Will Smith's Chinese Zombie Game
Will Smith's Chinese Zombie Game



@RageQuit94 Says:
Fresh prince
@MaksoL_TV Says:
Game somehow still looks better than PUBG
@jimmyz9666 Says:
They took the cooking straight from Genshin lmao
@daniel8181 Says:
My jaw dropped when the bdo default character started singing.
@partymantis3421 Says:
"Keep my wifes brain out of your zombie mouth!" ~Willy Sith,( from im a Legoland )
@chisecrecy4974 Says:
"Okay, how much do you want me to record" "Gee, I don't know, Will... what does $100 get us?" "...I'll hum for a scene."
@lordwurst9331 Says:
is this a mobile game?
@2bitnerd Says:
Why is this channel popular?
@vivlodia Says:
wtf is this game lmao
@Tupat95 Says:
Certified hood classic
@josephtfc Says:
Pulling a Balan Wonderworld on a zombie game is brave
@SL4PSH0CK Says:
i burst laughin every time Dunkey failed to read the whole message 😂
@jroden06 Says:
I need more auto tuned AI songs in my vimeogaem for makem singalong
@Ezyki11er_187 Says:
This cannot be a real video game
@Downphoenix Says:
There is a great game here, right? 😂
@eigelgregossweisse9563 Says:
Not one company, not even Valve, could continue or maintain or make a proper zombie game. DayZ? Buggy as shit. Left 4 Dead 2? Classic, but still lacking in certain areas. Maybe in the future, there'll be a 28 Days Later game.
@MrFrostyBawlz Says:
While watching this video, think about the $140,000,000 budget for this game. Where did it go?
@jacksonbell3458 Says:
I like to think Will actually recorded his lines, but a programmer accidentally deleted them all
@KOVIK Says:
Not only is it a musical number, but then they don't even pretend like it was movie logic or whatever... they ACKNOWLEDGED the singing, in-world!! She just sang a song very specifically about herself in that moment of the story as though she was performing it for an audience watching a musical 🤣🤣
@steel0803254 Says:
Oh no. Oh no
@nothanks81 Says:
Lmfao let me guess a p2w pos game
@Frankoman64 Says:
@kbizzle702 Says:
Everything about this seems AI-generated. What even is "China"?
@fathernoon9930 Says:
140,000,000 to make an android game, honestly wish I'd thought of that
@RancorousSea Says:
This looks like an mmorpg you'd play on the ps2
@Xynth22 Says:
@DanielJoyce Says:
We had Low Res Rat. Now we have Low Res Can
@solacesalvatore1079 Says:
Will Will Smith smith? Yes, Will Smith will smith.
@nuclear_winter Says:
Will Smith is incredibly evil
@zxzbg1236 Says:
This looks like a mobile game
@randalmurray4814 Says:
odd how will smith only talked around children
@MastaFista Says:
Let's be real. This isn't a $140 million dollar game. It's a front for a money laundering scheme.
@jaybberwocky Says:
You've got your choice of Wills!
@enochsadventures Says:
what the fuck...
@bagmar Says:
Will Smith must be desperate.
@robertfinn5040 Says:
The singing ☠️
@asifuzzaman21 Says:
I'm glad even during a zombie apocalypse we wash our clothes in a washing machine. We are not animals, dammit.
@Fine_i_set_the_handle Says:
So there's a random musical in the game and will smith couldn't be bothered to voice the character.
@theone-tg4ey Says:
@nightmare-nightmarenightma1147 Says:
I'm a bit of a gamer myself
@khvn26 Says:
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, Fifty percent concentrated power of Will.
@DanielSmith-zo1db Says:
That lady had a great voice but the lyrics were awful
@Squeesh6669 Says:
They put Will into the game, but bro only voiced the trailer XD
@321GhostRider123 Says:
I wish this game was invisible and i didn't had to see it xD
@bestintheworld4850 Says:
Why does Will even have a wepaon? He can slap the enemies.
@EDoyl Says:
China is decades ahead of the west when it comes to will smith zombie games.
@Travis_Tt Says:
you did it again dunk😂
@JeremyBX Says:
Too much WILLpower may not be a good thing.
@dimitarnikolov3527 Says:
That has to be a pentuple A game
@tragicsham Says:
Nah, no shot this was made by 300 people. This is from an alternate timeline that accidentally released in ours.

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