<<@kellyfarmer246 says : Please add "repost" to the title. It's annoying thinking this is new content, clicking to listen, only to find out it's not.>> <<@AlessandroRosati83 says : QE will be different this time, instead of giving money to multinationals and banks they will give money to the people via blockchain (Universal Basic Income)>> <<@SheyenneNijjer says : Thanks for sharing such valuable information! I need some advice: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?>> <<@PlentifulLee says : Did he cut his hair mid interview???>> <<@bwasman8409 says : Wondering why the government always tries to outsmart itself and never does!>> <<@gavay says : Legent , don’t forget APT>> <<@rockstar60631 says : Are you ever going to not do a doom and gloom video?>> <<@mannyo9304 says : Bitcoin broke the host's brain somewhere in the past and it's f@ckin hilarious! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@jeffreyvonstetten5852 says : More repackaging. No!!!!!!>> <<@sherrylewis6932 says : 31 minutes - what about when the conman is trump's new 'exchange' with his sons?...>> <<@jimywealth4628 says : such a clown unsubbed>> <<@gthaalchemist8091 says : What if energy goes to 0$>> <<@tellwilliams4493 says : You’re telling all of us that if you have your crypto encoded that the government can’t touch it they cannot get it then they only do this before and they get other peoples crypto>> <<@ancientancient-jv1pw says : Guys check out PEAQ, it's not out yet and it's coming out in the next one or two weeks, don't miss out!!! Just look at it on coin market cap and see for yourself.>> <<@tellwilliams4493 says : Black rock has not confirmed in any way shape or form that they own 300,000 bitcoin and they feel they don’t have to prove that they own 300,000 bitcoin and yes they also shorted what he got to say about that. What happens when all the older people or people to have 401(k)s decide fuch you I am not going to let them get into my retirement fund and use it for bitcoin to buy bitcoin what happens then?>> <<@tellwilliams4493 says : Black rock has not confirmed in any way shape or form that they own 300,000 bitcoin and they feel they don’t have to prove that they own 300,000 bitcoin and yes they also shorted what he got to say about that>> <<@5280ryan says : Activity on Bitcoin will not be an issue. It’s nowhere near a “ticking time bomb”. Tom needs to listen to some Bob Burnett.>> <<@dexterford9820 says : "As the island of my knowledge grows, so grows the shore of my ignorance." Poetic🎶🎵>> <<@davagevorriose8046 says : Wow, ~45 min in and the guest goes full champaign pinko; didn't see that coming. The reason the REST of us (the non-elites) don't like Marxism is because it kills lots of people, makes everyone else equally poor, and abuses and oppresses them; e-v-e-r-y t-i-m-e.>> <<@essassasassaass says : buy bitcoin folks. buy bitcoin 👌>> <<@martinhibbit8438 says : Yet another podcast. Where the crypto guy pretends having metals is difficult. Change the tune guys.. It's beyond easy.>> <<@kstessel1 says : Tom, why would you say that's the fantasy Bitcoin scenario? Nobody really knows but considering the global financial situation and the trillions in markets, fiat, real estate, all assets, where is the safe haven? What options do people really have to preserve the value of their assets aka time and monetary energy.>> <<@Jeffery-f2e says : Recessions are part of the economic cycle, all you can do is make sure you're prepared and plan accordingly. I graduated into a recession (2009). My 1st job after college was aerial acrobat on cruise ships. Today I'm a VP at a global company, own 3 rental properties, invest in stocks and biz, built my own business, and have my net worth increase by $500k in the last 4 years.>> <<@cryptomon86 says : Largest bull market still coming? Lmao. Like the one weve been in since 08? This dudes a joke>> <<@hamishmaclean3920 says : Tom XRP...get somebody in to talk about it....Brad KImes>> <<@AutonomousDecentralisation says : You said Bitcoin and Solana. Eth is going to be a zombie altcoin.>> <<@JohnJohnCrusher says : Is this gonna be another Bitcoin ad?>> <<@danielshields34 says : I wish your podcast had some form of introduction>> <<@renjit9044 says : In the words of Axel Foley, Arthur ain't falling for the banana in the tailpipe....>> <<@solarelectricyachtconversions says : Tom babbled way too much and didnt give Hayes nearly enough time to talk. Horrible interview.>> <<@oakgnarl5021 says : You can't avoid speculation, but what you can do is manage risk.>> <<@gamanshoo says : 56:56 in the US (similar to Japan), the politicians will opt for FINANCIAL REPRESSION - squeeze and destroy the purchasing power of its citizens…a miserable existence for those who work hard to achieve a higher living standard Financial repression could lead to social unrest, overall decline in innovation/productivity, higher depression/mental illnesses and substance abuse (or ANYTHING that allows escape from the brutal world/life). In the US, this is ALL from the Baby Boomers to the Baby Boomers to the detriment of younger AND future generations. The young will have to fight the enemy and the enemy is not always necessarily “external”…it is MADE external - almost by design>> <<@hugohecht5997 says : what about the zombie?. Energy plant makes alot of noise.>> <<@JasonBrenizer says : I agree with Arthur. If bitcoin is a representative of energy to do things, that energy is only useful as it flows. It needs velocity, it must transfer energy from place to place.>> <<@TradeStarPros says : Why wouldn’t fusion help us grow out of it>> <<@33Treez says : The Graph GRT Decentralized Indexing Infrastructure… 70+ Networks including Bitcoin! DeFi, RWA’s, DePins, GameFi and all Future Web3 Sectors need indexing!!>> <<@faizalkifli1844 says : Why there is more debate or talk that US will be in recession? How about other countries? China? Europe? Asia?>> <<@finglisCave says : Taking a Thermodynamic view of the human economy is the only real way to look at itybecause Energy (Not money) IS the MASTER resource. Without abundant, cheap dense energy, out lives must become fundamentally simplifies - The Cheap energy created the complexity! It's over! Renewables may get built from the remaining Oil, coal and gas but there simple isn't enough cheap energy, minerals and rare Earths available for the Second generation of renewable energy in 30 Years - So I guess Fusion better work! (It won't) Every living population will reduce to the available energy for it's existance (No Exceptions) Maybe this stupid species was destined to only last a couple of milenia? We calle some people "Dinosaurs" (well they lasted 65 million years!)>> <<@roygavin3 says : Ok, so governments print money, our crypto and stocks skyrocket, then we sell. But the cash from the sell may very well collapse. What do we do at the cash when we first sell. Buy land? Need insight in that part.>> <<@rizaokcu says : Arthur Hayes the legend...Thanks for your wisdom...>> <<@askhollyhall says : IS CRYPTO ONLY BITCOIN? cuz no one [average] can afford it. we have like 1/10 of a coin>> <<@themcfaceman says : somebody fix this man's hairline>> <<@sarahmaybee9282 says : There are always great guests and topics , and I mean this in the right nicest way , I can’t watch you Tom. I think the show would be better w you behind the scenes and the face of the show . Often I find you share too much of your own insight . We are here to hear the guests . Nonetheless congratulations for your success thus far !!>> <<@GregF-k7w says : Sheep gonna sheep.>> <<@johnbain9066 says : Placing fiat into BTC then use as and when to make purchases using payment rails is a ‘use case’… this being other than investments in BTC which you hodl, and periodically cash in for life style wants.>> <<@stacynhenderson says : I need to see this guy and Raul Paul on the same podcast>> <<@ES_5172 says : Gold is already being tokenized. Gold is centralized, vaulted and insured, but tokenization takes care of the network aspect and makes it utilizable, right? Bitcoins has a very low transaction speed for crypto, and cannot be mass adopted for utility. Also, what happens when the price of energy goes way up, while the price of Bitcoin falls in a bear market and then the halving occurs? I wonder, who is going to want to mine Bitcoin at that point? If Bitcoin doesn’t have the traits to be mass adopted for utilization, is it then after all just a ponzi scheme?>> <<@thomasbrady8387 says : What about farmland?>> <<@renegademind1833 says : 'Coinbase' doing shenanigans with system overload shutdowns. As your crypto sitting in their custody, they can profit, by locking you out during panic market conditions.>> <<@cmunshaw says : For additional context, here is Rogoff's paper which Arthur references at 56:16 on debt to GDP: https://scholar.harvard.edu/sites/scholar.harvard.edu/files/rogoff/files/growth_in_time_debt_aer.pdf>>