<<@TomBilyeu says : Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Head to https://impacttheory.co/EightSleeppodAugust24 and use code IMPACT to get $350 off your Pod 4 Ultra. Netsuite: Head to https://impacttheory.co/netsuiteAugust24 for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!>> <<@charlenethechandlerbeairst1423 says : RAUMAFELD WORD 27:45>> <<@charlenethechandlerbeairst1423 says : Yeah CHUM HUM Showed IT IN THE Good WIFE EVERYONE YELL FIRST>> <<@VortokMercadia says : What I saw here was a woman with a heart that sincerely wanted to serve her country and who was willing to strive for a brighter future for its people. But also someone who, from appearances I may be reading a bit too much into, has been mentally and emotionally battered by the people who should have been her allies. It's not the first time I've heard of underhanded DNC campaign tactics, but something about the toll on her makes it feel different - and she probably omitted a fair bit. We all know that politics (in general, not any one party) has a significant amount of corruption but my gut is screaming at me that a line that should not have been crossed has been enthusiastically ignored by the DNC. I feel a mixture of sorrow and righteous indignation.>> <<@sunnybe668 says : How DNC can manipulate polls? Why she didn’t claim officially? I thought polls numbers were about right. Cuz no one talked about RFK around me. DNC sent someone inside? Why there was a reason to be sued? Obviously, RFK was never A rival for Kamala. Or Biden. Trump is. Why they do that? Someone explain to me?>> <<@HexicanMichelle says : Please have Richard Heart on your show ❤>> <<@625098evan says : after hearing Kamala's recorded interview, this is a breath of fresh air. no word salad here. she has good solid answeres and she is well spoken. between her and Tulsi, we could have a couple incredible femail presidents in the future.>> <<@Darnold29 says : It makes me sick that they would drop out to help a candidate but then say to vote independent, I was really hoping this would be the election where a 3rd party became relevant with actually good candidates but instead we’re stuck in the same loop of voting between the 2 biggest cult leaders 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸>> <<@shelleyb1121 says : To be so misinformed …and clearly most of comments on here bought and paid for. Most millennials are not this ignorant.>> <<@shelleyb1121 says : They are both insane and so hard to listen to 😵‍💫🙈>> <<@Adevine369 says : She had interesting body language when answering her question about Peter theil>> <<@AaronMcCarty-l3h says : The only positive thing I can say about her is she's a cutie. But I don't care how you look if you're a fascist.>> <<@sagitarian1000 says : Great interview but I disagree with her about Trump making a blunder with big pharma and Covid. He was entering uncharted waters for any politician in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation.Trump has always been against big pharma. His mandatory price caps on insulin and epinephrine which Biden later rescinded were great examples. He even went against CDC guidelines by pushing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for Covid>> <<@Seraphic.Sapphire says : Nicole and Bobby ALL THE WAY!!! 🤍🤍🤍>> <<@claybemelis says : I like her statements on accountability. I saw Reid Hoffman on all in podcast and he was deflecting that he gives money all over he isn't responsible for what they do with it>> <<@dickschwanzstein1789 says : What a shame they dropped out.>> <<@seannamei says : What an uncharismatic husk of a talking point. Typical billionaire looking for a new gig.>> <<@NattyNarwhaal says : This woman has ONE THOUSAND MILLION dollars, and she's aiming to get 13 million from the Federal Government. Let that sink in.>> <<@TinselDoll says : I wonder what position she'd like in the President Trump administration? Federal Reserve Chair?>> <<@zeenababy123 says : 🌹 Chris Hedges opinion on Bobby Kennedy. Moral Issues. https://youtube.com/shorts/4NcBLzKxAe8?si=XSJIQmLj9brLbGk5 🌹>> <<@lareinaflores6384 says : I hope she runs for Governor of California.>> <<@pamelawilson4954 says : Used to watch Imact Theory, haven't watched in a while, can see why I stopped watching.>> <<@brundih1 says : Everything these people think is wrong. They think of boomers as a group that created all our problems and ruined their world. She talks about us like we were born with a silver spoon in our mouth. Boomers had it a lot worse in the 70s when there were no computers. There were no jobs then. The jobs that were available to us then are done by illegal immigrants now. We are in trouble.>> <<@JamesRichardWiley says : Her biography on Wikipedia started out well on the democratic side but soon led to the crazy world of JFK jr.conspiracy theories. Still a cool billion from a divorce settlement isn't a bad thing. Let's hope she understands the danger of Project 2025.>> <<@jenniferfisher7455 says : Trump 2024❤ How much is open border costing the taxpayer in socialism and in crime. Ca just had 250 million missing. All the covet money stollen. Trump wants to make the country healthy again Kenney knows who poisoning our foods. Clean out the system.MAGA❤>> <<@brundih1 says : That girl is an Idiot. Her idea of Boomers and who they are is completely wrong.>> <<@snorgonofborkkad says : This girl is super hot>> <<@chrisrocabado says : So she said Tim Walz biggest issue (and we all need to hold him to it) was that he lied about his service, that he is a liar....but she endorses Gump. This is how I know she is full of shit. And NO republican or democrat will want to lower money to our military.>> <<@Mothman_Libra says : Her and RFK really betrayed their doners and voters here. She KNEW she was dropping out for Trump in this interview but hid it from her doners. I had full intention to vote for RFK but I'd be pissed if they got my money now>> <<@joycetreat4527 says : I'm all for audits on federal agencies. Waste, fraud and abuse and 35 Trillion debt tells me that they needed this yesterday.>> <<@jtthefinancialdragon9160 says : RFK has this dumb ass as his running mate…..I mean he’s dumb as hell but he had to find someone event dumber as his running mate….but I guess she has a bunch of money….however it that she got that money……>> <<@LisaCraig-r7j says : Somehow I lost my post and cannot find it, so let me try again. It's disheartening to hear so many posters here actually giving weight to all the inaccuracies and fabrications Nicole espouses. She has ZERO knowledge of the things she claims to have knowledge about. MILITARY SPENDING. The US is a sovereign nation and as such we need to keep readiness paramount. That readiness includes the ongoing training of our service members AND the cost of military defense weapons AND their maintenance and upkeep. AUDIT OF GOV'T AGENCIES. We already have inspectors general who oversee each and every federal agency to ensure that our tax dollars are spent wisely. HEALTHCARE SPENDING. Nicole said that the US spends way too much money on healthcare. Why does she have a problem with that? Our European allies all have universal healthcare. The US is one of the few countries that does NOT provide this type of coverage to everyone. If you're lucky to have an employer who provides it, consider yourself lucky. I am retired so I have Medicare; the poor have Medicaid. The ACA does provide health coverage, but it's expensive if your salary exceeds a certain threshold. CHEVRON DECISION. She thinks the dismantling of the Chevron Decision is a good thing. How daft is she? This 1984 SCOTUS decision authorized federal regulatory agencies to interpret federal law, which makes sense since our federal laws are written by lawyers and not doctors or scientists. The dismantling of this 1984 ruling by the current makeup of SCOTUS is nothing more than a power grab. SCOTUS has now put itself ABOVE the other two coequal branches of gov't (the Executive branch and the Legislative Branch). This should outrage everyone! DNC INTERFERENCE. This is absolute hogwash! The only interference I am aware of is that the DNC sued RFK's campaign because he is using donor contributors' information as a substitute for the required 50,000 voter registrations each state mandates. This is illegal! Also, the DNC did NOT plant insiders in his campaign in order to sabotage RFK's efforts. ECONOMY. She must be the most uneducated person in the US. We currently have the best economy in the world. Our GDP growth is off the charts, and Biden created 10-15 million jobs. We have the lowest unemployment in 50 years. Inflation was caused by the pandemic and it's now much lower than it was. Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell is going to lower interest rates in September, so that will help even more. But to denigrate the great economy we have is just staggeringly stupid! I could add more comments but Nicole's blithering ignorance on so many topics forced me to turn down the volume. Please don't fall for the BS she espouses!>> <<@LisaCraig-r7j says : She is making a lot of claims that she has no proof of. Just a few points ... #1. She said there is too much gov't spending and that we should audit our gov't agencies. Really? That's what the IGs are for. They audit each and every federal agency to make sure gov't dollars are spent wisely. #2. She said that the DNC has sabotaged RFK's campaign. That is NOT true. The DNC did sue them in one state because RFK FRAUDULENTLY used information from donors to use as the basis for getting his name on the ballot. That is illegal!!!! #3. She complains about military spending and that it should be drastically reduced. Just how stupid is she??? The US is a sovereign nation and we need to have a strong military of 1.3 million service members. Why would any American think that we should reduce our readiness? #4. She complains that we spend too much on healthcare and that it's bankrupting our country. What??? So she would rather we let people die and not receive adequate healthcare? Granted, the US should have universal health coverage so that everyone has access to healthcare. The US is the wealthiest country in the world. There's no reason why we shouldn't have universal health coverage. #5. She's happy that the US Supreme Court (in its infinite stupidity) GUTTED the 1984 decision Chevron USA v. National Resources Defense Council. That lahe U.S. Supreme Court in which the "two-part framework" for resolving challenges to an agency's interpretation of a statute it administers. The test was deferential to administrative agencies." Because of the dismantling of the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court is placing itself ABOVE the other two coequal branches of gov't (the executive branch and the legislative branch). SCOTUS has>> <<@JohnnyBlaze6954 says : US GOVERNMENT needs to be run on CARDANO or a blockchain… real talk!>> <<@helloryantanaka says : Nice answers, good questions. Would be cool to not have a poker face to all her responses>> <<@USImmigrationConsultants says : How about nobody was interested in his lunacy and ghosts in his closet>> <<@stacypastry2440 says : She needs some shakes with that fry>> <<@eddymoretti3742 says : You peddle bunk. Stop posting videos please, you are creating epistemological chaos.>> <<@lynettes9533 says : 2024 Unity ❤ Trump 2024 🇺🇲 RFK for HHS Make Health Great Again Make America Great Again>> <<@karenaenlle8107 says : 🙏🔥😍>> <<@ericadonaldson101 says : Wow, this interview was phenomenal. They were 100% censored because I never saw anything from their campaign. After watching this interview, I am a fan.>> <<@jessicasykora6779 says : This is what the DNC does>> <<@ericpoirier2807 says : 👍👍👍👍>> <<@Storyraymond says : Supporting a man who wants to become a dictator and stay in power by changing the constitution, combined with the aims of Project 2025, could lead the country towards a system resembling a communist state or even a Western version of Iran. It's astonishing how so many Americans don’t live up to the very values that are supposed to define the nation. With Robert Kennedy Jr. dropping out and endorsing Trump, it's clear that some are willing to support authoritarianism over democratic principles.>> <<@jillmaxwell9094 says : Funny how everyone’s acting like we didn’t watch the DNC do this to Bernie Sanders and made Hillary their nominee even though the people wanted Bernie! Same story, new characters. Maybe this time people will finally get it>> <<@postusinterruptus says : “Your guys’s”??!!>> <<@cecilxjoseph says : "Go independent.">> <<@Joe-mp5sd says : Development of AI and Robotics will replace human jobs which will lead to discussion of population control and reduction because of cost cutting mindset of businesses. AI and Robotics will not and do not have votes. If only handful of rich entrepreneurs can somehow convince blind voters who will lose their jobs to vote for politicians who will push development of AI and robotics technologies, these blind voters will lose their jobs by voting those politicians who are pushing the agenda and schemes that these voters to lose their jobs. This will lead to population control and reduction discussion that a county will lose its power and wealth by enriching a handful of rich entrepreneurs richer and richer and regular people poorer and poorer and population lesser and lesser. AI and robotics do not require wages and social welfare and less cost and consume only energy and some replacement parts and maintenance which also can be replaced by AI and robotics much less compared to humans who consume much more and pay taxes to contribute to society but AI and robotics do not pay taxes and will lead to reduction of human population. Society without humans is not a society any more and means extinction of human kind. There need to be a limit of development of AI and robotics until and if human population can grown into the other frontier such as other planets. Otherwise, AI and Robotics will lead to destruction of human civilization.>> <<@Joe-mp5sd says : Federal Reserve System is the one of core system along with section 501(c)(3) organizations and institutions that private corporation giants use to influence unelected government bureaucrats and elected politicians in their policy making process, even their lives. The private corporation giants pretty much directly own the US politicians and bureaucrats and the US governments. If the US politicians can demolish Federal Reserve System to replace with true direct government central banking system and section 501(c)(3) organizations and can reform laws regulating bureaucrats and can list all private corporations of any kind and any type of lobbying as foreign entity in foreign lobbyist list, it will be the first step but very least step towards regaining of the US government to Americans and revival of the US government.>> <<@glennhubbard5008 says : I'm not surprised. The Democrats are a party of criminals.>>