Elon Musk Invents 'THE SPORTS CAR'!!!!
Elon Musk Invents 'THE SPORTS CAR'!!!!



@CptEddyPrice Says:
@Atem_S. Says:
Unless they're planning to use graphene for the batteries, it's all bs.. And even there, we never heard of a Tesla & Samsung ( leader in graphene tech at the moment) partnership..
@PhilipCockram Says:
Just two more weeks ...
@johntaphouse5235 Says:
the fastest production car ever ? OMG any one can see compared to a half decent super car that thing has the aerodynamics of a shed
@nichance Says:
I agree with everything... but the ventilator part was real
@xiongfong22 Says:
i got it, Elon Musk is like Todd Howard, "it just works"
@Jason-vp8nd Says:
Bahhahahahaah he said worst case scenario and you gave him the x.... Which sadly crazily weird his name Twitter this I'm guessing he done this for other reasons quite obviously you know because of the solar company or whatnot
@Jason-vp8nd Says:
If he didn't buy the stupid platform everything would have been different that's what I think even though I've been banned for 6 days on it so far everything would have been different we would have never had a voice
@marlomitchell2761 Says:
Re watching this video just for fun.
@rajdr74 Says:
Thermo nuclear explosion proof glass 😂
@maxhugen Says:
"I know more about [whatever] than anyone..." - Oh wait, sorry, that was Trump. 🤣
@nobbynobbs8182 Says:
OK, I get that he's a grifter, but why do people think that he's a genius when he says stupid things like this? 31:20
@leststoner Says:
Jeff Koons does the same thing in art.
@pedrosura Says:
2017 Elon 1000 km Promised!!! Everyone clsp!!! 2023 Elon How dumb is it for you to suggest 1000 km car and carry that battery around destroying performance? How silly can you be??
@6vitamin Says:
RE: weight of sports cars- the Nissan 350z/370z, the bulbous 2-door sports Nissans, weighed almost 2 tons iirc. But yeah, when you’re fighting the battery, its weight, and charge…you’ve got issues. Also, I’m fairly certain the “Z” was bigger than that roadster.
@davidelghammer6449 Says:
Love the cowboy hat and sunglasses. In combination with his Special K habit and slurred crazy lies it really makes it for him. It says, wow am I a true Ahole. Is this a cult?? I think it is a Tesla/Musk cult. 😂😂😂 OMG he's an egomaniac narcissist.
@martinsekinger2005 Says:
The Life of Belon - "He's NOT the Messiah, he's just a very NAUGHTY boy". Sorry, Monty Python fans..........
@creativecatalyst777 Says:
He didn't lie about the Roadster's range. What he left out was it only happened once😂😂❤
@calchedz Says:
Tesla truck in 80mph states 😂getting overtaken by every cat and cummins in sight
@steveinoz8188 Says:
Musk talks in 'trumpisms'. Next he'll be telling us stories where people come up to him and say "sir ......
@biljancanin Says:
The only ones who didn't even talk much about their car going quick from 0-60 and are capable of doing 250 in a full electric car are Rimac and they delivered. Guess the price and production units... well, not for everyone. Elon at this point is just lying as much as he can to sound believable because with so many Elon dick riders he can't fail... for now...
@robertmsoares Says:
Wow! The comparison between NASA's doctrine of "Failure is not an option" and the Starship clearing the pad as success to Tesla made me think that maybe capitalism is really over. This is something else.
@SpaceBound-1 Says:
It looked really good in 2017 now it looks dated.
@SpaceBound-1 Says:
They should try to make it normal.
@convertableburt Says:
Is it just me or does anyone else suspect plants in the crowd? Most normal people wouldnt hoot and holler at an event like this, and some of the background people are shaking their heads no with their hands up in surprise, almost similar to, "no i dont get it, why is everyone yelling and cheering so much" And ive been to smaller sales pitch meetings where they had planted people who worked for them in the crowd, would not shock me if it came out employees were in the crowds. Not to mention it only takes a couple to get everyone else feeling comfortable enough to also join in the comradery
@TheBarrwen Says:
It’s not the ventilation it’s that it takes a lot of expertise to operate
@presidentxd Says:
Worlds richest snake oil salesman.tesla are the iPhone of cars. A pointless fashion accessory .
@zebrahunter6956 Says:
I knew right away from Engineering Explained this was nonsense. The Dodge Challenger Demon was limited by Governor to ~150 mph, because the special rubber used in the tires to accomplish it's absurd 1/4 mile time and speed cannot handle velocities faster than that. The tire company told Dodge that you can either get the new record 0-60, or have a really high top speed, but not both. There is no way he was gonna top both the Demon's acceleration AND velocity Edit: also, conveniently, he announced the Roadster *after* the Demon's numbers were published
@robla85g18 Says:
That stuff at the end about ventilators is just beggars belief. I mean the semi is just more of his usual bs but the ventilators is shocking. Talking incorrectly about a field he has no knowledge of when he has thousands of people hanging on his every word, absolutely shameful.
@gamble777888 Says:
TESLA is much more than a car company... It's a car company that doesn't make cars
@deAdsPAcE9 Says:
Rimac has already accomplished these performance goals except for range and at $2.2 million for the Rimac they’ve proved tha Tesla’s price point for the roadster is legitimately insane
@MrQuijibo Says:
1 million mile no breakdown is so far past ridiculous its actually insane to even suggest it.
@codinx6964 Says:
Maybe add even more annoying buzz sounds.
@Ph.D_in_rabbit Says:
I just realized my ex talks like Elon Musk😱😱😱I mean I know he's a fan but I did not know that he's THAT HUGE of a fan😅 I guess it's also my bad that I did not investigate more🤣
@J.PC.Designs Says:
"It'll be the first time any car has reached 60 in under 2 seconds." Well, except for drag cars in the 1990s. The fuckin NINETIES.
@celestial-toymaker Says:
I ask in myself in seeing this : who is the chicken and who is the egg ?
@Aliphatic Says:
@bartofilms Says:
Despite the delays in production of ROADSTER and CyberTruck, Elon is likely telling the truth when he says he knows more about manufacturing than anyone on Earth. I am NOT a fan boy of Elon Musk, but he HAS gone FAR beyond any U.S. Auto manufacturer in terms of technology advancement.
@kryts27 Says:
Musk has not developed anything new. Not even "autopilot". But that is not quite complete, he has developed one thing. How to announce a fantasy vehicle or project that has not been developed yet or is even on the drawing board. The Musk semi truck and the Cybertruck are the exceptions to this rule. Wonderful inventions (not). And for the longest time, investors have flocked to his Ponzi schemes. What a guy 😅
@davidhunternyc1 Says:
Then this clown just fired 14,000 people who built his company and made him a billionaire, on top of the people he fired from Twitter. There are no consequences for Elon Musk. This is called, "crony-capitalism."
@nanotech1921 Says:
its like a social experiment for how much you can get a person to believe if the info is coming from a billionaire
@alanmichael5619 Says:
Whilst I absolutely agree with most of the criticism of Musk here: he is a con artist and his fans are absolutely insufferable. But I think you're being disingenuous with the Falcon 9 vs Soyuz argument and with the Starship development. The Soyuz was $25 million per seat, yes, but you haven't taken into account PPP. $1 in Russia has a higher purchasing power (it's about $2.32) - so it was the equivalent of $58 million. When *Nasa* was paying Russia for seats on the Soyuz it was $56 million per seat. Once you take into account PPP that's more like $130 million. Boeing's Starliner was going to be $345 million per seat. It's also very different comparing a solution that has been around for 60 years to one that was developed in the last 10. The development costs on Soyuz are relatively negligible now - whereas Falcon 9 being a new solution was still effectively paying for its development cost. So, yes, Falcon 9 *was* and *is* less expensive and SpaceX have absolutely outmanoeuvred most of NASA's suppliers. It has also absolutely splashed the safety record of the space shuttle now - with 92 successful launches in 2023 alone and a 100% success rate just 2023's launches beats the shuttle's record of 88 launches without failure. And that's before we get onto the SLS whose first launch was 6 years late. There are very good reasons why Falcon 9 is being chosen by so many countries and organisations to launch their projects into LEO. Starship vs Apollo is also a bit of an odd comparison. The Saturn V rockets cost $52 *b*illion each (inflation adjusted) - that's $17 billion per seat! Each starship costs in the tens of millions rather than billions. Testing the rockets to destruction is actually quite a rapid form of development. They'd literally have to launch 650 of the things to reach the cost of a single Saturn V. I do think that Starship is misguided - I'm honestly so confused as to why they didn't just continue iterating the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy designs. The latter is probably already capable of what Starship's goals for the 2020s are. And starship has a lot of that "Elon Musk vanity project" stink to it. But I don't think comparing it to the apollo program is really all that useful? I'd say comparisons to Boeing's starliner or SLS are far closer to being comparable platforms.
@MrBrukmann Says:
Can't wait for an easy AI fix to things like repetitive way too loud annoying noises
@lukedavis436 Says:
i mean, the tesla roadster DOES exist......there's only one of them, oh yeah and the old ones
@11Tits Says:
4:00 i would say that is taken by truck fans
@robertbroadbent3038 Says:
The audience are insane, It’s like watching an audience with Kim Jong Un, sickening to watch how they fawn over him
@michaelnoble2432 Says:
You had me up until your weird little diversion to ventilators (31:10). It's pretty well recognised that ventilators WERE over-used in many places, and that many deaths occurred as a result.
@skrongo Says:
Anyone remembers that the cybertruck was gonna be a boat too, but later can't even go through a car wash without voiding warranty?
@JohnDoe-fd6wf Says:
Are these people yelling and cheering plants? Why on Earth would they be so excited?
@jeffhunt367 Says:
He stole the name of a real genius "Nikola" to destroy the name and country. Go up in a plane...over a plane...and drop a dart, bet you'll hit someone smarter than a muskrat

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