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Kursk the biggest tank battle? , you are factually wrong ,the 1941 battle of Dubno holds that title !
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Delirius desighs of hegemony! 🤣🤣🤪 your understanding of that earth shattering conflict sounds shallow .... Hollyweirdish!
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"today's protagonist" a Nazi pilot serving 25 years in a prison labor camp after being convicted of war crimes 😭
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"today's protagonist" a Nazi pilot convicted of war crimes 😭
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Legend has it that one of South Park's main protagonists gets his name from this guy.
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I frequented a coffee shop in my hometown in the 90s, and a local mailman stopped in one day and noticed my OD field coat. We got to swapping military stories and I learned he did pilot training at Williams AFB. And he spoke fondly of Erich being brought in to lecture fledgling fighter pilots.
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Michael from v sauce if his studied history instead of science
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Imagine if Germany 🇩🇪 would have won the war …. Germany was A beast in the air & on land !!!
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Showing a lot of Finnish Bf-109s
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Erich Hartmann inventing boom n zoom what a badass
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Bubi does not mean young boy. In German, the nickname Bubi is given to him because of the traps he sets for his enemies in the air.
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A man with tons of spine in every situation - and the readyness to live with the consequences of his decisions! You haven't even mentioned his opposition to Germany's purchase of F-104 planes that led to his dismissal.
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My mom's last name is Hartmann, she's from Mannheim
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Эрих настоящий боец ! Его не сломил лагерь , как Графа !
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Sorry to have to admit that the narration is indistinct and uninspiring ... and one fails to understand the obsession with passing off a Finnish Messerschmitt Me - 109 as a German Luftwaffe machine! Less focus on the narrator himself and more focus on the subject matter - with more "ACTION CLIPS" could have done much to mitigate the boredom and dreariness ingrained in this clip! 😏😒 Despite being a former English tutor myself, around halfway through, I was obliged to turn on the Auto - generated English captions in an attempt to keep my eyes open and also avoid constantly bringing my smartphone to my left ear due to the indistinctness of the narration. A bit of attention to these (I know, "rather unwelcome"!) guidelines could help much in improving the content and quality of future emissions from this source. Let's hope for the best for the future! 😊👍🙌
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Erich Hartmann: son of Medical doctor and glider school instructor mother what do you expect=Genius!
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352 kills. Damn.
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the best pilot was Hans Joachin Marseille the "Star of Africa".
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This matters little when your opponent outnumbers you 100 to 1 daily and has an unlimited production ability, he had about as much effect on the war as Hans Rudel did on the soviet tank force size by destroying about 600 tanks during the war.
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You mix 2 stories like the red baron and the black devil They are 2 different people.
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I recently visited a full, unabridged interview of Hartman. I’m sure it was published after his death. It’s a very interesting story, and seems to have been destined to be who he was. His life is a story worth listening to.
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Erich Hartman'ns family eventualy moved to Colorado in the US, in a small town called South Park. They changed the spelling of the name to 'Cartman'. His great grandson Eric Cartman, still hates the Jooz and is a great supporter of the Man from Austria, as depicted in several episodes of the show!
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I'm trying to figure out your choice of photos when describing his plane and showing a Finish Bf-109 or talking about Soviet aircraft and showing the squadron of RAF Hurricanes and a downed American P-40? I understand the Soviets obtained hurricanes and P-40s through lend lease. I would think that you have the ability to get pictures of those planes in Soviet markings.
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Man i wish i could have met him, imagine having him as your instructor and he spins out and thinks he's back flying the eastern front 😂😂😂,
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A true Hero. Ace of Aces. Even the most Germans never heard of him. RIP
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Yes Hartmann was a superb Luftwaffe Jagdflieger, but I noticed a couple of photos of the superb Bf 109 fighter aircraft displaying the Finnish national Hakenkreuz emblem, this National ID emblem has nothing to do with any Nazi political beliefs. No on the contrary it was simply a national emblem a blue Hakenkreuz on a white bottom used by the Finnish Air Force at the time. Finlands association with Nazi Germany was purely out of necessity to help Finland to fight off the Soviet Bolshevik Untermensch Huns that wanted to conquer Finland. Basically the same reason as Sweden although neutral during WW2 that also feared an attack by the Soviet Bolshevik Huns after finishing off our Nordic brother and sister to the east. Thus we continued to ship iron ore to Germany as well as allowing Wehrmacht troops to use our railway system to move German Wehrmacht troops to Norway. But the German soldiers were not allowed to disembark on Swedish territory until crossed in to Norway.
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Amazing that these accomplished fighter aces realized they were going up against a superior opponent along with taking notice of the fact that Hitler was crazy. Nevertheless they were proffesional and had much respect for what they were doing.
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You get it wrong about first time, he saw an enemy.His story goes like this. His C.O. was Herman Graf who inspired his black petals by use red ones.The first enemy planes he ever saw were Bell P39 Airacobras. The 109s had the height advantage and where unseen. The sight of the P39s freaked him out. He rolled out of formation and firewalled the throttle back to base..He realised what he had done was cowardice in face of enemy. So he started write a letter to Graf saying"If I am not to be shot I would like to transfer to be a medic as my father was a doctor and it was always my second choice of what to do with my life" When every one else got home. Graf just said,"First time nerves lad". The rest is history.Despite be on the wrong side. wear the wrong uniform and have wrong medals he was a ace human being. Some things he told me"Never order anyone to do something you would not do yourself" He said war was when two nasty old men sent young men out to kill other young men that they would rather be friends with. He also said You should not hate us [Germans] for the Nazis. I do not hate Americans for turn me over to Russians. I do not hate Russians for what the NKVD did to me.The 109 you keep show is the plane of the top Finnish ace.Proud to call ErichI a a good friend.Graf also won the diamonds.Sorry I never got to meet Gunther Rall but I didn't that us how it goes.
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Now you ask young leftwing or green politicians in Germay who Erich Harman was ? They would not know.
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It was 7 P-51's that he shot down in a combined total from two missions.
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Those Nazi air aces only got all those kills due to their Me 262 terror jets. Those Nazis also killed my American grandparents with an Me 262 terror jet.
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Hans Joachim Marseille, The Star of Africa was the greatest fighter pilot of all time. He would dive into a squadron of the enemy and fight his way out, shooting them all down, and he fought hurricanes and spitfires, not planes that could barely fly. Get your facts straight and quit making fraudulent videos 😮 For those of you who want to see a great video check out: The Real Life Maverick and WW 2's Maddest Lad : Hans Joachim Marseille "The Star of Africa. Part 1&2. You'll know who was the ace of aces after seeing this video. The greatest deflection shooter that ever lived. Thank me later 😮
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Some of these clips seem to have no relationship with the story. What’s with the Finnish 109 when the narrative is about Hartmann? A pic of an American P-40 when the discussion is about Soviet pilots? Minor details maybe, but there is no shortage of video and pictures that would correspond to the narration.
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Are you sure,their claims were valid?
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Video starts at 1:35
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I think that Hans Rudel flew more and more dangerous missions than Erich did
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There was Joachim Marseille to contend with Erich Hartmann for the title. If the former had lived longer and sent to Soviet theatre of war, he could have out-aced Hartmann.
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Never thought I’d feel bad for one of the Nazi’s best killers
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A great video. Great content, wonderful assessment of the life and achievements of Erich Hartmann. Thank you for this video.
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You keep showing a pic of a Finnish Me-109…
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Why do you talk so quickly?. I'd love to watch one of your videos right through but always end up stopping because of that express train delivery. It's unnecessary.
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4:31 This is a photograph of a Finnish air force Me-109 from 1944. It has nothing to do with Hartmann.
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You for got the part of what hartman witnessed once he was handed over to the Soviets
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Leave it to a globalist brit to claim H had a delirious design of hegemony. It was England that wanted the hegemony!!
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What a waste of good men.
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What I read about Hartman was he was shot down 9 times. & yes, like many German pilots, LIKE Galland was NOT a NAZI.
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Misguided fellow should have fled germany in the thirties As many others did!
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Respect to the American that spared hartmans life❤ true knights of the sky❤❤❤
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I prefer the Finnish Pilot Ilmari Juutilainen. He scored 96+ (highest non-German score). More importantly, he never took a bullet from an enemy aircraft and never lost a wingman.