<<@Shinningbright97 says : Hi Karolyne, i hope you'rw doing great. If you have time, do more videos like this one please. It helps to calm my heart and mind. Your voice is so pretty btw ❤>> <<@remireviews9805 says : I am so glad that you have done this. It is exactly what we need. A woman of God with the sound of God’s peace in her voice declaring scripture. Thank you!>> <<@jenniferraleigh3500 says : Karolyn, thank you for these scriptures to play especially at bedtime. I use it for my personal private prayer with God. I would love to sow a seed into your ministry please let me know how I can be able to do that. Warning to the ungodly, listen, stop by nasty deeds and submit to Almighty God🙏🏿>> <<@Aye_cutie24 says : Thank you for this 🤍>> <<@jicolemobley says : I love this!! I slept so peaceful playing this in my earpiece. Thank you for sharing this. ❤>> <<@nashandatate986 says : thank you 🙏🏽🙌>> <<@mlady8137 says : Thank you for doing this Karolyne. Its very effective. God bless you x>> <<@techh8837 says : Love it! But there is an echo in your audio>> <<@teresaharris4585 says : 🙏🏽🙏🏽>>