Why You Should Be Proud to Be an American: A Video Marathon

Why You Should Be Proud to Be an American: A Video Marathon


What's so special about America anyway, and why should Americans be thankful to live here? How do other nations view America, and how have its actions impacted the world? These are all important questions covered in this essential playlist of NINETEEN 5-Minute Videos. Enjoy!




@justaguy2365 Says:
I can't with a straight face say I'm proud to be an American. It wasn't a choice, but a circumstance of birth. The only thing I'm proud of are my personal accomplishments.
@stalked5627 Says:
Propaganda BS
@stalked5627 Says:
Take a Knee and Fk the U.S.G. Video is a fairy tale.
@bladeshot_tim5262 Says:
I almost forgot how proud I am to be A American
@SeasideDetective2 Says:
But...Europe itself has changed since the 18th century, right? Does anyone hear really think they still believe in the divine right of kings?
@georger6624 Says:
White Christians, the republican party, religious white people freed the slaves the democratic party was for slavery, and they still are look at Chicago
@georger6624 Says:
You have to study evil you have no evil America does not know evil if you study these things, you’ll know that we live in a great country because we are good
@FrankTheUnknown Says:
Its a shame what we have become 😢😔
@jeremymcmahan729 Says:
Racist ass lightning
@Kim-Yo-jong Says:
U.S. State Affiliated Media.
@ian7133 Says:
i’m proud to be an American
@joshapple6905 Says:
As an American, being 19, I'll say that America is not perfect; by any meansns. America is NOT 100%. We have flaws.But so does every other country. God chose America to be the Shinning City on the Hill because of freedom, opportunity, and the ability to be successful. Of course we have to acknowledge America's imperfections, and improve it where need be, but if we change America, it will lose its uniqueness.
@rupidm Says:
The very question itself is funny to answer. Are you proud to be human? Yes and no, both answers sound funny.
@fatherof4kids Says:
Actually most who have worked hard to become an American citizen are more American than many who have been here for generations.
@socomxx Says:
I just wish that other countries can respect the American people one day. They are so misinformed and only know what is shown to them via the media (which only shows the bad).
@nathonahia196 Says:
This video should be played on every Fourth of July Veterans And Memorial Day
@situationsixtynine8743 Says:
@xiflix8956 Says:
4:08 what aboot canada?they elected trudeau.
@3rdlorddiy903 Says:
America First and we should cancel all foreign aid, specially for the so called friendly countries who spy on America. Also, we shouldn’t let people with dual citizenships serve in Congress nor even teach in public schools.
@kdnick8584 Says:
@Hannibu Says:
America is a great country. Unfortunately Americans live there.
@tiesword3252 Says:
PragerU...GREAT ONE.....
@marianbarchilon815 Says:
Thank God for America and the freedoms and liberties we have here.
@mobiletaskforceunitepsilon3733 Says:
this is the one video agree with but America does have its flaws though
@bryanjones664 Says:
Don't be proud, be thankful.
@grtappan Says:
The Patriots booster shot. Thank you so much.
@pauljacobson2207 Says:
No one banned say merry Christmas, and what does saying it have to do with American
@arthurzettel6618 Says:
*I'm proud to be an American and do not need permission to feel that way about our Country.* *But I'm not impressed in the least of our present government in Washington D.C..*
@delbertdemarco6921 Says:
Right now I am embarrassed
@samusvi2693 Says:
i used to be a very proud american. but the country went woke and it broke. it is embarrassing and humilating to to be a citizen now. sorry
@taiz_1726 Says:
I’m not proud to be an American but I’m glad I’m not in a bad country
@pcgalvintoybonnie2827 Says:
as always, God bless Ameirca
@Eric-gi9kg Says:
VERY WELL SAID I joined the military in '85, though not as a duty, but to escape working in a fastfood restaurant and the ridicule I would have received from my father. Several years later, I Truly learned what it meant to be an American. And the Honor to serve this Great Nation. The Pride of the Why we Are a Great Nation.
@heimatliebe116 Says:
The defeat of Imperial Germany in conjunction with the peace treaty to end all peace of Versailles was an epic historical disaster and nothing to be proud of. Europe and the world as a whole would have been immeasurably better off if the comparatively free and progressive German Empire had won the first world war! The rest of he video content sounds about right.
@sherrifortson6810 Says:
And I’m proud to be an American where at least i know I’m free...
@AslanW Says:
You should never take pride in something you did not have a part in creating. You didn't make America what it is, therefore you should not be proud. You can be thankful, sure, but pride is reserved for things that you yourself accomplished.
@DarkHorseSki Says:
I love this video, but it does bug me all the times that PragerU (and many of the followers) pushes for things which do violate freedoms. Choice is one of the most important things in regards to freedom. As long as your choice doesn't harm another citizen (or their property), people need to just mind their own business. And no, the dichotomy is not between choosing god or government.... there are plenty of atheist Libertarians (speaking to Jason Whitlock at the 40 minute mark), in fact, it can be more easily argued that RELIGION is full of empty promises and causes more harm than even government, not just historically, but even in the present. It is the false idea that believing in myths as an answer, for anything, that is JUST AS BAD as the left believing in government as an answer and it is the one thing that really holds back all the great parts of conservative thinking from being as successful as they should.
@RoyalZarak Says:
Just like there is no England anymore America spirit was dead when Barack Obama became President It’s been downhill ever since Joe Biden is just Obama’s third term
@birdwark Says:
Is this satire?
@itsRohitJain Says:
I like PragerU on almost every Video but how can you guys talk about Vietnam without feeling sorry. You take pride by saying you prevented a Communist Govt but what you did in MyLai (People try and read about My-Lai Masasacre) and the massacre in the war is not something that you should forget. US dropped more bombs in Vietnam than the combined total of World War 1. Did you forget the Agent Orange & Naplam boms you dropped ? I love to watch Prager-U but when i saw hypocrisy and you did not acknowledge the war crimes (worse than what Hitler did) then I stopped the video. A thought comes to my mind asking, are the previous videos of Prager U also biased and built on false ideas. God Bless America but Lets not forget the hours for which thou shall remained ashamed.
@glorybound7599 Says:
The end of your statement nailed it
@samcolt1079 Says:
@animeyhem9780 Says:
If you needed this video to explain why one should be proud to be an American, you've been failed by the education system...and yes, he's right; once you've actually SEEN with your own eyes and experienced for yourself the way others live in less fortunate countries you finally realize why everyone wants to be here and just how privileged you are to live here. Is it any wonder why so many who go through Hell and high water to immigrate here legally are so fiercely patriotic to their newly adopted country?
@kimarellano3791 Says:
My love for this country is why I have so much anger and hatred toward the Communist Left .
@yellowstonekv959 Says:
Thank you Prager U for this very important and enlightening history lesson, facts and thoughtful speakers. This video should be played in every grade that can understand the content. I am blessed to have been born in our country. It is alarming to witness the division and hate from the left.
@chrisgibson2779 Says:
Dear Denis, we definitely did not end communism in russia but we definitely put a hitch in it's giddy up. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
@halas7388 Says:
And now we have Communists in in the Whitehouse.
@heisenberg9496 Says:
God Bless America.
@tracy8772 Says:
This is what should be taught in schools.

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