<<@CindySorenson-r4m says : Will guerrilla warfare will be a successful tactic for very much longer now that we have killer robot dogs armed to the teeth & autonomous AI bomber drones scour the countryside 24/7/365 looking for the enemy? If we set those things out after you, I imagine they'll have nothing but time & will eventually find & dispatch you with a relatively high success rate, which means we'll have robots hunting other enemy robots that are hunting us & our robots before too long.>> <<@silverltc2729 says : Jocko's neck is thicker than most Californian Redwood trees. ❤😂>> <<@alfredhaugen2266 says : This episode is a rerun. Post more original content please.>> <<@joaniegolden8907 says : Jocko, in a perfect world, Putin heard you say you could take him. His psychopathic ego challenges you to a match. You accept, and then...you ignore the tap. Problem solved>> <<@georgitchkhaidze1127 says : The history of the confrontation between Russia and the West is reminiscent of the strange story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Ivan the Terrible and Elizabeth the First lived at the same time - when the historical rise of England and Russia began. The drama that has been going on for centuries has now reached its final stage. The convenient opportunity to integrate Russia into the civilized world was lost in the 90s. After that, Russia decided to take revenge for the collapse of the USSR and is ready to destroy the whole world...>> <<@davidwerxor says : Bullshit>> <<@abey32 says : The elephant in the room( occupation) can not be ignored.....the question and answers show were the deceit is....freedom and justice can never be denied.>> <<@abey32 says : Let shake hands and carry on with the occupation...hmmmmm>> <<@user-ef4uf7jd6r says : This dude looks like Kane from wwe without the mask 😂>> <<@kevinthelivingweaponmathew6582 says : No it’s geography guerrilla war only works if the Terrain suits it . Ukarine a lot of cites and open terrain>> <<@0402mgodwin says : War is for the macro ... it's tragic the American lives that will soon be lost so they can achieve macro goals>> <<@h.chappelle2720 says : Russia supposedly invaded the Ukraine because the Ukraine has many Nazis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ngne9AGWM). Recently, Austria went far right and considered Nazis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRUyrKGo4Og) even though Nazis were far left. I do not understand why the USA is supporting the Ukraine. Austria going far right seems stupid since Russia went into the Ukraine to stop Nazis, white supremacist groups there. So, is Russia going to invade Austria next? I am a Buddhist-Christian pacifist and war pollution issues should be taught in schools, much land is being polluted due to the war machines. Why is the USA always getting into other messes and does not take care of its own people and serious issues.>> <<@maxcore2023 says : Millions of guns in the hands of "patriots"(😂).. and nothing been done😂.>> <<@markjamison9132 says : Just input, after WW-2 Russia lost between 20 - 27 million, I see where this is going. ( 🌎 Map ) I believe in Jesus and winning! War should be, if possible avoided.>> <<@griftingthrulife says : The soldiers had won Vietnam. The politicians didn't want us to really win. His statement that they had a bigger will is not a true testament to the truth. LBJ is a traitor to the American soldier. The Ukranians are not even fighting. 25% is Russian, we cannot win there. I trust Putin more than any democrat to be competent. Dems are completely incompetent.>> <<@CindySorenson-r4m says : Only trade with NATO allies that care & protect our collective way of life. It's not rocket science! We've been telling our leaders that for about 30 years! Now that America's on the brink of ruin they're concerned. If a company has anything to do with being an American startup & you choose to take your job overseas, then we should ban all their products from entering the US to be sold, traded, or gifted in any way, shape, or form, including services. Basically make them a financial orphan in America!>> <<@CindySorenson-r4m says : I told you all that I thought you were flipping fools for allowing Clinton to get rich screwing all Americans by selling all their jobs down the Chinese river, and look at you now! Weak, hollowed out & a pathetic shell of the America our founders left us!>> <<@JF-cd5hc says : I disagree 10:18. The big reason the US left Vietnam was because they lost public support of the war at home. Their propaganda game was not strong enough.>> <<@chhengte5185 says : The forgiveness! Make us and Japan become friends>> <<@VitalyBahnin says : Good day Tom Bilyeu! Please make a podcast with the wonderful man Dave Weiss - FLAT EARTH. I am 100% sure that you will like it yourself. You are great at hosting podcasts, and David Weiss DITRH can surprise with information... My Name Is Vitaly Bakhnin. I live in Moscow, Russia. It is with great pleasure that I watch your interesting podcasts. I'm trying to advertise your channel in the Russian segment of YouTube, trying to add new viewers to you. I hope you don't mind...>> <<@JimLecka says : Choke versus Strangle in judo?>> <<@JimLecka says : I hate to sound like a total hard ass. Take Afghanistan. You wisdom is that it is not to be conquered. Yet it has been taken and held (until taken by someone else) at least 4 times. You talked about the North American "indians" as guerilla fighters : who won? Indians or US? In fact, guerilla wars usually fail. Unless they are lucky enough to gain sanctuaries and major power support. The Ukraine has bad memories of previous Russian control. You want to conquer something: simple, kill them, enslave the rest, force your culture, language, laws, customs, and religion on pain of death to each subject, their family, clan and tribe. Take ownership of everything, especially the land. Make a desert and call it peace. Unless you are willing to do this, best not start. This is war without limit. Limited war? Entirely depends on context. Genocide is a much overused word these days. For example, the Romans did exactly one (1) large scale act of genocide in their history- Carthage. Even the expulsion of the Jews from Israel does not count as true genocide. Of course, destroying a village or small city happened everywhere and everywhen by just about everyone. Putin, true to his word, is engaged in unlimited war in Ukraine. For some reason, many people in the West can not seem to accept this reality. Yet Putin declared his intentions and plans decades ago, just like A. Hitler did. Will Putin use nukes? Yes, of course. But only when it works in his favor. Same for poison gas and biologicals. Negotiate? Putin is willing to commit to anything, because he knows he can always break any commitment. (and blame someone else). The Ukraine is engaged in limited defensive war: Russia in unlimited. Simple. Period. People ask "what will Putin do if he takes Ukraine"? He has already said. Simple: whatever he can do to rebuild the Russian empire into THE superpower. People like to think of Putin as a madman, or evil, or some other such notion. This seems to bring some comfort to people who see the world through rose colored glasses. Look at reality: he is just a man. With intentions the rest of us have to deal with.>> <<@sabranorthington6321 says : Don't look to your government for help... and pray for Israel..for those who do not bless Israelwill not be blessed..read thy word.>> <<@chlorophyllmorelikeboraphy6874 says : Man hearing Tom speak about the Israel Palestine issue is tough to listen to. He really doesn’t know anything.>> <<@jimmyhenson2167 says : Ask Col. Hackworth.>> <<@jimmyhenson2167 says : Good.>> <<@DANJEDI says : Reasonable Insight 👍>> <<@ryanarne9885 says : Headline should say Jocko not some anonymous navy seal>> <<@VlamirJohnson says : Im just about to unsubscribe from this channel. Worse than Rogan.>> <<@VlamirJohnson says : This guy is heavily propagandized. He doesn't even understand who started the war.>> <<@tsechejak7598 says : Before Putin was in power NATO was breaking agreement set right after fall of Soviet system. The agreement was not to grow Nato eastward, both sides agreed that was aggressive. NATO showed how corrupt it is when NATO went into illegal offensive war in Libya and destroyed Libya. Nato is neocolonial and anti liberal. No doubt Putin is anti liberal and a dictator who destroys any sound criticisms of his policies. Zilinski was set to be a moderate who wanted peace with Russia and a sovereign Ukraine seperate from both Russia and NATO, but he was swayed into being a dictator himself. Ukrainians are also in trouble if they criticise him. Russian forces are guilty of brutality against Ukrainians in certain instances but Zilinski is also guilty of brutality agains his own people as well as ethnic Russians. Zilinski also tortured and killed US journalist in Ukraine. I say to hell with both Putin and Zilinski and to hell with NATO even if that means downfall of west.>> <<@JamInPeace says : Current loudness -11.1 DB>> <<@riffsontwowheels says : Kamala’s leadership and qualifications for President are questionable. AG isn’t President. VP is close but not the same job. Not many VPs become President. You have to represent everyone and she is biased. The left are all brainwashed to parrot msnbc. That’s not to say Trump isn’t a tool. He is. Write in Tulsi. Done.>> <<@MrCopiousCoffee says : Ukraine, Russia is a civil war we should never had anything to do with. The people of Palestine are not going to go against Hamas or Iran because for better or worse they hate Israel more than they dislike Hamas. They would rather have peace but would never turn on their own>> <<@joerocket1977 says : Ya Jocko you forgot those “Ukrainians” in the east are actually ethnic Russians who hate Zelenskyy. The Russians have been killing the UDF at a ratio of at least five to one. Jocko is out to lunch on this war he obviously needs to speak in lock step with the state department. Very disappointing.>> <<@gmanadventurer8892 says : "Lack of forgiveness and egos", nailed it. All sides need to take a one year off cooling period, do some deep prayer and realize you'll be held accountable for your actions in this world in the next.>> <<@billv4072 says : Talk about the big WHY, NATO expansion. Ukraine Civil War had been going on for awhile.>> <<@flora8525-y6k says : *Your explanations are clear and straight forward It's always a honor to have you here as a mentor, I appreciate you for the time being spent to educate us financially. Regardless of how bad it gets the economy, I still makeover $28K every single week. I truly value Mary, and her helpful guides.*>> <<@brianrundle2875 says : This navy seal has no idea why this war started and what is happening there.. You should get Victoria neuland on the show to explain the CIA backed color revolution and the nazi azov troops geniciding the russian speaking people in the Donbas...Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe and was to remain neutral as negotiated in the Minsk accords..>> <<@sponholio says : Coming from a man that knows nothing of the war in Ukraine. Stopped watching 60seconds in when was just talking shit>> <<@TheRajmoney says : Well, the donbass region ethnic russians were fighting guerilla war against Ukraine while back.>> <<@TheRajmoney says : They went into conventional war, cause US support. And fake media saying ukraine winning and russia weak. Yes, they should went guerilla tactics>> <<@bonosmith1113 says : A true patriot. 🙌>> <<@mr.knownothing33 says : Isn’t it us that are forcing the Ukrainians as a proxy war against Russia? 😅>> <<@christopherflanagan9626 says : Tom thinks he's a genius but can't connect the dots between 35:45 and 52:54.>> <<@jasonmaynard5794 says : volume low>> <<@eradi8 says : Tom, I love most of your interviews but this is the least cerebral one you've done. Keep up the good work though, thanks!>> <<@Henrihalle says : Looks like this Interview was originally done April 9th 2024>> <<@stevenlee9064 says : The west and Zelensky and anyone who was pro NATO and supportive of Ukraine have blood on their hands. USA would have been much more aggressive than Putin if an enemy was setting up near their border.>> <<@mrjoshharvey7017 says : What sucked them into a conventional conflict? Lol america is the worlds biggest arms dealer the military industrial complex. Its a victory for the carlyle group a win 🏆>>