<<@englishincontext4025 says : Those coming to the UK illegally, on small boats are almost exclusively young, fighting-age men. There are very few women and children.>> <<@nima7505 says : According to this globalist depopulation is the key, fraudster>> <<@futures2247 says : Once again the greed of the few destroying everything>> <<@123prestolee says : In the UK, the illegal immigrant now takes priority housing over the indigenous people - take a second to understand just how despicable this is. WEF.>> <<@Julia-v9l says : Although I absolutely agree this is a key factor in resolving the current situation and is part of the REAL solution (which letting in an indefinite amount of immigrants into western countries is not), it is a little more complex as well, isn't it? What about the many people fleeing from wars and oppressive regimes? This is not all caused by degraded soil or by unequal investments although I understand also wars may be influenced by those factors.>> <<@sophrosyne5900 says : Western society has been invaded by immigrants ( Majority Indian and Pakistani ). If you bring the third world to a first world, it becomes a third world. Homelessness, Unemployment, CRIME is sky rocketing. These immigrants need to fix their home soil . Period. Western society does NOT want more immigrant that are not adding value to their societies . Infact, they are destroying the countries they have flocked to.>> <<@teddydavis2339 says : Europeans migrated for centuries. They actually replaced native peoples all over the world. Europeans want to deny a right to others that they have enjoyed for centuries. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand , Brazil, and Argentina are all a result of mass migration from Europe.>> <<@baybergnaturals4258 says : Working with United Nations? That’s the threat>> <<@MichaelDuciaume-yq6dc says : Wormwood everyday.>> <<@MrZoomZone says : Investment is always seen as plundering by ungrateful ingnorant descendants who prefer to play a victim card because it takes less effort than maintaining their inheritance.>> <<@Lily4444 says : It’s not family’s fleeing anymore it’s only young men!>> <<@throwtheproject says : Who's still listening to this WEF clown?>> <<@Aziz.A says : I like listening to this guy yapping about common sense>> <<@sjgyomrey says : but why arnt their own government supporting them??? something is not right...>> <<@Cire548 says : He is correct in discussing the need to spread wealth/investment and build other areas. For sure. What SG probably doesn’t know, or won’t speak about, is that immigration has been weaponized. Against the west in particular. Our western governments have sold out to the real powers that be, and are intentionally diluting the native populations and collapsing our Societies. It’s already looking bad in so many ways.>> <<@tiffkaelora says : What about how Costa Rica used oranges to make a jungle. Can't they do the same for other migrating countries ? Other countries could pitch in to help.>> <<@navidvarzeghani2789 says : This nonesense needs to stop finally>> <<@navidvarzeghani2789 says : So even India got bought hm?>> <<@Musician_Robert says : Canadians aren’t migrating.>> <<@dereknesbitt5378 says : Sadly movement in such numbers will just move the poverty into the wealthy parts of the world. As pointed out, even rich countries cannot contain the problem.>> <<@user-vc9nt2cg1c says : There are many cases that the vast majority of immigrants and ilegal immigrants are all young fighting fit men not women and children . our gullible governments allow them sactuary and benefits and crime massively increases in that country due to to their constant influx, can you explain that ? it most certainly IS NOT always familys needing help.>> <<@paulmorgancollings7833 says : This "crisis " has been an orchestrated operation, years in the making. The tragedy and utter chaos we're now seeing across the western world is exactly as expected and desired by the globalists. It's not hard work to find the literature that they themselves have published, describing how they're going to bring in a new global governance system. Thanks for your videos from a regular bloke in the UK.>> <<@jonyztube says : This man is a magical genius!>> <<@bibleaday154 says : He was spot on with his answers.>> <<@richiewalsh309 says : Globalist plant.>> <<@peteratherton1792 says : Men of fighting age who LEAVE their wives and kids BEHIND in prefere for lifelong BENEFITS!>> <<@Astrodicted says : Maybe he should have a talk with his friends at WorldEF about it. They caused this bs>> <<@harriehoutman5154 says : Migration is not just happening, it is organized for political reasons. Mass immigration to destabilize western culture in order to replace political system by global totalitarian regime. This is cleary happening for decennia already.>> <<@AC-id5ow says : Escaping a problem often creates a bigger problem elsewhere whilst the initial problem still exists. Strong nations have a long history of fixing problems. Be strong.>> <<@briankelly85 says : the entire planet earth is migrating to white countries. Europe, USA, Canada, Australia. why???>> <<@thelastaustralian7583 says : An Old man told me when i was a Boy Men need to stop impregnating Women. Or Humans will cease ....>> <<@user-hf6ip4mv2g says : It's about carbon credits : (>> <<@pinakkoladaa says : STOP MAKING BABIES WHO STARVE AND THEN WANT TO MIGRATE>> <<@Guitar6ty says : Mass immigration is not sustainable all it does is impoverish everyone. In the 1940s Israel was a desert yet they made the desert bloom enough to export food to the rest of the world.>> <<@neogirl37 says : I used to like sadhguru until I found out he was entwined with the UN...>> <<@andyfraenkel4498 says : The soil is only part of the solution. Find out why people are running away from their homes and address that first. Perhaps an oppressive government or violent gangs. First create a safe environment and then an environment where people can develop a livelihood. In my Mahabharata Project I talk about how these two components are the responsibilities of real leadership. We can see that even Krishna became a refugee as soon as he was born, and his father carried Krishna to safety to a distant village.>> <<@davidarnaud8290 says : lot of love your way Sadhguru>> <<@Syl-Vee says : Thank you for this.>> <<@ruthmoore2246 says : I love your ideas. That is really smart. Thank you sir. You are a very wise man.>> <<@NavDeepDhim4n says : What is he doing now>> <<@user-yt2vd9gz8y says : Would be ok if it were women and children, but we only get young fighting age males with no woman or child, so any suffering is self inflicted, which of course was a choice. Don't pluck my strings with this virtue signalling BS>> <<@ShafiahBenaissa says : Beautifully put ❤>> <<@rudyponzio5871 says : 🙏🏻What else happens behind the scenes? Humans settle others who are worse. But in steps that are-way more compassionate then their other selves wench they came. Who harken back to those of them they left behind.🫐either way it's blueberries for more than less. Ha... Laugh Out Loud because we have to eat. 🙏🏻>> <<@WwHERCULESwW says : Brilliant Sadhguru and Team! Brilliant! ❤>> <<@pharoahkenun999 says : very good points made>> <<@ubergeraldine says : We have a huge problem on the UK now and our government has become treacherous towards anyone who speaks out. Most of the se people are not escaping cruelty or starvation - they have n agenda becuase they see the Uk as a soft touch. We are an island and we are bursting at the seams with a growing crime rate.>> <<@ChristopherLecky says : Move forward to never need to look back with regret......!>> <<@Suzi.M says : Sadhguru always has the right answers. 😎🥰🌍>> <<@rudyponzio5871 says : 🙏🏻Drawn back in full overview. Real world present continuance points to the science and math of it. Given they are the superseding analytical backdrops. Something then thinks it knows America needs more humans and fast. And not for votes as prime objective. And not for farming etc. What's the all of the bi-product and ongoing ripples across oceans where cultures and ethnicity's blend forwards each decade? What evolves from the vacancy's abandoned? And how long is the analytical look ahead in time? How many objectives are satisfied? Was the initial capturing rooted merely in static current histories? Than designed with overlayed staggered released controls for targeted results. Leaving out search work for high solutions. Aligning aptitudes. Uniting the sprit through raising intellect centering sensibilities. Fueling burning desire. Stretching into humanities fullest possibilities in the face of a technological arena man has never know?🫐>> <<@PeterWillems-s5q says : This is pure BS . And iff his third eye is open he knows this.>>