<<@johnny96888 says : The boomers also have more wealth that they can provide their offspring>> <<@laughingvampire7555 says : This isn't about the left or the right, this is about top vs bottom, in 2008 shit hit the fan, 2009 tea party movement (right wing base becomes anti-system) in 2011 Occupy Wall St (left wing becomes anti-system & reinvigorates Socialism) the elites get scared of a revolution so they start to blame the potential soldiers and alienate them from the rest of the population to protect themselves, thus in 2011 start to increase all the articles of white man bad. Then it came Bernie Sanders and Donald J Trump to capitalize the populist wave. shit got stronger from the top to destroy the link between the best soldiers in history (white men) and the rest of the population and that is why they have given all the top army leadership to everyone except white men (commies don't count as white men)>> <<@laughingvampire7555 says : well, in the preindustrial role, marriage was a business merge the son of the baker married a daughter of another baker so she could become the co-owner of the new family and its bakery. When industrialization happen, this arrangement was a problem because families were the customers and only one individual made the decision, the man. So the rich women started feminism in order for their husbands to multiply their number of customers.>> <<@gavinsmith6658 says : I actually feel a Need to tell this guy how badass he is! Young man is unreal.!!>> <<@thecortdialgmail says : Great interviewer!>> <<@thehark6247 says : there has been more than one mousetopia expirament using rats, same conditions, same results, both studies well published.>> <<@thehark6247 says : the male mice in overpopulated dense situations also became homo mice, sexually prefering other male mice. But its not a sickness. truth>> <<@matthewmagda4971 says : "The sky is falling"... I agree with the premeses here but not the conclusion. While the quality of life here sucks, we've been promised a catastrophic reset for over two decades via Y2K, Mayan Doomsday, Christian Rapture, etc. It's not going to happen because too many people are still invested in the status quo.>> <<@tacticalenough6334 says : Who are these boomers that think printing money will serve them? Are we talking about a select few political elite? My parents don't like inflation. It only reduces buying power for the dollars they made decades ago.>> <<@Bmizzzle1 says : Every you tuber doom and gloomier has lectured on the coming civil war, but NO ONE talks about who will be fighting who? I’ve been on the side of expecting something big and chaotic in my life. I’m one of the early birds to the game. But in terms of civil war, who is fighting?>> <<@steve5289 says : Brilliant kid. He needs to get into government.>> <<@SanityTastesGood says : We have been lied to about EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. We know NOTHING about ANYTHING. It’s evident in the academia realm, government realm, religious factions…. NOTHING.>> <<@earlworley-bd6zy says : The elites who are they?,Where are they?>> <<@amafid says : Nice clickbait>> <<@Argee55732 says : Wow, just wow. Rudyard, I simply cannot believe what I am hearing. Virtually everything you are saying I’ve had similar thoughts for the past 50 years. Including mouse Utopia, which I never heard of such an experiment. For your young age, you’re incredibly intelligent and have a great insight and perspective. This should go viral… Or maybe not? Keep up the good work you have a new and much older follower. Would be wonderful if communities had similarly thinking social circles, where people could meet over a coffee like the old speak easys of the past. None around in I Toronto.>> <<@RogerSmith-lc9lo says : Washington is another branch of organized crime>> <<@Bdstx563 says : How tf do you look that old at 23?!>> <<@summerman2 says : Instead of thinking there is this natural organic cycle, what about the idea that there is a controlling group that makes this happen?>> <<@infinitewatersss says : Civil war? you mean like our old one? the one in el Salvador? Consider that the current info war IS the civil war? or do you pine for blood? do you know anything about war? or do you play video games?>> <<@coryclay9014 says : A bit dark...but incredibly interesting>> <<@HH-hb9uy says : 51:00 everything you're saying here, I can't make any sense of it.. Sounds gibberish.>> <<@kevinrickey3925 says : oh, a 20 yr old intellectual talking about Gen Z. later losers.>> <<@kevinrickey3925 says : Even if you think about a civil war, don't propagate the idea.. how stupid are you?>> <<@SilverSpoon-t2w says : VOTE!! You want this $%^$ to turn around stop thinking socialism / communism...and Vote! for a complete change.>> <<@DopelyTV says : this dood is 23 wholy shi>> <<@JamesHolben says : I take issue with your characterization of "Boomers"...I was born in 1957, entered the workforce in 1975 and had to work my *ss off to survive every since....NEVER had it easy...so stuff it!!!>> <<@mattjenkins682 says : You can never find purpose outside of yourself. You are the infinite. Only the infinite can fulfill you.>> <<@mattjenkins682 says : I think the reason young people's predictions rarely come to fruition is because they have no idea how anything works. Research cannot replace experience.>> <<@dj012001 says : Really good discussion and analysis. One point of disagreement is about crazy people. Having known several people who have diagnosed/labeled as 'mentally ill' it is my opinion that almost every single person in that group is well aware of their 'issue.' And, almost all will attempt to use their 'mental illness ' to get what they want. Great discussion.>> <<@Jon-br8co says : Guy is a joke.>> <<@J.Monty-w4w says : "Can we think of a single standard it is possible to hold women to, today?" 😅😅 ~1:08:30~>> <<@keithj6251 says : I was born in 1961, a baby boomer. The height of wages and US dollar buying power peaked in 1968. Its been a downhill slide ever since. Tte system wasn't set up to help me for even 15% of my life.>> <<@keithj6251 says : If I had listened to my father and attended college right out of high school I might he in a great position financially compared to dtowning in debt as I am.>> <<@angie-v3e says : Prayer is strength, in all times of history, be your higher self!>> <<@zakkruse3097 says : America was so great because it was founded by Christians fleeing religious persecution.>> <<@russruss2446 says : It’s easy to get intoxicated by the idea that history repeats itself, that there are cycles. There are not. History may rhyme, but it doesn’t repeat. In addition, notice how you really have to focus to try to understand whatever point he is trying to make? That is a big red flag. Also, this guy likes to say words like ”variables” and ”statistics” to make it sound like some scientific study, but there really is no science here. Yeah, Boomers had it good and life isn’t fair. It isn’t fair that 99% of people have less opportunity than you and there’s nothing they can do about that either.>> <<@darrenfenton9280 says : Limerence>> <<@lewisdawson7347 says : A fly also regurgitates.>> <<@centercannothold says : Lisan Al-Whatif>> <<@jasonficklin8611 says : Excellent discussion! Thanks Tom and Rudyard!>> <<@de_Atavist says : He has read alot, but he hasnt lived....Everything read isnt gospel!....would love to know how successful his relationship with women have been>> <<@theyetti90 says : This 23 year old young man is my spirit animal 😂>> <<@cronoesify says : I love this dudes mind bros. Lets work on his posture, together. We believe in u dood>> <<@ronf968 says : Your guest sounds just like Ben Shapiro>> <<@alisachaise3 says : F* yes>> <<@sondbird2421 says : Lots of stupid people cant compare the USA to the fall of Rome and think Civil War is just something from a book>> <<@tylerwestmusic9563 says : CentralbankscentralbankscentralbanksCentralbankscentralbankscentralbanksCentralbankscentralbankscentralbanksCentralbankscentralbankscentralbanks>> <<@sgonged says : This guy is so wrong on so many levels. I feel dumber just hearing this.>> <<@DopelyTV says : social collapse every 250 years? Roman Empire: 27 BCE – 476 CE (approximately 503 years) Ottoman Empire: 1299 – 1922 (approximately 623 years) Han Dynasty: 206 BCE – 220 CE (approximately 426 years) Byzantine Empire: 330 – 1453 (approximately 1,123 years) Holy Roman Empire: 962 – 1806 (approximately 844 years)>> <<@RhysElroy says : 0836 Gaylord Neck>>