<<@joreanhendersons1471 says : I started Watching pornography when I was 13. Years old and now I’m 21 and stopped watching it because I’m trying to do better>> <<@stellamiller6072 says : This video only gave the emotions one felt and no Biblical scriptures to say if it was a sin.>> <<@timothymoyer2509 says : When I was 14 about 2.5 years ago I was addicted to p0rn and had been for 5 years. I knew it was wrong but never really gave it my all when I tried to stop because of the mentality that if it wasn't hurting anyone else then it was ok. One day when I was scrolling on YouTube this video popped up. At that time I never watched any videos like this one, so as far as I know it could have been God could have put it in my feed. And for some reason I chose to watch it, some of it could have been that my addiction was heavy on my heart. Anyway after watching it and seeing how heart broken sutton was after she found out nate had been watching p0rn I decided to stop. The main reason that I decided to stop was because I couldn't bare the thought of making the girl I loved cry out of sadness because of something that I had done. After that every time I thought about watching p0rn I just thought about how sad it would be to make her cry and that was enough to make me stop. 2.5 years later and I haven't watched p0rn a single time. Thank you God for giving me the strength and courage to fight the battle and win. Thank you to the girl I loved and still do love, for your Godly love for me that made me love you too much for me to risk hurting your feelings. Thank you nate and sutton for making this video.>> <<@Maumau21 says : Not an easy topic but thankful for your honesty ❤️>> <<@amaryllisglitters584 says : 8:46 Victoria’s Secret is called that because it’s a secret that Victoria is actually a man.>> <<@elle8388 says : Go blonde Sutton 😃 you'd look even better>> <<@shawnajensenjohnson5482 says : I am grateful you are talking of this. Is he getting professional help? It is great you two look happy and portray that speaking about this very important topic, except only time will tell. I'm not trying to sound negative in anyway, shape or form. I'm simply bringing out "my story" with this topic and what had happened and has happened to many (who have even a slight addiction) to relationships and families "over time". This addiction cannot be laughed at. It is so much more than you think it is. If he is not getting professional help and sticking with it, according to professionals, pornography only progresses. This happened to us. We lived on believing we were "happy" as you look now. My spouse told me when we were 6 years into our marriage, back in around 1995-6 that he had looked at bad pictures. That's all he told me. At that time, I wasn't aware of pornography addiction and what it truly is. I was grateful he told me because I truly thought he was being honest, except I had come to find out "over time" its so much more dangerous I would have EVER imagined! We had two small children at that time. Life went on and the children and I were living with such "DARK" in the home for many years and I could not understand for 28 years into the relationship what was happening. My spouse was very disconnected, our relationship was very confusing. Finally in 2018 I discovered pornography on his device and it was then he told me he had a pornography addiction since he was 10. My world went entirely upside down. It nearly destroyed our family because the darkness and poison of pornography prevails in the home from the addict who continues to do pornography. They cannot stop. The secrecy and silence will only divide your relationships "over time" if he isn't constantly getting the proper professional help and staying in the 12 step programs. Pornography addiction is a VERY serious matter and there should be no laughing about ANY part of this in anyway, shape or form! It only progresses, please for your families sake, be sure accountability is at play and take this to a much more serious level and include the professionals! Keep them in the addicts life. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm hoping to prevent the hardship it has brought to so many families because it's not taken as serious as a heroin addict. Pornography addiction is worse than a serious drug addict. It might seem as if everything is okay. Please get help for your spouse who has and still has the addiction and stay on the path to healing with the professionals who are the only ones who can truly help this. It may save your marriage in the long run...it's like having health insurance with professionals if you must think of it that way in the long run. My marriage now 31 years later is ending and our 4 children (terrific individuals) have scars now because my spouse kept so secret continually doing it. It is a poison in your home. You do not want this for your children in your home at all!! Please take this precaution given to you and make the professionals apart of your marriage. Pornography is nothing to take lightly in anyway, shape or form. Please take care ❤>> <<@user-lb1fl7sh8m says : That's great topic to discuss because people are down seeing this new drug !>> <<@johnmcmurray1912 says : I'm not in a relationship so I have the "Not hurting anyone" mentality but porn addiction is self destructive. I do feel guilty . I had absolutely no idea that women also have this problem. Guess I'm not alone. Thanks.>> <<@redstripe5794 says : Let Jesus Christ Into Your heart pls>> <<@annacarlson2834 says : I just found out my Fiance is watching porn and it broke my heart. He wasn't to quit he told me but doesn't know how to>> <<@randygilbertson1318 says : Porn is nasty period>> <<@lisam6907 says : When my ex told me he watched porn I also broke down into tears too and was devastated. Thank you Sutton for your insight and opinion on this topic- I’m not alone!>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : At 10:14. Porn gives an unrealistic portrayal of women to both women and men. The trend now among high school and college students is that women complain their boyfriends are pressuring them into doing sexual things the guy saw in a porn film. As for Christian couples, imagine a guy thinking women have sex like that and then marrying his virgin bride and being shocked to find out his wife will not have sex like that in real life.>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : At 8:06. Game of Thrones. I know someone who stopped watching it for that reason. Plus he said "TV shows about sex and dragons don't mix.">> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : Women tend to feel superior in these conversations and tend not to admit watching porn. Many file sharing sites claim women are the majority of the account holders. Men will watch it on their phone, tablet, desktop or notebook. Women are more crafty at hiding it. They watch most of the porn on their smartphone. This way no one else in the family will have access to the device. They watch a variety of porn, but the most popular is massage porn. There is a whole genre geared to women. There is a stigma for women. I can't imagine women admitting this either (like men).>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : One of the important things to avoid is the shaming process. This is true for both genders, child, youth or adult. The approach should be to see why someone is watching it. Is there a void they are trying to fill? Do they have past trauma that has distorted relationships with real live people? Next, how can the person reduce the amount watched gradually. From there they need to eliminate it altogether. Therapists may need to be utilized particularly if it is at a stage of addiction.>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : At 2:49. Re. It's not hurting anybody. There are other excuses and justifications. These are used to justify the use of porn and disavow and shame or stigma. These excuses include: It's ubiquitous, free in most cases, does not hurt anyone, educates men and women about sex, is better than having affairs on wives or girlfriends, and is recreational. The problem is porn is much of the opposite: it does have harmful effects on relationships, is addictive, does not give an education about sex, and is largely based on fantasy.>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : At 1:50. Nate is correct. There is a stigma to watching porn. No guys tells his coworkers on Monday morning that he spent the weekend watching pornography. So that should tell you something. My church teaches it is a scourge of society. Our church president many years ago said porn would be the ruin of men in the church. I think he said "it will destroy you".>> <<@scottbrandon9390 says : Pornography comes in different forms. I was teaching a male youth sunday school class about 20 years ago. There was a trend in magazines geared to men that were not nude photos. This was publications like Stuff, FHM, SI Swimsuits Edition, and others that claimed they were about the "journalism". However there were pictorials featuring women in bikinis or lingerie. These mags were geared to the ages 13-30 crowd. As teachers we challenged the youth, as they did not see it as pornographic. The intent of the magazines were pornographic, since many of the consumers were too young to buy Playboy, Penthouse etc. Other gray areas that need to be challenged are R rated Hollywood films, which I understand sometimes manage a PG-13 rating. Game of Thrones was another example that throws in gratuitous sex scenes in nearly every show.>> <<@GentlemenJack109 says : This is a good question well if you look back to the real meaning of adultery is when you have sex with someone who is married. Now let’s get to lust, lust is a strong desire for something, not just sexual. if you strong desire food is that a sin? No. Lust is a strong desire so it depends what your lusting after. Also when God says he who looks at a woman with lust has committed (Adultery) so it’s only a sin if you are staring at a women that is married.>> <<@Amv332 says : Hey guys, love the video but the porn industry is really harmful to the woman in the industry. Human trafficking is a bug part of porn. If you make another video I would be happy to share some resources with you to help educate 😊>> <<@Chiefab22 says : Temptation is very hard to avoid>> <<@hero_of_the_night says : I have stop doing it but I came back 1: when I first came I was 10 years old I was so scared I stopped 2:when I saw a girl cot kill because in the 1800 they got rape I was 11 I was so disgusted I stop now I'm jest waiting now I'm 13 what is it going to be now now it like I take 1 year off and come back>> <<@BigHill8049 says : Yes pornography is a sin 💯%!!!!>> <<@mscottster444 says : Love your guys videos! I dealt with it for over 13 years but just recently one video I watched basically reminded me that when I look at it I am taking advantage of the fact that whoever is in the video is a person that God loves and is not living in his will and that I was basically okay with them sinning (kinda like attending a gay marriage) and making it worse for them and for their family if that persons parents are believers. It really impacted me. Sobered me up real quick. It’s been the longest time since and luckily (Praise Jesus) I haven’t even considered doing it again for that alone. Great video guys!!!!>> <<@rudaalhat4652 says : Yes it is wrong thanku so much for sharing this topic. God bless u guys .>> <<@jtrover says : I think erotica can be fun and healthy. Notice I did not say pornography. Check out the definitions. The important thing is not to become addicted. People can get addicted to so many things in our world, it's important to keep all possible addictions at bay. I think whether you are single or partnered, erotica can be a beautiful thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with responsible sexuality.>> <<@ZaynShah871 says : I feel like Satan is trying to take my soul>> <<@whitneyjones4588 says : How do you get over the fact that your boyfriend looked at it in the past?>> <<@GentlemenJack109 says : Is it ok to wanna marry a porstar? Because I’m in love with a porstar named Elsa Jean and even after I got saved I still have feelings for her.>> <<@JillyBeann77 says : Ok so this recently has happened to Me—And the guy I was dating. He feels tremendous guilt, because it just destroyed me. I guess what my question is—how did you handle this Sutton? Did you guys discuss rebuilding trust going forward- what would happens if this would continue? Practically what steps did you take to ensure that your heart was protected—Or did you just trust that he wouldn’t do it again! Thanks so much! Love you guys!>> <<@elizabethschilling7178 says : Tik tok has porn now too.>> <<@junaidsharfi7482 says : SIDE EFFECTS OF WATCHING PORN AND MATURATION 1. PAIN IN THE KNEE JOINT AND SPINE. 2. IT LEADS TO DEPRECIATION OF BACKBONE. 3. IT RAISES OUR BODY HEAT AND CREATES PIMPLES. 4. YOU FEEL FATIGUE AND TIREDNESS EVERYTIME. 5. LOSS OF HAIR. 6. YOU WILL SUFFER FROM MEMORY LOSS AND LOSS OF CONCENTRATION. 7. PREMATURE EJACULATION. 8. YOUR VISION OF EYES GETS LOW AND BLUR. 9.ISSUES WITH ERECTION. 10. LOSS OF MOTIVATION. 11. DEPRESSION AND LESS HAPPINESS. 12. SLOWDOWN METABOLISM AND PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS. 13. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. 14. URINE INFECTION..>> <<@StaticBlaster says : Christians believe "god" created Adam and Eve full in the flesh therefore human anatomy and nudity was in his plan right from the get-go, and because sexual reproduction is how we make more humans that is also a part of his plan. P0rn, in that sense, was in God's plan. What constitutes p0rn then? Only a perversion of what "god" intended. Ergo, nudity and sex aren't at all considered p0rn in the magic man's eyes. Checkmate!>> <<@mikediller8522 says : I found John Piper's Anthem acronym/technique to be very helpful in resisting pornography. A- Avoid things that cause lust or temptations (set boundaries and rules) N- say NO to temptations within the first 5 seconds.T- Turn to the superior satisfaction in Christ when tempted.(That desire must be replaced by something greater) H- hold on to Christ's promise of a greater satisfaction (through memorizing scripture, etc.) E- enjoy the superior satisfaction in christ. M- move on to other activities to prevent these thoughts. I also find prayer to be very effective.>> <<@ErraticFaith says : Always cute when you find people dumb enough to believe in 'sin'. Hard to even move on to the merits of porn vs its cons, if you're dealing with people as clueless as Donald Drumpf.>> <<@nellyls7872 says : It also is a quite misogynistic industry, if you respected women, I don´t think you should be watching those videos.>> <<@christelbremer657 says : Please help Exodus Cry to shut down Pornhub. See Exodus cry on Youtube, Instagram, and the web. #traffickinghub #abusehub #shutdownpornhub>> <<@Qball__ says : Porn hurts God, The watcher, the spouse of the watcher, and even the porn actors and actresses as they may be doing that work just to get by and many are being trafficked.>> <<@brighgeal8117 says : I literally make porn (live camming) while listening to this in the background XD XD their voices are soothing!>> <<@goinghome1191 says : Nate and Sutton, I think you should do another video on this topic which explains how people can stop the addiction of porn(prayer, other healthy habits, finding a hobby hobby). I also think you should address how it might open our spirit to demons AND how it affects a man's view of women and as a result they don't givee the proper prospect or value them. Also, how it can open the door to pursuing a sexually immoral lifestyle dragging a person deeper into sin by possibly causing someone to go further than just watching or looking. I personally have never been a porn watcher, I never thought it seemed at all alluring. But I know two guys who are so addicted and it breaks my heart for them. I know this is a very big problem among today's youth. God bless you Nate and Sutton!>> <<@caleblanting1226 says : Sometimes, I still stumble on this, but I just wanted to share something that has helped me IMMENSELY. If you have a job, or any source of income, or just the money in general, I would highly suggest trying out covenant eyes and adding some mentors as your allies, I have it on all of my devices, but sometimes even that didn't work. I would find ways to look lustfully without looking at porn, so I installed an app blocker, or I can only look at Instagram Facebook and Snapchat between noon and 7: 00pm and then during those hours I can only open the app 10 times. This has worked wonders for me, I really hope it helps you guys too>> <<@Yocarisfastlike says : Why they only talking bout naked women . What bout shirtless men>> <<@olyviakiley5646 says : I'm astonished at how young an age you all got into this! I'm not trying to demean any of you, I fell into the trap at age 14, didn't escape til I was 16, but 4th grade? I've seen some comments saying ages like 11, 10, even as young as 7! Those who exposed you little ones ought to be ashamed. I'll be saying a special prayer for people who are addicted to it...it's so sad and my heart breaks for you all 💔>> <<@kimvilla7109 says : My husband and I have been struggling with this battle for 5 years now. He was introduced when he was around 8 and have struggled for YEARS. He married me without telling me, and I never really noticed. (He was sneaky). He said he was hoping that being able to have sex available 24/7 with being married , he wouldn’t have the need to watch it. Well, getting married didn’t take it away. I have never denied my husband once. And we would hardly have sex. Maybe once a month. This took me on a very VERY DARK PATH. I was disgusted with myself. I was pregnant and felt ugly. I felt like maybe I was the one with a sex problem. I found out, when I was pregnant with baby number 2. I walked in on him one day, caught him in action with his phone in the rest room. It BROKE ME! ever since it’s been a struggle . On and off . I was never an anxious person, I never had self esteem issues, or trust issues. Well this has completely turned me upside down. There is no trust, I suffer with the WORST! Self esteem issues. I starved myself for a week after one of the insistences because I felt like I was too fat. It has to be the way I look.I have anxiety leaving him alone or when he goes to work. And I DONT WANT TO LIVE THIS WAY . I’m fighting against all these feelings every day hoping and praying that God’s plan will carry through. This has been the biggest threat to our marriage. Porn did so much more than taunt my husband it has completely overtaken our marriage. Please seek help if you are struggling with porn. Before you get married, marriage will not take it away. And you can really damage someone other than yourself. Pornography IS A SIN! It is AN ADDICTION. IT IS TOXIC. AND IT WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE!>> <<@rosemaryvanzyl6338 says : You 2 are such a great example of the way we should live in our everyday life. I Pray your love for each other grows in leaps and bounds. I know you are both beautiful inside and out.>> <<@phillip3910 says : BAN PORN>> <<@gabrieladaniel9687 says : You could also have talked about what happens in the spiritual realm when someone does such thing. I mean how you open doors for demons to mess up with your life, etc, and how it blocks us from receiving God's blessings.>> <<@mappingtank8762 says : What ig ur not addicted is it a sin>>