<<@metern says : What happened with the Zombie Wars - Last Line Of Defense movie project? It was supposed to come out in fall 2014, but on Indiegogo, the campaign is closed. And there's no other information on what happened to the project. Did you guys drop the project?>> <<@twsbibanghorn7343 says : I've been cut with knives, hit with bats, apart from the syringe in my bone, one of the most painful things was a dog hair embedded in my foot.>> <<@twsbibanghorn7343 says : When it happened to me, I shouted at the medic that he was a Fugging Cant! It hurt>> <<@colinirvine7470 says : It's sore I was given a tetanus jag, and the needle hitting the bone was more painful than the dog bite! Enjoy your videos. Colin.>> <<@eIfrogo says : R6 doc lore fr>> <<@billdomb says : Now, of course, need to start talking about what to COAT the needles with for more pain or systemic effect. Capsaicin? Distilled pepper oil?>> <<@billdomb says : As a doc who's done a ton of injections, it's clear to me that the BONE doesn't feel much, BUT the periosteum, the thin cover over the bone, is VERY sensitive.>> <<@mikeclardy5689 says : i swear... tell a german he's only got 7ft/lbs of force he's legally allowed to use for self defense, and he'll proceed to build an entire new state-of-the-art weapon system actually capable of doing just that. I dont see these as being super lethal. but they would be effective at stopping someone. Either or, i look forward to watching you develop this and come out with more cool designs.>> <<@till2911 says : I know its illegal but this would also make for a great pen gun>> <<@matthewpepperl says : i just hope German politicians dont see it and immediately pass a new law i dont know any thing about german politics but sounds like something that would happend>> <<@sevenproxies4255 says : Never had a syringe needle scrape the bone. I did step on a thumb tac once though with it going straight into the heel. It hurt like hell and it was so hard to pull out which made me suspect that it may have gone into the bone a little bit. Thumb tacs must have been designed by Satan himself. People think stepping on Lego bricks is bad. Well thumb tacs are not just sharp but pretty much designed to land with the point facing up like a damn caltrop.>> <<@TheTwistedStone says : Strip that massive plastic cap off and put tiny flights on. Next make a mini repeating crossbow with maybe 100+ shots ? Would it be as powerful as using co2 ?>> <<@bookofrevelation4924 says : Who is the friend of yours in your channel's avatar, that looks like my neighbor and his twin brother, Joerg?>> <<@Nevir202 says : What if you made these darts with a spade tip, as I've seen from some blowgun darts? It would drastically reduce penetration, but I'd imagine drastically increase the local tissue damage. I think it would still punch into bone, and that spade tip would be causing localized fractures as it was jammed in...>> <<@Rhythm911 says : And can easily be dipped in poison !! YIKES!!! And even for those of us who have the philosophy of "minimum force deterrent", they would be optimal in a scoped weapon for 'Kneecapping' any limb, instead of going lethal, unless that was the only option !!>> <<@Ash.Sole187 says : When they gave me a vaccine shot in the deltoid as a kid ÷/ i remember my arm when like dead afterwards. Pretty sure they hit the bone. I was young so memory is faded>> <<@TheAegisClaw says : Jorg has made the 40k needle gun real>> <<@CornTrader says : Can't wait to checkout the needler.>> <<@LukusMaxamus says : I had a lumbar puncture when I was a kid to help figure out why I had encephalitis. Most painful experience I've ever had you could feel the movement of the needle (and it wasn't a small needle) all over your body. It wasn't pretty>> <<@stephenroot1012 says : Depending on who uses them needles like these are used to hunt game by adding a bit of poison to them. Just saying.>> <<@joecoastie99 says : As someone who got a bone marrow biopsy at 27 years of age I would highly recommend against it. Holy fuck that hurt.>> <<@overheardatthepub1238 says : Did not expect a dawn of the dead reference. Pleasantly surprised.>> <<@Friedbrain11 says : I know of the pain as a dentist hit my bone with a needle. I about went through the roof. It hurt!!!>> <<@Nintendo64billion says : If you hit someone with this, especially in their bone (introducing a wound cavity to bone marrow) the effects afterwards are… nauseating. Look at easy IO or fast one talon videos, those are with sterile equipment. As much as it may surprise people, if you touch something like the metal part with your fingers much less allow them to culture (certain metals are harder to develop bacteria growths, not impossible) nasty bacteria your body doesnt have a defense against because typically the skin inherently takes care of it as a barrier… infection can look very troubling and such a “defense” weapon used “justifiably” could run into inhumane use of force issues. Typically anything on a bullet is negated by the heat and rifling getting rid of almost all troubling things on it. But i think to prevent legal issues i would have a lawyer look it over before putting on sale. All of what i said is speculative but it will be hard to prove that it wasnt foreseeable if it is the case. Especially with life over property laws and other stuff. Love your channel, just my paranoia sparking up if i was coming out with something similar. Could be a nothing-burger.>> <<@justingreen4450 says : Joerg is the ultimate critter getter.>> <<@nicodabastard says : You would feel the arrow going in just a sting though but then when you try to move you will be in deep trouble.>> <<@rivrogers7769 says : I’m an immunizer that works in a pharmacy and when you give vaccines there is a chance you can actually hit the bone behind the deltoid. I haven’t had that happen to me yet since I’m very precise about the needle length. But my coworker says that the patient cannot feel it. I believe her because there are no pain receptors. I believe it is the force of the skin being pierced that causes the pain explained in the video.>> <<@ElieZ says : dip it in slat and vinegar>> <<@thewiddler1746 says : Wtf is this thumbnail man>> <<@mariolombaard4461 says : Hi Joerg.Those needle darts only need need tiny broad heads like blowgun darts.They must be razor sharp forged steel darts.That will make them even more deadly.The broadest part must be no more than 5mm>> <<@Kargoneth says : @9:07 That made me jump.>> <<@bartlester591 says : One time I would, I’ve had gel injections into my knees and the doctor giving the shots while she hit the Mark because she was hitting in between where the bone is to fill up that cavity. She hit a nerve cluster and believe me I felt it.>> <<@trogdor8764 says : This should really be plainly obvious to everyone. Just hitting a part of your body where your bones are not protected by a thick layer of flesh (the knee, shin, elbow, etc) against a hard surface hurts like crazy. It's only logical that something actually piercing through bone would be way worse.>> <<@ken2391 says : Love your new workshop but I have to say that it just doesn't have the same character as the old shop.>> <<@theycallmeJacko says : I once heard a story from a friend's Dad. He told us that when he was young, he and his friends went to a party one night. They got into an argument with a group of dudes but nothing happened immediately. A couple minutes passed and one of his friends felt a sharp sting on his upper back and a little dot of blood came out of it. He said that it hurt a little but he wasn't in pain so they carried on. Later, after the party ended, each friend went to their respective houses to sleep, but the next morning, my friend's dad recieved a call from the friend that was stabbed, he was in the hospital. Apparently, he was stabbed with a tiny but long needle that was long enough to penetrate his lung and had a serious internal hemorrhage that filled his lung with blood. If it weren't for his mother that saw him very pale and decided to take him to the hospital, he would've most likely died.>> <<@HomeOfMacWoeffie says : The proof why men don't can give birth to a baby.....kidney stones, gout and burn wounds far much worse...>> <<@goontheracoon says : I cut of 2/3 of my arm by mistske (table saw) and almost died (had heart attack and almost no blood left).. sooo id say its in between that and being poked with a tooth pick.. Unless you poke my poorly motor functioning arm with 0 sensation, then the answer is nothing 😂😂😂>> <<@ArtoPekkanen says : Needler ... sounds like some kind of gun from a post-apocalyptic movie :D>> <<@rallen7660 says : When I was 11 yo I got bitten by a Copperhead snake, and in the ER the nurse was trying to place an IV needle in my forearm. Unfortunately, my hand and arm were swollen and turning black and she missed the vein, bending the needle on the bone. I was in so much pain already that I just laughed at that, thinking it was funny. Couldn't feel it at all.>> <<@jacktribble5253 says : The people who felt no pain were struck on a portion of bone with with little or no nerve endings attached. Many long or broad bones have little conductivity near their central portions. Or they were missing a chromosome...>> <<@joeht1586 says : i had a needle hit the nerve in my gum at the dentist and sent it an electric shock down the right side of my body. hurt alot lol>> <<@mrcat5992 says : i had a coworker drop a air drill with a 3mm drillbit go right through his boot and foot and went in the wooden flooring, he screamed like a little girl.>> <<@mrcat5992 says : I hear donating bone marrow is excruciatingly painful.>> <<@poipoi300 says : I've had a 14GA needle inserted into the side of my knee to take a sample from my articulation fluid. The doctor said it wouldn't hurt, but in a fraction of a second, I went from fine to having cold sweats and tears. I'm usually pretty resistant, like I can draw my own blood, but just thinking about that day I can still feel it in my leg. Worst of all, the procedure was unnecessary because the treatment wouldn't have been altered regardless of the results.>> <<@SatanSupimpa says : Here comes Joerg with the acupuncture gun.>> <<@nanaki-seto says : If your revolvers price is similar to other products as they are all set at a good price point and you have an open one for the states with adjustable power i will absolutely buy one also make it so you can buy extra easy to swap cylinder magazines for it>> <<@chickenmonger123 says : Deleted comment. Again.>> <<@maccurtis730 says : Imagine the robber's face hearing this the smart ones would run.>> <<@uncertaintytoworldpeace3650 says : Like an armor piercing sabot shell without a sabot or gunpowder.>> <<@custardthepipecat6584 says : I hate needles 😿>>