<<@buffett1000 says : Raoul is myopic. He has nothing but his money and his speak. He has no kids. What a hollow life.>> <<@tomokokotaka1736 says : Kudos for pushing back on CBDCS Tom. I think Raul’s Goldman Sachs side is coming out and would rather be rich than do what’s right. On the board of Sui, pro cbdc (why make is easier for govt to shut your money off?). I was a huge fan of Pal but not so much anymore. I think he’s selling out just as I fear oinbase is. There was a power outage in China this week and no one could charge their phones. Cash suddenly became really valuable to them. Nigeria still uses a lot of cash (and mobile payments) but they don’t trust their govt (shocking). You need to have Whitney Webb on your show.>> <<@Phangmaster says : Raoul Pal is like a broken clock, I want to like him, but a lot of what he says is provably nonsense. For example, in his own country cash usage is way UP!>> <<@deerango2829 says : Good Bye cruel world!! 😭😭 ... 😄>> <<@shayneduncan6600 says : Raoul is usually a voice of reason. Here it's tin foil hat stuff. It will take at least another two cycles after this one for crypto to replace finance rails. That answers the time question regarding transition. On the topic of the US inventing crypto, they are the ones trying to kill it as they have the most to lose. Tom's rant on governments at 15:40 takes the tin-foil-hat cake.>> <<@ScottCommon632 says : Who do you trust to operate, manage, control the digital system.>> <<@ScottCommon632 says : DANGEROUS MAN HERE. COMPLETE MARXIST>> <<@ScottCommon632 says : Gold Standard is Freedom's Standard. Digital Standard Is Satanic Led Tyranny. Flat tax of 7% Federal, 3% State. No other taxes. Society RE-adjusts painfully.>> <<@ScottCommon632 says : Gold Standard is Freedom's Standard. Digital Standard Is Satanic Led Tyranny. Flat tax of 7% Federal, 3% State. No other taxes. Society RE-adjusts painfully.>> <<@JimFry says : The banking system is an ossified relic; I try and keep just enough in that system for three months of bills and everything for the future in PMs, with a hedge bit in Crypto.>> <<@mattanderson6672 says : Raoul is evil an I hope he's deluded, because what he's suggesting won't end well>> <<@GeoffreyHale says : Very well spoken, Tom 🥂>> <<@Zt3v3 says : I use cash all the time. In my community I see around 50% of people use cash for groceries. The wealthier the community, the less I see cash.>> <<@emmanuelpascal66 says : It applies to all other aspects of life. Tom has been in a bubnle and when Bret explains his hypothesis he wants to just not see it. If its not happening no one can see it.....right....... until they do. Follow the trends, the patterns, the tide. In reality the ship is sinking, even caymam island will not save you when this storm comes. Not even crypto.>> <<@iSamIAM2005 says : 4:00 totally agree with Raoul, Bitcoin belongs to “them”. Diversion and deception is there calling card and their signature is on it.>> <<@Jack-_-H says : Re: "banking crisis" question after 06:30 - "the problem is interest rates are too damn high". Really? Is this not a symptom of the big problem that has a more fundamental cause. Specially, that many national governments are spending excessively and incurring debts to be paid by the young? Higher interest rates is how the bond market signals credit risk - pay attention to that negative feedback.>> <<@PsychHealth-wk9in says : What is Pal talking about? He seems really confused. It's almost like he wants to see the US and China at war. This won't happen as the trade war is just something in the papers. China threatens European trade much more than the US. The taxes placed on Chinese goods are paid by the producer and middle men; consumers haven't spent a dime on them. China needs to export goods as it's people need to keep working. If you just wait, all of the goods that come into your country from China will go on sale as the Chinese Government needs to make their money back. Pal has completely lost his mind, especially if you study Chinese history. The Chinese aren't a warring people; they like to trade. Hey, Pal. Not everyone in the US is unintelligent; we know our history, and we know that we need a trade relationship with China. Quit trying to confuse people and go back to your Cayman Island hut!>> <<@TexasGovernor says : Amen. Have thought that for years that U.S. (and cool to hear maybe UK) created Bitcoin. Our debt is impossible to solve. So you have to transition to something else, otherwise it's bloodshed.>> <<@CakeslyMcShakesly says : Will we be as optimistic when we are charged for not being valuable enough assets to our respective government branch in a globally entangled tree of stress where systemic oppression and corruption of power seems to be the norm no matter where in the world you go? Adding more humans to the equation and greater opportunity at financial access of the governed by people who are primed for political corruption is opening the gates to a dystopia of a gobsmacking fever dream.>> <<@JonathanLoganPDX says : Tom is a 100%, right when he talks about the concept that most people have forgotten the horror of war and depression. So when people talk about we're going to have a Civil War in America, they are absolutely insane because the average Civil War lasts 3 to 5 years and kills a third of the population and destroys half the economy. And still resolves to nothing but loss.>> <<@ddbb6618 says : Betterhelp ...... Nooooooooooooop, very very bad idea, these go guys have a really awful reputation. I've heard they use unqualified therapists and allegedly sell your personal data onto the highest bidder. Do you own research before using (a quick YouTube search will save yourself going potentially in the wrong direction) I'm out of here, any channel that recommends these guys is to be avoided like the plague>> <<@justmusic3441 says : Mega rich banksters are hoarding the wealth and only supplying western governments for war chests while they drain the middle and working classes through increased mortages, energy prices and interest rates>> <<@mountainman4410 says : The first thing I have ever fully disagreed with Raoul on. Maybe in his world, people aren't using cash. But many of us have not trusted banks for decades. I pay cash for EVERYTHING except bills. I get my paper check, take it to the bank and cash it. Put the cash in my safe and keep it away from banks. So yeah, many of us still use cash daily. That's not the biggest problem with a CBDC anyway. The problem is that the government can shut down your CBDC account and then there is NO WAY for you to make money outside of that system. Right now, if the government shuts down or seized your bank account, you can still make cash somewhere, sell some items for cash, etc. When they get rid of cash, it's just as bad as them taking your guns. Fight a CBDC with everything in you! Don't let someone convince you that it will all be OK. It's another form of control.>> <<@nathan.landon says : 18:30 Never give up your guns>> <<@MKSEC22 says : Sick alcoholic connunist I can't belive I was listening to this con!>> <<@mrright1068 says : Programmable CDBC is not a good Idea. If you can implement rules like DEI you will have racism in your money. Money should be anonymous.>> <<@illegalsmirf says : Y r ur ears so big?>> <<@33ethereum says : Tom looks baked 3:46>> <<@fcwt101 says : Those are all fantastic books. If that's not enough for you read Ordinary Men by Browning.>> <<@browserboy1984 says : Yet again reminded why I don't watch Tom. Too bad, because some of the guests are great.>> <<@daborean says : I think it was Churchill that said," The United States has the most evil form of government, except fir all the rest.">> <<@Trdhns5444 says : I can tell you this the West is bad. If you don't believe it just look at what the west have been doing for the last century.>> <<@Trdhns5444 says : True they are all the same don't be a 🐑>> <<@zodiacleo5865 says : I travel a bit and when I see restaurants and shops with signs outside saying CASH ONLY, that's where I go to eat or shop. We have to hold on to the freedom that we have for as long as we can.>> <<@routine8 says : Raoul Pal makes no sense>> <<@jharnagy6877 says : The government can't build anything except more government. Plant the seeds of a 'legend' to rail against the machine, and the private sector builds the scaffolding for gov't 'repossession' of the system. 🤔>> <<@offcourse9241 says : when was this interview originally staged?>> <<@MetaPhysStore0770 says : In southern illinois many poor people dont need cell phones whatsoever😮, live fine happy lives, just have a "Dish package" with a house phone, surf web on a laptop or computer😂>> <<@irena8226 says : What's with all the recent doom and gloom?>> <<@Ryutensie says : 14:21 First one I've seen that actually said it out loud. They are all nefarious Tom, always have been. Every government is about control. The moment we moved from a tariff based system which incentived local production, we started the slide we are on now.>> <<@TilSchweiger-i3f says : Our economy is like a flailing fish, fighting for its life. The normal state of the U.S. economy is actually very bad. Because of this it goes into convulsive spasms fighting to grow any way it can out of desperation. Tricks, gimmicks, rule changes try to stimulate the economy >>and prevent it from falling but they only bring temporary relief to people since, when you factor in inflation we are declining.>> <<@dfv671 says : I'm unsubscribing from your channel due to constant re-run of shows without mentioning that they are re-runs. It's a complete waste of my time. Do you need money that bad? I thought you are rich already.>> <<@latedoomer says : Pal is wrong about privacy. Yes, privacy in the physical world is basically non-existent but CBDCs and really any centralized service risk privacy in the digital world as well. This is what we need to fight against. The reason being that the digital world gives the government the potential to peer into our more intimate selves and do so with much less logistical resistance compared with the physical world.>> <<@PS987654321PS says : I can't believe this guy Raoul is defending and promoting CBDC's, government control, surveillance and authoriarianism.>> <<@frankhernandez6524 says : Why would any money limit my dreams. Digital dictatorship is on its way and people will beg for it because the elites have messed up the fiat currency we are in.>> <<@PS987654321PS says : I use cash all the time.>> <<@MuradSamadov-n6i says : The continuously changing economic conditions in our society have made it necessary for people to find additional sources of income, thus I am looking at the stock market to fuel my retirement goal of $3m, my only concern is the recent market crash.>> <<@mana_station says : Awesome content! I always love hearing from Raul>> <<@paulduncanson9898 says : Old or new, Tom is right and his guest is completely wrong.>> <<@johnnywlittle says : Repost from 2023>>