<<@Biographics says : If you'd like to try out Brilliant for free and get 20% off a year of STEM learning, click the link in the description down below or visit: https://www.brilliant.org/biographics>> <<@paulwillard9687 says : Her reforms prompted the country going into revolution>> <<@thedarkpassenger9 says : you are clearly threatened by the modern climate so you hammer and hammer the point of sexism over and over. get over it.>> <<@user-pp2cg3iw5d says : I would stick to your day job of trying to be a comedian rather than a serious historian!>> <<@sarahlachman1349 says : The greatest tragedy of Cian dying is RIGHT. Cian very likely held a strong soft power keeping Cixi in line, as Cian was the actual Matriarch until ther death. Consider in the US Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia; Thomas was well known to be silen until Scalia's death but still made important decisons likewise Cian likely held more of her opinions to herself and those who knew likely adjusted their views to not get the ire of Cixi who clearly was power hungery. She killed the ministers who could threaten her, she demoted prince gong, Li Hong and Yuan Shaki many times only for them to have to be called back when things hit the fan. She played the factions against eachother, and likely during the 100 days reform set a trap for the emperor in order to dipose him. Not that he ever had any support, they all were loyal to the shadow emperor, Cixi. One wonders what a conversation between her and wu zetian the only other women bold enough to claim power might be. That said she was only human and like all humans could appear to act "nice" though the words to be used for her, clever and shrewd would fit her best. Sadly her rule ended up only keeping the Qing alive while she was alive.>> <<@smilessantana2049 says : Why do they always wear those cone-hats?>> <<@williamballard767 says : 1:29 wrong. “May you live in interesting times” isn’t a curse from ancient China. It was started from a British man who claimed it was from China. The moment I heard you say this, I became skeptical of this video.>> <<@richardzhang2773 says : She was 100% for the ultimate collapse of Qing Dynasty, lol>> <<@Bread-nx9fo says : She tried to fix a broken country that kept getting under minded by her own corrupt officials and foreign powers.>> <<@chrismacphail7041 says : proncounced c c>> <<@spockks says : Will be remembered as the one that set China back at least 50 years!!>> <<@Heresheis0818 says : Cici and cixi , Majorie and Pansy>> <<@Thecircustapes says : I admire the empress dowager for her ability to rise to power but I hate that even though she didn't even have her own imperial dynasty she constantly over shadowed tianhuang wu zetian or the southern zhou.>> <<@aaronmonteiro3586 says : She was stupid woman who stoped reformation>> <<@briandoss9232 says : Man. China has alot more history than I was ever taught.>> <<@disappearintothesea says : The Chinese drama The Firmament of the Pleiades is based on Cixi.>> <<@kikyaaakun says : POV from a Chinese: the last 50years of Qing dynasty was a joke🤡>> <<@lisalove6327 says : Here we are once more>> <<@ehrldawg says : That was interesting !!>> <<@sbtopjosh4098 says : 4:11 i lol'd hard at this. My wife asked me what i was laughing about. I just shooked my head>> <<@jarrodyuki7081 says : japan should have taken china.>> <<@TheHikeChoseMe says : of course they depicted a woman as a she devil. cant have strong women in history ya know. but maybe she should have just identified as a man and problem solved. cuz ya know, women arent second class because we 'feel like a woman', has nothing to do with our say, sex.>> <<@Matt620 says : Simon spends too much time trying to do the "hurrr, men so bad" thing that he really robs Ci Xi of her agency. It's quite distracting and even quite bigoted. She was indeed a ruthless modernizer, but she didn't do that alone: Prince Gong was the one who came up with the Zongli Yamen, and Li Houzhong was the one who did much with the army. Don't discount the powerful and intelligent men around Ci Xi just because you want to give her props for being a woman. Also, there was plenty of conflict between Prince Gong, Ci Xi, and Ci'An. Read the story of An Dehai. The problem with Ci Xi was she was paranoid and surrounded herself with people like Zaiyi, who were just xenophobes, rather than the intelligent people because the intelligent people were threats to her power. Also, I don't hold her responsible for Ci'An. That was a brain hemorrhage.>> <<@RitaGehman says : "Cackling like Dick Dastardly..." I love this British bloke's expressions.>> <<@suzanneribas3746 says : the curse is may you live in changing times......>> <<@hendrotampubolon5064 says : Without cixi the dynasty will fall and it happen after she die>> <<@armandosalazar2938 says : Hey you man!!!, you speak like a machine gun! I scarcely understood what you say, God thanks exist traductor in youtube, I´m learning english and is a challenge to me listen in english, and as I like to learn about history, I like your video, thanks for your work, but please, speak a litlle bit slowly! Je, je, je, !!!!>> <<@arnulfoesguerra4795 says : And you should put enough CREDIT to Jung Chang where you got whatever you are relating. My goodness. Be scholarly enough!>> <<@ThePrime125 says : The description of the second opium war is very one sided and seems to forget that the negociators were not only caputerd but tortured and killed in atrocious ways>> <<@davehall4343 says : I'm reading Seagrave's book on Cixi and this documentary seemed to be a good overview.>> <<@bxbank says : Savvy woman. And so recent! Amazing.>> <<@gengarzilla1685 says : When you exercise such a tight grip over something so fragile, sooner or later that thing will break and there'll probably be blood on your hands.>> <<@caesarionrosario2163 says : 🤝thank You>> <<@michellecrocker2485 says : Henry VIII would have sympathized with Xianfen here. Especially with his struggles to get an heir.>> <<@augustuswade9781 says : Cixi - > Tsee-Shee>> <<@wendychavez5348 says : Simon, do you ever sleep?>> <<@graemecraig07 says : Wargraphics didn't appear in the links below.>> <<@theshadowman1398 says : If child cries you are screwed>> <<@attemptedunkindness3632 says : When you rise to power because everybody around you seems to strangely die of accidental poisoning.>> <<@raphipik says : I usually don’t mind your mispronunciation of names, because you’re usually not too far off, or it’s approximatively close in some ways. But you completely butchered that one. It’s not even close. You could’ve at least gotten the consonants right. That was actually painful to listen to. Love your channel still!>> <<@albertwong1031 says : One thing to know in Chinese history is women's name is usually not recorded, no matter how famous this women are, it is not common for female's name to be recorded in official history, usually just by their surname, in Cixi's case, official history refer to her only by her surname which is Yehenara, but in unofficial history, her full name is Yehenara XinZhen. Ci'xi is not her real name, it's only a name specially for her as a Empress Dowager.>> <<@ichinen3904 says : Though the early life of Cixi was kinda detailed, Cixi did not westernize China indeed, she was only agreeing reforms due to sustaining the rule for the royal family , indeed the messed up both reforms that happened in China>> <<@preethamn4757 says : Rani Sethulakshmi Bhai of Travancore 💯she was the Queen for many year in Travancore (A Kingdom was in southern part of India) she ruled Travancore from 1924 to 1931.The most tremendous year of Travancore.She was the modern matriarchal monarch in 20th century.>> <<@Catseye189 says : Can you do a video on the Borgia family? Thank you!>> <<@kaloarepo288 says : If the Chinese had adopted western technology and ways of doing things instead of resisting China would have become the dominant world power by 1900 -this is proved by the fact that this is what the Japanese did and this quickly made them a power of the first rank -so powerful that they were able to defeat the immense but lumbering Russian empire in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War.Instead China suffered decades of defeat and humiliation.>> <<@bayernfanladyl1879 says : Thank you! I am fascinated with Cixi and loved this perspective>> <<@easwaaralagesen1901 says : Please do an episode of King Arul Mozhi Varman a.k.a Raja Raja Cholan I>> <<@codfan2057 says : "A little dude with a peepee". 😂😂😂>> <<@ariste01 says : YouTube has been suggesting clips of a Chinese show called Ruyi's royal love (subtitled) and sometimes I watch them and I get that is fictionalized and a lot of artistic license is taken, but the women in the harem in general are so infantilized imo. It's like the ultimate mean girl competition with them framing, and murdering, and plotting against each other and then they're either treated like a very naughty toddler or executed for it... Basically a whim deciding which.>> <<@nathalien4909 says : Could you do a biographics on Nakano Takeko>>