<<@LezlyBeetz says : Anyone have any more information on the 'global greening' which Peterson described 'as the amount of the earth thats green since the year 2000 is equivalent to the total land area of the united states'. Can't wrap my head around what he meant by that.>> <<@jennymeyer982 says : The millions/billions of years parts loses me>> <<@bakerco5286 says : Late to this because I have a hard time keeping current with JP. Amazed with all he is able to do! Thank you for this sane conversation. A breath of fresh air - truly. You make living in an insane world full of lies and greed tolerable due to you dedication to the Truth. Thank you!!! P.S. Glad to know my suspicions of David Attenborough were right on.>> <<@keirstengiles3160 says : Jordan, Dr Moore said something like, "Is this some kind of collective death wish?" That has occurred to me repeatedly whenever I hear about some new addlepated policy or cultural trend that seems designed to destroy life. I think humans do have an innate death drive, on both an individual and collective level. What do you think of the idea that this death drive is what the Bible personified as "the Adversary"?>> <<@robinsonelec says : With catalytic converters they make more water and carbon dioxide which makes edges and the middle of highways with more grass.>> <<@JayCWhiteCloud says : I'm not a fan of many of Dr. P. Moore’s perspectives. He often does the same thing to science as his opponents with "hype" and unfounded information (aka FAKE NEWS) such as he does (for just one example) here with his silly comments about cold water (see 1:30:21 ) Water in general and most certainly cold ocean water does not “get lighter as it gets colder,” which is both asinine and foolish to say in a public forum like this. He is distorting information to fit his agendas and beliefs. I don’t, as someone with a science background, “big picture” agree with a lot of the science out now claiming that global climate change is as bad as claimed, I can agree with much of what Dr. Moore is stating in this regard… However, in other interviews, he continues to make himself look the fool with claims that facts about micro and nano plastic are factually incorrect, such as claiming it is a "lie" when the biochemical facts are clearly to the contrary. Micro and Nano plastics most certainly can get into the bloodstream by not only ingestion but also by inhalation and dermal contact as well, which erroneously he claims is not possible… He also claims the "Great Pacific garbage patch," is also not real. I guess it is a global conspiracy from all of us who have seen the great rafts of plastics in the ocean, as well as all the photos being "fake" as well. Dr. Moore is not doing his cause any good service by BAD SCIENCE and making false claims that undermine his actual contributions to science...>> <<@christophersnedeker says : I wouldn't believe a word Patrick says, he's such a simp for corporations he said it was safe to drink weed killer.>> <<@justinpearman9 says : Professor James Tour of Rice University coupled with Gordon McDowell (and his connections with Kirk Sorensen & Jim Kennedy) .. possibly throw in Dr Hamblin of Harvard though that's a touch of a stretch granted his understanding of light comes a bit into play.. ..each would be interesting interviews, especially where Dr Tour's religious beliefs overlap with ongoing discussions & research with Dr Petersons.>> <<@elijahlorenzo2974 says : The only real thing I disagree with is the forest fires on west coast being increased by old wood on the ground. Ridiculous. It was sensationalized on news and social media. And people started setting fires purposefully. Just like mass shootings. Sensationalized, increase in numbers.>> <<@conway2121 says : Great info finally someone who actually talks common sense, Truth and reality, Bring him on more.>> <<@conway2121 says : Farmers pump carbon dioxide into their green houses because they end up with more abundant crops, So in my opinion they are trying to starve us all to death because nothing will grow without carbon dioxide. Just absurd.>> <<@conway2121 says : There isn't one politician educated in climate not one so who the hell are they to be telling us the total nonsense they spew out their mouths and the sheep swallow it all hook line and sinker it is so obscured it's ridiculous to ever believe any politician on anything, They are scamming the hell out of us all for big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>> <<@kmidst_kn6329 says : This video has been extremely eye opening for me.>> <<@immigrationbureau says : Thank you Jordan and thank you Patrick❤>> <<@johncurtis4643 says : Hello Jordan. Dr Moore s. Conversation with you His concern with what’s happening Needs more time than one hour. Each of these topics and there are many need more time for him to explain. So it is easy for some people to pick a piece that he may have said out of context, and try to destroy his credibility He’s a very brave great man. Money hidden agendas and power oh and outright embarrassment causing anger are involved. Kings new clothes syndrome>> <<@StereoSpace says : Small correction: The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), lasted approximately 100,000 years, not 500 million years. It was warm enough that there were palm family plants growing in the Pacific Northwest.>> <<@gudmunduragustsson5872 says : Wow, man, the Wrestle tour. I'm very excited.>> <<@bunberrier says : 2020's: Climate Change is a threat to humanity 2040's: Unchanging Climate is a threat to humanity>> <<@EliseMariaKeller says : I was very disappointed with this invitation. What a deranged old man, its hard to believe a smart psychologist not seeing this. And what sordid lies about plastics (how on earth can anyone believe this BS?) and nasty insults towards Attenborough ... I reckon coming more from jealousy than anything. Really not worth watching.>> <<@wandameadows5736 says : VOTE TRUMP BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE TO CALL THIS WHOLE THING A HOAX & PUT THE BURDEN BACK ON THE LEFT TO PROVE IT!>> <<@laurenmoreira1047 says : What's that wonderful ceiling made of?>> <<@johndavidjudeii says : As much as I like Jordan Peterson, he tends to only have people on his show who he knows will support his position and not someone he knows opposes it. I wish he would hear from people who actually studied this field and have opposing views.>> <<@johndavidjudeii says : It almost sounds like they get their positions and facts from some random Instagram page haha>> <<@FelixBernardo says : To old...>> <<@backyardthinker5996 says : i am very disappointed in you Jordan . i thought your mind worked better than this! 1 degree is the difference a piece of ice melting or remaining ice.. in a system where that water turns ice and water in cycle, 1 degree means more ice melting and less ice forming back again.. what is the result considering gigantic sizes? humans exhale co2 equal to the amount they consume carbon, and the fact that now we can consume a lot more carbon from what we consume, (say back in history when you consume a lamb, only a particular amount digested by humans rest went back in soil decomposed, now with technology we convert nearly entire animal back to atmosphere, hence supplying equal amounts of co2 back to the plants) a tree consumes a lot less co2 than most think, as it is a slow animal! not panting like us. human exhaling co2 is only a fraction of what we produced in the last century, what is the consequence? plants need more than co2 to flourish, and there had been abundance of it in the last century, why is the greening now? is it because excess co2? or is it because global warming is real, and unfertile areas became warm enough for plants to grow? what is the composed effect of damaged ozone layer combined with increased co2? i dont give a sh..t.. about news or claims or theories, i watch what i see, and what i experience. sun was a lot more kind on my skin when i was a kid. a century ago we couldnt have had any reliable information about global climate, now orbit has more satellites than elephants on earth, that measure data in multiple reliable ways. what can they not measure? warming of the globe out of its cycle is possible.. speaking of a million years is irrelevant, as there has never been industry or technology nor amount of humans living on the planet ever before. what is the result of this never seen before ? again 1 degree change of maxes is a point where a rock stays melt or not, a piece of wood combusts or not, what is the effect of this heating on tectonic plates? why are we seeing floods where we usually dont? tornadoes more than ever? earthquakes more than before? do you say that unprecedented human activity has zero effect? how do we know its beneficial when it has never been seen before? if you are freezing, a fire will make you warm and happy, for a little while... we destroy more than we create, till we realize we effed up>> <<@jiminaiser says : Microplastics doesn't concern me. It passes through the digestive system of fish, animals and humans. Nanoplastics, however, is something we need to keep an eye on.>> <<@mannyhex9502 says : This podcast was eye opening>> <<@pansnuravalik2271 says : I can't help it. I have to disagree on the plastics. Tere are studies that show that plastic is toxic. That it affects endocrine system. It causes drops in testosterone levels, infertility. So it makes me sad that these facts make it harder to believ dr. Patrick Moore. He made strong case for the CO2 and global warming lying campaign and i believe him. But I feel like hist stance on plastics makes me question everything he said. Plastic is beneficial to oceans? Like for whales? Hm.. I don't think so.>> <<@FlowWithTheBhutaneseExpat says : Jordan B Peterson is genius 😮. Free flow of speech and a wiseman with head full of wisdoms . I started to like watching his podcast and videos.>> <<@Appleblade says : 'How to stop a runaway funding crisis'. That's the book we need.>> <<@bobettepage4440 says : I respectfully disagree with this man on GMOs. Something has changed in Americans food that makes us sick. They have in fact modified wheat and make many people sick. Bread is no longer the staff of life but actually became the vehicle of death. I stopped eating it years before the word gluten or celiac was a thing. My daughter, granddaughter and great grandson also.>> <<@jakeobrien809 says : Plastic is good for the ocean Is this guy serious>> <<@imallin971 says : So let me summarize the beginning....we have no good data for 3.5billion years, then suddenly we have GREAT data for 500million years to present. Absolutely makes sense. Then you ask how the data is collected and get "I don't know" and just assume he is correct?>> <<@jeffshof5108 says : Thank you both for telling and talking facts about our planets climate .>> <<@badadviceforfree says : I wonder what this guy thinks of Autism etc>> <<@badadviceforfree says : This was great and plenty of GOOD news 👍 thank you>> <<@badadviceforfree says : Ok this is weird: Mellen Thomas Benedict who apparently channeled 'Gaia' said that the increase in carbon monoxide was by Her design, it's exactly what she wanted 'Her children' to do, to save themselves....>> <<@andyg5059 says : I'd not heard this idea before. CO2 is supposed to be a greenhouse gas because of its absorbtion at 15 um of the OLR from the earth's surface, but CO2 also absorbs at 4.3 um. More CO2 in the atmosphere means the 15 um absorbtion causes the air near the surface to warm, but increased absorbtion of incoming solar radiation at 4.3 um presumably causes the upper atmosphere to warm, which would cause the surface to cool. Do these effects cancel? Or is one dominant?>> <<@ryanhollenbeck5617 says : Anyone ever notice that talks like this on youtube always have the little information box that has the mainstream government establishment narrative in it. I dont ever see that on shows like The View or any CNN interview. Hmm i cant imagine why these things are so.>> <<@garethmarshall7724 says : Thank you gentlemen, this was incredibly insightful. What a wonderfully meaningful and varied life Dr Moore has lived, he’s a fascinating man.>> <<@brianthesnail3815 says : The majority of the plastic in the oceans comes from the worlds most polluted rivers that flow into them or from the global fishing fleet that loses or discards fishing gear. The vast majority of both sources are Asia. The West puts a tiny amount of plastic in the ocean by comparison. Dumping waste into rivers is how Asia makes things more cheaply that we in the West can.>> <<@djija9993 says : Thanks!>> <<@allsortsgifts6202 says : Dr Patrick Moore has held his ground through the crazy climate change fiasco of recent years. Incredibly knowledgeable>> <<@CRUSTYCANUCK says : Great show!! 2 Great Canadians promoting Common Sense!!!>> <<@istand4truth says : In conclusion, we should be subsidized for producing/emitting CO2, rather than being taxed. Carbon taxes are actually the opposite of what we need to help the planet and humanity.>> <<@sergirakhmania4410 says : It’s sad to see how quickly Peterson devolved into a conspiracy theorist bro science channel>> <<@markdavidson9743 says : Ask him about weather cloud seeding>> <<@judithtaylor4799 says : And now the same activists have decided that plastic is toxic. Geez.>> <<@zacet says : Tragedy of the commons was shown to be wrong years ago, by Elinor Ostrom, you really need to stop this outdated idea that has been proven to be wrong long ago and challenge your guests who still belive this please. Also, you have had experts explaining how plastic is toxic, e.g. oestrogenic, reducing sperm, increasing cancer same with GMO, so his denial of that is a bit sceptical... which then makes me question the rest of the conversation..>> <<@jennifers7048 says : So ironic that YouTube places the UN webpage about climate change in a “context” box between the video and the comments. Its truly pathetic that the left cannot tolerate dissent from their platform.>>