Streaming, Politics, & Philosophy | @destiny | EP 433
Streaming, Politics, & Philosophy | @destiny | EP 433



@richimorton Says:
After only 15 minutes it became clear that Stephen has absolutely no idea what Left-Wing politics even is ! How does this idiot get interviews ?!?!?
@gR22401 Says:
I saw an interview where you referred to this conversation. It's disappointing to hear you blatantly misrepresent what I thought was a great conversation that shows people with opposing views can respectfully disagree. It gave me hope. Saying you don't argue to be right is ridiculous and shows you are losing touch. You absolutely do this. Is this just a way to save face because you felt you “lost?” I don't think there was a winner or loser in this discussion. Scratch that; the winner was the audience. You closed this conversation in a way that I thought was respectful, and you mentioned the importance of these discussions, but it is now clear you weren't sincere. I still have respect for you, but I am disappointed.
@godschirah2965 Says:
This is like listening to two Language-Model-AIs conversing after being trained on academic lingo: They sure sound smart, if you have no knowledge about the topics they are debating. Once you look into some of this stuff, you notice they both have no idea what they are actually talking about.
@etischofer Says:
Whats wrong with Destiny's beard?
@scabbyscumbag Says:
"Don't play cute with me!" 😂
@Presdigitation89 Says:
Anyone else catch the fishing from destiny trying to get Jordan Peterson to confirm if Mel's actions were psychopathic? 😂 or is that just me?
@amysyootoob Says:
I got myocarditis unexplained after being forced to be vaccinated twice at my job before I quit.. treated like cattle
@Kev80ification Says:
Destiny Annoying guy.
@davidjackgreen Says:
This young kid is a moron. He contradicts himself throughout.
@shashwatgarg6989 Says:
Destiny is actually really good huh
@discoursetv5201 Says:
I think this was a great conversation. More Borelli has the fluid but lacks the crystallized knowledge here
@Dlee234 Says:
Polymath now training to be a psychologist, at what age? 36? ok, only winners in the land of freedom..... Changing my olympic betting strategy, maybe you should too. (actually happened, I am also smart good night)
@WidestancePolitics Says:
Kermit the Fraud
@ThePurplemaneater Says:
Interesting how Peterson says they were here to debate in good faith when he spent a large portion of the interview arguing against "the left" instead of arguing against Destiny. How much more bad faith can you get to project other people's beliefs on a person who is right in front of you telling you what they think instead of addressing their points?
@greenspacemonki4 Says:
Jordan is seeing red halfway through it and is trying to be right the whole time…fucking hilarious he was saying destiny is beating him over the head with a hammer…project much?
@LoliPolice-bf7mw Says:
I always love to see Jordan acknowledging these strong, independent, black women ☺
@natasha1861 Says:
This was fucking epic!!! we need more of this!!!
@neowiza360 Says:
I'd be willing to pay good money for more discussions between well intentioned and knowledgeable people like these two. 10/10
@larscorneliussen8252 Says:
1:26:45 - Both these speakers are great and fascinating, but... I couldn't help thinking of starship troopers when they cut to the two people debating and the lady steps on the guy's foot.
@sjl9111 Says:
This destiny guy is the definition of stockholm syndrome.
@k.3050 Says:
J "what do you mean redistrubiton wasnt an issue? Ofc it was" D "i dont think it was actually because..." J "of c it was, what do you mean. Maybe I dont understand what you mean" yeah no shit, you interrupted him befm before he was able to explain his position
@Cuptial-ev9tb Says:
So bizarre that Jordan came out after this interview and talked about how “Destiny likes to be right” and displays “the prideful worship of the luciferian intellect.” The comments here would seem to disagree, and it’s really a shame that this interesting convo ended up making Jordan so bitter after the fact.
@peterjames7712 Says:
jordan absolutely schooling dezzie. wisdom vs ego . bro got humbled and its lovley to see this conversation. so important to have the chat, respect to both, this is the only way forward. let talk it out in peace. all the love
@remipadoin4329 Says:
I love watching leftists being LECTURED by superior experience, superior intelligence, superior debate skill and superior science.
@barcabocalda2583 Says:
Destiny is a dumbass Everything that comes out of his mouth is Bullshit
@SoCalledChristian Says:
Destiny did a good job talking with Jordan. I’m impressed even though I don’t agree with everything he says he made some good points. I really enjoyed this.
@rogeliomoreno6196 Says:
Debates go nowhere when you are very aggressive and try to corner the person you are debating because they will argue back and then the conversation goes nowhere. This is nothing like that. We need more real talks and less bickering.
@TheZeplinfan Says:
good lord I usually watch peterson's vids completely, but i can't take two hours of this stupid f8ck.
@coryrouse8091 Says:
playing the drinking game where we take a shot every time Jordan crosses or uncrosses his legs.
@drewhenry784 Says:
its nice being dumber than these two guys.
@MontoyaBrandy Says:
Mask to walk across restaurant, take mask off once seated. You are safe from Covid!
@MontoyaBrandy Says:
Bill Gates literally makes millions on vaccines! That’s why! Duh!!
@freeclimb5487 Says:
destiny is evil. Claims he cares about the poor but the hell with them to preserve his twisted world view of man-made global warming... smh. He lost the debate right there. Not one climate model has even been remotely accurate, whether it be 100, 50, 20, or even 5 years. We are still 3° below the last 1000 year average.
@freeclimb5487 Says:
You're not going to out knowledge JP on socialism/communism and the USSR.
@leonardoaubert Says:
Destiny you’re so wrong in a lot of topics, stay off Wikipedia
@j2174 Says:
I find this guy to be super disingenuous. I don't think he was ever right leaning. I think its a "way in".
@saulluas1866 Says:
@Meteoricfall Says:
This guy suffers from gigantism
@bigbadjohnlauderdale267 Says:
We gotta get tag and start driving.
@socialspoof Says:
How I interpret these two personalities specifically relating to MRNA tech: Destiny, in my opinion, seems to be a proponent for forced inoculation thus creating an environment that inevitably will lead to consequences. Peterson, in my opinion, is a proponent of choice thus creating an environment that possibly could lead to consequences. I side with the possibility of consequences rather than inevitability of consequences. "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
@SagaraUrz Says:
With Artificial intelligence getting better and better, i think they might be able to model a realistic model of climate change and shut up all the corrupt people saying that it will be a problem. This guy talks a lot about subjects he knows nothing about. How the hell did he become well known?
@makroskonstopolis Says:
How can someone be anti-capitalism and yet support large pharma companies? Im so confused with peoples angles these days
@gregsly308 Says:
Google these 3 phrases what level of CO2 do plants die at answer -150 ppm or less What was CO2 level when dinosaurs were alive? answer - estimate 6,000 parts per million ... On the high end what are the current CO2 levels answer - 424.16 ppm LOL
@AliDaoudi Says:
JP destroyed him
@FUNKTION_04 Says:
How nice of Destiny to visit a retirement home.
@xoswatson351 Says:
I was seriously injured by that vax mrna - they thought I was a vegetable. This was in 88 -
@Shukov Says:
Remember, regressives/commies share your vocabulary, but do not share your dictionary.
@DiceRidersJM Says:
I never thought i would say that, but destiny won this debate!
@stephenknox2346 Says:
Great conversation, very disappointing that Jordan did the rounds afterward proclaiming his regrets about having the conversation with such a "Luciferian" intellect.
@freeirie Says:
Poor kid is way out of his depth

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