<<@ArrosticiniVore says : Using CNBC, MNBC, CNN, Hollywood, Disney Channel....>> <<@cheeseman417 says : I agree with Bustamante on the primary goal of american primacy, but the cia has this history where to accomplish its aims, they make these deals with the worst criminals which just plugs up one hole while causing another!, making deals with drug dealers to fund wars against communism, working with sex criminals to get intel on foreign agencies, creating a fish net of surveillance on the entire population to catch a small cell of terrorists, the means don’t justify the ends.>> <<@trueconspiracies7945 says : I so do not believe that the CIA is all about protecting Americans. Look no further than how the moron politicians who are using the CIA to go after Trump, or how the CIA has tried to take over other countries pluting in place corrupt politicians to work with the US, only to make their countries worse.>> <<@annalynn9325 says : We want the world to be dominated by ‘moral flexibility’?>> <<@GingeRenee says : govern- control + ment- mental/mind = control the mind>> <<@ghophuckurselves3562 says : Yes, if you watch and believe these clowns.>> <<@vonBottorff says : Sometimes good karma is the Sisyphus task of standing up to all the bad karma going down around you.>> <<@KashiGirl911 says : yes.. americans are naive.. that part is right. now you don't have to watch this BS. i don't get how this guy is getting subscribers..>> <<@TheInternetComplaintDepartment says : Side-show Bob wastes our time again. Thanks for explaining the plot of the Borne series to us like we're 5.>> <<@altaccount4590 says : there are lots of studies that show America is not the freest country on earth. Tom is consistently gullible with these guys and so underinformed that he is incapable of pushing back on the bullshit. so boring>> <<@fishmonger7020 says : This guy is a sociopath. Basically what he said is the CIA is full of liars. That’s the only thing he said the whole time>> <<@Nightbùho-p2i says : I believe this gentleman has been brainwashed by the USA.>> <<@morristaylor2445 says : This guy seems like the type that is eventually exposed for being 100% fake. All smoke and mirrors with glorious hair. This guy is no Bill Binney.>> <<@onefailatatime says : It’s all a nothing burger. Every podcast with him is just s a bunch of hot air. Allot of nothing>> <<@brent9798 says : This guy is a grifter. Most of you probably sense this already.>> <<@АлексейП-т2е says : Lenny Kravitz here sounds like kamala harris. I had to hold back the vomit>> <<@thomasjones2067 says : The French Revolution 5:29 and Russian Revolutions both were far more violent than is generally known or taught. These two Revolutions are the playbook of the left. Total control, total dictatorship preceded by censorship.>> <<@someoneyoudontknow7705 says : This guy creeps me out>> <<@skurbadurba says : Repost from years ago>> <<@nutmegnutter7234 says : I agree. If I had to choose between an American and a citizen from another country, I would choose the American. It’s like a parent with their child. Whether that is right or not, I don’t know but that is how I feel.>> <<@TeamHeat604 says : Damn he got a tooth... Still not cia>> <<@MrJoaquim242 says : CIA spy, well he is not.>> <<@whiteorchid5412 says : In a nutshell he's saying "The ends justifies the means". The first defect in that logic is it falsely assumes there aren't other options, the second defect it's a very short term tactical perspective like playing wack a mole, not a long term strategy. Unless those tactics advance a clearly delineated long term strategy, inevitably they backfire resulting in catastrophic blowback for America that cost taxpayers many $ trillions of dollars in blood and treasure wasted on unnecessary wars instead of infrastructure, healthcare and education. Historical examples of CIA tactical failures include, Vietnam war, installing the Shah of Iran, arming Ben Ladin and Mujahideen in Afghanistan leading to the 9/11 attack and 30+ year war in Iraq and Afghanistan, appointing corrupt authoritarian dictators in South America resulting in poverty, oppression, drug smuggling and a mass migration to Americas southern border.>> <<@wondergirl60s says : I’ve never felt my IQ slipping away so fast. 7 minutes in and I’ll never get back those minutes lost! 🙈🤣✌️>> <<@DoobTube71 says : If “American Primacy” was the Clowns In Action version BULLSHIT they believe it is,….WHY did Comrades Clapper & Brennan and Comey run a COUP operation against TRUMP beginning in 2015?!!!? If CIA brand “American Primacy” was actually true, honest and in GOOD FAITH to U.S. interests,…Trump’s AMERICA FIRST policy should have been well aligned!!!>> <<@djl8710 says : I F***'ING HATE HIS HAIR!!!>> <<@YungKingz__ says : This is a psyop in itself!>> <<@MaffAndxu3jj says : I think he been talking to Kamala Harris - with all that WORD SALAD ????>> <<@laburato says : 02:15 and this why the rest of the world wants america to stop meddling in their affairs>> <<@agrxdrowflow958 says : The entire US Government is institutionalized Mossad assets.>> <<@Sonny-ik9rv says : The way I look at this is anytime you are on a device on the Internet, you stand a chance of being listed to or tracked by someone or some organization, the Internet in my world is used as entertainment,I don't do business here, any kind of business.>> <<@ChopperChad says : I'm about to not recommend this channel off my feed.>> <<@lowell62 says : If primary goal is keeping Americans safe and retaining primacy can you explain to me why they're letting the country get overrun with illegals many of which are vicious criminals and fighting age males?>> <<@SilverDadKnows says : Americans have been lulled into complacency by the media and empty promises. They trust systems that are failing them, blind to the warning signs. It's this naivety that's leading them straight into financial disaster.>> <<@Citizens4DefenseLLC says : Bullshit....you serve "The Council" who are unelected multinational bureaucrats. Clandestine Operations are illegal and unconstitutional.>> <<@Jimmy29li says : Don't trust a word this guy says. Like Mike Bake, once CIA...always CIA.>> <<@jeffmalm9708 says : We are the oldest surviving representative republic ffs. "adolescent". ? Lol.>> <<@Justathought-yz3up says : Now I know why this guy no longer works for the CIA....>> <<@MathiasMeasinger says : So who brainwashed the scarf guy what he's wearing is 'cool' ??>> <<@soothsayer2406 says : Bustamante is still brainwashing you and and is still working for the CIA as he speaks to Tom.. the best thing we can do is ignore this deceitful liar. His current mission is to curry trust and favor with the public with popcorn issues... then when an important issue is present he tows and promotes the CIA talking points exactly...i.e Isahell, Iran, Fake Uhygers stories etc...just lambast and ignore this clown..he does have the hair and big nose to match... all he needs is the white paint for his face>> <<@silveriver9 says : The US is NOT the freeest country in the world. It is ranked 17th in the human fredom index 2023.>> <<@DM.Nefelibata says : I am sick of this shit. My family is lt. dan. We have served in every war. You haven’t you don’t understand what it’s like to give up everything.>> <<@richarddebono7092 says : The problem is they lost sight of wider American primacy & converted it to the primacy of select individuals. I don't listen to anybody who has "moral flexibility." Morality is the objective difference between right & wrong behaviour. Anything less is confused & unacceptable.>> <<@joshuadiliberto1103 says : This guy is my polar opposite. Almost everything he said he is for, I am against.>> <<@aprilg3299 says : I think this pod cast is mind control-he is a cia agent he is trying to brain wash us with this podcast>> <<@WTHPOPL says : Bro I don't know if you're the biggest piece of shit ever or Superman. That's low to treat people the way you treat them, but the goal is noble as hell. What a dilemma! Thank you for serving our country Andrew. Thank you for the content Tom.>> <<@halinaleonowicz8038 says : What a mind gymnastic 🤔>> <<@timsmith1661 says : America isn't the most free>> <<@danielthenatural says : Bro, you’re interviewing somebody and you don’t even know what he’s done around the world to innocent people your associating yourself with maybe the wrong crowd?>> <<@Person333free says : I’m sick of this guy>>