<<@JohnJones-qn4yo says : I despise these so called anti racists. They are the biggest racists!>> <<@Aerongorn says : Anyone else click on this expecting a highly analytical perspective on the Kill Bill volumes from Jordan Peterson and how those movies reflect our world today? Just me?>> <<@Nada-qe7mj says : THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being our voice. We need you. Please continue to defend our country until this EVIL government passes on. They are on a path to destroy the country but our hope is in you. God raised you up at this time and on this land for a purpose. Continue to defend us and the next generations.>> <<@drgordo112 says : Bill 67 is back as Bill 16!>> <<@yairlevi8469 says : The extreme left is about to go crazy that all 4 people in this video are white, totally ignoring the issue at hand.>> <<@TheMrBigJeff says : Looks like Tarantino’s franchise really lost a lot of the action that made those films great after the first two volumes… the series is nearly unrecognisable now.>> <<@trickedouttech321 says : People on average in the west are doing better than ever. what is the effing problem? Why did this racist crap even start? In the past 40 years, we have become a natural nonracist culture on our own, just from so many races living together for so long, we have naturally moved together as one more & more every year. I don't get why this Left, racist shit even started. I think it is nothing more than are younger generation becoming weak and entitled. Or the Left pushing the young Gen in that direction for political reasons. If you can't win something just add the word Racist to it. To me it looks like a political party is trying its hardest to convince the population there is a racist issue when there is a ton of evidence showing there is not, I personally have never even seen a racist act in real life. I am not living in a box either I am around tons of other humans daily. The biggest racist issue we have had in the US. in 40 years, is the BLM scam, We have had a few police issues where racism was called without any real evidence of any racist motivation. But little things like that out of billions of people would not even make a pin mark on the line. This show that racism is not even a serious problem in today's western culture. Again, I can't understand where all this crap is even coming from. The racism events line over the past 40 years looks like this. _________________________.____________________ nearly not even registering, Why are these people so unwilling to not applaud that and see for the greatness it truly is. If we just keep moving forward at the rate we have been racial issues in the western cities will almost be non-existand in another decade or two. However, starting up all this fake racist shit for political reasons is only hurting & knocking back all the natural betterment and hard work we have put in as Americans or Canadians. Our Government just needs to stop paying any mind to all this crap, let them talk all the hateful crap they want but just pay it no mind, This is when all of the population just need to stand up and make sure bills like this will never pass, This bill sounds good but to me, it looks like a hate bill. A bill consumed with hate hidden under a bunch of words to sound good. Like it helping some kind of oppressed people that don't even exist in today's world. That will get everyone on your side. That is the game being played right now. I don't understand how the government can even stand for this. It is obvious we don't have a racist problem. Therefore, crying Racist is just a political play and should not be tolerated. I don't get how the world can not see how this is all just dirty politics and created by a hateful political party that would make themselves sound like a savor while wanting to see the world burn behind closed doors. However, I have noticed also in the past 40 years people have become gullible and ignorant. They are willing to believe anything and are unwilling to do some research or are unwilling to listen to other views. I think all of this could be fixed in a generation or two if we just started to teach critical thinking and life management skills in grade school. The crap that makes no sense, coming out of people's mouths today is just crazy. It's like talking to brainwashed zombies, just regurgitating crap they heard from another without any real thought.>> <<@OmegaIL says : I guess that's what you get when lazy and obnoxious loud members of minorities start bitching and you try to please them more and more instead of spanking them back into shape, teaching them to appreciate what they got by the toil of others, make them work and take responsibility for their own lives. I wish best of luck to the sane people of the extremely educated and godblessed people of the West. But you kinda brought it on yourself.>> <<@joshzang18 says : neo-Marxism>> <<@maxxwellbeing5208 says : The Indigenous people and the settlers fought each other. Both were brutal to each other. The Indigenous people signed treaties. Overall, they can simply be considered conquered. We're divided rather than assimilated. The Indigenous people have far more perks than the rest of us. No taxes? Maybe we should consider that "racist" maybe if they want to be seen as equal, they can start be equal and start to pay taxes. They squander opportunities that the rest of us don't have. Then they complain about rights. I say treat them the same as the rest of us, let's ALL be equal and see how that goes over.>> <<@davidbarton2788 says : And that all goes back to Trudue saying China is the way the world should be>> <<@theredscourge says : If they are mandating this idea that all interactions are to be done through the power dynamic, then they are mandating teaching all students to become psychopaths. I wonder who that benefits...>> <<@stephenhogg6154 says : Facts are racist.>> <<@stephenhogg6154 says : Anti-white racism is justified, because they deserve it.>> <<@stephenhogg6154 says : True equity - everyone equally dumbed down and powerless.>> <<@ravenkorr8167 says : To put it short and bluntly: You're screwed. I give it 10 years before it falls apart under the weight of its own corruption. 20, at most.>> <<@CarsonHughes85 says : On my channel I record a phone call podcast with strangers, inspired by talks like these. If anyone wants to talk on the phone, get in touch. We need more conversations in this world.>> <<@petedevries5326 says : It is terrible that we have a Facist as a leader. Justin Trudeau you are a spineless puppet!!>> <<@Grace17893 says : God help us>> <<@ZAYA2227 says : PB 1:09:50>> <<@mapofontario says : Love the video and explanations. Thank you!>> <<@glorthoron3791 says : Jordan Peterson pretending he's a law professor, again.>> <<@patriciarosa7849 says : just don't like when he becomes a bawling baby. it irks me really>> <<@Erich1224 says : Critical race theory is pushed by literally stupid racist people.>> <<@deanpynn3497 says : This is the craziest thing I have ever heard. Read Roman's chapter 1 in the Bible. People have been given over with depraved minds. Trudeau is corrupt. The end of the age is at hand. Look up believers our redemption draws near. Praise God through Jesus Christ our Lord.>> <<@AttlasAllux says : Regarding the "four principles of the woke ideology:" The woke movement is NOTHING BUT AN EXTERNALIZED PROJECTION onto the PHYSICAL WORLD of the absolute fundamental metaphysical nature of egos. By ego, we refer to the universal trope of demons, devils, evil spirits, etc., the seven deadly sins in the Western tradition (pride, fear, lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, etc), the psychological aggregates in Buddhism (source of desires: craving and aversion, the root causes of all suffering), and the Near-Eastern nafs/infidels and their amalgamation as our individual Shaitan, "The Adversary," a word used by BOTH Judaism and Islam meaning EXACTLY the same thing as its English derivative: Satan. The False Self. 1. egos are motivated by a purely mechanical desire for power, like the A.I.'s in The Matrix. The actual "institutions" corrupted by egos' desire for power are our THREE BRAINS and FIVE CENTRES: mental, emotional, and motor-instinctive-sexual centres (mind, heart, body). 2. egos supplant the Individual's Innermost Being (True Self) as sovereign and then dispense with individual responsibility by projecting blame onto others and external circumstances for all suffering, just as they seek pleasure through external means (the exception being shame, self-loathing, and other ways egos beat us up when it suits them). 3. The "eternal war" between oppressors and their victims is precisely the human condition, the archetypal conflict between God and Satan for the souls of humanity. That war is reflected in the world, but its battleground is within the human soul itself. FYI, egos see themselves as victim and liberator, but are, in fact, the oppressor: they are what put the consciousness to sleep, siphon energy, and enslave humanity (think: A.I. from The Matrix; vampires; et al). 4. Egos ALWAYS test boundaries and push limits to see what they can get away with (any parent or pet owner knows this to be 100% true). If it is mystifying to the panel as to the origin of "woke culture," it is only because The Black Lodge (egos), through its institutions of materialist science and allopathic "healthcare" have dispensed with the Ancient Knowledge concerning human psychology and the eternal struggle for the souls of humanity as superstition, "quaint stories" to explain complex problems simply to children and primitive illiterate peoples, etc. They have replaced self-evident experiential knowledge (that which they claim to SEEK) with subjective theory and a purely physical paradigm. Ignorant of "as above, so below; as within, so without" they are unable to recognize that the macrocosm can only EVER reflect the microcosm. Ergo, whatever "evil" making headway in the physical world has its roots in the metaphysical world of the human psyche. What's more, the attractiveness of the woke religion stems from the egos' twisting and degeneration of all True religions and spiritual traditions: by weaving elaborate lies and partial truths around a unifying core of absolute objective undeniable FACT. It is the core TRUTHS which hook the faithful, who accept the elaborate tapestry as a matter of course. Why should this be of any import? Egos work for mechanical nature. Mechanical nature cannot tear down a civilization physically without first undermining and eroding its METAPHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS: history, culture, religion, language, arts, literature, nuclear family, even gender (let alone traditional gender roles) and EVERY humanist value upon which the civilization attained the pinnacle of its achievement. Undermine all that, and the civilization is doomed to collapse. As all civilizations do.>> <<@fotoyartefotoyarte1044 says : I am watching this in Argentina, with my jaw on the floor; Arg. is a country contaminated with pretty contaminated with socialism and corruption, but untill now has been more about economy and getrimg favours; only god knows what would happen if this mind virus of race gets into the heads of the useful idiots here; we already have some of that used as a base to reclaim "ancient territory" by alledgelly, so called, original inhabitants of the land; 😥>> <<@jennieworthington2833 says : Hi Jordan, I am a fan of your work and I enjoyed learning from this video. I do wish you would not have interrupted your guests so much, as I believe they had much to say as well. It is very upsetting to watch guests be shut down by the host. I hope this is a constructive criticism.>> <<@Psalm1101 says : ok give the victims power look were S. AFRICA is today johannesburg etc. Chaos and misery>> <<@Psalm1101 says : the nazis did crt created hitler you monsters. MAO did the same with kids then taught to be victims killed teachers educated to 50million killed>> <<@PetertheGreatest1 says : Open your own school!! Don't give your children away>> <<@SammichNetwork says : As soon as history has been rewritten it will be the end of the group deemed evil, there will be no country or alliance capable or willing to save this group. By the time enough people realise this it will be too late, if they ever do>> <<@latina369 says : And the award to The most racist pm in Canadian history goes to: Justin Turdeau>> <<@Hot4Thot says : 55:30 Yep. Nz in a nutshell>> <<@Happyhippy70 says : GET RID OF THE DOMINION VOTING MACHINES, THEY ARE CHEATING.>> <<@BluegrassGal101 says : "Oh, the Devil he wears a Hypocrite's Shoe...If you don't watch out he'll put it on YOU. There's No Hiding Place down here">> <<@wallyhiggens5369 says : Someone must be tremendously uninformed if they believe race relations in the US improves under Obama. It's amazing how little attention everyone was paying.>> <<@pierrec.dussault2138 says : 31:10 That would be because their end goal is communism. Prevent anyone from becoming excellent, just make all the members of the group be the exact same and have the exact same level of achievement. Couldn't equity be applied that way also? This is put forward by people who don't believe they have what it takes to become excellent, so they just want to prevent others from becoming excellent. That's basic communism in a nutshell. If you can't win in life, then you can make it so no one wins.>> <<@ThePdeHav says : I had an argument formulated to counter the concept it’s elites are adopting these awful ideas. Then a family member pointed I represent the pinnacle of our species’ Uber-Hierarchy. When a crazy eyed spangle-fevered shouts about my privilege as they have. I shout back the truth, “ this time my dear, you are so so right.”>> <<@ThePdeHav says : infantilism ? The Great Reset is the soft totalitarianism of low violence economies. Fuck it. Let’s have a war: stimulate the economy: a Goldilocks War, not too hot and not too cold ……like zzzzzz … viola Ukraine>> <<@ThePdeHav says : These Inquisitions: Maybe it’s time to teach children about The Bridge of Sighs in Venice. Another one: Denuncio under Franco. Habeas Corpus, venerated as the foundation of Anglo Saxon life and later the world.>> <<@Naghmara says : As a white person from central Europe whose country never subjugated, colonized, or imported people of another country or race (but these things were done to my ancestors), it is extremely funny to me that if I moved to North America, people would instantly have a set of incorrect racist assumptions about me.>> <<@cindy6101 says : The word “equity” is used on purpose; most people confuse it with “equality” That is NO EXCUSE>> <<@paulhickson1007 says : The libtard fruit loops have to removed from power>> <<@cindy6101 says : The wording is NOT that difficult to understand!! It’s quite clear! And if a politician is CONFUSED by the language of this HEINOUS bill, then they should not be in politics!!!!!! This is atrocious and TERRIFYING; our kids are being INDOCTRINATED by our education system!! I can NOT believe this is coming from the CONSERVATIVE (progressive) government of Ontario! I’m sure BC will have a similar bill soon!!!>> <<@onionman_ says : Man, it seems the west is pretty much screwed with this mind virus. And since my and all other countries are basically media-sustained cultural-colonies of the US we're all screwed too..>> <<@chinookskier says : Thank you very much for posting this Mr. Peterson. It's almost unthinkable the direction our society is taking.>> <<@HMABH says : and they say the middle east has a freedom of speech problem ... LMAO>> <<@myssnoel8496 says : I just want to point out, "Progressive Conservative" Progressive. It's in the name. I'm sorry but I hear "progressive" in a name title, your your a leftie. Critical race "Theory" It's a theory. Never been proven to work or make lives better. This is almost as bad as our so called "Experts". Experts in what? Theories? And don't get me started on the utter hipocrisy of the people who claim to be feminists and fighting for womens rights, while at the same time, screaming about trans men, who are literally taking away womens opportunity's and spitting in the face of all women by claiming men can have babies, that men should be able to compete in womens sports and that trans men suffer from period poverty. You want to talk about equality and women's rights? Stop trying to erase women. It's funny how this narrative works. I'm a card carrying member of Cowessess from Saskatchewan. My grandfather was an elder and a full red blooded Indian, but my grandmother was a white Scottish woman. So I'm your typical half breed, who was born white. Apparently I have white privilege and don't have a say, don't know oppression and are part of the colonizing class. My grandfather would be so angry at what's happening right now! Somehow his granddaughter is a white colonizer who has to pay repetitions to my brothers and sisters... It's a joke and that where the narrative ends for me. Because I have that card, even with my white skin half breed blood, it's easier for me to fight both sides on the rediculousness of this entire narrative. And I have been. With facts and alot of research. Where I see a big chunk of this being pushed is within the United Nations. A corrupted, disgusting organization that needs to clean house. Antonio Gutierrez is a self proclaimed femenist and a socialist who has been pushing this woke nonsense to organizations like BLM, Other NGO's and civil society organizations. Just google his speeches on all the woke topics and you will see what I mean. He called White extremism a public health crisis. He's crazy.>> <<@AdamUng110691 says : When I saw the thumbnail, I was like "there were 66 sequals to Kill Bill?">>