<<@nicolefoss7913 says : Of course they had a choice. They could have held the moral highground, but instead they choose to endorse the worst of the worst. Trump is an adjudicated rapist, lifelong frauster, malignant narcissist, convicted felon etc etc. He is a human excrescence. I lost all respect for RFKJr after he sold out. Now he's just another lying politician with no integrity.>> <<@ElishaLoweRN says : Who was that an announcement for??? RFK is Trump. You can fool some of the people some of the time...and Trump supporters all of the time. Just throw on a flag lapel pin, fly a flag, hold a Bible, say something nasty, and they're sold.>> <<@LegendOfTheOld says : As great as this interview is I can not overcome my ick over this vocal fry.>> <<@kipling1957 says : Tom looks like he came home at 4 a.m. after a bender.>> <<@TheRealSlobo says : In a perfect world she would be our president one day>> <<@veneradoorador says : Of course the DNC spent millions of dollars to take you out. That's just politics and there's nothing nefarious about it. Also, saying that the border is not rocket science is both a fact and also an indication of how little she understands about the complexity of this issue.>> <<@3ld919 says : So, trying to overthrow a fair and free election isn't trying to corrupt our fair and free democracy??? Got it Nicole, that is Fing brilliant!>> <<@sawglet20 says : She does not provide a single piece of evidence about anything she just said about sabotage and you sheep just lap it all up without a critical thought bouncing around in that empty skull>> <<@jeremyk9728 says : This woman is married to the Co-Founder of Google, Sergey Brin. She is in it for more power. Period. Don't listen to this corrupt bullshit. I cant even believe she is getting screen time. Elites sucking elites.>> <<@mambocitasi says : Sorry I don’t believe this woman. She now says she’s sorry she supported the democrats . This is her saving grace now? Anyone in government at this level are all corrupt to the core . Her words sound nice but government is a fraud!!! Read the book by Larken Rose called “the most dangerous superstition “ . We need to take self responsibility people.>> <<@Zanzan8 says : If you supported Chuck Shummer ..you deserve it.>> <<@Kerek77 says : Trump 2024>> <<@magelinekelley7536 says : Ididn’t know anything about her until recently. She’s my health care kindred spirit. Had no idea of her crusade against the big pharma and big food industry. Had I known, I would have followed her sooner. She’s leaps and bounds smarter than the front runner of the democrats.>> <<@GingeRenee says : I am so excited that RFK jr has joined forces with Trump. Yes we need to clean up our food, water, medicine and environment. Our children should be healthy and given a great start in life. I am tired of big pharma fda and all the 3 letter agencies going against the citizens.>> <<@paulnupe1911 says : Harris wouldn't take their call.>> <<@jeanineandmikemartin says : This is so important to hear... truth sets people free... free people WANT TO STAY FREE and make decisions based on truth... if you are proud of who you are and stand what what you believe, why must you silence others and their beliefs? I have been saying this third party needs to developed FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!!! US... the people working hard to get familial break through for generations to come!!!! Thank you Tom for who you and Lisa are to so many of us!!!!!>> <<@yeshuamusic5102 says : RFK dropping to his knees for Trump is hilarious.>> <<@kim5754 says : I really like her message>> <<@allenhenderson5321 says : Perplexed she (RFK, Jr.) was given the forum. I am an independent, old Republican Party believer but…..>> <<@pfschuyler says : Tom is a righteous and honest person, this I believe. ☝️ Nicole Shanahan is a righteous and honest person, this I also believe.>> <<@WobblyBootsDuke says : I'm an Australian and obviously don't have a say in US elections. Being not a citizen, this makes sense, however, every decision the US makes has an effect on the world. This frustrates me. The Democrats (who I used to align with because of its old values) is now dangerous. The Republicans fill me with no confidence either. Trump and Harris are not the answer to a list of problems that might already be too late to fix. RFK is probably the only one who could pull this together - particularly after the obvious wealth AND control transfer to have come from the Covid era. What RFK's running has shown the world, and I hope the voters in the US, is the 'power' is so powerful that a person like RFK and Nicole see only one way to give us all a chance is to join Trump. If this isn't a wakeup call, then the blinkers are firmly fixed and the corrupt power wins. The only good thing that can be taken out of this mess IS the clear reality that this is a busted and corrupt system, and only you people there can do something.>> <<@worldtravelerall7 says : I feel like I randomly wandered into the land of the crazy people. Anyone who is taking any of this seriously needs a psych visit.>> <<@mrwise2k says : Starting at 14:40... Nicole: There's all of these clinicians that want to speak the truth, but they can't. They actually can't. They will lose their licenses if they speak outside of the central scientific paradigm. Tom: And how do we stop that? Nicole: It's so simple...Government stops colluding with Big Pharma. It's really simple...and it doesn't cost me money. That's the best part. I appreciate her authenticity, but this response strikes me as simpleminded and doesn't address what the question implies: How do you stop Government colluding with Big Pharma? If their candidacy was primarily a means to accessing a platform that would enable them to influence policies as they want, and they still have a path toward that, then why does she sound broken? This is not a person capable of surviving in the shark tank that is American politics, much less thriving.>> <<@nickharris9218 says : Is it me or is she stoned af?>> <<@barefootarts737 says : RFK on Fox news confirms that he did reach out to the Harris campaign. One of the two is lying.>> <<@TheMoneyballTrader says : Who are “we”??>> <<@SacredSerpentry says : It’s also hard to believe that the party who overtly states they want to dismantle democracy could ever be a “unity” party. When Harris took over the race they lost the independent vote>> <<@SacredSerpentry says : Their beef with the dnc is fair….but teaming up with trump for a handout just because you’re mad….no way>> <<@SacredSerpentry says : Idk, RFK has lost the credibility he had with voters and she seems like she’s trying hard to word very carefully>> <<@1africa-io says : She sounds a bit untrustworthy. Broken a bit. I wonder what is truly the problem>> <<@Sosa12 says : Trusting Trump with anything is like trusting an alcoholic not to drink. Trump doesn’t care about regulating big pharmaceutical companies—thinking otherwise is delusional. He will say anything to stay in power, and it’s clear he only cares about himself. We all know this. RFK is a huge disappointment. His actions seem driven by ego and resentment toward those who turned against him, rather than by love for our country. It's very sad to see him endorse someone as dangerous and anti-democratic as Trump.>> <<@qaissdashti2972 says : Nothing but a social climber issuing her dictates>> <<@erickieffer4639 says : DNC evil.>> <<@balancer182 says : Is this the way she normally speaks? Because she sounds like she has been crying for days at the DNC's betrayal.>> <<@KathyMcDevitt says : Breath of fresh air! Yes let's get critical thinking. Great interview Tom>> <<@Secular-Republic says : RFK has more votes than Kamala 😂😂 Kamala doesn’t win primary election ( Zero votes on 2019 and 2024 ) 😂😂😂 RFK has policy and Kamala doesn’t have any media conference since 2020 😂😂😂 Kamala don’t have policy she just copied 😂😂 MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN, RFK jr 2024 🇺🇸🗽💪💪>> <<@glocktown21 says : TRUMP AND RFK - MAKE AMERICA DEFEAT COMMUNISM!!!!!!! LOVE THIS INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@jeanettes2225 says : I am loving this young woman and her ideas and beliefs for California and our nation. First I heard of her! Glad that I came upon this video.>> <<@cindyspiess9963 says : Thanks Tom 👍>> <<@brandywalkenten9085 says : Nicole def looks shook up. I think she has seen things by the democrats that she never thought she’d see.>> <<@MtnMichael88 says : “We could win” makes the whole message flimsier. It’s sad but RFK has stone zero shot to even get the 5% to make a third party.>> <<@louissartor6294 says : The Democratic Party is an organization committed to limiting democratic challenges to its influence in our electoral system. Not so democratic. A corporate funded party owned by the donor class and hostile to the well being of ordinary Americans. The GOP is similar. Not a great time to be an ordinary American. No wonder many are declining to bring children into this world.>> <<@cathyjodiaz says : 🎉I am sooooooo sad what the Democratic POWER people have done, are doing. I like very much listening to Nicole and RFK!!🤚🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟>> <<@badshard09 says : Nicole is a great American. Her and Bobby made a difficult but correct choice. Nothing is more important than keeping the White House out of the Democrat's hands this November. I hope to see Bobby and her involved with the Trump Admin on these important issues. Unity-Party 2024!>> <<@th9368 says : Never trust a woman that cheated on her husband>> <<@clifcody says : thanks for sharing>> <<@mahrud says : HOLY SMOKES!!! Shanahan for governor 2028!!! Let’s go>> <<@roadwarriorega7766 says : 🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@hafunland894 says : My Take Nicole Shanahan is a really good-hearted loving person who is authentic and wants to improve this country especially the chronic disease epidemic. Her idealism is great, and I think Trump will use RFK, Jr to get votes and like his first administration do everything big money wants. Trump has no moral compass at all. She with all her goodness will be used, very sad such a nice person...>> <<@VDJ4500 says : “Choose a lesser evil” is not even a metaphor in this case.>>