Crazy Taxi is one of the craziest games
Crazy Taxi is one of the craziest games



@birthday_cakeman Says:
This game was my CHILDHOOD. Although for me it was THE Gameboy Advanced game lol
@kajububanja4742 Says:
Dunkings game reviews are from so niche games that I don't even know if they really exist or if it's all AI generated images he uses 😂
@lokeleenP Says:
Crazy taxi and pepsi man one of the hilarious games
@MrJekken Says:
i remember playing the ps2 port when i was a kid and it was good times YEAH YEAH YEAH
@Mike-sp7zv Says:
Super mario sluggers is great. Grandpa toad is one mean pitcher
@iamcluelessgamer Says:
GTA don't even come close !
@OldBenKenobi2318 Says:
I grew up playing the arcade cabinet version. My cousin’s dad buys and restores a lot of arcade cabinets. Crazy Taxi was always me and my sisters favorite to play.
@captaincosmopolitan5163 Says:
Is that CJ from San Andreas ?
@dante224real1 Says:
crazy taxi is real good but burnout revenge tho has explosions xD
@Sikayoujo Says:
"is crazier? The woman waiting for a cab underwater or made for knowing she was in there?" These are the real questions.
@aaronplank4055 Says:
Thanks Barton Binky!
@japzone Says:
If you're playing the PC version, search Google for "crazy taxi silent patch" and thank me later.
@re_nforce Says:
Nah dunkey wrong on that one. Mario Sluggers is cLASsic haven't played it yet
@editredza Says:
dunkey sir can you review God Hand game?
@mrbanks456 Says:
I played Crazy Taxi like once at a pizzaria arcade and I still haven't forgotten that "YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH" song.
@ethanloughrey8375 Says:
This is a long shot but the scene of the taxi going into the water stirred some crazy half formed memory of another game, probably same era, where you could go under the water. That's all I have; that the underwater mechanics were fairly similar. But I know I loved that other game, whatever it was. Anyone have any ideas?
@bokumama4509 Says:
crazy taxi fans: what artist would you want to hear on the new remake?
@Sh_Wh Says:
Mentally stable taxi on steam.
@kilersocke Says:
Oh man.. i played this back in the day on my gameboy advance sp. Good times..
@d1h9d4 Says:
Hope we reviewing blastcorps
@JamKyt9 Says:
its just crazy how crazy this crazy taxi is
@margarethmichelina5146 Says:
I remember I used to play this game a lot on my PSP and I remember the time when I had to pick up a customer underwater. My first thought was how long was she there and how can so breathe underwater?
@Mykahaia Says:
The one with green hair looks like Zoro in the skypea arc
@staticfeathers9068 Says:
they really put pizza butt in crazy taxi
@FluffyMcDuffy Says:
My parents wouldn't let me play GTA3 but they let me play Crazy Taxi so this was a massive nostalgia trip
@DaDamuse Says:
"deep down you feel like youll get better one day." best summary of this game.
@shank1013 Says:
Is that why I can only remember yaya ya ya?
@ACF_Real Says:
@Kyle7565 Says:
Blast Corps is pronounced Blast Core like Marine Corps, not Blast Corpse
@DeKanal12 Says:
This game destroyed many R and L buttons on my controllers...
@mrb85 Says:
One of the bests for me nostalgia hits hard on this
@crazymonk27 Says:
You have to pick between crazy taxi and Simpsons road rage.
@blazingbattlehawk9626 Says:
No. I don't want to
@aprilp660 Says:
Crazy Taxi is one of the only Android mobile apps I'll suffer through obnoxious full screen ads for
@shadowman5567 Says:
Simply put, this game is ADDICTING! I played for countless hours trying to top my record times. There's no game like it. And yes, this is a SEGA DREAMCAST title. 🤣
@c0rificus Says:
Crazy taxi, Powerstone, Jet set radio. The big three
@MrhibyeTV Says:
Had Crazy Taxi on Gamecube. Shouts out to the orca!
@michaelcamburako Says:
"Ba-Da Ba Ba-Da! CRRRRaayyZY Taxiii !!! " - Top 100 Dunkey
@aicai. Says:
crazy taxi IS NOT CRAZY!!!
@PhilP8980 Says:
Resident Evil:Code Veronica was "the" Dreamcast game until it came out on PS2 3 years later.
@Clockwrk58 Says:
"I've been gaming in this industry for 40 years" -is 33 years old Me: sounds legit
@crazydave6787 Says:
The graphics are insane wtf
@Iliekmudkipzlol Says:
you can probably run crazy taxi on an emulator for free dunkey!
@TheTheak49 Says:
@LittleYoki Says:
It’s best on the gamecast
@ryansizemore5064 Says:
dude dreamcast were 25$ used for like 15 years after they came out. I think I still have one somewhere.
@bigbucks0692 Says:
You take that back about sluggers, Dunkey. Sick of you being nitpicking and biased
@lts3248 Says:
I had this on PS2 back in the day, although the disc was so scratched you were lucky to make it past the title screen.
@andrewnathaniel2665 Says:
The best about Crazy Taxi is the Arcade machine, they don't use chair, so you play with a steering wheel while standing I used to play it as a kid, and have a blast with it
@duckway4733 Says:
Crazy Taxi and Burnout are my favorite arcade racers

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