says :
"Bear" "Bear"
says :
No it was Bear and there
says :
I was like "Vair" isn't a word is it? Lol
says :
Dawg I heard 'there' in the 2nd clip
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Me hearing their
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says :
I hear bear in both clips
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Illusion is not professional enough. Needs more improvement.
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This is a great independent example of why people who are losing their hearing struggle to hear conversations if they can’t see who’s speaking to them. And that habit, or tool, kind of becomes heavily relied upon before the individual even realizes they’re suffering from any hearing loss. For instance if you’re having a phone conversation, you can’t see the speaker, and get frustrated speaking on the phone so begin avoiding answering and replying by text. Or if you’re speaking with someone, but maybe don’t have your glasses on and suddenly are very confused while having the conversation because you took your glasses off, how is that effecting your hearing? Another reason why it’s important to notice these kinds of things in our friends, family and acquaintances- because they may not even see the correlation. They may just begin getting frustrated and start withdrawing rather than asking “huh” all the time (especially if they were heavily reinforced to not say “huh”!) or trying to interpret the muffled conversation.
says :
I just heard bear every time loñ
says :
The brain complete the gaps😅
says :
Joke's on you cuz I can't read lips so I hear bear in both 😌
says :
I heard there
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I heard both are bears 🐻? Is something wrong?
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The bounced off for me at first one
says :
Thought you wear saying “vair” in the second clip. So it looks like I failed lol. But really enjoyed this wee video and glad I watched it. Very interesting and fun. Thank you ❤ from Shannon in Canada 🇨🇦
says :
bear then vare😂
says :
That's cute and all, but I heard bear in both, and couldn't make out what you where trying to say in the second clip.
says :
I heard "there" in the second clip too. Cool illusions :)
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You tricked me bro, I knew both of them probably said the exact same thing, it’s just that I didn’t believed my ears.
says :
It sounded like bear in both.
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This is why nobody knows WTF anybody’s saying in my family.
says :
i just hear bear in both :c was trying hard to hear somthing else too
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I also hear "there" in the second clip 😅
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As an ESL student, I catch the difference really quickly because I am aware of using the right position for my mouth. The sound of the first is Bear and the second would be Vear
says :
Fair bear over there.
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I hear bear both times... THIS IS WHY I ACTUALLY CAN'T READ LIPS
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I heard the same
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No I heard bear in both 😂😂
says :
I hear bfeair....
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It sounded like a bad accent of ver to me. It was more of a v lip movement than an f lip movement.
says :
That’s trippy yo
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This shows how easily we are fooled and be absolutely certain that we are RIGHT all the time.
says :
I heard “bear” both times Can’t fool me!
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English is my second language and I hear "bear" in both cases. I do not really see a lot of difference in the lips movement either. And I actually saw the balls bouncing off each other without sound. That's because I could not imagine them passing through ear other.
says :
Am i the only one that heard bear both times?
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In second one I hear there!!!!
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Heard bear on both but I think I may not be representative since I’m mostly blind
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I heard vair on the second one
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Nope, you are actually saying vare because you changed the mouth movement. You think you are saying bear.
says :
There 😂🤩🤣
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says :
Okay I was wrong, if you listen without looking at the video, he IS saying bear!
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Focus on the lip movement, the second time he says THERE!!!
says :
I hear vers and bear. Canadian eh
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I heard “Vare” and I think it’s because the mouth movement in the first clip was bilabial vs. labiodental in the second clip.
says :
I heard ver and the circles bumbed each other since the second time I watched the clip
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I don't hear it. Get a real job!
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You said "What am I saying in this clip?"
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Inshort english is a f*cked up language😂😂😂