<<@HerbertMostek says : Where can I get the crush bowl and the arrows?And how much are they>> <<@HerbertMostek says : Where can we buy that crossbow>> <<@bmaniac2061 says : How they perform against bone?>> <<@emeye6452 says : If the apocalypse go down, this mans Walter White.>> <<@mariomoser2280 says : ziehens halt wenigstens handschuhe an-ich krieg angst beim zuschauen.>> <<@gblackburn31 says : Looks like you're dropping some pounds 🤔>> <<@JanHommes355 says : That some crazy a** blade daywalker s**t... 😂>> <<@threeoeightwadcutter2820 says : Gute Besserung..klingt nach ner schönen Erkältung>> <<@Anonimo-Brazil says : O ... Pessoal da zona rural é meio simples as vezes ...duvidam das coisas e tb as vezes nunca viram e não conhece mais o depoimento dessa mulher... é realidade pura... Edson ...não queria passar pelo mesmo processo dela>> <<@stefanvanvalkenburgh9378 says : Dude you are always doing something cool! Literally always lol.>> <<@Presentador28 says : 😮>> <<@Abiost_JW says : sieht aus wie ein dsr-1 magazien XD>> <<@alexandergronert3102 says : Cool. Ich möchte ja nix sagen aber Jörg klingt irgendwie ein bisschen krank, gute Besserung falls es nicht an der Ton Qualität liegt.>> <<@supernice8887 says : Hot garbage hooray>> <<@harleyross664 says : Do these work in the adder?>> <<@gerlboyevardo1739 says : How to buy your xbow like that im from Philippines>> <<@eldorado5311 says : Wo bekomme ich die Pfeile her die sind ja mal richtig nice>> <<@roiq5263 says : Are the normal bladed arrows that inaccurate?>> <<@bigsarge2085 says : ✌️>> <<@MrChubaChups says : Hahahaha du bist ein Meister 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩>> <<@bmaniac2061 says : Did you tried them with the interceptor yet to compare the accuracy versus the regular broadheads at 20 to 30 yds?>> <<@singularity1713 says : Design a knife with similar features. Please.>> <<@maccurtis730 says : This broadhead is deadly. Slingshot Channel: "Challenge accepted.">> <<@patkonelectric says : Awsome. Where can i get them.>> <<@durschfalltv7505 says : It looks super cruel. But also super effective. That arrow is deadly AF. It will turn your body into a BMW.>> <<@luke14946 says : Arrow-dynamically designed.>> <<@mr.redorange says : And what about Saxon heavy bolts?>> <<@bookofrevelation4924 says : Joerg, you'll injure your thumb joint and swell with bursitis again, slamming bolts into wood with your thumb pressure, make a wooden bolt driver similar to a miniature steel T-post driver that slips over the bolt and has a weight on top to allow it to merely drop down upon bolt to drive it into wood, could add power to the weight of the bolt driver dropping if desired.>> <<@ArminHirmer says : typical Jörg! just awesome>> <<@easymode8958 says : They'll never be legal in the uk 🇬🇧>> <<@BlackTriWildlifeRemoval says : I need those>> <<@hannibalharkonnen7612 says : Where can I buy them?>> <<@christiananslinger1929 says : Nur kommt se nicht.. wir warten schon ewig>> <<@scottcarse6844 says : Let me show you it's features HA HA HA>> <<@Muckihito says : Servus Jörg, hast du eigentlich auch KURZE, passende Broadheads oder Bodkins für den Scubaringer im Angebot oder wüsstest du da was? Die Standard-Pfeilspitzen sind nämlich viel zu lang, sodass sie selbst mit der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen langen Laufverlängerung vorne herausstechen. Diese Haie sind schließlich brandgefährlich und man möchte doch vorbereitet sein 🦈>> <<@michaelcurtis8114 says : Are these available in the USA?>> <<@Kinski79 says : Ich habe bei solchen Videos immer Angst um den freundlichen lachenden Onkel mit der Kniescheibe aufm Kopf ^^ Verletz dich nicht lieber Jörg wir brauchen dich noch ;)>> <<@MaLu-es6nf says : Wo kann man die Dinger kaufen?>> <<@BenGallus says : Yes 😊 super Teil 😁>> <<@slingshotwarrrior8105 says : Good idea, Jorge!>> <<@bmaniac2061 says : Can you add a link of where you got them? Thanks>> <<@mariobarcelon7226 says : Beautiful!! Perfect!!>> <<@SulaimanSulaiman-xg8cg says : Impressive.>> <<@authentic229.14 says : Mechanic-tip arrows for the Mey Interceptor? Shush and take my money!>> <<@slydawg798 says : Beast broadheads look em up.>> <<@uncommonsense8193 says : Das ist sehr gut.>> <<@Pizza_Pepperoni0 says : this is a warcrimes channel now>> <<@thomashering1482 says : ähm...und wenn du dabei abrutscht , schneidest du dir schön die Hand auf... weiss deine Frau was du da machst LOL>> <<@BenjaminGerfelder says : I'd experiment with the expanding blades flush on the front, a pivot pin in the back third, and some protrusion on the back end as a lever. This should allow them to expand shortly after penetration as the blades are being pushed outwards from the back end, and would likely offer even less overall drag and resistance. Probably be a lot nastier to remove as well, though you'll lose a centimeter or two of the larger cut as it only starts inside the target. Might even allow for some more experimental designs, for example you could have the expanding blades be more or less flat and broad instead of a blade without losing aerodynamic performance, i.e. giving up penetration depth and damage for immediate energy transfer.>> <<@bojrgensen7965 says : Giving the expanding broadhead 3 cutting blades would make it even more deadly!>>