<<@PewDiePie says : new vidya on kens chan too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peWmIB4aE94&t=295s>> <<@TheMovieLoft says : Bank account must be getting low>> <<@Neriichann says : But the food gets cold if u eat that slow>> <<@clarkcadion1658 says : oy san miguel pilsen! philippines!>> <<@JoHowe-v5i says : Liked the 2nd I seen Ken! .25 seconds>> <<@WheelerSamantha says : Moore David Walker Jessica Moore Mark>> <<@Konani_the_unicorn_queen says : that PS thing was, indeed, very-very hilarious, i kinda love how just everyone kept going along with it XD>> <<@spicedorspices-AofS says : I’ve been watching since i was 9.. that’s insane. It’s been ten years now and I turn 20 next month>> <<@rheajean6588 says : Eyy pilsen was featured>> <<@jinx8624 says : pewdiepies claim that he doesn't drive because hes american is one of the dumbest things ive heard him say unless it's sarcasm>> <<@varmestuganhelsingborg says : Maybe! :)>> <<@metallicoctopus2037 says : “Made her do cardio and that was it” 😂😂>> <<@elyasxalil7914 says : islam = happy forever and go in the jannah❤>> <<@DarkSw0rD says : Guys I think PewDiePie really hates bridges>> <<@oneunicorn904 says : That’s me, I will start to watch something. I inhale my food pause clean up then have to wait an hour while I wait for my 7 year old to eat. Go back to watching my phone again>> <<@reichmuth100 says : If you chew slower it satisfies your tastes bud's that sends a message to your brain and therfore if your over weight? It makes you fuller faster , So you find more food left on your plate, Also, if your not over weight? It helps to keep you at your normal weight. Ask any doctor this.>> <<@ajcafe1890 says : "im just focused and im eat 'em" relatable>> <<@GANGARAAAAAH says : Maybye?>> <<@robertgyarmati361 says : in romania you can still use those firecrackers on new years😂🎉🎉🎉>> <<@SunnyDunno-d7t says : Brown Jose Hernandez Shirley Harris Dorothy>> <<@KuroHebi says : If feeding your baby a jalapeno is child abuse then I guess the whole of South America and Asia should be incarcerated. Ffs.>> <<@MissWellne says : I can so relate to the kids wanting you to eat stuff all the time. I'm like "Mmm, drool.. Yum.." xD>> <<@ndgee1150 says : Pale Pilsen represent 😂😂>> <<@cftyftyufyfuyfty says : What's with the arms???>> <<@robijakus6860 says : 5:10 literal eating disorder type shit>> <<@smileyface8214 says : pimple>> <<@aaravdudeja says : I am watching Felix after a long time and my god does he look so mature now. Like being a dad definitely changes your looks>> <<@SaltNBattery says : Imagine being a bad driver in a country notorious for bad drivers lmao.>> <<@R3VYZ says : Maybe?>> <<@nyankosensey1531 says : Dam pew die pie is 40... i am old too.>> <<@BurneJonesClaire-b1v says : Anderson Scott Hernandez Mary Gonzalez Margaret>> <<@BrentStarling says : Been many years since I’ve watched Felix, and I cannot stress enough how much he and Ken look like professors now. It is UNCANNY.>> <<@TobyOrville says : Miller Mary Thomas Shirley Thompson Jessica>> <<@salmaasworld says : 4:40 pewdiepie and cinnamontoastken talking about calories me : eating chocolate....>> <<@BioCrusade98 says : The toast on a shoe reminds me of the toast on a cat's back. It spins in the air like a magnet.>> <<@MariaHarris-t3j says : Lopez Michelle Wilson Kevin Miller Larry>> <<@yacinebenaissa9838 says : "goddamn bridges" if you're old enough you'll know what it means>> <<@life-is-meaningless747 says : Here after a year luv 2 c what's he been doing 😂👊>> <<@JrockAonR says : Just a couple of dads being dads>> <<@gorillabiscuitsmerch says : Taylor Helen Williams Charles Hall William>> <<@StupidMediaReddit says : Review r/StupidMedia!>> <<@msa6662 says : Wtf are these dumbass low contents to watch/review...all of them are either staged or edited...>> <<@aidanmccown4095 says : felix is looking like his dad>> <<@anonimus370 says : dunno what Pewds is on about, alcohol in general is very caloric .>> <<@ivananinana2149 says : GET HIM TO 112M>> <<@maryesesmithfe5068 says : Robinson Karen Garcia Karen Thompson Charles>> <<@hideotrolljima907 says : Pewds and bridge-san, name a better duo>> <<@Mitsou44 says : I saw the thumbnail and I tought "what the hell Linus doing on Pewdiepies channel?">> <<@sala321ify says : What? I got two tickets in the first month of getting my licenses! WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWO TICKETS IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!!>> <<@hemlataprasad5727 says : PewDiePie you can just overtake T-Series and Mr beast and cocomelon WWE>>