<<@RogerSmith-lc9lo says : Washington is another branch of organized crime>> <<@rapier5 says : In September withholding taxes were up 8.4% over 9/23. Subtract the 3.8% BLS wage inflation number and you have a 4.4% increase on a fundamental picture of worker earnings. So no we are not in a recession.>> <<@michaelmichellis says : … and reposting aspects of your previous shows is excellent for those that they have not heard it. You could however claim the video by dating it accordingly for all>> <<@michaelmichellis says : @tombilyeu Michael has a lot of extraordinary respect for you, bc he lets you speak to him — directly, clearly and articulately. That’s makes a good presenter, you have his attention>> <<@4Lights.5Liights says : what a Hustle. (what he said)>> <<@riseoblivion237 says : Every dollar is dropping hm I wonder if we are in a Recession or something haha. Of course it's all war time politics I think there is more too it. -+>> <<@BridgetMiller- says : Recessions are part of the economic cycle, all you can do is make sure you're prepared and plan accordingly. I graduated into a recession (2009). My 1st job after college was aerial acrobat on cruise ships. Today I'm a VP at a global company, own 3 rental properties, invest in stocks and biz, built my own business, and have my net worth increase by $500k in the last 4 years.>> <<@SquatchMeta says : $POX on sol youre going to be sad you missed it RESEARCH 404s>> <<@Ratinevo says : Housing.>> <<@keithakola says : Tom -- please limit your thoughts to 15-30 seconds max... please :)>> <<@Ufbear37 says : You forgot to mention corporates and banks buying out politicians and controling government as well>> <<@zaelu says : This guy is simply clueless... like most "financiers" that had their head up US arse all their life. His hole diatribe on other countries printing more money than US is just moronic and pointless. And also his story about Shri Lanka's people freezing to death... like... :D :D :D>> <<@highdynamicphotographyfilm2235 says : Michael for president, please.>> <<@akhtarizod5802 says : WHO ARE THEY ?>> <<@ZacharyTBatson says : I don’t mind re uploads but PLEASE tell us.>> <<@unclestevie.133 says : How much debt are you in now Michael?>> <<@SchindlerNelson says : The truth is sobering: fundamentals are overshadowed when hedge funds exert significant influence. The market's focus has shifted from genuine value and earnings to the clout of deep pockets and strategic manipulation. It's time for a realistic perspective on the market's dynamics. Got into crypto early in 2024 with 8k and I'm up with 21k in a short period of time...>> <<@scuba36fun says : In Canada they telling us EVERYTHING IS GOOD, our economy is growing!, lol>> <<@scuba36fun says : Russians not using US Dollar any longer, and many others moving away from it.>> <<@mattanderson6672 says : Mind = BLOWN! Wooaaahhhh! This is big>> <<@ericvegapeinado9603 says : michael saylor is one of the most pristine persons one can hear, so clear and rationale>> <<@dewaldjacobs86 says : Worth watching again>> <<@jerrycampbell-ut9yf says : Coming out of facing alot, I knew two things about the stock market: It caused the Great Depression, and the fastest way to make a million on the markets was to start with two million. And then the Great Recession happened only a few years later. So yeah, I wish someone had better explained it to me earlier in life. Having a good entry and exit strategy will make you succeed in the stock market.>> <<@DJSTOEK says : >> <<@Brumsey99989 says : I don't understand this pathological NEED to assign "good intentions". It's like saying, "Oh, sucks that crocodile ate my arm, but I'm sure it had good intentions".>> <<@JasonFarrell says : OK - I just unsubbed. Can no longer tolerate the reposted videos that aren't labeled as such. Maybe you'll get a clue after you alienate enough of your former viewers>> <<@zeenababy123 says : Environmentally Sustained Governments. By World Economic Forum. BlackRock. To be completed before Dec. 2025.>> <<@zeenababy123 says : Excellent Discussions worth listening again and again. Thanks..>> <<@zeenababy123 says : During Covid One U.S. dollar is burmese currency of K1300 ( kyats ). Now in year 2024 One U.S. dollar is burmese currency of K5400. A burmese person will have to pay four times more to buy a round trip plane ticket valued $1200 during CoVid years. All planes in Burma International Airport are docked. No more businesses for Burma. All shut down. A Nikke Shoe that was 40 dollars in Burma during Covid is now $160 in the Mall. Nobody can buy anymore including a U.S. tourist visiting Burma. He will have to pay $160 for a Nikke Shoes. No more imports into burma. However , one good blessing is everybody can eat steaks and prawns and fish steaks because there is no more Export of food product coming to rich countries like USA. ( food of third world becomes affordable ) when USA gine dining restaurents are shutting down . Grilled food does not need expensive imported oil. God's blessings watching over the poor, while the rich is abusing without gratitude towards God. Becoming ego worship. Self as god.>> <<@zeenababy123 says : BitCoin. Dark Money / Project 25: Agenda 21/30 Depopulation Technology. Trump/ Elon Musk. https://youtu.be/qGe5_tKEWo0?si=l2ifD_FWHifE9ZP2>> <<@zeenababy123 says : How Dollar will stay strong using BitCoin ETFs using Wall Street while third world is using BitCoin in ATM machines for US dollars. BitCoin Dark Money: https://youtu.be/BUHaQkih4SY?si=3Fjyecyb4SyLWXR6>> <<@christiemelendez7454 says : Even if its an old video that has been reloaded. The information and economics being explained is completely correct. Guys like this should run the Fed. The amount of money we are printing is crazy.>> <<@brunopontes383 says : Superior economic explanation! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽>> <<@angelosenteio says : It’s not too much government this is an over simplification of the problem. The problem is the people in government or more pointedly the culture to which no checks and balances can prevent from the corruption that happens at the top of all governments. Top down control doesn’t work because the people at the top are the most successful sociopaths.>> <<@Astral_Dusk says : The economy is fucked>> <<@Beaumcdougal22 says : A YEAR AGO... TELL US WHEN YOURE POSTING OLD STUFF TOM. Indicate that is a replay or something like that in the title. I'm going to unsubscribe if this keeps happening.>> <<@MetaPhysStore0770 says : There was NO "shut down for a year" in Illinois, kids were in school, funerals were normal, im sick of hearing that lie, only in big cities that people were "controled", imo... move out of cities🎉>> <<@antwbrown says : Find myself skipping through the Tom monologue ‘what I think is this’ in order the hear the guest. And an old video.>> <<@julian-gen says : The cybertruck is pretty big inside.>> <<@taaronjones says : reposted old video for ad revenue, smh>> <<@CarolPuccerelli says : this is an old video , I wasnt aware of that>> <<@CarolPuccerelli says : I like this podcast Michael is so smart and really explains the global economy but its very scary ...>> <<@mikedriver6560 says : I watched Shawn Ryan's interview with Trump. Trump said company instead of the country twice. Saylor did it once, I actually don't mind these individuals thinking about our problems like a company.>> <<@bmacaz says : Old interview>> <<@scottk1525 says : This channel sucks now. Just reruns of panic porn.>> <<@MaxMohammadi says : Tom let the guest speak>> <<@MargisonGODBEY says : I don’t care what you say I repo cars and homes and here in Indiana I’m doing Less than last year but I do agree everything is over priced and it’s coming for sure>> <<@dewaldjacobs86 says : Good to watch some older content i missed…>> <<@dewaldjacobs86 says : Good to watch some older content i missed !>> <<@aleksandrzaviriukha5809 says : “Canada has a strong centralized government.” Canada is a confederacy. The government is not centralized at all.>>