<<@BearingBear says : Protect yourself online with VirtualShield .. http://www.hidewithbear.com>> <<@HaggisMuncher-69-420 says : "How much profit did you make?" "Not a lot" "We made a loss" That's even worse than "not a lot">> <<@ivandelac764 says : Brilliant. "Let me show YOU what whaman can do!" ...proceeds to lose money.>> <<@marshallmatters1526 says : Ever heard about the Feminist Bridge? I rest my case. I'm out.>> <<@kelseydoty6436 says : with those math skills or lack thereof it's no wonder they are in the red.>> <<@dannykelly7159 says : Hi I’d like to see them plasterboard ceilings with 15 mill blue plasterboard 44 kg>> <<@makisky4495 says : Oooh dayum. I felt that rejection all the way across the pond. 😂>> <<@fierylatinasarvente681 says : my mother bitch and moans when ever she picks up something that is 10 pounds or more so what in gods name is this broad talking about XD>> <<@Dennis-ws7tv says : nice :)>> <<@4dagoallen says : You never fail to crack me up. Cheers>> <<@RealEvilLordExdeath says : So u wear pantyhose while watching TV...interesting>> <<@harlleygurrola8394 says : As leftist as he is, Mark Cuban WOULDN'T invest this woke diatribe of a 'Company' This why you NEVER contract ACTIVISTS...>> <<@petersellers9219 says : Road workers..... Not many ladies there either. I wonder why>> <<@addasd9451 says : How this women is still living>> <<@addasd9451 says : We don't care>> <<@atgimm2090 says : Pig got hungry in the middle of the presentation>> <<@ethandevine6194 says : While it wasn't construction, I went into a motor vehicle course and, to be fair, there were two girls in the course as well, however one dropped the course and the other transitioned into a boy and later left in course. From what I see, the groups of trade based courses like motor mechanics and plumbing, the majority of girls don't want to get their hands dirty and have hard working practical jobs. It's not the companies or employers faults for a lack of female employees in those fields, it's just the fact that not a lot of women take those jobs.>> <<@jeankulle6076 says : And who the f carries the bags of cement up the staircase cause the crane is misscheduled? Go ahead sweetheart you have all morning.>> <<@wasdwasd609 says : Its not a niche in the market, its a hole. A hole because there is a lack of women who WANT to work in that field. The same way you find the lack of men in feminine fields. How can someone with a business be so clueless to their own area? Jesus...>> <<@bios1001 says : This is what feminism is doing to women.>> <<@tomcody2768 says : HA, HA, HA, HA, !!!!!>> <<@BradBrown95 says : I want more videos like this>> <<@Defhrone says : Feminists: We've made a construction company that only employs women to fill female job quota's we've been lobbying for for ages. "There is a niche in the market">> <<@sciencerscientifico310 says : I'm sorry, but feminists are too weak to be construction workers!>> <<@francishatton6683 says : It reminds me of the cafe .that feminist owned. Sign outside said men will be charged more ....it went bust the same week.....>> <<@CashewBestofNuts says : *7:01** this whole bit, wtf is going on with this person's feet? Webbed together like flippers*>> <<@DimensionFluke says : feminist is good for soyboi for theme gen to slip earth elimination.>> <<@matthewfranks2198 says : Every time I see a gal named Chrissy, they’re usually anything but good>> <<@zach2011w says : They were ahead of their time.>> <<@MickR0sco says : That was savage Peter Jones, what a mad man. Had me fucking crying 😂>> <<@mickdunedee4566 says : Western women are so used to preferential treatment equal treatment seems like discrimination and society is catered to their emotional resonance and hysteria, hate and offence while removing responsibility to blame everything on men. Imagine having the one with glasses on a building site, putting up scaffolding or down cleaning out sewage blockages or shoveling ton of gravel or sand etc be in tears and hyperventilating just from being told of the work today>> <<@GigaChadh976 says : Feminist: we’re gonna break stereotypes Business people: ok but how does that make us money. Feminist:uhhhhh>> <<@chungusamongus2338 says : Equality is such a utopian jerkoff.>> <<@t4rv0r60 says : i never thought i would say that but dragons are based>> <<@Beasty_one says : Embracing feminism 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️please toxic feminist move out of the properties build by men !!>> <<@gooner72 says : There are women on every building site, they make bacon sandwiches and cups of tea in the canteen.....🤣😂>> <<@troyturner6083 says : WTF? Im a plumber and a man and Im always welcome in peoples homes as I clean up there water and waste problems.>> <<@cairosun4441 says : Is Bearing a furry? If you are that's ok, keep liking what you like. If not, keep being you.>> <<@petersaczko6192 says : This looks like entrapment. What would have happened if they replied: "Yeah, you are women." Lawsuits aplenty.>> <<@JohnA... says : "they seem like they'd have pretty good lawyers" lol>> <<@hurricanefury439 says : 2:52 jeez i've seen less mouth breathing from kristen stewart with a cold.>> <<@rwberger6 says : You know its a shame, on the surface I'm not against this. There are certain construction jobs that it would be preferable to have women do them then men as they mentioned. They failed because aside from their presentation being terrible, they only briefly mentioned this part when it should have been one of the central focuses of their presentation. Whats more they admitted to running their businesses so poorly they're operating at a loss and only offering the "dragons" paltry ownership percentages on top of that for their investment. You'd have to be an idiot to take their offer.>> <<@Hunter-ll6bx says : One construction job I was on was you stay there until it's done no matter how many hours it takes.>> <<@kanewebley3156 says : These people are the best feminist comedians going, solid evidence they can be funny. Problem is we're laughing at you.>> <<@MackeyDeez says : I'm willing to bet my grandmother's rent money that she has never done any hard work a day in her life. Probably never dug anything or picked up cinder block a day in her life yet, want to push for other women to do construction work.>> <<@mervyncave5263 says : Bad case of the nerves>> <<@NiVoldiza says : It's funny how the feminists advocating women's rights to get into the hard physical jobs where females are not represented in, are always only interested in counseling the other women doing those jobs, but never actually interested in doing the hard labour themselves 😂😂. "We want women in contruction siten!" - Okay, come work for us! "Oh no, no no no, I don't mean me in particular, I'm talking about OTHER women. I don't want to do that, it's hard and dirty and laborous, yuck...">> <<@NiVoldiza says : What does she say to him, when he's explaining that they are counting the "20%" incorrect? I've watched it over and over again, and I can't make up what she says. "Okay, we open it."?>> <<@bobo577 says : 5:57 You can see Debra isn’t impressed at all.>> <<@Tommcginn says : "After all we are women" I mean if you want to buy into all the stereotypes that you hate then fine but don't expect anyone else to get on board the pity train with you. Such a fucking ridiculous way to conduct yourself in an interview.>>