<<@traviswalker3892 says : I love my country but I think the Democratic party (Clinton),(Obama),(Biden) and there yes men have sold so much crap to other countries but mostly China have done the most. The vaccine division kicked the world while we were all down. Everyone hates America now. We don't care but now we have Brics. Brics is going to hurt us. Everyone needs to get up and show the work what being an American is. Trump need Bet-David as his speaker and doing his business for him while he focuses on the world. Bet-David would make an amazing president>> <<@hendrikoltmanns1884 says : fake fake fake>> <<@peter.g6 says : Why didn't we see recession? Because the government keeps employing more and more people to counter the effect of higher interest rates. And by financing it via deficit, they make the upcoming crisis worse. Fed won't fix anything with interests as long as it supports US government in borrowing unlimited money.>> <<@rktn9252 says : All that money printing..... Zimbabwe>> <<@Trinergy-Livewire says : The entire financial system is an ILLUSION. The callable debt is not. The Government is an ILLUSION. Their power is not. Doesn't anyone even care about reality anymore???>> <<@juliana8113 says : My biggest fear is snakes but whatever each to their own>> <<@KwincksIT says : Australia fixed its GDP by immigration.750K in 1 yr, like a hockey stick. now Housing prices have skyrocketed, doubled in 4 years in some places. now on average wage in Sydney it takes a single person 41 years to save a deposit. What could go wrong. And meanwhile the fudgeflation figure is 4%. Rents going up >10% per year, some 50%.>> <<@MixedGears says : LOL, those couple of over-employed duds are guilty of inflation fro the tsunami of money printing of the FED and exporting inflation abroad ...>> <<@raym6415 says : What a bunch of crocs!>> <<@Sudo-k3n says : Wait for the lows and buy in or short from the top?? Don't try to change what is beyond ones grasp !! Change comes within....??!!>> <<@gammadrums says : 15:09 - That is sound of pain...>> <<@magmiracul4643 says : 😢😮😊>> <<@barryUFF says : A market crash in "reverse" is not a crash! If this "guy" is comparing the stock market to Michael Jordan sports-card inflation, then it is time to turn off and find better explanations.>> <<@tut2tut2 says : Print money is ending, get used to inflation.>> <<@repealthepatriotact says : My absolute #1 indicator of a recession is when car sales start dropping in half. I know because I was in car sales in 2008......now guess what's happening right now..... Car sales are plummeting, some dealerships will start going bankrupt in 6-12 months. Stellantis is already doing massive layoffs and talking about permanently closing some plants. What's bizarre is that the union idiots at Boeing are on strike as Boeing knows that an economy crash is on the horizon, which means that the workers will be begging for their jobs back at $5 less per hour if the recession hits within 6 months. This is not going to be a good next 12 months..........>> <<@rmondave says : Biden Admin played fast loose and reckless with the economy, and budget deficit, and spending to goose up the economy. Destructive, planted the seeds of disaster for the next administration (Trump).>> <<@ASDasdSDsadASD-nc7lf says : Super interesting and precisely stated information but only applicable to the top 22% of citizens. Not relevant at all to the 78%, who are only impacted by the outcomes of this focus on the upper middle class and above. For example stating unemployment as 3.88%, while accurate for the purposes of calculating the impact and outcomes of these Machiavellian skirmishes, has nothing to do with the applicable results to the vast majority. Ignoring these backroom/day trader/self-interested activities, the majority can simply contribute to society instead, conservatively secure their assets via the retention of assets independent of these manipulative systems.>> <<@TheBazino says : The money is there - in the hands of the ultra-rich. Every time in history people have "demanded" they give it when this point was reached. Problem is, people in western countries have forgotten how to demand stuff, because they've been brainwashed in schools to be content no matter how bad shit gets.>> <<@marcovaldovinos4754 says : The FED is lowering prime rates, crashes don’t happen when interest rates are going down.>> <<@JoopBman says : Everyone who doesn't understand economy and markets votes Democrat>> <<@Windy3s says : OMG his spot ON>> <<@Gnshksvr says : Load of no consequence verbal bs just feeding on people's fears. None of his predictions in this vid has come through. Talking a lot and saying nothing, just throwing stats (who knows whether they're true or not, we're just eating what he says) with tonality to trigger fear... PBD is a master manipulator who can make you believe in anything.>> <<@SeniorAdrian says : 18:44 wrong Patrick, low income families shouldn't be against printing money, they should be against this system that allows this to spiral out of control.>> <<@gregwang8628 says : The US used to be the most advanced economy in the world, what happened?>> <<@baddigital says : That’s my same concern with lowering rates! We can’t do it yet>> <<@ThomasJDrealan says : Apologies, @patrickbetdavid, but this is your Fed Chair, as long as the position, OUTSIDE of Government regulation still exists!!!>> <<@igloozoo3771 says : Patrick Bet David is not a smart as he thinks he is. I mean he hired Cuomo.>> <<@uberHome713 says : In order for a reverse market crash. There needs to be alot of printing to be done.>> <<@kenthompson5218 says : Insurance salesmen prediction, lol>> <<@donjensen785 says : Brilliant.>> <<@TheOldTeddy says : Fascinating following the recent lowering of interest! I may need watch this a few times...>> <<@thedonaldlovesu6676 says : Sounds like bullshit>> <<@actondon6573 says : when>> <<@RenhoC-dx6nh says : TEDDY HOLDING RYAN COHEN GAMESTOP BBBY THE NEW EMPIRE 🧸>> <<@investergambler4374 says : Btc , silver and gold 👌>> <<@snowsnoot says : 🌈 🐻 all over this chat>> <<@owenamillion says : 35 trillion is hard to comprehend.>> <<@peterlim3189 says : Don't worry about the credit card loan & worry about if everyone with credit debts files for bankruptcy. Now all the financial institutions are going to collapse. Can the US government print 36 trillion dollars to get us out of debts? 😂😂😂>> <<@iamalfr3do465 says : I want a recession, more buying opportunities.>> <<@challenger-rta3761 says : Only the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's the trickle up theory. The past, present and future inflation has completely tapped out the consumer and deflated the dollar. The consumer is the economy not the stock market. The stock market is the a result of the consumer. It was all by design, now the rate has to be changed to try to stave off a depression. Inverse curve.>> <<@jaybartgis5148 says : 7:20 just in case you want to know why the migrants keep coming>> <<@Mattie_LIGHT says : This guy lost me when he said the magnetic 7 were in the Dow Jones lol>> <<@millmechman says : FJB.>> <<@nbp1952 says : They are manipulating the economy so that the big crash occurs in 2025 after Trump gets elected so they can blame it on him.>> <<@PlantaDéChamoy says : I work out in Canoga and Topanga>> <<@tamy5056 says : lol 😂>> <<@pascal5142 says : bullshit, america is fine. sweden germany korea they were fucked in this recession (2023) the real danger is war in 2026 and rising rates AGAIN and inflation due to supply shortages AGAIN which cant be cured with interest rates or any other measure and of course longer term the debt system is toast in the 2030s and pensions cant be all paid>> <<@dustincollins16 says : I have 0 credit card debt and 0 auto debt. Less than $96k on mortgage. The only way to turn this country around is to teach people to live within thier means ans stop using credit for everything they cant afford.>> <<@terryjanssen316 says : They have to get over the inflation rate. They should have raised it 4% in the first session. Then another 4% the next session. Gotta get on top of it.>> <<@DarkJak says : It's simple, ban usury>>