Peter Schiff vs Raoul Pal Debate: Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million & A Great Depression Coming?
Peter Schiff vs Raoul Pal Debate: Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million & A Great Depression Coming?



@cryptowolf-zf3fs Says:
I love Both! Bitcoin and Gold (some silver too) Take profit from Bitcoin and buy a little gold as backup. Get some land too if the taxes are reasonable. Its best to have several piles of profitable stuff.
@krueger367 Says:
@jasonm1567 Says:
I had an idea,let’s make Bitcoin tokens out of gold and then you have the best of both worlds ?
@CoreyChambersLA Says:
Schiff has no idea what he is talking about. Bitcoin is the most popular, most proven and most decentralized cryptocurrency
@bertrodri8008 Says:
Who invented bitcoin ?? no one knows and this is the problem, people keep trusting something no one knows who invented.
@WilliamsJohn-01 Says:
Hit 247k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months.Started with 11k in last year 2023.
@thinkingoutside970 Says:
Shiff says bitcoin has no use, unlike gold. How about the aspect of peer to peer transactions? What about the anonymous nature.of crypto? Those things have value. Especially in the illegal and underground economy. It's a legit.way for and store anonymous wealth without government control. Also has value.
@thinkingoutside970 Says:
Peter Shiff said you'd have to bet against the logic of Warren Buffett. FYI buffett said gold is also useless, and he and munger put gold and bitcoin in the same category
@plopzzzzzz Says:
The Answer is SILVER AND XRP
@MAPi007 Says:
SchiffGold sounds bitter 😂😂😂
@theroyalone7588 Says:
How silly are we to think that bitcoin would be any better somebody created bitcoin, I like to feel my money and I like to see my money down to every cent, sorry but not into this ponzi scheme either
@TheSarFamilyy Says:
Blah blah blah blah blah sounds like a broken violin Peter
@cecilechau7932 Says:
Infinite supply in the digital world, until blockchain creates scarcity
:DDD grow up. guys this should be diabate, not a war, honestly in your place for me would be shame, not all aged people are adults, why someone wants be more right. then other...
currency doesn't have value? what the hell they talking ....:DD BTC has value for its service of comfort - transmission; gold has value too, but not as currencies because currencies are economics, the produce of the country.
@ianwilliams7364 Says:
This is a great debate. Trump wants rebuild energy independence and use that revenue to lower the national debt. Smaller government is imperative. "We are from the government, and we are here to help" - themselves. Crypto is just as exposed to sentiment as are stocks and people are so connected to money that they have lost their most important priorities. Money should only rank fourth at best. If the dollar collapses and stocks rise, the true value of elevated stock prices will be offset by the degree of collapse of the dollar. If there is a depression, stocks & Bitcoin could lose serious value. Real estate / property ownership with rental income, and low debt seems to be the chosen path. True income will be king.
I do believe it will change BTC to a better coin with a better system, and it will become worthless any product it doesn't produce. Just comfort for now, but the universe is not stuck; the change is invetable.
Gold is overrated, and BTC is too. If I were to trade for survival, I would trade my food for energy or other things that would ease my survival. How does BTC or gold ease survival? Its worthlessness is actually its panacea among the people. We need flexible and good currencies based on economics, and debt is good for humanity - that's how we create comfort and eco-grow. We just need a better currency system, like each coin for energy, food, and other things that, in our culture, are worth it for us.
@nondisclosure2848 Says:
@Sky-df5rp Says:
What do you call fiat? Paper money is just a piece of paper which has no value. This Schiff guys is still in the cave ages
@billyhamilton3669 Says:
I buy BTC for the long term because I speculate that it will become and be used as the world reserve currency (not a main means of exchange)
@robduke6951 Says:
One of the Peter Schiff vs Bitcoin arguments I’ve watched. At least they actually talked instead of screaming the same arguments over and over .
@hey220661 Says:
Old guy hates Bitcoin 😂💆🏾‍♂️
@joeforeman3027 Says:
Listening to Peter Chef is like listening to the RJ Reynolds, tobacco lawyers and promoters in the 70s. I can’t count the number of times now he simply shouts down pal, and then changes the grounds of the discussion. He’s a religious bigot talking to him is like talking to a bitcoin maxi. He’s in capable of rational thought. Why do you give them so much bandwidth
@halfmanhalfspirit2303 Says:
I was at a conference in 2010. Bitcoin was being sold for around $20. I didn't buy because Shift was there selling his book and he told me to stay away. He owes me 2 million dollars. I'll take payment in gold.
@joeforeman3027 Says:
Pal - Could it be you that learns the lesson? Shiff- I don’t think so. I got to agree with shift at this point. I don’t think he is capable of learning anything. But the rich don’t have to. Gold is a rich man’s toy.
@juendsouza Says:
The guy speaking about Bitcoin is like kid , who puts his fingers in his ears and makes noises when people try to talk sense in him
@FoxHoundVIP Says:
The more peter talks the more he shows how much he doesnt know about bitcoin lol
@Ethernet480 Says:
The electrical terminals (made of gold) on safety circuits in vehicles for airbags can’t be digital….no matter how scarce you make a digital version of it 😅
@Ethernet480 Says:
I’m not the biggest Dan Peña fan, but allow me to quote……”Bit Fuck”. That’s all.
@762foryou Says:
They didn't even touch on the fragile electrical grid around the world. They didn't even mention volatile nuclear capable countries that could destroy the power grid in 5 minutes. Or the fact that every minute of every day hackers around the world are trying to pry open your all accounts and there is nothing you can do about it. Governments around the world are figuring how to tax your crypto money and online fantasy world accounts. Physical gold & silver is un-trackable, un-hackable, un-taxable. Good luck.
@itsyourboyyy Says:
Whatever Peter Schiff says to do, he's doing the oppposite
@Chill_Sergeant Says:
I guess Jim Cramer… I mean Peter Schiff has never heard of bitcoin debit cards.
@cecilechau7932 Says:
Inflation - quantitative easing - use them to solve problems => until themselves become the problem
@DiazNicholas-nx8tf Says:
I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Julie Braun
@justSTUMBLEDupon Says:
Honestly if a depression is coming, I doubt bitcoin holds its value because people will sell allot of it
@evergreens92 Says:
Blah blah anyways I'm rich and my parents are broke. Now what?
@Peterogen Says:
@Zottelstrike Says:
well if we unlock space mining, gold is gonna be worthless, cuz theres plenty of gold in space :)
@goingbonkerswithmyhonkers9374 Says:
The problem with schiffs argument is only thinking about BTC. He needs to start thinking about the technology behind it. Blockchain. Governments, financial institutions, and corporations are all going to blockchain. Peter is mad that he didn't buy the bottom 😁
@logicanova Says:
Perceived value..........
@oscarellis2563 Says:
Feel sorry for PETER SHIFT having to keep as cool as he does i would have lost my shit at those Ponzi Sales man 😆
@Vancouver_Island_Guy Says:
As real as an exploding star? Ridiculous metaphor lol
@takashikastl1051 Says:
Quantum theory says it all exists all at once and thru time. Invest for sure but all things that goes up will eventually go down. Hitting rock bottom usually means there’s only up. The higher up you are, the farther you will fall. Bitcoins original creator is not known for a reason. But they’ll most likely become the first quadrillionaire.
@jeremynicoletti9060 Says:
It seems like the safest bet is to have both gold and bitcoin.
@Countcho Says:
peter convinced me here!
@eerotiitus9817 Says:
That is sad, that Peter can't see the use of crypto.
@skscotch Says:
Gold isn’t going up because governments are selling hundreds of tones of gold each year to keep prices low. Simple.
@SittingWithDogs Says:
Jesus why try to convince this guy anymore. People all around the world see the value in BTC & other valuable networks and that’s what gives it value. People like him will never get it and that’s fine. Have fun being poor
@Donewithgambling Says:
The last question basically solidified that raoul Paul has no credibility and thinks everything in rainbows and sunshine, atleast Peter sounds like a realist

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