<<@TomBilyeu says : Special thanks to Navage: Get a cleaning kit as a FREE gift with your order, but only by going to https://impacttheory.co/NavageITOct24>> <<@momomimi6915 says : I couldn't get more than half way through because Rory is so insufferable.>> <<@momomimi6915 says : Rory Stewart seems like a shill. He also looks a lot like Mic Jagger?>> <<@algardaus says : This flog rubs shoulders with an actual war criminal and he has the gall to talk down to us>> <<@gosnellktn says : so populism is bad???? and the replacement is good. and when you replace 50% of the population with people that don't believe in what the original people believe, the elite are the minority view point. and they think they know what is best for the population at large. i think it is absolute bullshit to think that the populist position is the minority viewpoint. the elites manipulate the masses until enough of them get wise to the con and then revolt. meanwhile the elite minority imports replacement useful idiots to make up the shortfall in votes for the elite position. the problem for the elites is we have woken up to the game. and the elites are doing what is good for the elites. this is a let them eat cake moment. history sadly repeats itself. they took us off a cliff again. this ends badly. this guy is squirming around with glee as this is about to blow up in his face . he needs to read some french revolution history. the elites are going to burn it all down trying to control and manipulate the masses. the constitution is a sound document. too bad the elite ignore the good people of this country and shit on it's founding principles.>> <<@inmyspaghetti says : As a Brit, it’s interesting to see how those in the US view Rory Stewart. Rory is pretty loved and respected here in the U.K. by people on both sides of the political divide in part due to his brilliant podcast The Rest Is Politics which he cohosts with Alastair Campbell. It was so good to see this discussion with Tom, one of my other fave podcasters! Great discussion 👏🏻>> <<@gosnellktn says : 12 minutes in. this guy smiling painfully as replacement theory is described. we can only deal with what is happening now. He knows this is not right, and he is almost giddy about it. this guy doesn't realize that this podcast is video.>> <<@elizabethbradshaw8949 says : This guest clearly is a democrat all I heard is slamming Elon musk and Trump every time he spoke his peace. Yah not a fan of this guy put him on PBD and let him be consistently negative talk about those two>> <<@elenaalina369 says : No, social media is not a liberating phenomenon. It actually has a herd effect on people and is also very dividing. It was enough to share a fake picture of Trump & Melania when they were probably more serious and attach some nasty words to it convincing people they were arguing. That's how all of us all around the world followed & believed those false narratives made up by a very aggressive opposition. Now you see that the opposition kept its passive aggressiveness & did some very extreme things which is shameful because we’re supposed to be liberals. Just because that opposition was so successful, the actual opposition could not prevail, because is very difficult to turn people against their previous beliefs…and those who realise they've been fooled (like me) cannot trust anything anymore. I cannot turn to the right just because I realised all that mascarade, but I cannot trust anyone anymore. Everybody knows Biden’s administration was catastrophic in comparison to Trump’s who led the country through pandemic. Everybody sees how bad is the next candidate, Kamala. But nobody has the courage to say it & make a big thing out of it & oppose it as aggressively as the left. Because everybody fears they are going to be fooled again 😏>> <<@elenaalina369 says : I wonder if any of you have been shopping or simply walking on Oxford Street about 15 years ago and again in 2024 🤔 What you’ll see it’s not populism, is reality. I can definitely tell you are two guys that have never been strolling the streets of London, never. Those that did that, will deny many things you said. You’re talking from an indoor world. You have no connection with reality apart from the information you collect from leftist media>> <<@Telencephelon says : Wow. The indoctrination runs deep with Rory. As it did for me. Took me many years to see past my programming>> <<@AB-nr5je says : Strange. I'm Swedish. This guy, Rory Stewart, seems quite stupid or dishonest to me. But I'd require an entire podcast episode to explain why. He sounds idelogically motivated at the very least.>> <<@adkest9914 says : Trump24💯💪>> <<@bradgalaxy8419 says : Elon said "Civil war is inevitable".... shocking he didnt even check the tweet.>> <<@MegaLmae says : Winston Churchill was a squalid racist and war criminal though. That is a fact and it is not even debatable.>> <<@amandastone6856 says : Thank you both for this conversation. I love the way that you're so thoughtful and balanced, explaining what you perceive so clearly without over-simplifying or omitting the nuances. This allows a real dialogue and recognition of different sides of an argument, which is refreshing in today's polarised climate ❤>> <<@demian2325 says : Garbage take. Completely strawmans all arguments why people want a person like Trump or Musk. Does not give a second of reflection on whats wrong with the current government or media.>> <<@elizabethcarrera9626 says : He's naive or covering the obvious. Tom, you can do better than this buy. He obviously is heavily influenced by government and not objective enough for the people. Don't trust a word he says.>> <<@gollygosh40 says : sure.........., another ultracrepidarian>> <<@Juanchouuu says : Tom this time you are really way off on Milei THE FACT THAT ELITES , destroyed the economy, this is just facts no "populism". And Im guessing its the somewhat the same in the US , crime and immigration with no boarder. I RECOMMEND TRUTHS BY VIVEIK R.>> <<@zitstif says : Fuck this dude - arm yourself and protect against the red coats>> <<@dtrfgr says : A perfect example of why (and how) England has fallen. How infuriating to be ruled by these arrogant, elitist dandies.>> <<@zitstif says : Feels like rory is a neocon - yeah... this guy sucks and supports enslaving people - we broke away from the enslaving Brits for a reason ...>> <<@tofubadguy says : The weaponization of immigration might be helping drive populist movements, however it's demonstrably the consolation of wealth, power & liberties into ever fewer hands by the same groups who wrote that as their mission statement 100+ years ago. I'm sure to the coincidence theorist everything is just fine. 😅>> <<@jvancek says : Boomer think, so in love with govt, so naive.>> <<@DANJEDI says : Informative Insight 👍>> <<@ralphsmith8350 says : "Iran/Iraq war spent billions of $, acheived nothing"- It was Very effective- for some. Change your focus: It made a lot of the controllers much richer. For them , it achieved --making them rich. Always look at who got rich on world events, too. "Political" decisions, with greedy in control, are made with goals other than those stated. I really liked the second half, talking about the impact of just a little cash,, ALLOWING THEM TO SPEND IT WHERE _THEY_ SAW THE MOST NEED. I believe it, based on things I've seen. Managing its distribution would be an interesting problem.... I think your view of Bill Gates' goals is naive... Worthwhile; thank you.!>> <<@dxbrvp says : this guy has no idea about American populism, it has little to no similarities to European populism.>> <<@DANJEDI says : Tom Bilyeu The Theorist !! Tom almost 50 years old looking mid 30s Good show 👍 More Life, More Impact>> <<@MonicaMoveMIRealty says : Listen we are all clearly not as smart as this guy. I mean listen to the accent and the slow deliberate 'teacher' way he talks. LOL>> <<@returntosender123 says : Oh damn. You got mcjagger on the show!!!>> <<@BasketballBusinessAndBossMoves says : This “chicken little” trend that Tom has taken this podcast on is counter to his previously stated vision. How does all of the geo politics and doomsday pods lead to the next Disney?>> <<@christophermd216 says : This guy is living in a passive weak male mentality no matter his level of intellect, you're not going to see certain things because of your world view. He seems like he lives in a bubble and doesn't take in much information that he doesn't carefully select.. plus he's a Brit, so they love their gentlemanly ways that just create passive aggression and exploiting people's "good nature".. the use far right in Europe just like they're using it here in the United States, it's a load on bs. They make you out to be far right because perceived Patriots are the ones who are the threat to the establishment. Not blind nationalists>> <<@outcast6187 says : 51:08 This guy just seems to be full of manipulative lies the whole way through to the point where I can't help but assume he works for Keir Starmer, he is even anti-brexit🤨. I can't believe how little Tom is pushed back on this rubbish.😩>> <<@stephenjames820 says : Typical Piers Morgan brit and firearm statistics! He states 45,000 US deaths due to "gun violence" but doesn't break it down to homicides, suicides, accidental deaths or self defence. Suicide accounts for more than half of the homicides by firearms in the US! That should be the focus!>> <<@FlakTotem says : That this interview is getting a worse reception and view count than Candace Owens signals exactly how doomed we all are. Candice is a woman who's found great success in saying what people like to the expense of any underlying truth, accuracy, or principle. Rory is a man who was once a favorite to be the British Prime minister, but lost because he refused to compromise on his principles and beliefs to appeal to the radical elements of the conservative party.>> <<@CompostWatcher says : What’s wrong with western economies? The people pulling “money “ out of nowhere and loaning it.>> <<@scottk1525 says : This channel sucks now>> <<@rodnee2340 says : I actively dislike Rory Stewart. He talks about populism having a monopoly on truth but he thinks X is bad for politics! Any friend of psychopath and war criminal Alistair Chambell makes me not trust him. Also he still tries to defend uncontrolled migration. All the while taking a swipe at America for taking America. Those people are our ancestors! And did you notice the snide but subtle way he called the Afghan and Iraqi war "the Afghan and Iraqi DISASTER." Like it was just some flood or hurricane that happened. What a dishonest nasty little man.>> <<@AIHeroTech says : People don’t riot over a single tweet; they riot because of ongoing abuses in their daily lives and the unfair treatment they experience in a ‘two-tier’ system. The tweet could have been the 'final straw.'>> <<@TarzanWannaBe7 says : Thanks for revealing this guy.>> <<@marcoaurelio8058 says : I came here looking for something I could leverage to help me grow my business and shorten the time to the next phase. Tell me. How does this help? Some of your interviews do NOT match what you CLAIM Impact Theory's purpose is. Obviously, I don't get to tell you which direction you point IT, but eventually, it becomes irrelevant to me.>> <<@marcoaurelio8058 says : Mr. Bilyeu, I know it feels good to sit at the grown-up table, but wouldn't it be better to interview businessmen who built their company from ZERO to PROFIT? How they started. The nuts and bolts. Their sacrifices and lessons. Everyone talks about being a billionaire, but that is dumb. Interview SELF-MADE businessmen whose company broke the ONE MILLION dollar barrier. You can leverage a fantastic life for you and your family with a company that generates 1.5 million a year. Why keep interviewing these people who add NOTHING TO PURPOSE of Impact Theory. Impact Theory began as Inside Quest with a focus on ACTIONS, and it became this thing where men who never built anything from scratch pontificate on WHAT IS WRONG WITH OTHER PEOPLE.>> <<@marcoaurelio8058 says : I tried my best, but there is no reason to listen to this person; life is short, and it is going fast. Tom can sit through DRIVEL and MAJOR BS like no other human being. GOD HELP ME, this man is an EMPTY SUIT.>> <<@marcoaurelio8058 says : Because of the state of the world these days, people drive me crazy. They have opinions on the fly and the more successful they are, the more they think they're right. I make a point of, when possible, not knowing who the guest is, his level of education, or his status, which leaves me with his OPINIONS and THINKING PROCESS. @5:35 " Poorer people tend to have larger families... if you're coming from a subsistence economy... you feel you need the labor of your children... you worry some of the kids are gonna die." MY LORD, what a stupid thing to say! That statement explains why most politicians' solutions to social problems are palliative and fester only resentment in the long run. Most human beings have no clue WHY they do what they do; I know of A GUY WHO COULDN'T GET OUT OF BED while his wife worked, and he loved her beyond words, but he couldn't get out of bed to save his life. BUT POOR people, they plan for the future SO WELL by having LARGER FAMILIES to INCREASE FAMILY REVENUE. WHAT A STUPID STATEMENT delivered in an arrogant way only the British can muster. You heard of the British, right? A group of people who made their fortune by STEALING THE RESOURCES of poor nations and a NOBLE MEN who married women whose fathers, for the most part, BUILD THEIR OWN FORTUNES. They got the girl, the cash, and their descendants ended up in TALK SHOWS explaining the behavior of poor people. FIVE MINUTES INTO THIS and I am already nauseous. NO SPELLING CORRECTION FOR THIS GUY.>> <<@juliengartside3344 says : Elon Musk did not say that there was a civil war in Britain. He said civil war was inevitable. Could I also add that the BBC and NPR destroyed themselves.>> <<@jenniferannnoel6608 says : I think he is being really simplistic saying that the UK riots happened because of mis information on social media. Completely ignoring that fact that the UK has endured mass immigration since Tony Blair in 1997. Since then, has seen a rise in knife crime, acid attacks, misogyny, terrorism and much more. Cities have had their genetic makeup completely changed over people’s life times, and the native population has suffered targeted racial attacks with the younger generation (mostly young girls) being targeted by Asian men for grooming simply because they are ‘white sluts’ in their eyes. Obviously, you get British born native criminals, but a majority of these crimes have been a result of foreign cultures who simply do not like the host nation. Yes, the man who killed those 3 children was born in the UK, and apparently Christian, but did not relate to or embrace the culture of the UK and had been radicalised against it. If it were 3 black, Indian, Chinese etc children that had been stabbed by a British white man, I think we would be having a completely different discussion.>> <<@danmcdonald9117 says : Tom, you might have forked out a little extra to get this Clown some make-up 😂>> <<@Rossnick4747 says : Trump standing between the Citizens of USA 🇺🇸and Cancer ☪️️ takeover https://youtu.be/hyn55n9it9I?si=1o2jxmg_65CTUEQe Last metastatic stage of Democracy socialist society. Clean records throughout and suddenly convicted with loads of convictions.... Any mentally stable person can smell the stink of conspiracy. 🔴 There won't be an USA 🇺🇸 as we know it if Trump loses these elections. USA 🇺🇸 dies "At the end of the day they are coming after you. It's, you who are the target 🎯. I'm just standing in their way. Donald J Trump USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸">> <<@gregsandifer2398 says : I've had enough of this....>>