<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@patrickcannell2258 says : But don't use God mercy to sin. Sex outside marriage is sin. Hebrews 13v4 Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled for God will judge adulterers and whoremongers.>> <<@Deathhellandthegrave says : There are no consequences for having sex outside of marriage. In fact, everyone should have sex outside of filthy marriage. Marriage is a lie; monogamy is a myth. Have sex with as many prostitutes that you can. Give yourself over to lust and come to reject christ.>> <<@Grokford says : "If you love me then you'll keep my commandments" is a really good line that completely brushes ove the fact that neither God nor the Bible ever forbid pre-marital sex. This man is as slimy as they come.>> <<@warren6790 says : sex before marriage is not a sin between two single adults of the opposite sex that's not rape or incest or whoredom, it doesn't get any plainer than that according to the bible, or you can do what the unwise do, let sex be the reason you get married, which I can assure you, for anyone that can't have sex before marriage, that is what their doing, just to justify it, not only that, 99 percent of most men and women ( maybe more ) have sex with that person they intend on marrying before they do get married, the liars and hypocrites excluded, the other small percentage that don't, do so, because it's what they believe from what they been taught, don't believe it? ask your own parents, you need to know this because it's true, the feelings you feel towards that person you fall in love with, DON'T LAST, your not going to be in your right mind because your being driven by sexual desire, it's why so many after getting married say, they just aren't the person they married when they met and got married, TOO SOON, now comes the problem, they vowed to stay with that person till death do they part not realizing that making a vow to God and not doing it, God will call it SIN in you, it's a TRAP, only a very cunning one that deceives the simple minded, also people using scriptures that were laws pertaining to children making them pertain to adults is another reason your going to get deceived, know the difference between a man and a woman that's not a virgin or a maid or maiden still living under their fathers care, then read Lev. 15:16-24, this is dealing with adults, not children, and it's ANY man, not her husband as if it was ANY man they both would have been stoned, masturbation is also dealt with in here but the dreamers think it has to do with a dream, on that issue, there's a right way and a wrong way, what is more important is these people that don't recognize the BOTH that have wives scripture, that includes the married and the unmarried and neither of them was forbidden by Paul of having sex, but they see it but they don't recognize it for what it is, here's a little help, it's what this world does, they marry and are given in marriage, given in marriage is easy, ask yourself what this word means in this sentence, Go unto thy brother's wife and MARRY her and raise up seed in your brothers name, DO WHAT TO HER?, let them MARRY, unto the MARRIED I command yet not I but the LORD, the only help your going to get here is in what Jesus taught where He says, what GOD has joined together, let no man separate, He MEANS GOD, not His representative, wait, another clue, I can assure you a CHILD is involved, two shall become one flesh, or better, him and her will make one flesh, or even better, two bodies of flesh will make one body of flesh, it's a child, what did the disciple say about this, If that's the case with man, it's better not to marry, the reply, not all can accept it but he that can, do so, become a eunuch, what that means is not what you think, a eunuch can have sex, he just can't reproduce, that's probably over most people's head but to a man that isn't sure if he wants to get MARRIED will jump off like Onan, like men of that day didn't know what to do to prevent a pregnancy, common knowledge for most, birth control for others, irregardless, don't make a baby until you know for sure the person you want to get married to is right and it ain't going to be at a time when the man is hungry or the woman, they will do anything to get their stomachs full, make him feel like a king, her like a queen, buy candy, flowers, whatever it takes, visa versa with the woman too, or WAIT, find out later what deceived you, then see how hard it is to get out of it if that person don't commit adultery or some other sexual sin forbidden in the law of Moses, it can even get worse, if a child is born and you both love the child but hate each other, God forbid but it happens, but it's NEVER going to happen when the love is strong, only when it grows cold and it WILL and God will hold you responsible for what you created that HE gave life to, property and assets are easy to divide, children, not so easy, especially if both parents love the child, get the point?>> <<@angloaust1575 says : Sex isn't essential Mind over matter Enables self control Abstinence celibacy Can be achieved with Discipline obviously only For those who can overcome The passions God has provided marriage to Release tensions and have children for those who cant Endure being alone! Unfortunately divorce desertion and death do occur!>> <<@Wubz_Official says : Sir Pentious>> <<@paradoxine6287 says : I think thats why Sir Pentious is in hell right now>> <<@DerekPK says : I believe that you shouldn’t leave your wife. If you have sex with woman, then she is your wife, you shouldn’t leave a woman you had sex with since she now pregnant and get babies and is your wife.>> <<@jeffkelleher says : Having committed blasphemy of the holy spirit hundreds of times, I am beyond God's forgiveness, so I am going to nail every woman I can, and God can screw himself.>> <<@LadyMareshah-cr5ig says : Yes, you will go to hell if you continue to have sex without repentance, which is a change of heart and mind towards premarital sex to not have sex with someone who is not your spouse due to a godly conviction. GOD will forgive, but one must feel how HE feels about pre-marital sex, which is change of heart during repentance. Seek GOD on how HE feels one should think, view, and treat the opposite sex and someone who you would consider your future spouse. Abstain from being alone with the opposite sex, abstain from lusting/coveting after the opposite sex, and seek GOD about your spouse instead of dating. Yes, sex before marriage is a sin or poor judgment. Read Genesis 34 to know why it is a sin. It dishonors the parents/guardian and the family. Sex before marriage is a form of theft, which is stealing a sexual experience with someone who is not your spouse, and rape is a form of theft. Nowadays, rape is considered sex with someone without their consent. However, rape in Genesis 34 is to treat someone like a whore, who is not a whore, and to have sex with the person without a marital commitment, without parental consent, without the consent of the family, and can include having sex before marriage, which Hamor did to with Dinah. In Genesis 34, Hamor was talking kindly to Dinah who was not his spouse. Dinah's brothers and dad were not pleased with what Hamor treating Dinah like a whore and having sex with her before marriage/a marital commitment. Rape is a word used in the Old Testament word while fornication is a word of the New Testament. A lot of what these men are doing to women before marriage is considered rape and fornication; treating the woman like a whore, who is not a whore, and having sex with them before a formal marital commitment, such as a wedding, which includes the parents and family. One is not walking in love towards GOD, their body, the person, the parent(s), guardian, or family when you have sex with someone who is not your spouse. Hamor died because of his sin of having sex before marriage. Having sex with someone who is not your spouse is a sin just like it's a sin to have sex with a married person, which is punishable by death in some countries. The wages of sin is death! It is the mercies of GOD why many are still alive after having sex with someone who is not their spouse. Sex before marriage sends a message of unfaithfulness to the family and the person just as when a married person has sex out of wedlock sends a message of unfaithfulness. You are a person of your word and are honorable when you do everything you're suppose to do to show that you will be faithful by talking to the parent/guardian, talking to the family, put money aside to get married, even if it's at the city court, and doing whatever it takes to do the marriage ceremony before having sex with the individual. Sex before marriage is selfish and sex with someone other than your spouse is selfishness. Sex after the wedding ceremony shows you're willing to be selfless in order to do things right. Like a husbandman with a vineyard, do all the right steps to acquire the vineyard; hence, the term "husband" in husbandman. Don't start messing with someone's soil and planting seeds without some formal agreement with the caretaker/property owner/parent(s). Also, once you have acquired the vineyard with honor, you tend to it, or the person, with love and faithfulness. You don't abandon the vineyard because the grass is greener on the other side like an adulterer having sex with someone who is not their spouse. Stick with your vineyard/wife until she dies or the marital contract is annulled by death. Be faithful, selflessly loving and honorable when it comes to marriage and sex. No one needs sex or any form of marital intimacy with someone who is not their spouse. If you say you do need sex before marriage, or with someone who is not your spouse, you are a liar. Once you have GOD's perspective on marriage and sex, you will notice that the opposite sex is made to be treated in a precious and honorable way. Please read: Matthew 19:1-9, Leviticus 15:18-33, Romans 12:1, 1 Thessalonians 4, Deuteronomy 24:5, Leviticus 18:22, Exodus 22:16, 1 Corinthians 7, Leviticus 20, Leviticus 18, Leviticus 19:29, Hebrews 13:4, Genesis 2:18-25, Genesis 24, and Romans 7:1-4. The problem of the oversexed culture is rooted in a culture of darkness concerning the purpose of marriage, love, the body, and the purpose of sex. The oversexed culture has taken sex out of its GOD-designed context and have used dating as a means to get sex from women. Women are lying about wanting to have casual sex and emotionally detached sex. No woman feels comfortable during sex or wants to be treated as an object for sexual pleasure. Men enjoy sex more than women. Some men just want sex with a virgin to mess with their mental health, to be remembered and to create an attachment. Some men are honest about sex and are not excited about sex. How comfortable is a woman during sex when she is being stuffed like a turkey with someone else's body part repeatedly? No one likes the feeling of being too full or constipated! Be real society! Pornography brainwashes these young people of today about sex and pornography is a lie. Women are more willing to only have sex within a marriage. Women only feel emotionally safe having sex and intimacy within a marriage and some do it within marriage in order to have a child.>> <<@LAMacli says : lol 😂>> <<@truegamer2819 says : this is the most accurate answer from the bible, its true you cant just sin and say yea all i can do is ask for forgiveness..its doesnt work like that>> <<@anthonyvillalba824 says : What if your middle aged, not a virgin and have sex before marriage. Because, you know, the clock is ticking and our bodies change and some my age have been dying. I understand its a moral sin, but it almost seems tyats more for the younger generation to abstain.>> <<@HeavenlyHarmonyPress says : I struggle with this sin. I'm a divorced single mother that's been saved for a year, I was brought to the Lord at my lowest, when I had gotten into tarot cards, new age, promiscuous clothing, sex etc...and all that changed one night. I got rid of everything detestable in my sight afterwards. The one thing I struggled with was masterbation. Eventually stopped that too for long periods of time. One day, I met someone, a man. Who is nice, giving, caring..he pursued me and we began dating. But before we began dating I found out he wasn't a Christian. At first I knew better than to get into a relationship with a nonbeliever. I Eventually told him my concerns with hopes to break it off, but he told me a story. He said: once upon a time, there was a girl that he fell head over heels for, that he would do anything for her Anything. And then one day she tells him, that hes not good enough because he does not believe in God. I felt bad after this for how sour my own words could make someone feel, someone I cared about and loved. It sucked. So I communicated my concerns and why that was always a written as Gods way for looking out for us since he knows marriages are not easy, and even more challenging if there are different beliefs in the household. After all my concerns were addressed, we continued to date. And yes we did end up sleeping together, and shamefully I admit we still do. I know its wrong, and I'm upset at myself for the lack of self-control. I'm even considering going on birth control because I'm not ready for another child right now. I love the God, but it feels distasteful coming out of a sinner like me to say I love God but keep sinnin in this way. Because I know its wrong. Ive acknowledged this sin in me, I have prayed over this sin in me, I have even given it to God, talked to Him about this sin in me. He knows. He knows like nobody else knows. Its not a fun peaceful feeling to live in sin, its guilt and shame. But I also know Jesus gave us a simple job to do. To love God and to love everyone. I wanted to write this to anyone out there who might also be struggling with this same sin before marriage, and even to an unbeliever. I am a sinner in premarital sex with a non believer. I am struggling with self control and discipline. My love for God is still there which is why i feel so much guilt. I know God loves the sinner but hates the sin. I do the thing my body wants to do but I do not. How much more will he put up with me i also dont know. I thought my life after being saved would be this clear blueprint to follow. And then my life became stirred up, maybe a test of my faith since i was starting to feel pretty self righteous before, because I was doing everything right. And now I feel more equal with everyone, i dont feel better than anyone since I know everyone had a sin their struggling with. If anything, since meeting this man, i have become less judgemental about the world and more loving towards people. And he looks up more knowing I love the clouds and to paint them, he has begun to think clouds are cool. And my saying is this: I believe God put the clouds in the sky so that in the midst of looking up, we might remember Him. My biggest prayer for everyone is that we may all come to know Jesus and who He is. Its relationships that matter most in this world. And my boyfriend now knows that i dont view Christianity as a religion but as a relationship. And last week he said he would like to come to church with me sometime, because he knows its important to me and what's important to me is important to him. So yea thats the story so far. I just wanted to share again for the very reason to relate on a human level, all self-righteousness set aside. Im struggling, we're all battling our own battles, but its nice to know that none of us are alone through this journey. May peace be reconciled to the heart>> <<@gamefan8552 says : I agree with Frank on this, if you keep on sinning thinking "God has to forgive me", you clearly feel no remorse for you sins and if death suddenly came who can guarantee you will have time to repent ? Let's not play with fire and always live as if today was our last day on Earth, then you will have peace and rest easy only with a clear conscience free from mortal sin. Also anyone who thinks they can outsmart God, is kidding themselves, we might outsmart people for sometime , however even then no one can hope to keep doing that forever and never get caught.>> <<@maninfurnace2560 says : To anyone who thinks of themselves as 'Holy', I hope you know that we are not at all. Our most righteous acts are still as dirty as filthy rags. Hence, certainly, we are not holy because we did certain things "right" (which can be highly subjective as well anyways). We are only made holy because of Christ. Pre-marital sex or being celibate until marriage are both parts of human decisions and cultures, as well as the background and context of the person's life journey in itself. However, let this not be a stumbling stone and cause us to judge and 'cast the first stone' to one another. 🙏>> <<@companyboss5447 says : Sex before marriage is not even cited by God in scripture. So why worry about something God does not worry about?>> <<@brendavanetten3877 says : This doesn´t make sense if God is truly a loving God. So you´re God and you made the humans and you give them a sexdrive that is off the charge and then when they act upon that sexdrive you gave them you will punish them by sending them to hell. I understand why you would sens Hitler to hell or a serial killer but sending a person to hell because that person had sex does not make sense to me. If this is true then this really such.>> <<@TokaAchumi777 says : Can we have holy matrimony wedding after we repent and confess for pre marital sex?>> <<@henrytetteh7807 says : i have been a Christian for long and this is the best explanation to this question I have ever heard. Thank God for this moment.>> <<@sniper9840 says : Thanks for this but what does 1 Corinthians 7:9 mean then? "But if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry then to burn">> <<@maceysparrow8095 says : I think that Christians should not have sex in first place. Paul was saying himself, that he would prefere eveyone to stay single.>> <<@markjapan4062 says : NO IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY MARRIED IN HEAVEN STAY TOGETHER FOR LIFE>> <<@sl4x372 says : "Do not be deceived! For neither fornicators nor sodomites nor adulterers nor thieves nor drunkards nor murderers nor extortionors nor swindlers, these shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9) We repent, turn away from sin, turning to Jesus instead.>> <<@tkcurtis1725 says : "You can be forgiven for any sin except blasphemy of the holy spirit...rejecting christ!" Wow...think about that christians! You can rape a child, bang your neighbor's wife, kill innocent homeless folks, torture small animals and a commit a litany of other horrific sins; you just gotta say your sorry. Now talk bad about god! You're f***ed!!!>> <<@Testequip says : In biblical times, a man was NOT prohibited from having sexual relations with a woman, as long as it led to marriage. The Bible never explicitly states a woman and man may not have sexual intercourse prior to marriage; therefore, no sanction was imposed for premarital sex, BUT it was considered a violation of custom>> <<@chrisgeorge27 says : So this is my single biggest hang up that I have with Christianity: you are forgiven. Awesome. You just have to repent and turn from sin and therefore you have a new heart that craves righteousness. But, we all admit it’s literally impossible to stop sinning… This seems like a paradox, no? *just say you’re sorry and stop sinning…but you can’t stop sinning.” 🧐>> <<@valentino226 says : Christians live on after death non Christians die and the wicket go to hell. This makes the most sense to me not saying that I believe it its just harder to believe that a loving God would send you to eternal damnation for sinning. Example murder is wicket swearing or having an un pure thought is a sin.>> <<@gorillagirlgorilla says : You're going to hell if u believe in Christ as god. "Only the father is the one true god" jesus works in Bible.>> <<@Dispensational_David says : I’m in such a tough situation with this subject. I have been living apart from Christ for the last few years and met a great woman. We bought a house together and now have her 12 yr old son living with us. Since I’ve recommitted my life to Jesus in the past few months I’m convicted about having this intimate relationship with a non believer. I feel like leaving her and her son would be abandonment and not a loving decision being that we otherwise have a great relationship. I don’t believe she would understand and so I’ve chosen to just try and witness to her as of late. But I just don’t know what to do. Any advice is appreciated>> <<@errettungdurchglauben-fait1850 says : "If you truly have trusted Christ you would love him and follow him". Okay, then no one in the Curch of the Corinthians was saved, no one in the Church of adressed in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and no one in the Church of Galatia would be saved. Being saved does not change ANYTHING in your life, we SHOULD love God, but let us be honest, most saved Christians don't love God. And that saved Christians do not automatically love God, is clear throughout all scripture. The Isrealites were all saved, because they had enough Faith to put the blood of the Lambs on the doorposts, yet they fell into unbelief and were therefore destroyed by God... no love for God in that case! The one guy in the Corinthian Church slept with his mother in Law unrepentently: wow, he loved God amazingly; yet he was SAVED! Let us not confuse our fruit of the Faith after long time following Christ with Salvation itself!>> <<@steveprofiler says : Are all life that have ever lived a burden to the world more than a benefit cause of "butterfly effect" If so, all people that believe in free will should support terminating all life by their simple choice. Right?>> <<@seyahtan24 says : "A believer is not immune to sin, but he does not delight in it. ">> <<@steveprofiler says : Use some socratic method on what Turek says and you will soon find out that he disagree with himself.>> <<@steveprofiler says : Maby it is immoral to live if everyone is a liability to eachother.>> <<@litafbobpompeani7711 says : Well regardless this is surely one thing I'd never have to worry about being sent to hell for. Now if being ugly is a sin I'm surely doomed!>> <<@DiscipleShaynePlaylist says : Brother Read Revelation 2, maybe will help you too Thank you, love you too Jesus is Alive!!! ⛪💕🏃‍♂💨🌏>> <<@lae3418 says : You will go to hell because you’ve sinned it don’t matter which one. But if you believe and repent of your sins and trust in Jesus to be your lord and Savior you will make it to heaven.>> <<@Blessed_by_Yeshua says : Here’s a testamony. My husband quit being intimate with me almost a decade ago. I don’t know why. I’m the same wife he married. He wouldn’t tell me why. It bothered me because I still needed intimacy in my marriage. I cried. A lot. On my own in the dark. Then I was born again in 2017 (I had fallen away for a long time). Truly being saved, very suddenly I no longer had a need for intimacy. That need was taken from me. I thank God for that. My husband and I are still married. We enjoy each other’s company a lot. We always have. I know he loves me. I still don’t know why one day out of the blue he never wanted me again, and I don’t care. He’s not my top priority now.>> <<@thelogiclockedwithinhuman8285 says : No you won't because Marriage nowadays is a Government Bondage that has nothing to do with JESUS, Fornicating literally meant Sleeping Around and Cult Sexuality Porneia, I can't believe that the church thats supposed to represent JESUS doesn't even know what TRUE Marriage is Genesis 1:26-28 refers to Commitment in Heart and Mind Eternal and Unbearable. The Ring and Piece of Paper are Copy and Paste of Old Covenant Judaism, nothing more and nothing less, The LORD cares about Commitment through a Spiritual Covenant, the church is just a Business that represents Power, Greed, and Indoctrination. Please everyone if you read this seek the Real JESUS and not the church system and its Anti-Christ and FALSE god made in Man's Image God Bless 1 John 4:7, 1 John 4:16-18, and Jeremiah 31:31-34.>> <<@austinfurgason3634 says : Paul would say in Corinthians 5 you should be thrown out of church, which is excommunicated. 1 John 3 says those who practice sin are of there father the devil. A little yeast leavens the dough. And my generation had inherited moldy bread.>> <<@brettjern3264 says : If you're reading this young man, wait until you're married to a Christian woman that has waited until marriage to have sex. It's the way God wants it plus you don't want to be with a woman thinking about what another man did with her sexually.>> <<@dannylinc6247 says : When it's forgiven by Christ is when you have truly believed and invited Christ into your heart. God can make you a new creation in Christ Jesus. It's a process and the guidance comes from God's word. It's not jumping in a phone booth and coming out brand new without a change in you. There is a lot of solid food after the initial "milk of the word". The exchange between a person and his creator is often private and personal to people. If you want to demonstrate with symbolism, churches offer baptism for those who haven't received it. There's classes to help prepare in a lot of churches I have seen. Your desire is enough, like the thief on the cross, Jesus forgave him and told him he would be with Him that very day "in paradise".>> <<@eaglehaus1723 says : ■ “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.” — Deuteronomy 23:2 (KJV) Q Can a human cancel this -- generational curse -- ? Ans : Never>> <<@user-jw1ld8tn2l says : Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death>> <<@atwellspencer9787 says : if sex is your god, you dont deserve a real god or eternal life. and fyi.... know how to tell the bible is gods word? cause it doesnt cater to your lusts, like mormons, islam do. islam says sex in heaven with virgins, THAT FOR SURE is man made and Mormons with endless celestial sex in heaven..again, THATS FOR SURE man made. ONLY THE BIBLE SAYS theres no sex in heaven or male or female, for we will be like the angels.>> <<@CesarD321 says : Anyone will go to hell if they don’t put their trust in Christ for salvation and repent from their sins because absolutely everyone has sinned. God is HOLY and if he doesn’t judge wicked men he wouldn’t be a good God. But he is also merciful and created a way for us to be saved from just judgment>> <<@jeanniestaller797 says : I'm not convinced that a Christian can escape hell with unrepented continuous sin>> <<@RustyGunn7 says : Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is saying it is evil, demonic, and powered by satan. This is what the pharisess did. It is calling what is good as being evil. This is an unforgivable sin. BTW the other unforgivable sin is taking the mark of the beast, because one would have given allegence to satan.>>