<<@madprevost1143 says : Defense lawyers will make a fortune.>> <<@J.R.Penrice says : An angsty young person who suffers from depression should not be able to commit suicide with the assistance of a doctor, I agree someone who is elderly, terminally ill who is incapable of becoming healthy and is physically suffering there can be an acception, but freedom without limits opens the door to far to many horrifying things. I lean to legalising many things like less harmful recreational drugs like cocaine, magic mushrooms or marijuana, but drugs like heroine and crystal meth? Absolutely not.>> <<@alessshorts says : When he mentioned comedy, I found it interesting because you don’t see all these mainstream media (or even less popular)!derogatory songs/raps being targeted, do you?? Also IT SEEMS LIKE doctors won’t refuse the gender affirming stuff but will refuse vasectomies or hysterectomies for example.. so everything is definitely politically driven Also speaking of medical malpractice, antidepressants.. ! PETERSON IS STRONG>> <<@lubomirkucerajr says : Absolutely great discussion about liberalism and why conservativism has tendencies to turn into oppression. Been missing it here and I love it. Liberal progressivism is the only way forward, but of course, you first gotta understand what these words mean. And it's not what most people think and here in Slovakia, that's exactly what tyrants have been banking on.>> <<@chel3SEY says : Boring, old-fashioned classical liberalism, as if there was no such thing as private power, only public power. A 1st-year undergraduate could spot the flaws in it.>> <<@4thfugee says : @1:42:47 "If everyone did what they were called upon to do locally" and then tying that into the book of Exodus was an excellent point.>> <<@ashishbharti7155 says : Kingdoms rise and fall I think Canada is preparing for its downfall.>> <<@user-ms2tm5hh2d says : Has anyone noticed that Scotland, Ireland and Canada all introduced similar legislation AT THE SAME TIME. Intentionally? Collusion?>> <<@RobertBOUSKILL says : Please make these shorter, ten minutes maximum, to explain your point.>> <<@pcbeauty2696 says : hate laws being passed by bosses who make weapons that vaporize people. Bosses who just cant find a way to make peace in the Ukraine. Why are we spending so much time debating our way into work camps. The fact that he proposes this as a law means the elites are done with us. We waste a lot of time giving them more time to really make change impossible. We need Bravehearts in this world. Not more Platos>> <<@pcbeauty2696 says : we need to destroy this bill by raising charges against everyone and everything..... I really am done with this nation. Done with the left. The elites are so tightly bound. Our politicians hate every single one of us. Even the ones the pretend to love.>> <<@RaefonB says : 1:01 Just to reassure everyone who's never watched before - Konstantin and Francis DO get guests on Triggernometry, they don't just sit across from an empty armchair! 😆>> <<@nilsbrown7996 says : A star is born. The reason he’s not cancelled might be because he works in a truly unique and chill city, Kingston Ontario, also my hometown 👍 Seriously, I think it’s great and there’s a long tradition of national political commentary from Queen’s University, and tolerance is very high for it. It’s the school that Elon attended a few years.>> <<@TheInfamousHoreldo says : The quote wasn't actually Voltaire, if anyone is interested. It was Evelyn Beatrice Hall, on the beliefs of Voltaire in her book Friends of Voltaire. (She also wrote a biography or him) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it">> <<@Cycle.every.day. says : Isn't C63 a Mercedes>> <<@user-eo1vz9lt8g says : No offense but doesn't the beginning clip sound like AI? Just me?>> <<@jon123xyz says : This video is important beyond words. This bill will undermine and fracture Canada unlike anything in the past. The FLQ could not have come anywhere close to this for undermining the country. Trudeau's nuclear gift. At least it provides a clear view into his and his ministers' minds. They have to GO.>> <<@antonyliberopoulos933 says : Thank you Jordan for yet another exceptional discussion. Thank you Bruce for making us understand this imperative: " Most people do not actually agree with free speech ".>> <<@shtewps says : Hide the most important topic here, solutions, behind a paywall? That in itself is part of the problem. I don't want to hear anyone on this panel complain that there is not enough resistance and then proceed to restrict access to their solutions. FFS.>> <<@bobcougar77 says : Top level power move to ignore Kisin.>> <<@ctaylor1460 says : I don't know why you wasted Konstantin Kisin time by inviting him to the discussion, when all you did was ignore him -- incredibly rude and disrespectful. He's probably too polite to do so, but he should have just waked out.>> <<@jamieshanebell8234 says : Those who are willing to give up their freedoms for for a little security, deserve neither freedom nor security>> <<@Candace-dp3tj says : I've never liked government authority either>> <<@GreyException says : Oh, and you never did get back to my post that *you* commented on. Your behavior in regards to the personal attacks and insults you made against Yuumi Nu and Elliot Page are beyond childish, but more importantly, reveal a crack in the charade of your righteousness in campaigning for free speech. If you had more honesty, you would just be upfront that you view certain people as walking ideologies, ideologies that disgust you on a visceral level. But you're too smart and cowardly for that.>> <<@roseannehutchence5004 says : Can't say as I agree with Mr. Pardy's assessment or definition of Conservatives. Perhaps he's thinking of those who lean to the right of right? Nazis, perhaps? He's certainly not describing today's Conservatives (who are gradually shifting the dividing line and caring about / for all those left in the lurch by the current crop of miscreants who consider themselves Liberals). Nonetheless, a fascinating and most enjoyable conversation. As always, Dr. Peterson, thank you.>> <<@CdnGlobalCitzen says : Jordan Peterson the grifter Canadian crackpot. 💤💤💤💤>> <<@GreyException says : No one has been fined or sent to prison over bill c 16. Half of bill c 63 is to update laws and responsibilities around child pornography. Interesting how this is completely ignored in favor of "problematic pronouns". JP, perhaps getting off Twitter would do you some justice.>> <<@marasegal1849 says : 1:24:02 Mutilation to the body is dangerous. Mental illness is dangerous and should not be normalized.>> <<@kenmorgan4833 says : It's all lies..........Open your eyes and remember your humanity voice to try to understand and decifer all the double speak. Thank you Jordan for instigatating us to think about what is being said to control the narrative and drive the agenda of insanity that most do not see and fight to repel.>> <<@stevensheaves says : Imo biggest issue with anonymity in this scenariois the fact that it could be amyone, inclusing --no one. Imagine if this is a digial reporting functionality. .... freaking bots could make complaints.>> <<@michael-m says : As a Canadian, this one was so important. Great conversation>> <<@deeknuth7364 says : Exactly this is not how Gov. have the right to work for the people !>> <<@bettypowell1432 says : The left is using the internet to influence young minds, so no laws have been written to protect them. Now, they are using it as an excuse to jail law-abiding citizens and make sure criminals (politicians included) run rampant. Communist are criminals. If the right doesn't win, the Communist always disarm and then starves the population. Prepare accordingly, please. Bulk beans & rice=complete protein.>> <<@simbad909 says : Education systems hv been the sifting & steering mechanism for a very long time .. its dictated too mainly by the corporate and business heads of the various sectors...its a smart move to co-opt it and they hv.>> <<@simbad909 says : Ad hoc governance is careless government.. its dangerous government.. its delusionally sequestered to itself government.. its unchecked unchallenged carte blanche thinking , which is fine for anyone on a lunch break self thinking on a bench, not for a government ... are the 3 stooges still throwing pies?? Do we hv a face or two for them...(..arrest that man 🤔)>> <<@Sarah84232 says : Je crois que certaines personnes s'imaginent qu'en empêchant des gens de dire des expressions haineuses ils vont éviter la troisième guerre mondiale,ils ne remarquent pas que c'est en empêchant les gens de s'exprimer librement ils déclenchent des ressentiments refouler qui peuvent mener à une guerre civile,en plus il y a un déséquilibre en politique en journalisme en profession d'éducation,il faut que des hommes et des femmes intègres et compétent reprennent les commande du navire sinon nous somme tous condamné.>> <<@hermittmog8697 says : Joffrey didn't cut his jesters tongue out. He cut out the tongue of a tavern musician singing songs about him. An important distinction.>> <<@iamlucidess says : So what do we do? Just move out before this bill passes? Most of us are on the internet, and that is already threatening us at any time. We cannot feel free anymore even with this bill being uttered. I hope the gov know what will happen when you repress society too much..>> <<@madprevost1143 says : So if it's anonymous, they can even PRETEND someone made a complaint.>> <<@mimo.1467 says : Ffs Jordan! Let your guests speak! You are interviewer, you supposed to ask questions and listen what they have to say! Stop interfering with your axioms bs, its unbearble to listen, which is shame as I am very curious of your guests opinions.>> <<@SaltLightDust says : A.I will become the perfect judge for the new world>> <<@DigSamurai says : Some of my black friends talk about white privilege and reparations. That kind of talk is dangerous and misguided. It frames black people as victims and I think it's a terrible thing to teach young people of any color.>> <<@DigSamurai says : Bruce touched upon the exact problem I have with the conservatives. Their finger wagging, and moralizing and their propensity to force people to be what they consider virtuous. As a gay black man I won't vote for conservatives for that reason. We need a progressive conservative like Brian Mulroney.>> <<@gobfranklin6759 says : Canadians need to rise up and vote the bums out. If they do not, it's over.>> <<@vijay-1 says : Insightful>> <<@jblavoie says : Create agencies to applly rules ... isn't what the National Socialists ( the Nazi gov.) Implemented iin the beginning by taking powwer in 1933?>> <<@mauricesambra6034 says : This liberal government is everyday more socialist than when Pierre Trudeau was in power getting along with communist regimes>> <<@WildNightBloom says : Bill is speaking to the reality we live in, we do not need a nanny state but here we are living in a corporatized government looking to extract everything from the land and us living beings, we are being mined for our potential value and sold on a global market. Yet we have poor people and homeless... I hope more people realize how wrong that is...>> <<@aplcc323 says : 1:26:50 ~ I can think of several things, mostly because what you have expressed is self defeating. I do not know if you can do anything to yourself without "imposing (...), interfering or taking (...) stuff" from/on other people. At what point do your actions stop affecting others around you? We are not islands and society isn't an atomic condensate, it's more like an atomic matrix... The things we do to ourselves affect (positively or negatively) other people as long as we live in a society surrounded by other human beings, themselves doig things to themselves and to others around them. This is a chaotic universe, we do not know most variables at play and the scale of the human world os unfathomable to any of us, I do not believe you argument is sound! I am not free to kill myself, though I have free will and, thus, am able to do things I'm not free to do. I should not be free to mutilate myself, I should not be free to impair my self deeply, just because it is my wish to do so. It is not ok to set out to hurt ourselves, it's ok to place ourselves in dangerous situations with an ulterior motive that is not predicated on damaging ourselves. I don't know if anyone can be competent if they try to kill or mutilate themselves... Anyways, God bless you all for this wonderful conversation, I'm loving it so far.>> <<@josefpaul8811 says : Where is my post>>