<<@Shoe0nHead says : this is the “nice 😎” drop off box. drop off your “nice 😎”’s here. also if you are wonder why there are comments from yesterday it is because patreon people get early access to all videos (and are not pedophiles) 👉 https://www.patreon.com/shoe0nhead>> <<@josephsouza9599 says : Every time she says "water" lol "wooter" , oh an good video>> <<@SuperHns says : LMAO 10:04 LMAO LMAO>> <<@Max-Everest says : Unbrittled?>> <<@borekminer says : 10:36 im making toast>> <<@borekminer says : if boys can at 14 consent but girls at 14 cant then that means that boys are more mature and smarter? so NOW this entire argument stops working!>> <<@Boi_Slack says : 10:03 is absolutly wild>> <<@TestingYourLimit says : This video reminded me of the manga "sensitive boy" where the first arc is about the mc trying to navigate high school after being r-worded in middle school>> <<@BrutusMcCrunch says : It started when I was 3 with my babysitter. I brought my mom's friend to my prom. She was 38 I was 16. I'm pretty fd up to this day>> <<@SlyBluepaw says : 4:28 clever sarcasm there, I see what he did there. 5:17 another clever sarcasm there... 5:28 ...Where did this odd projection come from on this person supposedly "normalizing" this? How is that comment in anyway screaming "I want to normalize this"??? I see zero indication of such from this person. I don't understand the leap of logic here and it's concerning you are somehow reaching to that conclusion with this specific comment... 5:52 What post of yours were they responding to? I can only sense sarcasm with this person's response without knowing what exactly you said to get this response... It's very strange you're sharing responses made to you but you don't share what you said that got such responses... a bit disingenuous don't you think?>> <<@Lichtdrache-yo9dz says : he is not a nazi he is just a Ukrainian soldier in the Azoth Battalion who worships Banderas>> <<@Wolcik3000 says : "when was I when she was a kid">> <<@SergeantRen2048 says : I have doubts the commentors in the articles know anything about human psychology>> <<@MorganAndFriendsGacha says : "The kid should've kept his mouth shut/he should've been grateful" who on this earth would be grateful or would keep their mouth shut when they literally got S'Aed??>> <<@Dog_in_tree says : From breeding horses to breeding ...>> <<@SkylarThompson-mu1qs says : Why do you have an American flag behind you?>> <<@JohnFlynn-kf4zx says : Was he Jewish? Bar Mitzvah at 13, becoming a man. I'm scratching my head, here, shoe, that's all I got.🤔>> <<@simhthmss says : I recommend a documentary called "when girls do it", the documentary showed male victims of female pedophiles including in their teens and these men are very badly damaged by this. They show the impact in their lives and the pain they're in in their support groups. One guy had a female social worker adopt him and use him like a sex toy as a teenager and it really badly affected him. He scrapes a living by collecting bottles and cans out of dumpsters and his therapist says she is amazed he is not a drug addict or in prison. Most drug addicts male and female are survivors of childhood SA and grape. See Gabor Mate's work on this. The people saying the boys are lucky should go to a male survivor of childhood SA and statutory grape support group and see how damaged they are by this. I guarantee they would never say it again.>> <<@therum3 says : I wish a female predator had found me too>> <<@mustang8206 says : Im wondering how many people defending this are victims themselves, but their brains are so messed up they don't even understand how much it has affected them. Especially considering how many were saying the kid should have just shut up>> <<@Allan_aka_RocKITEman says : Welcome to the 2020s...🤦‍♂️>> <<@jpriest806 says : I think I'm having a stroke. Does anybody else smell toast?>> <<@kullre_gun says : i saw that first news story, just like some "meme" video about it, and it kept mentioning the comments of "boys can't be s*xually assaulted, they don't have emotions" and it was just 30 whole seconds of those kinds of replies>> <<@Lord_Kratos69 says : Where were these womens when i was kid?!>> <<@Shibby27ify says : Chronically online people are just fucking monsters>> <<@JamesCantu-n7s says : its a kid for christSakes they cant do it they cant do it we wont let them do it>> <<@staciefreshener4032 says : Man reading comments I almost end up crying , hope the ones who were victim , get better soon .. I never was SA but kind of ...touched and bullied.. so i don't know if it counts but just don't devalue these things and take it seriously and vent/get help with people who actually care .>> <<@staciefreshener4032 says : Tbh... the sad part is most of the boys or men who are done like that don't even open out . Also worse is if you are crossdresser and they use " crossdressing " as a defense as if that means you are alluring ... that's just nasty. Like watching this was sad .. I have something to vent about but I guess I will keep with myself but yeah it's horrible to know that this is let gone , SA is SA regardless of gender , same with Ped0>> <<@funpol-ice1247 says : o w o>> <<@Computer895 says : When the idiot comments prove how the teachers treat girls better>> <<@graveraider1029 says : whats creepy is how much p0rn glorifies minors with "barely legal" so gross>> <<@general_kenobi2278 says : The reason some people say groomer to certain things regarding lgbt is specifically because of the T. Youth are in a sensitive time in their lives and people projecting that if you feel like you aren’t conforming to gender norms, you need to take puberty blockers and mutilate your genitals isn’t helping in that stage. Also, even though adults build legos (myself included), they are primarily targeted towards young audiences. That said, LGBT is all about sexual orientation and sexual identity, which naturally prompts a negative response by those who feel that children are being preyed on.>> <<@Crypto_crow2.0 says : naw cause my dad was seriously traumatized when he got raped by a I think it was a teacher at a young age>> <<@sheldonalvarez5283 says : People say this weird stuff until it happens to their kid and then want justice. For me, it's suck it up buttercup!>> <<@j.p.obregon1415 says : "Before 5pm" ??? That is an odd detail.>> <<@lordofthefemboys says : the lack of self awareness from right wingers is insane>> <<@TeaSlurp_SDH says : This is just sad>> <<@kainwind9674 says : URGH IM BOUT TO THROW UP>> <<@GageLatham says : Ngl if I was in 7th grade I wouldn’t have been mad lol 👌😂>> <<@jaym7607 says : its all about language. they used good wording so a lot of people bit on to that and responded like it was a good thing. You use negative language and people respond negatively. its stupid, the sheep are stupid.>> <<@Symphonia16 says : Wait wait.. What leftists try to de-stigmatize child attraction? That's the libertarians... Who are on the right.>> <<@Symphonia16 says : This is what it means to live in rape culture... The people cheering her on in the comments want to predate on other little kids>> <<@RyanSmackarino says : as a male sa victim its fucking insane to me how anyone in their right mind would be okay with saying or thinking "I wanted that to happen to me when i was 14" or some other variant of it. Ive been binge watching shoe's vids while working on stuff and im just glad normal people exist who can see and understand that its an issue no matter if its some "hot teacher" or something. Ive told some friends about some of the things that happened in the past but i have very bad memory plus I think a lot of the details are repressed so I never really talk about it or feel like I should. I wish more people would have the opportunity to speak up about this stuff without being judged by crazy people.>> <<@Brandon-yy5cc says : What the Left supports now, the Right will be supporting it ten years from now. Conservatives tragically don’t conserve anymore.>> <<@PartyPhil1 says : She’s literally Kendrick Lamar 🗣️🔥>> <<@crimxine6917 says : Im glad many of male victims are speakinh up thanks shoeonhead you might have give a lot of hope to angry wronged men with your videos and presence which is cool>> <<@alanemocab3465 says : Why do these comments exist!?!>> <<@Liex59 says : The guy who conflated liberals wanting trans rights to "pedophilia being normalized" while arguing IN FAVOR of the literal pedophile is the type of cognitive dissonance that makes me wonder how the fuck these people put their pants on in the morning.>> <<@smugs7921 says : Same thing happening in the anime community to a point. Lolicon (Young Girls) is rightfully criticized and looked down on but Shotacon (Young Boys) is not treated with anywhere near the same amount of vitriol. Honestly disappointing.>> <<@erik19170 says : Well this was a terrible video to watch while eating… still good video otherwise though 👍 thanks for being a voice of reason in a world of crazy>>