<<@fungusman9726 says : *picture of a dog* Shoe: OH DAAAAAAMNN>> <<@foreverdirt1615 says : I come back to this video all the time because the little comedic beats are just so perfectly crafted I just have to admire.>> <<@Poxle. says : 17:21 Nah she really just now said White eyes blue dragon 💀💀💀💀>> <<@MrMuschiato says : 3:07 yeah Jessie is a hottie.>> <<@toshio1334 says : 16:24 Klink shaming over here>> <<@Dk_Linn says : I'm fucking dying the zoom in on Beedrill>> <<@ShogunNexus says : Cocaine is a hell of alot better.>> <<@christiannixon9400 says : I dont come here for polotics. I come here to listen to the living shit post that is you and Im here for it😂😂>> <<@yago261714 says : 2024 or 25 4/20 should be pokémusu smash or pass>> <<@cinnamontoast9642 says : best shoe video i've seen>> <<@Row_of_E says : 5:11 *h m m m m m m*>> <<@thirdeye8285 says : Shoulda smoked instead.>> <<@andymcclurg9916 says : The constantly peaking mic makes this so much funnier>> <<@calebschimke621 says : Thank you for being against pikachu. I like the design, but hate that pikachu is the mascot. Makes more sense for it to be eevee, considering it's evolution design.>> <<@tableswithoutchairs1168 says : Nobody gonna question how the Amy Schumer stand up comedy videos were live in 2019 and posted in 2018>> <<@tableswithoutchairs1168 says : 2:34 “everybody knows that’s big dick bee”>> <<@raptakula8469 says : My favorite pokemon is Klink>> <<@Drunk3nferret says : Wait wtf was the score woman?!>> <<@Wilson85887 says : Just causally downing a 500mg edible. You’re a badass.>> <<@mariohernandez6651 says : “That is an underage horse. Who do i look like? Vaush?” has aged gloriously>> <<@CreepyCat. says : no real drug addict gives a shit if you're high. they care if they're high. this is all so sad.>> <<@smirnoff242 says : Shouldn't klink shame 😂>> <<@twentysecondcenturywoman says : Not the vaush clip>> <<@miserablecuss3744 says : Lol he wanted to bang AS the animals.>> <<@SakaMalignant says : o w o>> <<@yam4281 says : Introduced shoe’s barely disguised horse fetish>> <<@boredaf_y7697 says : The first thing that went through my mind when I heard "klink" and "klang" was "welcome to the klink klank klan">> <<@sauravbanerjee3552 says : Slowking is not actually slow, he is one of the smartest out here>> <<@ScullzOG says : @Shoe0nHead clearly seen palworld coming..... 😅>> <<@kindasomeviews says : ShoeOnHead: "Nah it's too cute why would i smash?" Also ShoeOnHead: "It's big AF and can throttle my ass?? OH FUCK YEAH!!!!">> <<@LeBingeDoctor says : This is literally one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. She has an enormous comedy (and editing) timing.>> <<@SanguineMalcontent says : Time to delete my YouTube history logs.>> <<@_The_Worst_ says : Yeah, Team Rocket, no kidding...🤘🏼🥵💯✔️>> <<@Jake38nine says : Even the normy of normies would F dogs and horses in pokemon. Every time a girl does this, they always smash the dogs and horses. It's sooo obvious, yet people still think it's tabboo. Everyone woman is thinking the same thing!>> <<@jesxxenexy2833 says : Ninetails.>> <<@StuffJohnson says : The trans eeveelution made my day. Thank you>> <<@Vi7mm says : Holdup, “can fit the whole booty in”…using whole as a measurement…approved lol>> <<@ThisOrThat13 says : 10:52 epic. Dang Shoe, you managed to bring up Invader Zim and Gex so casually.>> <<@captdeadpool3449 says : Sodomy be like>> <<@Smough642 says : I got a klink kink.>> <<@SWAATSFan says : We need Yu-Gi-Oh! Smash or Pass now.>> <<@Grasses0n says : You can almost see the very second the thc hits her brain lol.>> <<@Duck_Gaming15 says : 3:19 bruh>> <<@Duck_Gaming15 says : 0:43 bro what>> <<@themangomanjuice says : Wholesome video, I love revisiting this video ever since I first watched it last year back in 2022.>> <<@yago261714 says : Do a pokemusu like Taken Hades did...Might be interesting>> <<@ArstotzkaEmpire says : Average woman wanting to have sex with animals.>> <<@smergthedargon8974 says : Everyone says "Yes" to Lucario. I haven't seen a single person say "No".>> <<@daemonsilver3304 says : Nothing like a depraved smash or pass to feed the hangers on...>> <<@dande3139 says : Wouldn't smash Mr Mime -> Shoe's a racist! Would smash Jinx -> Ok, not a racist.>>