This Is One of the Biggest Medical Malpractice Scandals in History | Michael Shellenberger | EP 435
This Is One of the Biggest Medical Malpractice Scandals in History | Michael Shellenberger | EP 435



@conway2121 Says:
This is called your thinking to much, Remember the world wars men and women it made everyone want a family and we all stuck together more then today.
@conway2121 Says:
We seem to be going backwards for this dany and age this should not be happening.
@conway2121 Says:
Men cant even deal with their women or families today or your going to jail for so much as disciplining your children so this is the world we have because of it, The legal system pulls families apart as well so much for the nuclear family. Men give up.
@conway2121 Says:
Encouraging the fall of humanity it is disgusting.
@Em.9306 Says:
Jordan peterson is propaganda
@kwazinglife Says:
Q: Does this gender confusion falls from defective human being same to autism, etc.? Like how u cure autism? Therapy and let it learn what it can but thrs is no treatment to make them normal anymore they will stay abnormal. And I think gender confusion is the same? Educate me Dr. if what is right and wrong about this gender confusion. Thank you. And I think makeing a Law to make the STOP of transformation hppnng to gender confusion is a must. And being a LGBTQ is not bad or a sin, its just a abnormal birth right. So if a person insist his/her gender confusion human should create a LAW that insisting your heart gender has consequences which is you have to find a right match which is a also at the same kind of you. So marrying is difficult if your a gay you need to find a match of a lesbian that kind of LAW should made for the sake of humanity. It's a fair fair LAW.
@coraleefarrell1066 Says:
This is patheticly sad. Its the second time listening for me. Hopefully there are many, many people doing some serious soul-searching, if they could even contemplate just how mistaken they've been in supporting such idiocy
@josiahwilson9843 Says:
When they refused to treat people with COVID-19 and sent people home to hopefully die to push a political agenda forward are we really surprised by anything the medical association does?
@josiahwilson9843 Says:
I don't think they should be allowed to call themselves progressive.
@tcdewijk3511 Says:
There is more research into what age women should start mammograms then into the results of major surgical and hormonal interventions on children.
@michelletewhata4287 Says:
I won't be surprised if they used Covid as an excuse to get rid of the multiple bodies they tested on
@seeglines Says:
I take exception to the broad generalization that childless women infantalize others. I know MANY childless women. Ive never seen any of of them do that. Ever. It may be more prominent in some groups of women but i haven't seen any research supporting that.
@josephwald1991 Says:
this experimentation on kids is such a tragedy
@joannekissick-jones6462 Says:
Today Marius Gustavson admitted offences including five counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. He was described at a three-day sentencing at the Old Bailey as "a lunatic", "an arch-manipulator" and "a butcher". What is different between this crime & what you are describing here. Something needs to be done as it is so damaging.
@serinodiaz4140 Says:
They do not question because money making is more important than human real well-being! Also certain offer and demand in a consumer society. To banalize in a woke system.😂
@apairofbrowneyes77 Says:
Conservative progressive biologist mother here! Could Life itself and Health, which allows for the maintenance of Life, be unifying values that could appeal either to open conservatives and lucid progressives?
@PokeMyBalls Says:
*Did this guy not know that in Africa and many other countries women are disfigured as a "rite" of passage.*
@sdschannel87 Says:
We are rapidly heading to the tyranny on toxic femininity.
@QuadraticCoStanza Says:
I think it’s so incredible that we’re able to witness such a brilliant mind process these thoughts essentially in real time.
@kmaj9767 Says:
If You are a single, god forbid childless woman, BEWARE! it's all YOUR fault! We all know it. Where from? From the Snow White and the Cabaret. Da..
@MR-bs1qj Says:
As a mother who has gone through this with my beautiful child for 10 years, and a registered nurse for over 30 years, the threat is real. Doctors, phD’s, threatening me with my child’s sure suicide if I did not allow my child to mutilate their body, stunt their brain development, and sterilize themself, turn my child against me in the most devious ways, leading to their addiction, self harm and no therapy for their sexual abuse —which they did not report despite being mandated reporters, not to mention keeping from the parents… CPS threats…on and on. My advice is to ask for the abstract of the studies they reference when preaching how they know this is what’s best. I asked. Not for their summary but for actual study. They provided zero. They had nothing. Except to tell me that I needed to “donate” my child to the gender clinic or CPS could get involved. Sadly, as we talk about minors…even an 18 year old male can show up at planned parenthood and get estrogen. Or get on line—auto pay $100/month for a transgender ER doctor to prescribe whatever patient wants. Sight unseen. No physical exam, and no regular tracking of lab work or therapy. The physical and psychological abuse of these kids and the bullying and abuse of parents is disgusting. If a minor cannot provide consent to have wisdom teeth pulled, why can they consent to sterilization? And certainly this consent can it be “informed”. At the very least “alternatives” are not outlined. This is required as part of consent…risks, benefits, and alternatives must be present to be “informed”. I am not proud at the moment to be part of this system who is as a whole allowing this to happen. And not just allowing encouraging, intentionally keeping actual complications to these kids and parents.
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
It's like a train wreck
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
You know what I never did do that if my kids got on my nerves and said no no no no no no you push them away make them do their self they got to fight the finished it yourself
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
Sadistic Frankenstein
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
Sadistic Frankenstein's
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
My God I think he's got it
@MelissaMorris-ut2be Says:
Bloody Frankenstein
@Howdydoody23 Says:
White collar workers. Who would have guessed.
@philwelsh4486 Says:
JP is brilliant. You really have to listen to be able to go on the journey some of his messaging conveys. What a ride!!
@user-sh9rh6sk5z Says:
Im with you
@phelipbarrospeixoto6426 Says:
Althruism and egoism. Middle between those Dr. Im at 1:20:30😅
@FemaleMatters Says:
Have you ever looked into the believers and proponents of transhumanism? How this trans gender movement also sees some of its origin in these people believing that we will eventually not rely on our physical bodies.
@Batterybus Says:
Towards the end of this with the autogynophiles with a wife and kids, you do realize you're describing the assistant health and human services secretary Richard Levine.
@WynePeyton Says:
REPEAL THE 19 th ammendment!
@WynePeyton Says:
@coraleefarrell1066 Says:
When did we lose ethics or integrity in the overall population? Because it has Definitely been LOST ALTOGETHER, WITH THIS GOING ON 😢
@JanWoods-vz6ls Says:
God Bless you both. Seriously, thank you so much.
@aryanblakston7898 Says:
Welcome to the World called Cognitive Disonance. The Criminally Insane's best ally.
@haleyrose4052 Says:
The people that do these mis treatments are possessed by demons or are demons it’s sick
@dianaboughner7977 Says:
❤Bravo to both of you❤
@wstavis3135 Says:
The concept of Evil needs to not only be reinvigorated but also applied. If society can not recognize the wrongness of all of this, then it deserves the fall it is engineering.
@Jjones1k Says:
Let the guest talk please Jordan
@danielvest9602 Says:
Normally you are very respectful in your critique of wrongs in the world, but in this case you repeatedly straw man arguments. I agree completely with the content of your argument, but find it difficult to confront this issue with others without being labeled as a bigot. Using silly voices to outline an opponent's argument usually precludes changing minds, and i really need advice about how approach reasonable people who are misinformed or not paying attention.
@geraldg3130 Says:
At 47:30 Jordan states: "childless women infantilize everything." Well NOW I understand what's wrong with AOC......
@TheEkcota Says:
How does this video only have 500k views? it should have 150 million views in America alone.
@mikestockton7642 Says:
I would love to see JP and Phil Robertson on a podcast
@elbiedorman1266 Says:
Thank you, I’ll share this profound insight with my friends.

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