<<@aus__walhall1225 says : Ist das was neues? Das gibt’s doch schon seit Jahrzehnten von Swhacker oder Reaper, oder lieg ich da falsch?>> <<@colinstevens6837 says : do you think the bolts are still accelerating with them going further through when you moved away?>> <<@-CityCobra- says : When available for the REVO 12 ?>> <<@mmafiemc says : Let me show you these RUPTURES>> <<@reanukeeves5638 says : i pity the zombies already ;)>> <<@BernhardHeiming-pw8xj says : 🤝👍👏👏👏👌🫵>> <<@billkozac7974 says : What's the best ranged weapon to get in countries where guns are illegal?>> <<@metroid2099 says : I've been on the fence about buying one of those crossbows for a while. Throw in some of those arrows and I'll buy one.>> <<@BrownBrick1107 says : Is this new in Europe?>> <<@patkonelectric says : Like to see these arrows for The Fenris.>> <<@soundcode0246 says : You should make it so they lock open, so they are not easy to remove from a target.>> <<@MrSDS8 says : Loving that these will be available for the compact crossbow versions. Will you be making the Edgetac broadheads available for the compact crossbows as well? You are already selling them for the adder why not for the Interceptor, Stinger, ... I saw them on a Steambow video, they were in talks with law enforcement about these, but would not sell them to the public.>> <<@infernuu says : gangsta style JoergSprave cant hurt you: gangsta style JoergSprave: 3:49>> <<@rs4108 says : Wuhndcanäl>> <<@lornelorne5727 says : Will the Revo7 come to the UK store?>> <<@SlowerBurrito says : OK, but for hunting purposes, wouldn’t this be harder to track animals because there’s no large slice on the entry? What’s wrong with the normal broadhead?>> <<@metern says : Joerg, you need to collab with The Slomo Guys 😉👍.>> <<@kothaelser3282 says : Solche Pfeile sollte es auch für den Whipshot geben. Schade.>> <<@michaelschuler71 says : Wow, genial…insbesondere zu sehen, das die Mey auch 90 Grad gedreht abgefeuert werden kann…beabsichtige nämlich neben einem Ziefernrohr für Entfernungen unter 10 Metern 45 Grad abgewinkelte Klappvisiere zu nutzen.>> <<@georgetrapp6666 says : That crossbow in the first place looks like science fiction, like Star Wars or G.I. Joe. If I didn't see it in action, I'd swear it was a movie prop. (That foregrip reminds me of the nanomite rifle from The Rise Of Cobra)>> <<@Muhammed_Salih_Karagoz says : I wonder if the empty part of arrowhead makes it worse for armor penetrating or not?>> <<@derpderpington824 says : Wow!>> <<@marcus92808 says : Check mal bitte ob deine Pfeile von der Genfer Konvention betroffen sind. Diese verbietet expandierende Munition. Gild das nur für Kugeln aus einer Feuerwaffe? Mich würde auch interessieren, wie das bei der "Notwehr" zu werten ist, wenn man bewusst extra tötliche Pfeile hat. Das sieht für mich als Leihen sehr bedenklich aus.>> <<@yisanrodriguez says : What grain are these? I would love 120 grains for my 150lb limbs>> <<@jv3648 says : excellent test, no comments>> <<@mango-cherry says : Adderpower das beste unter 500 Euro>> <<@jasonz7788 says : Thanks>> <<@tfphyrex says : Ein ballistik schädel dummie als Ziel wäre auch nicht schlecht. Bringt ja nichts nur das Fleisch eines Zombies zu schneiden, da muss der Bolzen es schon durch den Schädel schaffen oder? Wie sieht es damit aus Jörg? 😊 (Und die mk2 ist einfach super) 👍🏻>> <<@100thMkey says : This is Crazy>> <<@deplorablekunt says : This man is f-ing amazing>> <<@arthurg1425 says : It's really pretty, life a bird diving through water>> <<@numgun says : Super cool!>> <<@F37METAL says : Thx Joerg. Great video. And Outstanding Demonstration. Now that you've got the new tips perfected. I'll take two 10" packs please. They will go great with my Broad Head Bundle that I have. Keep us updated on the preorder date. I need these in my Arsenal of kick Azz home Defence Accessories. U ROCK DOC. 👍👀🖖👻🤘😎🎸🎶🎵>> <<@jochenstein4927 says : 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@theycallmeJacko says : thank you joerg for the effort you put in your videos>> <<@nathangrueber9834 says : Wet the leather its skin!>> <<@normangeilich says : Absolut bösartig die Bolzen ...>> <<@bubbleb0y says : Is it possible to angle the blades so when they open they are like a propeller that will make a twisting cut?>> <<@Ulthar_Cat says : Spectacular video. Perfection 💜>> <<@samuelclark8064 says : Nasty Joerg! Quite an anomalous test, the further away you got the deeper they penetrated, lol.>> <<@violakrone8429 says : Was für untern Weihnachtsbaum 😊>> <<@alexanderkautz3118 says : Wäre es nicht cool wenn die Vanes sich auch einklappen würden wenn sie als letztes in das Gel eindringen? Die Vanes müssten sich nur in die andere Richtung einklappen damit der Pfeil noch tiefer eindringen kann!!!>> <<@Mothbean says : In case you ever needed another reason not to piss this man off>> <<@StringerBell says : Absolutely useless test. Most of the arrows will hit a bone. Why all of these testers test soft ballistic gel when most of the vital organs are protected behind a ribcage? Also who shoots point blank? That's a fiasco>> <<@RASSPUTIN0705 says : schade nicht in deutsch>> <<@CaedmonOS says : Damn, that is brutal.>> <<@markusmiller3500 says : Es tut mir so leid, aber wenn ich vor Gericht aussagen müsste, ob die Klingen sich nun im Ballistikgel öffnen oder nicht, könnte ich bloß sagen, ich weiß es nicht. Dafür geht's einfach zu schnell 😅>> <<@authentic229.14 says : Hm, I am not sure how "deadly" they really are. Depends on the definition. If you only hope for the target bleeding out over hours, yeah. But if you actually want to stop the target in a few seconds or minutes, these blades won't do it. You can't penetrate through the ribcage where the actual vital organs are behind because the blades will definitely break before they could do any damage on the actual organs. No, the regular broadheads are much better for that. The mechanism is a nice thing to havey but I still need more convincing of its actual lethality in real combat.>> <<@EagleRayX says : Thanks a lot Jörg for this new demonstration. No more doubts, they work just fine. Thumbs up.>> <<@wingnutbert9685 says : Much better Joerg! Thanks!!!>>