<<@csnipper524 says : Seven years? The technology to do a fake video this well doesn't even exist currently, unless it's maybe some government project.🤔🤔 On a sidenote if it is AI, it nailed his stuttering quite well.>> <<@oskars_l says : 2024?>> <<@nobbynobbs8182 says : Elon Muskovitch is the greatest Conman>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Elon musk quoted as saying Tesla would be worthless if it didn't have self driving .so he needs the company was worthless .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Semi trucks, self driving ,solar tiles ,boring company , hyperlink and Mars are all fake statements to keep himself afloat .He sold 62b of shares stolen from the market on total BS fraudulent comments .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : If he is allowed to say these things there is no longer a stock market that relies on company statements .How is he different from any other fraudulent CEO .They lose people thousands of dollars he lost investors billions .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Best guess ? It didn't sound like a guess it sounded like a statement of fact .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Let the law suites begin and speak to Ark they must have known about this BS she was talking up Tesla only a few months ago telling us it's a 10k stock .the level of lies these people tell is shocking .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Everyone who called Elon out and shorted his shares should be suing Tesla for criminal damage .they always new it was a false claim so they lied to everyone .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Everyone who called Elon out and shorted his shares should be suing Tesla for criminal damage .they always new it was a false claim so they lied to everyone .>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : There is something very odd about Elon musk .He thinks he can lie and lie and lie about anything>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Therano lost investors 10b be ause she lied .Elon has lost 500b because of his lies about self driving>> <<@EikTuKaTu says : I don't think he lies, he may be actually that delulu. Optimism is good, but it doesn't sell, but dreams with dates do sell.>> <<@petcern4254 says : FOOL Self Driving...>> <<@mdb0992 says : What is with all of the way too small black shirts on not only him but so many of the people “Interviewing” him?>> <<@lankey6969 says : Imagine being a bag holder and still singing this guy's praises....>> <<@DanDeGaston says : You know what, I think you should do a video about some of the Tesla accomplishments. Such as Tesla Model 3/Y and landing the Falcon 9 rocket. . . That is freaking awesome in my book! While Elon says plenty of non-sense, I think you should give him props on the accomplishments. . . and I still don't see anything as awesome as Falcon 9 rocket landing. Another video idea. . . How many Starship launches will it take to get 1 Starship to the Moon and back while recovering each rocket and piece of material? (Assuming Starship works and has to follow the rocket equation and typical fuel burnoff)>> <<@Cancun771 says : Musk could have evaded jail by the same mechanisms as used by Trump. He is perfectly positioned to launder all kinds of illicit foreign money and pump it into the US political system. And after Mar-A-Lardo is reinstalled in the White House, he becomes Elon's get-out-of-jail-free card.>> <<@jeil5676 says : All this spending on NASA crazy schemes, musk ventures, military complex, foreign aid, etc. just seems like a way to take and spend american tax money. Like laundering stolen money to give out to execs. Convenient that it seems the citizens bare the tax burden.>> <<@larncieldarknciel440 says : In my opinion he doesn't go to prison becase He is in bed with NASA. He is the sacrifial fool. NASA gives him money for rocket technology they themselves can't produce, so when it blows up, well it is Elon and his space X not NASA. Imagine this we went to the moon with 60s technology and somehow NASA and the richest man on earth can't even guarantee a safe earth orbit. Somehow a bunch of idiots absolutely believe that NASA put men on the moon repeatedly with inferior technology. Elon is the sacrificial fool. Space X is going to suffer every single catastrophy NASA avoided by faking it... And that's my opinion based on over half a century of moon landings promises. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The moon landings are based on bad evidence and she says he says BS.>> <<@UncleJoeLITE says : Another fanatical Phil convert checking in lol.🎯>> <<@desmondjefferson2127 says : When i saw him Tweet that the auto drive was a BETA....I knew this day would come. I AM NOT PARTICIPATING IN TESLA BETA TESTING AT ALL, yet they are on the road with my car???? No way he wasn't gonna get sued, just like I'd get fired for doing my coffee treating in PROD!!!>> <<@tearwee69 says : Thunderf00t please let your thunder keep rolling along.>> <<@JLCoelho says : 11:11 Tesla FSD dislikes Cyclists too huh?>> <<@sleepnosis says : Musk pumped and dumped so much Tesla stock based on lies and gross exaggeration. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets sued from inside and outside his companies. He should be cutoff from government tax dollar funds.>> <<@sleepnosis says : Anyone who believes a word elon says at this point is a tool. I don’t like how much tax payer dollars he gets to burn and line his pockets with. Without government subsidies and contracts most of his companies would have gone under long ago. He’s a giga-nerd and a scammer.>> <<@Lumposaurus says : I hate the word "Entrepreneur". An "entrepreneur" is someone who doesn't care about the product, the company, the customer, their employees, their coworkers or anything else, except for putting as much money into their own pocket as possible. They are psychopaths that are happy to burn down a city if it made them a dollar more than not burning down the city. They are not business people, they are arsonists with a better PR team.>> <<@GertKlimanschewski says : How can you know that HUMAN RACE DEFINITELY FAILS.....??? BECAUSE ELON MUSK IS RICH AND TRUMP WAS US PRESIDENT 😊>> <<@GertKlimanschewski says : How can a human so SHAMELESS SHAMELESS SHAMELESS LIE.....??? AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN....... I honestly don't understand....!>> <<@fenrir834 says : 14:36 I would say if you don't buy the self driving part, Tesla cars are pretty damn good>> <<@calescapee9642 says : Earl Muntz had Integrity. Elon Musk doesn't.>> <<@N1withaskillet says : 11:11 The Tesla trying to merc a bicyclist while the occupants are taking deep breaths of their own methane and releasing the gas back out as safety claims gave me a chuckle.>> <<@towers7623 says : "Just like Mars?" I mean.... he wasn't wrong.>> <<@tmophead says : I've never heard him say anything meaningful in all the interviews he's been in.>> <<@carlkligerman1981 says : O Tesla is now pivoting to Optimus which is apparently the most capable humanoid robot in the cosmos, ever. So Elon will be just fine. Some old engineer even said he’d seen what it could do and that it leaves BD’s Atlas in the dust! Woo hoo>> <<@SpaNT650 says : https://youtu.be/CMeBxnpJpZ4?si=hJhZjWHxxSlZHLlh Tar and feather him>> <<@earlgrey2130 says : I think Elon is a visionary with a sales background, born into a time where you have the technology to sell your visions to the world. And he banked on the belief that his employees would be able to translate his visions into reality with all the money his promises earned. Ironically if he'd been honest about the true state of the products he envisioned, he'd probably had never gotten that much money and support. So.. it was a gamble that could've paid off in his mind. Unfortunately those visions crashed with reality and now he has to faces the consequences of making empty promises. Kind of sad.. i wish more people would dare to dream big and think outside of the box. But you have to do it with honesty and rooted in science. And conversely i blame us consumers for throwing money at people who sell us snakeoil instead of people who are honest to us.>> <<@Where_is_Waldo says : I've said it before and I'll say it again: Are trump and musk the same person?>> <<@bc-guy852 says : You do great work Sir!>> <<@ashleymoore9063 says : Surely everybody that lost money on the shorting of Tesla shares should be asking for their full refund from Elon because he managed to get himself out of that short situation by defrauding the public and defrauding his own clients He even sold a full automated driving package for 15,000 That's not a deep fake that's Tesla selling a fake automated driving system for 15,000 they took the money and they knew that the system was nothing like a self-driving system They allowed people on the road to rely on a 100% secure driving system that they know was 20% at best that is reckless endangerment and fraud.>> <<@michaelhoile1369 says : The muskrat needs to go to prison 😤 😮>> <<@zombre_9206 says : I have elon stans at my work. they can be insufferable defending this clown.>> <<@jackjohnson3519 says : Our lives are literally just billionaires gaslighting us while we struggle thru artificial scarcity>> <<@g4do says : I knew from the beginning. It's not hard to see . We all own cellphones and have seen battery performance. To buy into electric vehicles so easily has to be embarrassing. Pay attention folks . You all have had rechargeable products for years and have seen the batteries fail under stress and heat continuously.>> <<@krodax3639 says : Imagine talking at a conference for over an hour and 6 years later some person takes a 1minute clip and sues you over something you said...>> <<@MARXTACET says : Yes, Musk is a pathological optimist. He's achieved quite a bit. The annoying Brit in this video should find something to do that's actually productive.>> <<@moragslothe6449 says : Elon Musk is like 'The Day Before' personified.>> <<@Queenskid19 says : P.s..Wait for the lawsuits for the drive by wire system on cybercan. It's a death trap!!>> <<@Queenskid19 says : I'm starting to feel bad a little. For all the people that trusted Elon. Like telling people that your car will drive itself. Meanwhile it's a level 2 lane assist and they just killed a guy? Or your car will leave the house itself in the morning and make you 100k a year. Lmfao....>> <<@Yanquetino says : I've got to hand it to you for patience and perserverance in resurrecting and listening to Elon Isherwell's statements. I can hardly stand to hear him at this point! His rambling, incoherent, pointless, stuttering staccato is too inarticulate to tolerate. What I can't believe is that there are still —still!— cult members who think he's a "genius" and worship the ground he walks on.>>