Elons latest Starship …HAT-TRICK of FAIL!
Elons latest Starship …HAT-TRICK of FAIL!



@kookiespace Says:
I thought we'd learned from the soviet lunar program that having too many engines on a stage is a game of diminishing returns because there's too many parts and too much complexity to make it work. The soviets learned that 50 fucking years ago. But I guess Elon doesn't like reading about history
@batipapo Says:
They should fill up the next Musk’s rocket $1 bills to show us all how what’s happening to our tax $$$ 🧐
@donwald3436 Says:
Ask FElon "when" the answer is always this time next year..... which year? "this" year! lol
@antongromek4180 Says:
You just don't get it. This is not a simple rocket start - it's also a big bang simulation.
@goofycker Says:
9:10 A way to recognize Elon lying: stuttering...
@jimjones-pz1tt Says:
It's fitting that the Starshit launches from a stool.
@jarivuorinen3878 Says:
Not to defend the space X orbital test here, but 30 km/h difference is large amount of energy in speeds like 27000 km/h. Kinetic energy works exponentially, as Phil of course knows. But on the other hand, tumbling spacecraft will create more airdrag, so this difference is not meaningful. And we don't know about tolerances of their equipment either, I just assume that they have to be quite accurate for speed and acceleration as they got even this far, and these are not very hard things to measure anyway. Although I'm not sure what is the reference point to the speed of this re-entry tumbling spacecraft. From one perspective, reference to Earth surface would tell more about the kinetic energy changes. But from heatshield standpoint, reference speed to air is what is important, and air density. However, potential energy here also is important. If altitude goes down, and potential energy as a result goes down as well, then total mechanical energy (kinetic and potential combined) in reference to Earth surface goes down. This energy of course is absorbed by the spacecraft and surrounding atmosphere. This is high school physics. But I find Phil's argument here a bit dull because altitude, and descend rate, here would be important information to know how much the spacecraft actually lost energy when re-entering the atmosphere. Speed alone doesn't tell us much, especially when we don't know what that speed is measured relative to. That wasn't his main point anyway, I understand that he simply meant to emphasize that spacecraft was out of control, and that is fact, and if you do re-entering like that, your spacecraft will overheat and landing is impossible. It can also create uncontrolled momentum and vibrations that tear the spacecraft apart. And overheated metals have reduced capability to hold their qualities, and will oxidize in the atmosphere, so surfaces will very literally burn off. Aside from this SpaceX flight test, burning off material in re-entry in controlled manner is actually quite useful. It can actually form protective gas around spacecraft and keep material surface temperatures down. Actually this is very old idea for re-entry crafts, and has been used and tested by major powers. Ablative shielding is useful.
@thebutthurtdesk4048 Says:
At this point I'm convinced that spaceX is just filled with first year engineer students doing some for fun project but with the backing of a national budget.
@jessh2147 Says:
So SpaceX is just basically playing Kerbal irl
@danielwesterlund1905 Says:
This moron can't even make good cars, but he'll definitely revolutionize space travel.
@ang5035 Says:
Stop hyping mediocre white men!
@guyonearth Says:
These SpaceX launch videos have a definite cult meeting vibe going on.
@RocketPal Says:
What fail? Nothing but successes for now. Another fake update channel trying to push opinions, propaganda and BS. Go watch NSF, Lab Padre, Marcus House, Terran Space Academy.
@utoob7361 Says:
NASA needs to be terminated
@utoob7361 Says:
Elon knows more about getting his snout into the government trough than anyone now alive on earth. NASA is a giant waste of money anyway. Expect to see Elon go to prison for every kind of fraud possible. Either that, or he builds a Bezos-style yacht and never sets foot on land again.
@ladymorwendaebrethil-feani4031 Says:
This is the result of the privatisation of the space exploration.
@user-cx4ll4rj1t Says:
The current world's richest man is obviously the world's biggest bullsh*ter - surely he needs to be investigated and arrested. Even his character makes him unlikable so why do people laugh and smile at his every word --- sad people I guess. The same is true with the people putin surrounds himself with.
@cmaxnat Says:
Ociangate upwords 😂
@ch4rl3magn38 Says:
I love thunderfoot when he makes snake oil salesman look like they actually are
@purpleaki7135 Says:
23:53 says it all.
@androidemulator6952 Says:
@26:18 "2018 Spacex CEo ( Gwynne Shotwell) .. hmm, unfortunate surname, given the SHOTS are NOT going WELL.. LOL
@androidemulator6952 Says:
"Cheering like brain-washed Cult members." FFS ;)
@SpaceBound-1 Says:
When you think about what people would do if they had the technology of the present. Well.
@ripley_hicks_newt_86 Says:
Zero G games and restaurants. Yeah right!
@Goddot Says:
They're making the N1 look good
@BarrySW19 Says:
Has he thought about trying an electric rocket?
@mikerash-pc4jc Says:
I saw Apollo take off and land as a young teenager. So my 45 years in manufacturing, electronics and electrical will properly build the entire rocket with the correct materials. Musk said he knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive. Well he doesn’t know me. Now Elon you’re screwed!
@mikerash-pc4jc Says:
Ill will give SpaceX a working design for only 1 billion dollar. How will they guarantee the first flight works or I’ll give the billion dollars back?
@mikerash-pc4jc Says:
Well to all my fans and friends from my post starship wouldn’t make it. How do you feel me now?
@thelonercoder5816 Says:
why is this guy so obsessed with elon. You've been covering his entire existence for the past 7+ years.
@paleopteryx Says:
NASA didn't even exist before 1959 yet in 1969 they were "landing" people on the Moon like crazy... Give me a break! NASA is full of sh1t just like Musk. Everything related to space (and especially "Moon landing" missions) is just some tax money stealing scheme. Billions of tax $$$. No man EVER landed on the Moon nor it will do so in the forseeable future, because it is dauntingly risky and difficult, even with the current technology (let alone with the technology of the '60s, ffs!!!!)
@roughcut2Lock Says:
Man boy. And full of unanswered promises to keep stock prices high.
@ultrapandora4550 Says:
im so tired of elon musk riders in the space community
@leemills6825 Says:
using kids as presenters that look like these panels of flids prattling on about films & video games =D almost as amusing as calling the thing starship, probably so the hard of thinking can keep up i suppose, the robot was faked & that was just the arms the car battery switch was faked & im supposed to believe this is real =D c'mon now its long past time for ppl to grow the f up
@user-eg2yn3dx9e Says:
Please go and debunk the plastic to fuel bs a black dude is doing, its all over youtube shorts now
@adhael4996 Says:
I'm starting to wonder whether Elon is doing this on purpose for another country to create chaos in the US economy, and by extension the West
@artem64 Says:
As always, more information than you probably should have explained. I honestly hope you stay safe my friend. We need more people like you around but not the many people with money would like it too much. I always hope to get move content from you. You are the voice of reason and your voice is what everyone needs to hear. I hope you stay around for years to come.
@Dalroc Says:
Hat-trick of fail lol... Please Phil, tell us what your accomplishments are? A semi-successful YouTube channel that has lost 90% of its momentum because you've turned it into nothing but an Elon hate parade? Impressive. Meanwhile SpaceX has now launched 12 successful crewed missions. Such a failure they are! Please tell us more Mr Mason! 😂
@StevieAF Says:
I'm not on team Elon therefore...🙄
@TerribleFire Says:
The millennial positivity in the face of disaster infuriates me. Just tell it like it is.
@mikeyerian2562 Says:
Everything Musk does is weaponize most people's cartoonish views of science and technology. Notice how fucking serious the flight engineers were in 1967. They were serious men, who were chain smokers, nervous, had ulcers, and no sleep. They were heroes, and Musk is the world's biggest con man.
@unclebuck5051 Says:
Once a fraud always a fraud.
@doclewis8927 Says:
Okay...I'm not a astrophysicist BUT I do know that you cannot have a "floating" platform on Mars...NOT the size of a "spaceport"! You need more atmosphere for that than Mars has.
@doclewis8927 Says:
The FACT that NASA managed to do what they promised and SpaceX hasn't...says it all.
@realmchat6665 Says:
The spacex simps cheering for failure borders on eerie.
@ChimpFromSpace Says:
"Rapid unscheduled disassembly"
@eoin1959 Says:
NASA and SpaceX make perfect bedfellows... you can fool most of the people most of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. NASA was (apparently) operating a manned shuttle service to the moon's surface and back 55 years ago, but no human has left the earth's orbit since... WTF?
@aria8928 Says:
We have to wait for launch alliance huh.
@michaelnoble2432 Says:
The undisciplined hollering of the SpaceX clowns is quite telling...
@brett9308 Says:
SpaceXplode is a roaring dumpster fire, barreling it's way downhill toward bankruptcy. Elon "Next Year" Musk and Gwynn "Oh it's definitely going to happen" Shotwell must have finally, FINALLY gotten the memo that you can't shoehorn 100 people into StarShip (hint: after you add cargo, food and water, ship systems, equipment, bulkheads and fixtures, you're left with about 3.34 m3 habitable volume per crew member), so what did they do? They fucking pivoted, of course, JUST LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO, by announcing StarShip II, StarShip III and Raptor III. Seriously? Raptor III when Raptor II is already inherently defective? Fuck off. No self-respecting aerospace engineer works for SpaceX, which is why their output is a disaster-ridden, unreliable, unstable hack. I pity you if you reside in their reality distortion field.

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