<<@rhonalipshitz4333 says : We are naive for sure Maybe those chinese are released criminals from jail in chine on condition to find a new home across the ocean.>> <<@Baczkowa78 says : Brett’s thinking “This guy’s tangents never end! He sounds like my former students at Evergreen.”>> <<@ellington237 says : He should of video taped his trip through South America. Or is he just vocalizing this story from fear, possibility and his imagination?>> <<@poetnathan26 says : How many goddamn commercials are you gonna make me watch asshole I'm trying to fucking record this to send it to somebody who will never watch it based on your fucking title and you keep making me watch message advertisements on the same seven minute section what the fuck>> <<@suadasmar6821 says : Trump is now the right president>> <<@stuie999 says : This might be a good time to acknowledge the deep state and their insain idea to get 20 million more votes for the democrats.>> <<@Man-u-flex says : Tom is just as cringe as Adam from PBD they are tied neck to neck race on being most cringe, fck>> <<@HalfJapMarine says : Just a couple of white supremacists>> <<@FunkCatherine-l8g says : Rodriguez Amy Wilson Daniel Lewis James>> <<@patriciadoane2161 says : Please find someone for yourself.>> <<@TationTheMedi says : These are people that haven't realized yet that they are the terrorist society.. They got indoctrinated thinking they're the good guys but were the bad guys the whole time.. So back to racism>> <<@patriciadoane2161 says : Tom, you should so silly. Eric is so much more intelligent and sounds that way.>> <<@patriciadoane2161 says : Tom, you sound silly. I know this is months old but please. Don’t give silly opinions when you don’t have any idea what is happening. Eric really outshines you.>> <<@kimholowell9245 says : Watch all of it to get an overall idea and perspective.>> <<@rowanstarling3816 says : The comparison between airports and the border sent shivers down my spine. Putting us through rigorous scrutiny to perhaps stop a few terrorists versus tens of thousands of multiple cells of soldiers from different countries coming across our opwn borders is insanity! Build the wall and deport anyone in the last few years who doesn't pass muster.>> <<@wsopmcgee says : There's approximately 15 - 20 divisions of Chinese military aged males now in the US who have crossed the border. How better to invade than to be welcomed in through a trojan horse. Your army gets inside without a fight and are at the ready with limited expense and no obvious presence.>> <<@truthful1370 says : Congress knows this and doesn’t care. The did not take action.>> <<@nephetula says : Reshaping the electorate; Democrats are buying votes with the promise of citizenship. That's why they're pushing for no voter ID, as well as instant citizenship for all immigrants. They're dumbing down the electorate, and they know that with enough immigrants on their side, they can make it a one-party system in just a few years. Their goal is the elimination of the Republican party. Yes, it really is that simple.>> <<@dionne3311 says : It frightens me that your generation thinks like you.>> <<@AISoundDesigns says : The diaspora in China involves men, women, and children. These are only military age men. Not hard to figure out. If looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck.>> <<@dionne3311 says : You seem to think of yourself as an intellectual person, but unfortunately one day you are going to be in fie a rude awaking.>> <<@dionne3311 says : Wow. Your blissful ignorance, Tom, made my jaw drop. I can’t watch you anymore.>> <<@annstar4306 says : Australia the same and all around the world,wake up everyone !!!!!😩😩😩😩😩😩>> <<@popothebright says : Read "Unrestricted Warfare". It's not conspiracy theory to believe China is pursuing novel approaches to do the US harm. It's documented by the Chinese military themselves.>> <<@ravenstone366 says : They will Bankrupt America, Open Borders all who are here It Will Be a Take Over From Within by PEOPLE WHO AREN'T AMERICAN CITIZENS..... KAMEL, BIDEN, NACEY, HILLARY, BUSH(AS WITH RELEASING JFK, RFK, MLK, MALCOLMS, ALL DEATH FORMS) CHEENYS AOC, ETC.ETC THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO ALL OVERS, DEMONCRATS WHOLE PICTURE FOR THE WORLD SINCE THE EARLY 1900... BOMBARDMENT FROM ALL SIDES, YET WORST OF ALL OUR FELLOW CITIZENS WE ELECTED INTO OFFICES AS OFFICIALS AT THE TOP.. NOT LITTLE TOWNS ITS SET UP AS A CIA OP ONLY LITTLE KNOWN KNOWLEDGE SO NOT TO BLOW THE WHOLE COUP, OR MAFIA, OR CARTEL OR GANGS REGIMES..😢>> <<@sandraparisi6251 says : Yes, Panama sold it soul to China. They now have a strategic base at the entrance to the Panama Canal. China plays a long game, waits for openings fissures and immediately pours in. This migration is well planned and our current and past administrations have been instrumental in it. This current ( past 3 1/2 yrs) migration or flood of illegals is not happenstance nor just a future voting bloc. This goes well beyond that.>> <<@carefulconsumer8682 says : True. When an American walks back across thee border from Mexico, they have to go thru the various scanners and be interviewed by border patrol and/or customs. Yet these folks are just allowed to walk across scott free with no questions and no scanners. That's strange.>> <<@dorisstevens6829 says : Who has done harm to who? The migrants from south America shouldn't be allowed to enter the US so the harm done is not by the Chinese to us its done by the US. The US gov is also making threads against the Chinese every day, claiming that they need to contain China! May be they're starting to turn the tables on the western Emperials and contain them...>> <<@IamLaR1 says : Tom needs to take his blindfold off. Everything is clear as day and he's acting like it's night time.>> <<@scavone72 says : Its pretty sad how many Americans are willing to wreck the country if they get the pleasure of a perceived slight to their political opposites.>> <<@myjriley21 says : Chinese buying farmland in America near US military bases. Now add people. Wtf?>> <<@burningneutron6884 says : After Benghazi and Russia gate and you couldn’t vote for Trump over Hillary because he said something crass? Sorry, I just don’t understand that. Blatant corruption vs a guy that says rude things. And that tripped you up? This is why we are where we are, period.>> <<@thegeorget1 says : Yes, there’s no nothing about Chinese culture and what they might’ve thought of him being a story keeping the mouth shut. This is the worst I ever heard on his mouth. I respected him before, but I think he’s not.>> <<@suemerritt7895 says : Everyone who wants to vote for Kamala needs to hear this. She did nothing to stop this. Her main job as Vice President was to protect our border. This was her main job as Vice President. Because of her negligence to do her main job, this USA is now open to an attack from within. We might possibly have an entire Chinese Army stationed in our country already. She is a traitor!!!>> <<@jasjas-rm9kc says : The people engineering all this nonsense seem to forget one critical fact. If they manage to bring about the end of America as we know it, where will they live? Where will they hide?>> <<@stephanieplatt6138 says : I am forced labor known as modern day slave for the USA governmentt for 40,years. In2018 the USA government human trafficked me to Amazon company for cing me to process thousands of Amazon products at no pay more slave labor the revenue my slave labor generated is used to buy those million dollar homes money they did not earn and they do not pay taxes on to try to silence me the USA govt targeted terminally mother not silenced the USA govt tried to murder so. many times ilostcount>> <<@lauradavila8084 says : Here's a thought that gives me nightmares.! Millions of illegals have crossed our southern border. Even if less than one percent of that number came here to do America harm, the number of enemies on American soil today would be in the hundreds, maybe thousands.? We just passed the 23rd. anniversary of the 9-11 attack on Washington and New York. How many enemies/terrorists did it take to bring down two tower's in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on 9-11.??? Something to think about.?!>> <<@williamjames3313 says : I was waiting to hear Bret’s opinion on the war in ME to know whether he is the real deal or another spanner thrown in the works, I’m happy to know he is as genuine about unity as he first appears>> <<@michaelcoleman9044 says : The name of the organization doing this is the HIAS. A Zionist funded non-profit multinational non-government organization. Same organization that is flooding Europe with migrants.>> <<@LilithLi13 says : Haven’t finished watching, but the thought occurred to me to wonder why the US’ national debt and vulnerability to China isn’t brought into this conversation. To elaborate further, that could explain why US officials are leaving our border open in such a very dangerous way. Perhaps it is a smoky back room agreement that power players from the US and China have come to so that the Chinese don’t call in our debt in a way that would crash the stock market or something else awful. On a separate thought (and aside from the “hostile” read on the young Chinese male immigrants), I’m wondering how much our government is allowing immigrants in en mass because we no longer have US workers willing to do the worst shit jobs. Thoughts?>> <<@eslwebcamforkids says : This Chinese army idea is uniformed and just dumb. Does Bret know the history Chinese immigration to the US? Does he speak Chinese? How does he know the difference between hostile and scared and scarred and exhausted. Compared to the number of Chinese in high schools and universities southern border immigration is a trickle. I base my view on work with immigrant children and parents-mostly Asian for decades. Get back in your wheelhouse and stick yo what you know.>> <<@keihemminger8012 says : Want to talk about imperialism? Let's talk about what the USA is doing in and to the Middle East...>> <<@philipkirkgokam4941 says : Gonzalez Larry Anderson George Martinez Helen>> <<@michaellittier6808 says : Trump killed the bill that would have helped.>> <<@michaellittier6808 says : Did you think to take any pictures Bret ?>> <<@sandrafordres2471 says : Jackson Deborah Miller Shirley Allen Eric>> <<@childbirthjoy says : 9,>> <<@trueconspiracies7945 says : If you don't vote for Trump... Plan on our country being destroyed by the globalists. Look no further than the southern border.>> <<@dccoaching2867 says : It doesn’t work making so many people with so different views live together>> <<@pambuddha says : Lol Minute 3 is just the description of what we've lived since I can remember. Like literally i was taught this in school since o had 10. It just came out to the world.>>