<<@greyrider7507 says : I would say your dart is effective only with proper shot placement. To increase the effectiveness of the dart consider adding a broadhead to the dart. I have seen plastic ones here in America. Better yet imbed the broadhead in the plastic cone as it pops off.>> <<@BrandLmedia says : Wonderful and funny video! Love it! Love from Sweden!>> <<@nopoking3338 says : As to the question at hand I will confirm it does hurt. I had a doctor try to extract fluid from my knee. He couldn't find any so he began wiggling the syringe around like a joystick. Almost the most painful thing I have ever experienced.>> <<@dreadnaughttactical says : Just like the Vodka in my cup.. pellets guns can f_ck you up! It works, if that is all you got.. and it will f_ck you up if you get shot>> <<@jankarieben1071 says : i had a rod removed from a mended collarbone once and they had to twist it out, i barely felt it until it was almost all the way out and they didnt even have to sedate me, so my guess is it depends on the type of bone trauma.>> <<@johncarter6238 says : Good video.JoergSprave πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ And your zombie head is realistic. more than a 5000 euro torso. weird law in germany. you are allowed to have gas pistols. everything that looks like a real firearm. tear gas weapons and batons. in the Netherlands this is not allowed. But air pressure weapons up to 1000 joules are. that is allowed my lightest rifle is a gamo. with 27 joules>> <<@tomshepherd4901 says : Joules are joules. Larger caliber allows for more energy, but if the gun is 7 joules, it's 7 joules, no matter what the caliber. A sharper projectile will give you better penetration, but no more energy.>> <<@thatsamemark says : it's quite interesting, in UK where the air rifles legal limit is 12lb/p without needing a license wonder if that would make a difference ... can you do bows or crossbows follow up to this video as this is quite intriguing>> <<@Liquidmetal6661 says : That laugh when he put the pump attachment on was absolute, genuine chaos πŸ˜‚>> <<@jtkerrigan3526 says : Love your laugh bro, a very slightly evil scientist! Love your vids!>> <<@anonanonymous1988 says : The issue with defensive purposes is not whether or not something will kill. The issue is, will it stop a threat immediately. If the threat dies, it is immaterial to your safety if it isn't stopped before doing harm.>> <<@richardswinson4381 says : Weirauch hw 80 was, in the early 80s, in the top 5 air rifles to own.>> <<@soopafamicom says : As soon as you held it up I knew it was a HW80 by the stock. I've the HW80k, love it even if it's a little weighty. Didn't realise you were restricted to only 6j over there. We can go to 12ft/lb which is about 16j in the UK.>> <<@acornthedwarf8174 says : America has its draw backs but Im glad to have access to a 12guage shotgun...>> <<@ayobali0121 says : πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Dude you are so amazing, and your creations are bloody marvellous 🀩🀩🀩>> <<@TheRealAnarchrox says : I had a lumbar puncture done poorly by a training doctor and they poked the bone and it hurt like hell.>> <<@tranminhnhat7645 says : I once had a minor surgery on my knee cap. It was just to take some tissue sample close to my knee join so they didn't cut me open :D When the tool they use touched my bone, I could feel it clearly even I had pain killer. I could imagine it would hurt quite bad if a big needle jab into my bone. Sorry in advance if I used mixed-up terms. I have zero medial background.>> <<@andyf4292 says : wondr if you put another one of those funnels half way down the projectile,, would it make them more stable?>> <<@Ibnfunk says : I have had needle hit the bone. It is stunning but not particularly painful during the injury. It is very painful afterwards - from rest onewards for a week or so. I have also had lombar puncture. That is sickeningly painful. I don't know how comparable it is to other bones being punctured. I think anticipation causes a lot of pain, which is why i am very sceptical of people who talk about their pain on a medical table.>> <<@paulancill3872 says : Bone it’s self has no pain receptors it is the membrane surrounding the bone the periosteum which gives you the pain with a broken bone.>> <<@adddibrux says : As an American veteran, I don't understand but appreciate to no end, people that can sleep soundly without a loaded firearm on the night stand.>> <<@Olliinn says : interesting>> <<@joetorres7052 says : As someone who lives in Mexico, and unable to obtain fireguns I was recently researching the Umarex 13Joule .50 Cal. I would be curious to know if this gatling pcp arrow shooter would be legal here and also if it's available to buy / ship to my country? And if it is... Where can I order one?>> <<@ghostbombl8034 says : In some shops by me we can get over 1000 fpsmi seen them 1,200fps but requires a gun license. My last gun was 900 fps none co2.>> <<@toddlong8672 says : You could put your eye out>> <<@daniellagrimaldi says : Very painful to the bone....some dentist here it is not....maybe not in the mouth. Try it on your femur or iliac bone.>> <<@johnattwood8467 says : He's such a good dude making video's with such restrictions. I feel your pain being an Englishman ❀>> <<@villesorjonen5779 says : I like regulations wrong hands guns even airguns are dangerous>> <<@josephturner7569 says : A school friend was killed by one. About 50 years ago.>> <<@Makdaddy-q4y says : Anyone would be so lucky to have you working engineering for their company>> <<@TechnoMagi-h4r says : I have recently made a Home Defence Air Pistol .45 Cal it uses up a full gas cartridge for one shot and fires a solid Rubber Bullet made out of an old Truck Tyre 😁>> <<@TheDemonGamerOfFleetStreet says : Pellet guns can be around about as dangerous as any other firearm you just need the right amount of force behind it and I reckon it could kill you. I once knew a guy as a kid who once put 2 springs inside of a Weihrauch air rifle for extra oomph, I don't know what he did to it and I never saw what he did inside of it he just was on the wasteland plinking when he told me what he'd done with the springs inside of it. Well whatever he'd done to it it went a longer distance and it was more powerful than you're average Weihrauch because I was stood next to him when he fired it. The pellet travelled around abouts a hundred yards no problem, it seemed longer by where we was but realistically im gonna say a roundabout a 100 yards easily and we heard the plink off of a metal fence lat. Ya know those 3 pronged security fences that you get on industrial sites? Well it hit one of those with a tinggggg! I reckon by how it fealt and by what he said he'd done to it it would be able to cause very serious injuries or death if hit in the right area. Like you're neck or you're eyeball.>> <<@KathrynLiz1 says : The Joerg Sprave version of Paul Harrell's "meat target".... very cool. Gosh your energy limits are low in Germany... here in NZ we are allowed 14 ft lbs without a licence that's about 19 Joules.... quite nasty... my little BSA 177 has this power level.>> <<@Del-Blanco-Diablo says : a kid was killed here in glasgow a few years ago after getting shot in the head with an air rifle, i think they were banned in scotland without a licsence after that , and the guy was convicted of murder ,,,,>> <<@joj321 says : For a second I thought you were Larry Lawton lol>> <<@herbertfawcett7213 says : Try dieseling the airgun.>> <<@WoebringerofDoom says : I have had injections that went to the bone they hurt, but they would not have stopped me from attacking the source of the pain, flatten out the ends of the darts and make mini broadheads. It would increase bleeding and pain.>> <<@bremnersghost948 says : would Tungsten Darts work better than Steel?>> <<@Todd-o8n says : I am so glad that we currently have the freedom to own whatever defense tools we need in the US, we just can't say the word, or we get YouTube jail. πŸ˜‰ The ingenuity you possess to "make do" with laws that leave you defenseless is amazing. Stay crafty my friend!>> <<@VeritySnatch says : nothing hurts worse than a bone graze>> <<@ulriklange3924 says : A cow bone. In danish. I a crowbar/prie bar 😁🍻>> <<@waffleMccoy says : My god dude that crossbow is an amazing pice of engineering>> <<@bunni3140 says : i know not with what weapons world war 4 will be fought, but world war three will be fought with slingbows and bb guns. at least, in germany.>> <<@Raj-ym4cu says : For the purpose of self defense, I don't know, I have my doubts, but what I'm sure about is, anyone shot with that dart is going to be in a world of pain, especially if it lodges in bone. This dart might even kill with a heart shot, if the wound is not medically addressed quickly.>> <<@xIRAIx says : Post more sligshot videos!!πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²>> <<@PhokAwph says : Oooo for once I got something to add, Had a tooth extraction when I was 18, the dentist scraped the anesthesia needles along my jaw bone, the most painful injection I’ve ever had, I felt tinges that pain for several years afterwards if I moved my jaw just right, those darts would definitely been lots of pain, maybe not the initial impact but probably very soon afterwards>> <<@LittleSweed says : I got spinalcord cancer and scoliosis and the worst pain I have ever experienced is spinal anesthesia, not even when I broke 3 ribs in a car crash the pain was even close.>> <<@bordenfleetwood5773 says : I cannot express how happy I am to see someone else using the "meat target." It's an excellent analogue for anyone looking for practical impact data, rather than quantifiable compression and failure data arcs. As for the needles. They're unlikely to hurt for a few seconds. At those speeds and pressures, with that diameter, it's possible and even likely that the needle will not touch a single sensory nerve that it isn't actively destroying as it enters the body. A lot can happen in the few moments between penetration and the brain perceiving the damage. After that, it's probably incredibly painful. The bones don't really have pain receptors, but as tissues move and flex around something stuck in the bone itself, the pain will become very real and complex. It would also probably be a very strange experience once they've calmed down from whatever action put them into that situation while they wait for it to be removed. Assuming they're still alive to feel it... You'd have to hit something vital with projectiles that size in order to cause a quick death, but it's possible.>> <<@LoveLestat says : oh ive also broke my leg from my knee downwards, i had metal stabilizers drilled thru my leg on multiple places but i was under anasthetic but when it came time to take them out they didnt give me anything i just held me down and got a drill out then started unscrewing this screw from all the way thru even those rods stuck out a bit i couldnt walk normally but yeah i felt each groove of the screw bolts coming thru and i had about 4 of those, eventually after that it didnt work so i had to go back in and they gave me a titanium bone from knee too foot im like the terminator lol but i can walk quite far now without crutches. But yes its painful depending on what happened and what pain you feel a couple days after operations>> <<@LoveLestat says : for that 1st pistol some people have modded them to make them stronger but with the pistol also you'd have to go for the eyes otherwise the guy will get more angry thats trying to rob you>>