On "Quitting" YouTube
On "Quitting" YouTube



@niravparmar7856 Says:
This is my most favorite video of yours till date.
@jonnymahony9402 Says:
I don't think the kids want to be famous. They want work under their own control about what interests them. That's what youtube promised. But now this seems to change, of course as always in Capitalism. The profit motive turns everything to shit
@GavinskisTutorials Says:
What is Marques using as a mic in this video?
@mrbig614 Says:
90% of youtubers wouldn't do it if the money wasn't there cuz how you going to work 8 to 10 hours a day and then spend 5 hours on YouTube videos it's all about the money. Don't let him lie say anything else
@ckb.12thman Says:
Marques is the GOAT tech reviewer. Nice guy. Calm presence. Truth dispenser. There will never be another.
@allaydesign5740 Says:
I guess life has got to be a balance of a little but of everything, thats what makes life balanced and enjoyable eventually because, If you stick to one thing for too long, you eventually get bored of it! I should be the last one saying this considering that I have been one of the most unsuccessful wannabe creators of all time, but well shit!
@cschmitz Says:
I've seriously considered trying to start my own small business with my skillset and could probably do really well, but I run into what you're describing; if I started my own small business I'd no longer be a creator, I'd end up being a manager and I have no interest in that. But yeah, when you described scaling up it's the exact same for my industry. Really I guess it's the same thing for all small businesses.
@manastic7270 Says:
A content creator must go at your own pace if you don't want to experience burnout.
@Wolfsheim23 Says:
The answer to that dilemma seems to be.. Don't scale up so much. Limit your scaling. If you want to make more money just learn investing. You can do stock investing pretty much automatically with nearly zero input.
@lunchjoyy Says:
love the treadmill analogy!
@maryjohnson-hf4hc Says:
What are tubers! s going to do when Monarchy is finally abolished!!!
@lailikrumm Says:
The three-heart analogy was great. Definitely something to take away from watching the video and learning fast what those are. I also liked the slight hesitation at the end about whether or not you'll upload it - it's raw in that way.
@pavi013 Says:
In today's world where we are living in, if you're not ready to take the risk you will not be successful.
@wheels2fun526 Says:
It's not retiring.It's quitting. There is no money, no security, and no copyright protection. After being in television and film for 30 years/ I don't understand why anyone would want to basically work for free and almost never lead to anything. If i work on a series of 6 programs over 8 months, then I take 2 months off. If I'm working on documentary over 1 year, then I take 4 months off. Today in 2024 i'm still getting residuals for programs I did in the 1990s. If I'm on location or set I get the union rate and they also arrange what residuals I will continued to get fro sales, repeats and steaming.
@marvinmaali4019 Says:
What's that white box Marques?
@crystaltanart Says:
Of all the mega youtubers out there, I really really enjoy your grounded sensibility. I dont even like tech stuff or is into tech. But just enjoy your self-assuredness that isn't preachy or even overly emotional. thank you marques, for being here on youtube and I hope to keep seeing you around here.
@TheSpiceRoadRecipes Says:
It actually does kinda scale similarly as a regular job. As you progress in seniority you go from working in the role to on the role - in other words: process, strategy, hiring, contract negotiations, employee morale, etc. become a bigger part of your day-to-day.
@Starlite4321 Says:
Marques, the reason you're so successful is because when it's all said and done, the bottom line is you are the king of "no BS - it is what it is".
@ph1021 Says:
18.7 million subscribers means you're in control
@aylwyne Says:
I feel like Marques describing the natural progression of running a YouTube channel was just him describing the natural progression of most professional careers. You start as a "primary contributor" then work up to "team lead" and eventually "manager". This progression isn't something unique to the "creative" career as he described. I think this is just him coming to the realization that being a youtuber isn't a career that's different or isolated from this progression in some way.
@YadVenturess Says:
Amazing video and agree with every point!
@CyberVirtual Says:
YouTubers Quitting became the biggest Trend and I don’t blame them. After hundreds of videos making Thousands of Dollars but the next 10 posts could end up only making you 5 Bucks. So many Gen Z folks want to be an Online Content Creator or Influencer someday but that sounds like a fucken nightmare to me. That’s the world we live in now that the algorithm is freaken garbage. The line between being the most Repetitive uninspired uploaded or considered creatively consistent is thinner than Mickey Mouse Bread Slices in North Korea. This website is NOT what it used to be folks…
@shesthebethest Says:
I experienced this in marketing! Start out wanting to write and think of campaigns and then as you go you realize you need to do so many different things to get a marketing job… then as you want to make more money the path continues to direct you away from the creative part 😢
@osakaiyf3741 Says:
I laughed when he told us the answer to the question how do you do that, to keep being creative until the end, he said I DON’T KNOW and he also chuckled. Because honestly you just don’t know. You know the hardwork part but then that’s what is gonna cause you burnout or desire for a break. You just actually have to make a choice to work or stop. And you can also choose to know or not know, you know 😂 really funny and honest.
@melvingcolon Says:
Whenever you quit YouTube, I'm deleting the app
@mariealeksisventura3032 Says:
Love the Octopus analogy! Applies to any other job.
@RealEstateFunnelSystems Says:
What are you holding in your hand? ai note taker? I really really appreciate your work, thank you for everything you do.
@BleakVision Says:
This was just a bore.
@dem8568 Says:
Very insightful, and universal. This is why people like your channel. Life really is just one big product review I guess.
@liamtaylor93 Says:
I don't know if what I am about to say will help with creators but a lot of what you said seems to track with my situation. I started working with a small company doing CAD Engineering and design about 2 years ago. The company found massive success and growth. I found myself constantly trying to optimize the design process to free up time to manage other things that were not apart of my main role. I fixed this a little bit by putting time aside to look at what I was dealing with outside my main role, I would single out small things that were taking up little bits of time. I realized that having to stop a big job even for a few minutes would make it harder and slower to get back up to pace with the bigger stuff. The idea was to either work on a way of automating it so I never had to deal with it again, or I would try to combine small tasks together into a big one and schedule it in-between other big projects. You gain a lot of time keeping focused on 1 thing at a time and 5 minutes in the morning just to go through your tasks and planning them helps. There are also loads of tools that helped me. Again I don't know if any of this tracks over, I am not a creator. Lastly, don't let your main task consume less than 60% of your work week. If that is what you enjoy then setting this limitation, although it may make you grow slower, will help fend off the burnout. You will still get to where you want to be, it will be slower, but you won't feel like a wreck when you get there.
@afiqbahari1989 Says:
this sums up my whole career in creative industry. thank you Marquez, you'll always be my yoda
@MermaidOfMesopotamia Says:
I just quit today. I'm tired of being robbed. Just been here 11 months had tons of views, subs grew only to get paid less and less and less. This company is shady. I will be suing. I always wanted to be a YouTuber but never expected it to be this
@pw3459 Says:
Love Marques. So cool.
@ogBravo1 Says:
Great advice and analogies. Thanks!
@keithstrickland6311 Says:
As a business owner, who's business is growing rapidly after 15 years of nurturing the calling God placed on my life, this was very well delivered and said. A lot of people also believe I'm living the dream, which I will never say I'm not. Every dream has layers. Thank you for this.
@jsmithepa Says:
Nothing new really. Musicians just wanna play music, restauranteurs just wanna socialize, until the "business" drag them down. Linus Sebastian had his episode a few years ago. The answer is, build yourself a team, delegate, then little by little, less CEO, more Chief Creator.
@Zorakron Says:
Do it! Quit! Nobody cares! 🤣
@TheDailyConnoisseur Says:
I found this video to be so helpful. Especially the treadmill analogy. Marques, my dad was one of your biggest fans. He passed away last year and every time I see one of your videos I think of him. He would often send me your videos to encourage me with my own channel. He was 76 when he passed. I just wanted you to know that. ♥ ~ Jennifer
@jhonastete Says:
@Nginda-Nganga Says:
I’m not quitting YouTube, matter of fact, I just started being active
@VojtechRozsival Says:
hy do you hold the mic? is it some "new thing"? Noticed that at several youtubers and do not see any benefit of it...
@StayCoolKeto Says:
*It is such hard work, Ive been working my arse off and I seem to be getting no where, it is so depressing lol* 😭 👍💪
@leonsanchez6489 Says:
YouTube Is a 🗑️ plataform
@SequentialSnep Says:
As a solo indie game developer, it's the same as well - need to learn the game engine, programming, making art assets (3d modelling, texturing, materials omg), marketing, promotion, etc etc. Unfortunately because lots of the stuff happens behind the scenes, no one knows how difficult and challenging it is.
@GregorySpeights Says:
Excellent video. Great tips and insight. Thanks so much for sharing!
@richuncle9689 Says:
A lot of factors contributing to quitting. It's not easy. Doing something you love is a quick way to start hating it
@WeddingPhotoNJ Says:
This was such a great video, thank you for deciding to post it
@northpaal Says:
Is it the CM-15 I see in your hand? If so how do you like it? I'm very tempted to buy it.
@TheSewiseguy Says:
Very well put
@anthonyb1247 Says:
Man I remember those old bedroom phone reviews from way back. Hope you dont burn out too.

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