<<@blueandgreenslacks says : Watching this in a pair of slip on Vans.πŸ˜‚>> <<@haramaschabrasir8662 says : The problem is that it gets tighter and tighter during the day and it is a b1tch to open up after a long day.>> <<@MrWowh says : Wouldn’t it depend how you did the first?>> <<@KingCoach2 says : Take a lace in each hand Go over and under again Make a loop-de-loop and pull And your shoes are looking cool>> <<@FisherMan-bh9dn says : Twice around the loop and it works perfectly. Never had the laces come apart.>> <<@Ptochkaman says : Still get them untight after sometime>> <<@JesseBFournier says : I got a hypothesis for why we don't do it (I relearned to tie some years ago). There's a critical moment when we tie in the second part of the knot: it you're right handed and you tie clockwise, you'll realize you lift the thumb and in this moment your fingers pushing towards you: it easy to see, and you got four fingers to manipulate the laces. If you tie counterclockwise, you wont be able to lift your thumb in this critical moment and you'll have to do it with your index and "from the back". Bonus: If you tie clockwise the tightening phase at the end will be easier because counterclockwise forces you to cross you arms.>> <<@RussReimann says : We should all be using elastic lace technology and stop wasting time tying shoes. We could have been on Mars by now, if not for this worldwide scam by Big Aglet.>> <<@CosmicAli_TheObserver says : When I was a kid, we just learned things the right way. There was a classical knot book that had all of the knots in it, this was the box knot.πŸ˜‚>> <<@kibels894 says : What do you mean by clockwise? I always remember it by left over right then right over left(or vice versa, just needs to be opposite)>> <<@sleepynubb7521 says : My shoes don’t have laces, which method should I use??>> <<@caitieeeeeeee says : My mom says I tie my shoes like a leftie but I'm a right handed person. Does that count? πŸ˜‚>> <<@EnRandomSten says : I'mma be honest, I have no clue how I actually tie my shoes. I kinda just reach down and my hands do the motions lol>> <<@Amrablack says : I do that at the third way πŸ˜‚>> <<@reidcacaro2919 says : This is too complicated, I’m gonna stick to my sketchers Zstraps with Velcro>> <<@finlayarthur2746 says : The numberphile way is the best>> <<@Bowsarge says : Uhh, how bout neither?>> <<@jocax188723 says : I put an extra turn in before pulling my bunny ears - never had a loose shoelace since.>> <<@davvaz62 says : Forget around the tree or bunny ears, speed tying laces is the best way.>> <<@scottk3772 says : I use clip-on ties>> <<@cogitus73 says : It's called a reef knot. If you tie your shoelaces using an Ian knot, like I do, it gives you a reef. If you then double knot it, you get another reef knot on top.>> <<@jbkkkkk says : Is no-one else using the bunny ears anymore?>> <<@ilaril says : I have nerve damage on my right hand, so way weaker grip strength. Now I know how I need to tie my right shoe so that it doesn't loosen so easily. Never too old to learn new things.>> <<@Mark-h3n3z says : You're still tying your shoelaces wrong. The correct way is rabbit ears, looped twice. Basically NEVER comes untied until you want it to.>> <<@konekillerking says : Next, why it depends which side of the equator you live on.>> <<@jlsinchina says : Reef too>> <<@Kastley says : I never graduated from using bunny ears>> <<@homevideo20 says : Clockwise and counter clockwise are not the correct terms. It depends on the first knot. Tying a proper square knot is correct.>> <<@Rabbit-the-One says : Matt Parker showed me a much better way, then Steve Mould made another video about it>> <<@wanimajugaming9777 says : Probably the only reason why I'm not using these shoes and keep using magnet shoes during elementary school>> <<@loboalamo says : I still struggle with the bread sack ties because us lefties twist in the *opposite* direction after righty made a sandwich.🫨>> <<@divjotmattu803 says : You're telling me there's other methods than bunny ears?>> <<@pahvi3 says : I thought this was common knowledge>> <<@Poppamunz says : I recommend looking up the "Ian knot". Same result but much easier and faster>> <<@aaronj3245 says : Jokes on you, i daily drive an elastic shoe with no shoelaces>> <<@sagaramskp says : Surgeon's knot>> <<@Haffun8 says : What makes Veritasium so cool? This.>> <<@yateswebb says : Granny knot also known as overhand knot, which is more intuitive>> <<@NoxMarcus says : I've been using a surgeon's knot ever since learning about it. Works the same but has much more friction, so it won't come loose on it's own. Also with runner's knot lacing on my running shoes.>> <<@aleshandsome3705 says : Where's the Ribbon knot?>> <<@Birb_of_Judge says : I don't use either of these>> <<@Lemoncit0 says : I'm 23 and ever since I had the opportunity I only bought shoes without laces because they are usually more comfortable and fresh>> <<@pickuptowntravel says : So they wait until shoelaces are practically outdated by slip ons, velcro and zippers to tell us this? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@portuabreu says : Square or reef knots super used when sailing. The other one is also called dummy or fake square knot because it looses.>> <<@robertocardenas5006 says : those legs bro 🀀>> <<@SpeedReider says : Like...4 years ago i found an outdoor magazine, and i learned about the square knot. Ever since then, ive been spreading the good word about the knot that never comes undone -- unless you want it to>> <<@MarkBonne says : The granny knot usually makes the loops go top and bottom. The square knot makes the loops go side to side, which looks nicer on your shoe.>> <<@quickmythril2398 says : always make the laces go out to the same side, making a square knot. i thought that was pretty common knowledge.>> <<@kajin807 says : I'm not, i have a hard time untying my shoes as is πŸ˜‚>> <<@robertt9342 says : Double counterclockwise is effective too.>>