"The Big Problem I Have With Lex Fridman, Neil deGrasse Tyson & Sam Harris" | Gad Saad
"The Big Problem I Have With Lex Fridman, Neil deGrasse Tyson & Sam Harris" | Gad Saad



@marsantos81 Says:
Fuck these guys so fucken interesting
@pablo-ko9ky Says:
Thom, time stamp 11.00 if u r looking for a way to anchor your life in an ever-changing world that will forever be relevant and stand the test of time, there is only one answer. (MEDITATION) I am still trying to find a problem that meditation doesn't solve.
@LeeGee Says:
Gad is the best
@johnnyfreedom4117 Says:
Saad is a clear cut liar. He blocked me on that big business website. Free speech!. All I did was ask a couple times what his thoughts were on the killing of defenseless Palestinians, fully understanding the atrocities of Hamas. I asked very respectfully. He is the one pushing how anti semitism is so bad, and indeed it is, but why can't you call out your own? TRUTH GAD? TRUTH? HELLO, McFLY!!! You, Gad, are a fraud. Indeed, just as fraudulent as DeGrasse Tyson, and Fridman. At least Sam Harris has an excuse, he's screwed up. You and the other two, are deliberately fraudulent. And that, my friend, is the Saad truth.... You're welcome. =)
@user-vd5ko4ob6y Says:
Lex is such a fraud.
@haveaday1812 Says:
Lex Friedman is an insufferable, naive romantic.
@arab6745 Says:
So, what did Sam Harris say?
@arab6745 Says:
Just because it's your show it doesn't mean you get to speak more than the guest.
@Kormac80 Says:
Gad is correct about Neill’s gender fallacy. I also agree that Lex takes the love and positivity aspect to an absurd place. Love over war type of rhetoric is silly. Deal w reality in a positive and loving way without dogmatic adherence to anything.
@Tapecutter59 Says:
NDT is correct, gender is a social construct, sex is a biological reality. I watched the clip they're talking about, NDT made this distinction between gender and sex clear before he gave the make up example.
@Scotty_A Says:
Lex, being Lex, is now likely going to invite him on his show.
@jetch521 Says:
yeah, lex lost me with that faux positivity too! i also didn't like how he tried to force kanye into changing his opinion by saying "that hurts my feelings". the most illogical, childish argument using guilt!
@Unsleeping_eye Says:
Please people stop listening to these podcasts these “intellectuals “are the problem. just think for yourself and do the right thing every day by the people you know and love. turn off the TV. read a book on political science and state craft, read Thomas Sowell.
@Unsleeping_eye Says:
Orange Himmler? Hah Trump is the propaganda minister and second in command of America? Very confusing statement.
@jessewest2109 Says:
I like lex. But I sense some naivety.
@paulevans8348 Says:
I've listened to this podcast for 15 minutes and these guys are just talking shit.
@paulevans8348 Says:
Degrasse is NOT an intellectual. He's never accomplished anything in his own area of study. Quite obvious he was promoted by the powers that be because he's black.
@williamrunner6718 Says:
I haven't noticed Lex having the positivity angle on his show. He has all kinds of people on his show and some are not so positive. I don't watch his show all the time though, so maybe I'm wrong?
@joelduffin7996 Says:
I am 100% male lately ive been feeling 200% male based on what ive been observing
@iam.damian Says:
2:30 the problem with Bret Kavenaugh, in fact any candidate for such office as a Supreme Court, is that there is a big difference between a criminal court hearing and a Supreme Court nomination hearing. Just because someone wouldn't be found guilty in a criminal court (high standards) doesn't mean they should automatically be found worthy by Congress to be a Justice or any high official. In other words, losing a nomination vote in the Congress doesn't mean that you are a guilty criminal, it just means that you are not a good enough nominee in eyes of the elected representatives.
@Jeeiff Says:
Lex is awesome for the most part...Tyson and Harris are complete garbage grifters.
@anna-tn8mg Says:
*Lex Fridman is as charming as this Gad Saad. I am a historian and really despise babblers without conscience. Why oh why there are so many charlatans in the world?* dr anna
@eduardorpg64 Says:
The interviewer clearly has really low self-esteem. He's humble to the point of being cringey. He says "I disagree with Sam Harris... but I've been also wrong about other things! So, I shouldn't make fun of Sam Harris, nor criticize him!" He truly needs the testicular strength that Gad suggests, because Tom clearly doesn't have it. If you're going to be so dead wrong about a topic, don't expect people to be nice on you.
@ratedrmartian Says:
How is it insane for a men to want to wear lipstick the only reason you say its crazy is because your uncomfortable thinking of a men wearing lipstick if a tons of men started wearing lipstick no one would care if they felt that way if they did it for a year no one would think it would be crazy then
@toke182 Says:
when lex start talking the "love BS" in his podcast I have to skip, is so ridiculously fake and corny, that I get second hand embarrassment
@AlteredCabron Says:
Gatekeeper drama, a Mossad agent vying for more attention than other zionist shills.
@TBrizzle Says:
Everyone online is doom and gloom every chance they get. Is it really that awful one guy wants to spread mostly positive messages?
@VandalayIndustries82 Says:
It seems kinda cruel that everyone lets this guy around thinking he's intelligent
@radoslawkaliszuk Says:
Gender is not a spectrum. Woke drivel.
@kim-jong-poon Says:
Lex's engineers and programmers are not going to like this.
@kim-jong-poon Says:
NDT got the message loud and clear with his near cancellation for allegedly saying or doing something inappropriate regarding a woman's tattoo a few years back. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details but i do remember it was something ridiculous that didn't warrant the type of media attention the story was getting. Ever since then he's been a good boy when it comes to pushing the approved narrative about everything from the coof to vaxx mandates and the trans stuff. He's completely compromised.
@briget3456 Says:
I often wonder why Tom Biley does not interview Tom Bilueu, would love to hear his opinion.
@scottalexgray Says:
Or neil degrasse tyson could've just given a crap example
@aureliotower1up Says:
Sounds like Saad is always looking for a chance to wear women's wigs🤔 SAAD: "It's not feminine to wear Halloween wigs. I do it all the time"
@user-ib9qt8vl9h Says:
Neil Degrass Tyson is a physicist who believes in the US government's story of 911. Do I need to say more?😂
@russbilderback Says:
Who is the "faux positivity" guy he is talking about?
@TheMRBOSS899 Says:
You also must believe in freedom to scam others but that orange dude
@sanaghafoor84 Says:
The ego on this guy 😳🙄
@peterail Says:
This would be a better show if the host let the guest talk. I used FF a lot to get through this.
@sjoerd1239 Says:
We want to control behaviour to some degree. Ideally, we would allow complete freedom of speech and control behaviour to some degree. In practice, speech and behaviour are not divorced. However, ideas should not be completely shut down. So, where and when matters. It is not simple.
@RickMcCargar Says:
It was a society-destabilizing mistake to allow the left to normalize deviancy. I reject the demand that I pretend a person's delusion represents reality and it would be immoral to ask me to lie.
@chrismackerdush7728 Says:
High estrogen levels in this host
@thevenkatfiles Says:
You do NOT want absolute freedom of speech. A persuasive psychopath enticing a population of youngsters to harm themselves is a terrible thing. Like freedom of action, we decide in a society what freedoms bring about desirable outcomes. You outlaw others that end in bad societal outcomes. Responsibility of speech, I'm all for that
@jasonharrison5765 Says:
Free speech or hate speech? 🤔🤔🤔
@mariannorton4161 Says:
Can people honestly be so bitter, they dislike Lex because he has hope? Lex goes places very few will tred and tries to do so with humility. How is that bad? People can figure shi* out on their own when left to their own devices, and have been taught to think. Tyson and Harris - meh. Lex - I have a lot of respect for.
@Samson484 Says:
This guy sounds like a charlatan of the highest order.
@fokana1 Says:
All those fake intellects are Zionists plants like Ben Shapiro
@harrymartin8019 Says:
Neil is god in the high school i worked maintenance for 20 yrs. He's the teachers go to, especially down time or they have a sub working that day!!!! that's are youth beware
@MSordernature Says:
Don't like Lex, DeGrasse, Harris or Gaad.
@Len124 Says:
I agree about the vital importance of free speech, the necessity of it for maintaining a healthy democracy, and am in favour of even the most vile ideologies having their right to free speech protected, but I find that there's a recent tendency among certain public figures to label criticism as an attacks on their free speech. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, because there have been challenges to freedom of speech from both sides of the aisle. When, for instance, someone make a public anti-semitic remark and they're dog piled by the "woke mob" online, this isn't a threat to free speech, it's others exercising their free speech in response. Oftentimes it's public figures -- politicians, comedian, public intellectuals, etc. -- claiming their free speech is under attack. Think about it: these are people whose free speech has not only been protected, but _fostered_ by broadcasting it to an audience so much larger than the average that they've achieved celebrity status. However, now that social media has allowed the audience to respond en masse, they feel they're under attack because the social consequences of their speech is more accessible and apparent. Social media also enables people to say thing that can negatively affect their careers, though again, an employer's negative response to one's speech is not a violation of the freedom of speech. I also see a lot of people equating social media's terms of service with the suppression of free speech, which is bonkers to me. IF the government placed its thumb on the scales when it came to the enforcement of TOS, _that_ would be a violation of freedom of speech. If a private company enforces its rules that are much stricter than what you're legally allowed to scream from your rooftop, that doesn't violate the First Amendment. These companies function like publishing houses, but instead of books or magazines, they publish tweets, status updates, pictures, etc. It's not a violation of the First Amendment for a publisher to refuse to publish your _Mein Kampf II: The Reich Strikes Back_ and it isn't when Twitter refuses to publish your "Just asking [the Jewish] questions..." Do I think the government should be able to step in and prevent a publisher or social media site that would publish or post that stuff from doing so? Hell no! In Germany, for instance, it's illegal to display Swaztikas and there are a number restrictions related to Nazism that would be considered free speech in other countries. The goal is to prevent the glorification of Nazism and to prevent history from repeating itself. If any country has cause to restrict extremist speech in such a way, it's Germany, yet _I still disagree with it because I believe the harm done by restricting the freedom of speech in such a way does more damage than good._ What about de-platforming conspiracy theorists? While I don't think de-platforming is an affective or appropriate response to the likes of Alex Jones, Youtube refusing to publish his stuff and the ability of affiliates and sponsors to drop controversial figures are not violations of the First Amendment, nor do I think they threaten the foundational principles behind it. He is well within his rights to release his videos on his own platform on his site, which he does! He still has a loyal fanbase willing to buy his shitty supplements. If you want to see what the suppression of the freedom of speech really looks like, look to Russia. People are being arrested for simply gathering in sufficient number, let alone protest. Aware they can't put down anti-war or ant-Putin slogans on picket signs, they started simply holding blank pieces of paper. Regardless, they were still arrested and given lengthy prison sentences or sent to the frontline. For years, journalists have been arrested, poisoned, those that display even the mildest opposition to Putin risk "jumping" out of hospital windows. Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader, was poisoned (which he survived), arrested on trumped up charges, sentenced to decades worth of prison time, and then murdered earlier this year. THAT is what the suppression of freedom of speech looks like. That doesn't mean I don't think we should be vigilant against the slow creep of government overreach to ensure we never get anywhere near that point, but it's frankly insulting to compare that to rich, butthurt comedians who can't take the negative response to their stale jokes because they went most of their careers without the immediate feedback of social media. If they're so concerned with threats to the First Amendment, maybe look to where the _government_ is actually taking steps to crack down on such things. Florida is literally banning books in classrooms and libraries, not just legislating free speech and expression, but taking the power away from parent and teachers ind termining what their children can and can't read.

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