<<@russellennis7428 says : Most people don't go through their ideas Own when they're on drugs. I got to admire that>> <<@jfk2214 says : Triumph the insult comic dog: "this will kill 30% of San Francisco's population by 2025" A: A self drivingTesla>> <<@J.Green-Rx says : Elon Musk, the Nazi supporter?>> <<@chromaticfrog7407 says : “tHiS bEaTs rAiL!”>> <<@ripley_hicks_newt_86 says : The part of a Musk fan's brain that can handle this much of cognitive dissonance must be made out of neutronium.>> <<@ripley_hicks_newt_86 says : When SBF is talking, I get George Costanza vibes.>> <<@raywest3834 says : Only people who aren't interested in cars would want a self-driving car.>> <<@raywest3834 says : FSD is a dangerous scam. Camera/computer can't tell the difference between a paper bag in the road, and a large rock. In traffic, it cannot get visual cues from human drivers.>> <<@EroticInferno says : These business vultures want to test their products on the people. They want to use society to bug fix.>> <<@dhayes907 says : Why did it skip the disabled spot? Anybody using fsd is prolly disabled.>> <<@jonathancampbell9797 says : Why won't anyone try to blackmail me with money? I'll take it.>> <<@ChimpFromSpace says : Would Elon Musk trust his life to "full self driving"? Somehow I doubt it.>> <<@Apoplexy1000 says : I’m really glad that self-driving cars can’t work because if a lot of Teslas were cruising around autonomously I would be scared to drive. I know that some imprudent folks had been driving these things on “autopilot” until they inevitably crash, but by now liability concerns and head-on crashes have reduced this group to a statistically insignificant number. Musk should refund money that he fraudulently took from consumers and stop offering to sell autonomously operated vehicles entirely. Or he should be held personally liable for any damages or injuries resulting for the use of an immature, to say the least, and undesirable technological dead-end. Or both!>> <<@brandonhall4547 says : This is America. The people who bought the cars will go to jail for this before he gets any direct consequences>> <<@pedrosura says : Fully Supervised Driving!!! Done.. FSD Trump’s School of Bullying; Act like a Bully, followed by self pity and grievance when faced with consequences>> <<@spc4tvc says : I am always excited reading comments of well established entrepreneurs and people who did something from the scratch…. and then sh…ting on Musk, but wait, looks like… only few, silent ones here. And your parallel to Holmes, what are you even talking about? Watched couple of your videos where you drag this paradigm and pushing it to Musk, how Musk is deceiving people just like Holmes. You dont like Musk cool but comparing to that Holmes whose results are and were zero its ridiculous. She never accompished anything with Theranos. Its not like she actually made it work but couldnt extract vitamin C level from your blood, she accomplished zero. Musk apparently accomplished something. He sold idea, he sold a story. Obviously his reputation was enough for investors, did he fck up few things on the way timewise, well of course, its a development process but he never sold idea of perfection although I believe he is still striving to it. When you all will be grown ups one day you will learn that investors (funds, people with cash, Not neccessarily higly intelligent) like/adore people with great ideas, enthusiasm and with energy like they MIGHT pull it through. He never promised a fking rose garden and what ever you think of him he is a genius. If he is broke in next 3 years he will still be a genius and attract investors, not only “fools” like me.>> <<@jameslancefield9810 says : Space x protects Elon. This is why he is becoming pro Russia. He wants a place to go, once the feds start closing in.>> <<@AndersonPEM says : "Buying anything other than a Tesla is like owning a horse" Me: laughs in Toyota 🤭🤭>> <<@possiblynick says : This didn't age well lol>> <<@thomasriopelle5384 says : Takes a lot of guinea pigs to BEN DOVER on overpriced junk to perfect Full Self Ditching hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha>> <<@genericdeveloper3966 says : I think Elon has been more careful than those other folks and has more plausible deniability in his claims. The level of fraud at Nikola was clearly much worse. They didn't even have a running truck in their demo video. Tesla has more real products than any of those others you mentioned. Theranos was pure vapor ware for example.>> <<@Vt12365 says : Elon probably watches your videos 😂>> <<@kimoandrews5802 says : Nikola Tesla died homeless and penniless.>> <<@markjosemanders9778 says : All Religions Are False! Soul does not exist! afterlife does not exist! jesus does not exist! satan does not exist! God does not exist! hope nonsense does exist!. everything has a cause! Can you make yourself? no! how can god make his own? can't! evidence! god doesn't exist! energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, that is to say, it has always existed! and will always exist! universe has always existed and will always exist! evidence! god didn't create universe! can you prove or explain that god exists! no! then god doesn't exist! everything has a cause! but god has no cause? what nonsense! god making his own out of nothing! and god who makes everything out of nothing! without evidence! or explaining anything! is logic? no! is madness! Soul and afterlife! People talk about energy! and a soul! that goes to afterlife! while that energy which is nothing more than body heat! What cannot be destroyed that's right! spreading everywhere! and perishes in everything! so what! Not going anywhere specific! is not consciousness either! There is no evidence for soul! and there is no evidence for afterlife! You have to prove something like that first before you can say that! Evolution and origin of life! You really think god made a man in sand blew on it and there's adam grab a rib from adam and there you have eva! That's how it went? because that's nonsense You never looked up origin of life! You never looked up evolution! Even if they don't know everything yet! they try to explain! and prove things! which isn't easy! is better than nothing! And claim things without evidence or explanation! that's the easiest thing to do, but that doesn't make it true! Origin of life talk about blocks of life! who by circumstances! originated! Step by step! small changes over time! And small mutation over time! And that counts for evolution too! they don't claim that something came out of nothing! The bible does that without explanation! without evidence! God! you need evidence first! that god exists! and has always existed! you need evidence first! that god has created something! especially what cannot be created! energy! the cosmos! the universe! you need evidence first! how god made his own out of nothing! and made everything out of nothing! you need evidence first! what does it matter to anyone in this world! you still have a very long way to go! for proving something! let alone explain something! before you can say anything about it!>> <<@frevazz3364 says : “What is the the net present value of robotaxi, probably on order of a couple hundred thousand dollars”. 😂😂😂😂😂 How can people take that guy seriously.>> <<@daviddivad5202 says : he sucks again? wow. cant wait for the movie.>> <<@phillipgoodyear4196 says : Tesla’s motto...next year?>> <<@karlandersson4350 says : Tesla have a very strong sense of smelling like Enron 2.0. Similar projections on future and income, the hype. The bullshit talk. This is going to be one hell of a scandal when truth reaches the fanboys.>> <<@onradioactivewaves says : These Musk videos age like fine wine. Every time i watch one again some time later it just keeps getting funnier😂>> <<@alphaomega5721 says : Grandiose narcissist: when the bs spoken doesn't get the requisite cheer, he ramps up the bs until he gets a cheer. Listen for it. And so far he's gotten away with it. So far, but reckoning day is coming.>> <<@Bogdan221192 says : It reminds me how some professor in 50s confidently decided that he will develop true self conscious AI in a couple of years.>> <<@cr-qo3ov says : Isn't there a Regulatory Commission that would make sure that these claims are safe before they are allowed to sell these vehicles I don't I don't get it>> <<@cr-qo3ov says : it's kind of strange that elon's not in the taxi business he sure makes it sound profitable>> <<@cr-qo3ov says : I think they need to strap him into one of his cars and program it to drive 300 miles but make it where he can't touch nothing and see how it goes you think you do it I don't cuz I think he knows he's full of it>> <<@jammiebooker6489 says : He should name his boring machine the gravedigger>> <<@sepo3451 says : He´s real name is Sam Bankman Fraud not Fried>> <<@orjis says : Ah USA. The place criminals run for president after leaking goverment secrets, minorities get laws made against them and billionares get to say what ever they want with no consequences.>> <<@jirkazalabak1514 says : 7:54 Imagine being a Tesla engineer listening to this speech and thinking "we are all so f*cked".>> <<@keepmoving1185 says : He stutters when lying>> <<@thisisus.504 says : Notice how Musk is looking iller and iller and iller in each video and angrier and angrier and angrier etc etc etc. An angry and sick little man that claims he's ok being hated but man, does it ever get under his increasingly thinner skin. Ask Don Lemon.>> <<@mpanico3727 says : The only thing Musk can deliver is bull feces. Keep up the good work Thunderf00t.>> <<@myriaddsystems says : "Gonna ramp that up massively after today" - silence from the audience...>> <<@brettstacey8808 says : Crazy as this may sound, but as a previous V8 owner and many other high powered rear wheel drive German cars, I enjoy driving for myself. Judging by the amount of idiots who are nervous of their vehicle or can't handle roads, etc, I can see how sfd vehicles are an option, but not for anyone who enjoys driving (classed as a hobby and sport) I'm not against electric cars, they fast as anything, just auto driving, my reactions have saved me a few times, I don't trust this new tech and takes the enjoyment out of driving>> <<@user-ek8et9zc3p says : По губам буржую. Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь!>> <<@meatslide says : How is Musk not in prison? The bigger question is how the f***k did anyone think that stuttering asshole was some kind of next level genius.>> <<@sgjuxta says : Does anyone else think Elon Musk sounds like a middle schooler giving a presentation about a book they've clearly never read everytime he's on stage?>> <<@michaelwilson8856 says : America is a con artist's country, because all the cons were kicked out of every other country in the world and moved here. Pure BS, and it keeps going...sheist Fraudmerica.>> <<@raylast3873 says : Yeah, I‘m not so sure Musk will end up with nothing or go to jail. Yeah, his stuff is mostly Tesla, but he‘s definitely more diversified than those other people, and in a lot of ways he may be too big to fail. And the thing about Tesla is that it caters to people with a lot of money for whom it also functions as a status symbol, and for them it‘s not really relevant whether their cars are better than, say, a BMW or not. Musks hardcore anti-woke positions damage this in some way but with a relevant part of that crowd it probably makes him more popular. So inasmuch as Tesla is a crappy car company that sells an image more than a good car, there may well always be a decent-sized market for that. I also don‘t think it matters that much. The system is corrupt and utterly broken and produces these kinds of fraudulent products almost by necessity. Whether Trump goes to jail or stays rich, or runs for president and becomes the next Donald Trump doesn‘t really matter all that much, in the grand scheme. We should of course work to expose these kinds of fraudsters, but we shouldn‘t have any illusions that this can ever „fix“ the system or take corruption out of capitalism. If anything, Musk is probably symbolic of the fact that it‘s getting worse every year.>> <<@raylast3873 says : The funny thing about the robo-taxi is that even if it existed, it probably wouldn‘t be profitable because profit is generated by human labour. The driver will always be cheaper because his wage is only roughly equivalent to what he needs to survive, whereas the people selling the robot will always demand the approximate value what the robot do. The only way it might work is if the manufacturer was also the taxi company.>> <<@raylast3873 says : It‘s hilarious how bad of a public speaker he is, although in fairness this is actually true of a lot of the rich and powerful, and even high-level political leaders.>>