Middle Class Is Wiped Out! - Arthur Hayes' Warning On Money, Bitcoin, War, China & Economic Collapse
Middle Class Is Wiped Out! - Arthur Hayes' Warning On Money, Bitcoin, War, China & Economic Collapse



@TomBilyeu Says:
WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
@tI44444 Says:
In my opinion, if gov stops shelving patents for more efficient forms of energy generation and production and silencing the inventors, we'd be alright.
@averythompkins3682 Says:
JESUS loves you so much and may you receive HIS Comfort and feel HIS love, and just know that the darker our situation the lighter HE shines, if you believe in HIM and turn from your sins, you will be saved, if you have not.
@Crypto_ALPHA Says:
Dude… my legendary impact theory “keys” are now worthless!!! Is this a joke??? You are the last person I thought would rug pull me! Is there something that I’m not understanding?
@pdejong1000 Says:
Corrupted corporate Roman Government deep state Centralised inflationary fiat money is backed by the treason established BC Woke mind virus ⚔ militarily complex Authorized by NCLLN Decree
@sergsanchez12 Says:
I stopped listening that Eth will be used long term.
@carolynklestinec8589 Says:
This is why the phrase " bitcoin can go to 0 is a lie" because " money " is a unit of account of time and energy spent in order to make something someone whants to buy or sell. You take your " money " and trade it for something you want to buy or sell . If you believe in bitcoin and the wanting of freedom and not the degradation of your own value of time and energy, you will use bitcoin as a means of trade " money" peer to peer as intended . But as Whitney Webb has expressed, people are letting the government corrupt it and shut it down because of greed. Locking it up in etf's and starting price manipulation. And even if lynette zang is correct and it was a government Trojan horse to normalize cbdc and the ultimate control of money, God can always turn evil to good .and so can the people . Self custody and peer to peer is the only way . Just as the originator intended . Be of good courage. !!
@johnthompson3530 Says:
This was an EXCELLENT interview. So many points. I'm going to have to rewatch this again, to get my head around everything. Well done.
@highthereguys Says:
Kinda shocked this dudes head is not like 10x bigger. Mans got a brain
@user-gm1wc2uy7m Says:
Do you mean own gold as in coins and jewelry or do you mean gold stock if it is suck a thing?
@chrismassick4433 Says:
tom! i must say you have the most perfect questions, and arthur, i must admit you and tom are on a different intelectual level from the rest of the population! perfect questions and surprisingly perfect answers!! ❤
@OMNAnswers Says:
Can't believe u put etherium before icp wtf
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
Interesting keyword regarding gold and why it's a storehouse of value. This goes back to scarcity. What happens to that narrative when we are in a post-scarcity world perhaps then we have to rethink value.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
Here's another interesting thing that was just mentioned. Austerity or war? Austerity of course is to not spend money and war of course is a spend a whole lot of money and at the same time with that money you're spending and the warrior fighting you're destroying productive capacity. Why can't we just do something that's better than war and then give people jobs doing that like well there's a lot of housing that is needed in like the United States that's the reason why the cost of housing is so high so let's go ahead and aim that money hose to creating something that people want.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
If we need to go to war to sell stuff why don't we just simply use that same money printing power to help people get in a better housing go ahead and give maybe a Ubi if needed if this is the issue it seems like that's a much better idea than going to war. Basically let's see here war is to put people to work because they need money in order to buy stuff because we have a capacity to make more stuff that people aren't buying. Now takes money to go to work right? Okay so instead of creating the money to go to work just go ahead and create the money or else tax and spend or whatever you have to do if there's more than enough money around and then just simply go ahead and help people get low interest loans or maybe even free money and grants or whatever to go and build some more housing or because we have a shortage of housing in many cases or else I'll just simply to buy some of the stuff that they can't sell. A lot of productive capacity a lot of unused productive capacity so let's go ahead and give people more crap that they want as opposed to just blowing crap up. I don't know it just seems like to me it's just simply better to build more stuff that people want than to destroy the things that people need.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
Maybe a slightly different way of thinking seeing if we're talking about what the government can do, is if the government is doing some limited things that can actually create value well then it might be okay to issue debt-free currency that does not have to be paid back or is not paid for by bonds because of the fact that you are actually adding real value and then if you are doing that then you do not have to worry about the debt load that goes along with it. After all let's think about this whole debt thing. When the world goes in the debt, who do they owe the money to? Mars? We must always remember that a debit on one side of The ledger is a credit on the other side of the ledger.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
Yes that's right Eisenhower and the interstate highway project. The Tennessee valley authority in Hoover dam are those are good examples of when the government spends money during a downturn will then it creates some actual value in the public sector. Maybe in the private sector we should have policies and encourage Banks to loan money at low interest rates only if you're going to create new assets and wealth in the private sector that employ more people and then that will have a wealth accelerating effect.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
The issuing of new currency in the circulation should go directly to the creation of new public assets that are useful. If we're printing money to avoid a recession or depression well then we should get something out of it such as a new power plant or better infrastructure, even filling in potholes.
@Bobber002 Says:
Question: what happens if there is a Nixonesqe rug pull, and the originator of Bitcoin says “just kidding, there now will be 42 million bitcoins available”. Even iron clad rules can be changed, as evidenced by Congress and Presidential Executive Orders. Bitcoin may be the GOAT Ponzi scheme, even exceeding that of the Federal Reserve. I refuse to be sucked in by this crypto fairytale.
@wesleywilliams8129 Says:
Eth is decentralized???? Wow you tell that lie pretty good.
@KuRayZeee Says:
How come you guys only ever talk about Bitcoin? I'd understand if you were doing it as a general discussion about crypto, but you seem very Bitcoin only focused when discussing it as if it's the only thing out there. Bitcoin is like AOL for Internet. Do you even remember AOL? Lol
@JesusIsOneOfOne Says:
Its impossible for bitcoin to go to zero.. just the amout of bitcoin lost will hold it up to at least a dollar 😆 🤣 😂
@teohsoonkeat3058 Says:
Cryptos will scam all ur money
@wilhelm2398 Says:
Digital gold = BTC World Computer = ETH World Currency = XRP
@canudigit1970 Says:
Bitcoin could combine with BSV And Bitcoin cash become 1 and now there is a 63 million supply?
@lvon2844 Says:
, come on Tom go listen to Jack Miller from Strike he walks it down there's no way Black Rock can ever get enough Bitcoin to do anything even Michael Saylor with his tear still it's too late no one entity can find a Bitcoin anymore that's a fear mongering tactic come on you're better than that
@alfonsoalfonso5254 Says:
Economies now have Patents that once upon a time, patents a time limit now for ever. Politicians who die in office, never fix a problems of society but only profit from problem!
@Wilde_Childe Says:
Thank you for this interview! I've been working on improving my financial literacy the past few weeks. I'm only 20 minutes in and it's finally making sense in a way that all the other resources haven't yet!
@user-wj7cv9hb5j Says:
Lol crypto bs 😂😂😂😂
@Jonathan-yr3so Says:
what do you mean that we have no institutional knowledge of war? We still have Korean and Vietnam Veterans walking our streets. Vets of Operation desert storm, and 20 years of fighting in the middle east. what the hell are you talking about. and how did the interviewer get his job? he acts like an intellectual but could not be further from one.
@goofydude1470 Says:
Great interview. I've listened twice and still haven't digested even half of it. going to listen again! TY!!
@joelachance0305 Says:
99% of the people I've told not to keep the majority of their money in a bank, look at me like im a conspiracy theorist🤦‍♂️ It's truly scary how oblivious most of our population is to everything. If you think you're too late to Bitcoin/crypto... It's still early days. Hopefully more people wake up to the bullshit. Anyone who knows what Bitcoin is, and how it works, OWNS BITCOIN👍
@frankiegee5260 Says:
Beautiful interview. ✌🏼💰💰🙏🏽
@CampDavidTraining Says:
So Tom… Thanks for inviting me to the show and I’ll just wait here while you go shower and get ready to do the podcast.
@colemancummings6692 Says:
It's OK to get into dept!!! Just flip the money over and over. Get cash credit against whatever and flip it!!!...... your welcome
@patrickmcgoohan115 Says:
How did they pay for the lockdowns? Answer, we are now with inflation. The QEs of last decade didn't flow into the REAL economy instead into the FINANCIAL economy. Velocity in the inflation equation had changed, so SUPPLY of money did not give inflation because it didn't chase goods and services. It' took 30 yrs to build the supply chain & 2 yrs to intentionally break it to create a BULLWHIP inflation effect. NEGATIVE RATES means the holder of the bond has to pay to hold it( NIRP). DEFLATION is the one thing the central banks fear the most. The great sag, the great depression, last decade - all deflationary. Last decade post-GFC, NIRP was an unusual way to counter it. Q: what value of a negative rate bond as collateral does it have? Sept-2019. 7:27
@jackstoltz1379 Says:
This guy is definitely a globalist puppet
He wants your Bitcoin. These are the so called Bitcoiners to watch out for. Trade your Bitcoin or it will go to zero? What a fuckin lie LMAO 🤣
@whdndrn Says:
Tokenized Gold? Too much 3rd party risk?
@whdndrn Says:
Its not digital gold. Scarcity is why call it digital gold.
@Crypto_ALPHA Says:
Arthur Hayes is the fucking man!!!love this dude
@whdndrn Says:
Who can create more ETH? Can it go from 12M to 120M?
@e-vd Says:
Arthur is clearly brilliant. But, sometimes he says things that don't make sense. First, he says the Fed has to follow orders from the President with respect to monetary policy. Later, he says "central banks run governments" in reference to the US system. Which is it, Arthur? You can't have it both ways. Nevertheless, I enjoy his analysis. Thanks for the lively episode.
@christyadkins9218 Says:
Just fast forward when Tom speaks! You’re welcome!
@andyjohnson9402 Says:
So when grandpa looses his retirement of goldman Sachs Ape tits coin etf. Gtfo.
@cubanmutant5126 Says:
Cardano just won best blockchain award, most decentralized and most secure blockchain, but sure, btc and eth is better because.....
@drewgoldbranson5538 Says:
The X coins are the next iteration of btc and they are here now XRP and XLM and XDC.
@rustle9369 Says:
We have the knowledge it's in books.
@ricogreen2538 Says:
Soneone who never played sports but have been school in the behavioral science People are poor oh really lol They have been made poor The social contract or the game was change You work you pay your bills you live that was the working middleclass a net worth begore 90.000 on average now 30.000
@ricogreen2538 Says:
Its a cold calculated game a tall guy big ears thick large glasses and a funny hat and the ability to control the narrative instructs him to say though those ear phone If it was more productive to put him in a suit design thin frame glasses no har exposeing his bald head Lol He thows that personal wealth on the money he has suppose yo have made most likely the guy has work on wall street thus knowing thr inner workings of the financial market Conclusions say hell no to fake money

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