<<@BearingBear says : Protect yourself online with VirtualShield .. www.hidewithbear.com>> <<@Lava91point0 says : Imagine after the apology, the hotdog guy says "Oh and for the record, your wife DID cheat on you, you deserve better man!">> <<@JeffPalasek-cw2hv says : If both parents had "black" in their DNA, it's actually possible for them two "whites" to have produced a kid that looks like that. I'm not even joking.>> <<@doodbits2970 says : What would the left be without their racist mindset>> <<@cnapier67 says : Oh Bear, not you but the video can't can't the corniness!>> <<@keenanhanratty5699 says : we had a similar situation in the UK with the royal family. πŸ˜‚>> <<@konigposeidon3875 says : small tip white parents can also have a black child without adopting it, as long as one of the parents has a black ancestor, this is quite possible>> <<@cookiecreep9204 says : Judging the book by it's cover tends to save a ton of trouble, for instance avoiding brightly colored hair and piercings.>> <<@trevorwall87 says : Ok here's a fun one, I have full custody of my son and his mother is black his step mother is white and yeah I've straight up been told he must be my kid, so yeah this is over the top but it does happen>> <<@jake-tr1yz says : Cringe kampf comment>> <<@BADALICE says : What the F*ck am I watching?>> <<@curtisthornsberry4236 says : As convincing as a SSsnipperWolf video>> <<@anthonywebb103 says : It’s racism end of. Proves the only people that have a problem with other races tend to not be white.>> <<@primalgentleman says : I completely disagree for the first time on this channel. The black guy is right. It's called the golden rule, "treat others the way you would like to be treated". I value objective truth over everything else. If he can see some truth I can't I would want to know.....>> <<@PurpleLEANKrabs says : Cringe>> <<@MintyFreshTurds says : I laughed soo hard when the guy tells the dad he's been cheated on. That's pretty funny joke to tell as long as you know for sure the kid is adopted. "Psst, bro theres something I gotta tell you.">> <<@azazelgrigori9244 says : The kkk likes this hotdog vender.>> <<@ZeroRules says : It happens to us all the time... We're just watching a friend's kid, then boom car accident.>> <<@mattsexton4787 says : Bearing I just ran across your video’s and now I can’t stop watching them. Thank you for your service good sir!😝>> <<@Jordzyi1 says : I seriously hate door man, he makes the absolute rubbish videos.>> <<@forrestcrabbe says : πŸ€˜πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ€˜>> <<@cricka09 says : people just do nothing is amazing>> <<@Fuzz82 says : So, what if the hotdog vendor was right? Should the guy be laughed at for forgiving his wife and not abandoning a child? I must say that kid does look rather mixed though.>> <<@BearClawAK47 says : Statistically, cheating would have been most likely answer.>> <<@eddiebrockington8109 says : I think there are parts of the us were people would think you stole the child even though the child could be adopted.>> <<@tiffanykim2773 says : The stories are so freaking cringy or at least the execution Gosh πŸ˜‚.>> <<@tiffanykim2773 says : I wasn't going back to that hotdog vendor hell nah. Kid you want a hot dog we'll get one somewhere else ok.>> <<@OtakuMan05 says : For the record Bearing, it's not the cover or the title of "that book" that's bad, it's an objectively bad book all around. We only know it's bad by its cover by how terrible it is objectively.>> <<@odio3965 says : Speaking of not judging a book by it's cover keep in mind that while your average Leftist or SJW may seem cold and heartless on the outside, but don't let that fool you, because just like an onion, their like that on the inside as well, all the way to their very core in fact...and then you just want to cry.>> <<@odio3965 says : Practical question: how many people in reality would act like the hot dog vendor? In real life, if you did this, you just might get punched out for something like that. Oh...right...feminists. Thanks to being women they have little to no idea what it's like to suffer repercussions for their actions.>> <<@odio3965 says : If there was ever a book put out called "Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover" how much attention would there be given to the cover of that book to entice people to buy it?>> <<@cheesetoastie5887 says : hmhmhm mhmhmhmh fake crap hmmm free hot dogs from him bullsh*t>> <<@james7178 says : I'm sorry man, you shouldn't be treated how we just treated you.. here is some free fucking hot dogs to make up for it 🀣>> <<@RRR-is3rf says : Lol Im sorry but I got to give you a thumbs down this happend to my uncle . My Aunt told my mother this story and my mom told me when I was grown . My mom sent me to my aunt for a while when I was a baby . My mom is Black and My fathers Puerto Rican so I dont look black more like from India . My Aunt and Uncle who is black also was on the bus . And people were telling her what a beautiful baby . Then look at me then look at my uncle and go oh . And started patting my uncle on the back . Lol my uncle was clueless my aunt told my mother lol .>> <<@radar2116 says : Nobody does this.>> <<@c.g.s.conservativeguyspeak6568 says : Bearing's commentary was legendary!>> <<@groundedorca3039 says : Thats what happens when you go shopping on the wrong side of town πŸ˜’>> <<@jeffcampbell2710 says : If you pay attention, you'll notice the Hot Dog man, is wearing s Red Apron, and the husband is wearing Blue. My guess is it's Republican (Trump) and Demoncrap. I'll bet that was not just a coincidence.>> <<@jeffcampbell2710 says : Actually, liberals are big in the, uhmmm let's use a chicken Cluck, without the Chicken of an L in Cluck, scene. The males love seeing their other with another guy. And many want their female to have a kid by the guy, that's well Tanned. Back during O'Bammys years, I started calling liberal wanzies Cluck. People started asking what that meant, and soon, many were using it. And I couldn't believe when CNN did a special report on it, telling their viewers it was good, and normal. I Schiff you not. So, I would've thought it's either that, or adoption.>> <<@falconmclenny7284 says : He's adopted farkwit, get my bloody hotdog and stfu while you're doing it. What rubbish, nobody would put up with that>> <<@bigredsphilosophy4162 says : Lets be honest the better lesson of not judging a book by its cover is when the dad goes back to the family and say, "free hotdogs anyone?" and they all laugh and talk shit about how often this con works the dad is like, "Well I guess they assume that because I'm white, that makes me honest." The wife, " so does this make up for me cheating?" husband, "F*** up B****." Fin.>> <<@nevermore1570 says : What's funny is what if they didnt adopt him an the wife had a child from another marriage. So now this poor white guy is doing what his real father couldnt do. Raise a kid just like the father that walked out on him>> <<@jffry890 says : The people were laughing because it's a white couple with a black kid. They thought the wife cheated with a black man and the father is a cuckold.>> <<@hillehai says : God, this makes me cringe so badly. It's clearly made for mentally impaired people or something of that sort...>> <<@phantom9138 says : In what world are we supposed to believe that this would ever happen? πŸ’₯🚨πŸ’₯🚨 The hotdog guy would be wearing his hotdog stand if this was anyway real πŸ’₯🚨πŸ’₯🚨>> <<@PitchPirate says : People just do nothing is a fucking under rated gem>> <<@samboelguapo6826 says : Just the title alone had me sold lol>> <<@Unholymackrl says : opens the door.... and its the hot dog guy🀣>> <<@Unholymackrl says : this...shit... is...gold..>> <<@runnynose8341 says : I have been in this exact situation. Except for the dialogue part, but the hot dogs were exactly the same.>>