<<@hasturiel says : Hm... Felix, watching you is the most calming thing I have had in my life recently... I feel that you are changing my life and my mood. Maybe people who read it won't understand, but Pewdie is really a great man. Thank you, Felix!!!>> <<@MonographicSingleheadedM-sp2wk says : ok can we just acknowledge again as we always do for years now that Felix is simply a genius ? :) gg man ! great job !>> <<@Newboi2 says : >> <<@genrose3829 says : I love these so much!>> <<@genrose3829 says : Actually laughing outloud>> <<@cookedonion3315 says : I don’t care if it’s one video a year Felix but even when your 80 we better get atleast one video a year or even every 10 years we need updates>> <<@greyrankin1710 says : This is street ART>> <<@ilikeanime1610 says : this vid makes me want to have 3D printer my self, although i wouldn't even use it>> <<@Mewing409 says : وحصيف>> <<@ethribin4188 says : I feel sorry for Pewds. He's so famous, he gets fan-swarmed in anything>> <<@Brandongamesall says : Honestly, you have made things so much more interesting in Japan! I am surprised that you have done things that a lot of people haven't even done yet. And you still respected Japan while doing this <3 This is why you are our king of the web ^^>> <<@incognitodog3219 says : u realise u are great when u bging comunity togheder>> <<@PotentialLegend says : How did I never see this video until now?>> <<@DaCopium says : what drawing software did you use to make your own models? I have knowledge with Mastercam but it's more of a operational software for cnc work and not model making.>> <<@Sahithyanfx says : All the Minecraft Grind Comes in Handy>> <<@takausa says : 撮影場所が家の近所で驚いた>> <<@hiruki8 says : I like how relaxing the vibe of your new videos are.>> <<@PeifErnid says : you should have shaken their hands>> <<@nesspyr says : we're all so old now 😭>> <<@laweedwalid says : Now this is the content he wanted to make for years>> <<@sanshining7774 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@hidazip says : Wait, that’s somewhere aroud where I live.>> <<@Kosacka123 says : The one unemployment friend on Monday:>> <<@ag4765 says : Why not pewd headphones for the cats?>> <<@praisendudim1783 says : 𝕐𝕙 𝕓𝕣𝕣𝕣 𝕚𝕥 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜>> <<@veronicab15 says : Pewds being a dad and doing side quests is just so cool.>> <<@CatiosPizza says : 9:25 yes, Felix soldering is pure pain.>> <<@southerndiscomfort171 says : the hat was so cool>> <<@gomamiso_R says : これは精巧すぎて最初からそこにあったものだとしか思えないから気付かないわw>> <<@daviddominguez3680 says : hate from montreal, i am ur biggesty haterr>> <<@paypig919 says : this is funny>> <<@ivan_valerian says : Wtf Pewds is starting to learn some random things and he's learning it all at a scarily fast rate goddamn>> <<@lukesphinx9 says : I wanna see pewds cosplay Zeke Yeager>> <<@joeparedes6974 says : Man, that was a real long break. Happy to have you been back, it was torture without you.>> <<@eriklundstedt9469 says : This is a bit late, but maybe you should start doing geocaching, its like the Swedish "orientering" (looking for marked(physicaly marked) spots with a map and compass, often in the forest) But you look for a box/container and write your username on a paper (and online) and sometimes there's things that someone else have left and you can trade Anyway, love the new style of content Cheers from 🇸🇪Sundsvall, Sverige 🇸🇪 (a town in the middle of the Swedish coast), you'll be a great dad>> <<@mezyan_off6768 says : جميل>> <<@casualfilth2241 says : Nice.>> <<@aidiland says : aku udah subscribe bang, semoga jadi yutuber yang bermanfaat>> <<@mandydickson7809 says : Where is Pewd's wedding ring? 💍>> <<@BernicePuleng says : Felix, we use the same contact lenses. That's all. Bi.>> <<@Kittynese says : Юджин делал на этом контент ещё 5 лет назад 🥱>> <<@chileanvlogger7716 says : se robaron los gorrito 😢>> <<@AxelRthegamer says : Imagine PewDiePie at 112! It can be crazy 😮 But he MUST to do Fortinte videos for it !>> <<@susangoaway says : moth people>> <<@jaif7327 says : last part made me very happy, wish i couldve ever met you...>> <<@gabrielperez1199 says : The inside joke tomato juice is so brilliant>> <<@KamenRider_Stronger says : wtf, so annoying! Foreigners place foreign objects on telephone poles without permission and gleefully attach notes to them. Pasting notes on public property is a crime! Japan's order is being destroyed by foreigners. Get out of Japan!>> <<@Elevated805 says : More stuff like this. 👏 🚏>> <<@miravladyka8477 says : Pewdipie makes art without knowing it :)>> <<@saltworth2570 says : Do this agaaaaain pewds not thenoutside just showcase us some cool things you made.>>