forgets to take pauses and look at the listener.>> <<@tblack21 says : These impact theory podcasts have sure changed.>> <<@MarksmanSpecialist says : hahahah a fail marriage between the left and right>> <<@evabegovits2896 says : This was awesome Tom!!!! Thank you so much. I wish more Gen Z would think like this guy.>> <<@heidijex6615 says : This young man is absolutely remarkable, thank you Tom for introducing him. He's intelligent and oh so smart!>> <<@JohnDoe-td3xx says : "Genz is the most competent gen in 100 year's" Yea right. Every gen has 20% competency vs. 80% incompetency. That's just how humans are. 80% of people suck at 80% of stuff, if not more.>> <<@nicolasalvarez-gartner2072 says : Nothing will get banned. The weak become prey when they have no incentive to thrive>> <<@SteelValyrian says : 36:59 - Right here folks. He crystalized it, I'm coining its phrase: specialization of evil. Just run through a couple minutes after my time-stamp. You'll feel me. We all just a bunch of good men doing nothing, nay?>> <<@randomuserame says : The Confederacy has been trying to establish a slave-based economy since its inception. _They just call themselves "The Democrat Party" nowadays._ *Nothing else has changed.* Also, _Cloward-Piven Strategy_>> <<@guymaninu says : Noteworthy: the “algorithm” is (suspiciously) showing me new things like this. It cant be random. This validates “whatifalthist’s” msg Yes. This “interviewee” is extremely intelligent, educated and speaks from that knowledge. Society is a mental patient, that is why it is committing suicide! If you are sick in the head, you will not know it until you’re locked up or gone forever. Is this a separatists channel? Im seeing ignorance and hostility in the comments. As a veteran with actual value and skin in this “game”- I want some!!! Bad!! Interviewer! Thanks for being a human being, and allowing this guy to speak wisdom beyond his years. It shows respect. As a masculine man, I am acknowledging the good you do represent. Keep that up, and maybe we will get our names back in the comments.>> <<@vanningco says : Smart guest!>> <<@eberts0604 says : I used to be a fan of Rudyard, but lately he seems to have gone off the rails when talking about economics. He has almost zero life experience and seems to have spent most of his time in his room reading.>> <<@RJVanEtten says : This is great but jbp and Tate are not teaching the same things>> <<@gregrodgers107 says : I’m from the uk and I didn’t hear a thing about Texas doing this? All I can say is from the state of the uk right now big respect to the Texas people for standing their ground>> <<@joshtownsend8807 says : The underfunded of great replacement theory leave a bad taste. A lot of assumptions about what is and isn't preferable.>> <<@LloydStoltz says : Golden advice at 1:03:03>> <<@brianc9374 says : Arranged marriages will probably make a comeback. Not middle east style, more like 1850s upper class wasp style.>> <<@brianc9374 says : Quality of life peaked in the 80s>> <<@dr_bullseye says : this dudes IQ must be 140>> <<@dr_bullseye says : This dude is quite informed for 23>>